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NEWS, cppr archive project ma, The only site with the full story as we get it. Raw facts. Free Speech is
a Citizen thing. Join us and reform Media with us one Public Hearing at a time.
Hamilton RTC August 19 2018 1 to 4pm MYOPIA Polo Sunday Picnic Event. 5.00
entrance fee but we will provide a Barbecue Hot Dogs Hamburgers refreshments. You can bring Alcoholic Beverages
and Wine is usually the choice. I have gone several times and it is a wonderful event to be dropped into another Century
sport and the Hamilton Horse lovers venue. Please come enjoy there are other events going on as well and you might
make a day of it. We would like any of the Candidates to come We have 12 tickets to reserve. Hope to see
you there! Janet
I have stated many times .. the only thing
not happening is being hit by a Mack Truck.. Trying to
kick start Hamilton RTC into action.
I was elected in the spring 2016 as RTC
Chair Hamilton. That
rare exciting experience looking back, was filled with obstacles. However, Trump still won and the Party has
now been given a great opportunity to grow itself. I invite you to join Hamilton RTC in making this
happen. 978 468 7888 Please call talk to me and I would like to meet you for coffee.
november 7 2016 822am I
willl be delivering Trump signs all day and you can request a lawn sign by calling 978 388 2457 or texting me. Please
leave message with your address or text it to me for arrangements if I cannot get to you. I delivered
125 signs in 2 days into eager places. Why the signs were never accessible is a story for another day.
From the Managers Corner: I have
been asked a million times to shorten the site. So this condensed version will be the frontline page for COMFLM
sm and you will be able to link to the pages on all the other sites managed since 2004 by JAldrich. Hope this
helps the navigation to original documents. JAldrich 11042016
COMFLM 2016 UPDATES from to Some of the old pages are removed links will not work and will be updating. so that we can redeem the information.. stay tuned. email: see footer for links if you have lost some data due to webcom