Bumper stickers have arrived at the Office, and they look great. Please
e-mail us at info@sholleyforcongress.us or call 508 528-8420 for your stickers. They are Zip Strips(easy off), and they
are just the right size - 3" x 11.5." This is a very efficient way to get name recognition. The signs
just recently arrived. Let us know if you have a good location, and we will get them to you as soon as possible.
You can e-mail us at info@sholleyforcongress.us, call us at 508 528-8420, call Dan Edmonds at 508 243-1529(Mansfield) or Steve
Prairie(Nofolk) at 774 573-3283, Peter Datillio(Newton) at 617 964-1010, Linda Rapoza(Fall River) at 508 254-7785, and Brock
Cordeiro(Dartmouth) 508 979-8930. Please contact the person closest to you. Thanks for supporting the Sholley
for Congress Campaign.
October 26, 2008
vs Frank Debate at Wellesley College, Wellesley, MA at 4:30 PM. Open to the Public. Please check back for exact
location on campus and duration of event.
PS This is a change from October 19, 2008 at 5:00 PM