Christmas Special..Dec 25 only
want a 1 to
1 copier for your CD and DVD needs??? found a special for 125.00
order from Comflm, Registry plus shipping..normally
200.00 minimum.
savings 75.00,
posted December 20, 2007 J Aldrich
This is
the last week of the year for hearings I hope. I taped three this week. Downloading them now. The best was
the one I had not planned to tape but got 3 hours plus of it in Gardner Auditorium. I was given the run around
over my lack of a state police badge for press ..again!
My statement was after 250 hearings I am not legal????I
must be the Statehouse illegitimate child.. I got in however, and how could they stop me really..but it was simply the
best sitcom of the year..if only I had my record button on. You see I can be rattled...and in my enthusiasm I hit pause instead..lucky
for them.. So we all had some fun and I will deal with this for real soon and very soon.
And get real
folks they were prohibiting folks from using the bathroom. Need to talk to the Public Health Committee on that one Statehouse
Police.. you cannot prohibit folks from the bathroom. THat could be a health problem. What they should have prohibited
was the soda in the auditorium. But then the Gay Marriage battle folks couldn't bring stuff in there so what was
that wonder they were going to the bathroom..
And I salute the Statehouse Coffee shop..herds 500 of them
visited that tiny shop for sandwiches chips and drinks..they made their profit that did they do it..the groups kept
coming all day..good for them..and they kept their good disposition..proof they are happy servants feeding the world..three
people..must have been a Jesus moment I would say..multiplying the loaves and fishes..
Back to downstairs
I was not the only one not legal media to the Statehouse cops..Community News did not get in due to not having the "pass".
I have that on tape..So maybe we need to pass a law that all media have to have the state police pass in Massachusetts. That eliminates the registry I am starting and puts the pass in all hands. How dare they stop press from entering
the public meeting. I say if they can identify themselves and are press the cops need to back off. What is their
problem??? They allowed 500 unionites to take up space that had no intention of speaking..or could they speak English???that
is the question?? nice red shirts for Christmas. Hotel Workers Unions and Casino Workers Unions..whatever.
And that lobby where you sign in..let's say next time please just make the entry the meeting room..have guards
at the three doors..lines upstairs..out the door or inside the 1st floor not in the sign in lobby..that would have cured
the bathroom problem and the people could have had press conferences there etc..they really need me there ..that's why
I'm there I guess..MS common sense was a really fun day..I wanna thank ya..
Anyway, back to the hearing
on Casino's. It was hilarious if you ask me..I was captured in the moment..capturing the moment.. The Committee was have to see this one..order it please from House Broadcast.. Tell them you want to put it on Cable Access in your
town. This is as good as the Red Sox Superbowl can get. A geek's football in'll be at the edge
of your seat for 7.5hours..or I'll eat my camera.
posted 11 28, 2007 J Aldrich
committee on
public health, to see the hard copy bills before the committee today 11 28 2007.
S1221 I oppose this bill. I think
this is very dangerous. Why should hospital staff get autonomy. Can you believe the gall of some people.
Lets just say got tape. Need I say more?
H 2275 you will like this one..hospitals be required to make a video
and audio recording of does this baby get a hi five..from me..but think about this..did this come from TV surgeries
that show the real stuff in fantasy land?? lets say someone is getting wise it all.
I say on that one lets
protect the vulnerable in all vulnerable states under the knife the tooth fairy chair and whatever is not done in coherency.
And let's say tape all surgeries to start that have a Med student helping. They are on the Doctors license folks
attending. He takes the rap and this would take the pressure off the political and put it on the responsible parties.
This is a wild card bill and would open up a huge debate that was clearly not responded to here.
H2067 brought
down the house as Rep Wolf of Cambridge acting as Chair for Committee for Senator Fargo of Lincoln, isolated
the root of triage to emergency bed overflows and indicated she would like to be on the intimidation committee
to have all the Hospital CEO's come and give testimony of why they are reluctant to work with the ER and not discriminate
to the ER like they are a single hospital unit in themselves..want to be there for that one..steam steam steam..looks like
contamination control to me..I couldn't contain myself and ran to speak to the gentlemen who were in the hot
names here just want you to see how intriguing these hearings can really be. I say let the Hospitals and the Doctors
take some heat as the Community shifts to full Insurance Coverage someone is going to unleash the beast..stay tuned for the
Statehouse be continued.
Please review my other comments on the Hospital Records problem the hospitals
want to put on the public..of keeping records for how long??? WE the people need to think about this one.. S1266 H2179
H2130 a bill presented by Jay Kaufman to promulgate regulations for giving life saving medications like epi pens in
schools ..sounds like a commen sense issue..
Children and Families not so sure you are getting defensive
on the spanking bill H3922 as you are on radio record today of saying none of your business when you were asked
if you spanked your children..I say the public should say that as this a classic example of a double standard..or
what..big daddy all over the place don't you say??? lets just have babies and pass them to the state..
Of course
people are out of control in some cases in spanking as the testimony alludes but because you cannot legislate elitism you
cannot control the level of behavior of adults or children on this level. People will react to this legislation.
We need family training in schools instead of all the sex ed which was clear in testimony today at hearing is escalating bad
behaviors with consequence of herpes in 1 out of 5 kids??? Soft on discipline can be criminal as well. To not
disciplne a child is abusive if you ask me and you let them do whatever they want to your home their siblings and kids will
send a toy flying if it pops into their heads that day and whack someone at toddler age and who is to control that stuff...a
psychologist???maybe ridillin..oh well. It is clear we are all to blame on some level for the decay of civilization.
On the day to day basis we are helping or hurting and here more than anywhere it is clear we can make the difference and case
for each pathway.
H110 you gotta see this one.. legislation to prohibit certain adults from entering
that deceptive already or what..why not just state it..single people cannot go in a kid acting out cannot
be corrected or stopped by a citizen if they are not parents themselves..can you believe my son cannot take his nephew
and niece to the playground ???or a grandparent who may be a second wife?? you gotta be kidding..what is this about
anyway???wacko wacko wacko..let's all go to the jail playground..again you cannot legislate safety this way..this impacts
the freedom we have as citizens to enjoy the outside and park with our children and familes..stop this ..this sounds like
bad behavior the public parks kids will be doing whatever..with no grown up presence..need I say more..
watch the film on House Broadcast soon..
Posted 11 20 07 J Aldrich
Well Happy Thanksgiving
to you all as we enter the gobble gobble up all the food you can .and we all get a dose of metabolic melatonin
as a group..what better food than a gracious turkey pacifier who has literally laid down his neck to help us all get
through the hilarious insanities of family dynamics. Oh to be a hermit..I will never get used to a nation
wondering aimlessly in the desert for 40 years..
So let's get on with the Holydays and all. So much to
be thankful for don't you say!!! I want to brief you on the past
month and give you a funny reaction I had to the Father Fruitcake story in the Herald. I had gone in to tape and
had seen the headline in the Herald quickly on the way past the guy at North Station. I told myself I would pick up
a copy on the way home. I returning quite late decide 25 cents won't kill me and buy the copy. I get on the
train exhausted and really sleepy and read the story all the wise getting this tingly silly fuzzy wozzy feeling I just close
my eyes to wake up about 30minutes later to where am I and a young man across from me looking like he needed to be talked
to. I start to talk and we have a good laugh about the story then I realize I am missing my stop as I sat at the wrong
end of the train..sputtering I pick up my stuff..all loose parts and start up the isle to miss the stop yelling at the conductor
as my stuff had dropped and how did I know where I was suppose to get off..I was late and landed in my seat quite urgently..I
get this stare and I know the wall is in place and move up to the next car to have a nice ride all the way to Newburyport..but
instead of fury I get the hillarious laughter that had started way back after reading the story..I never laughed so hard and
could not get rid of the laughter until I called a friend to laugh with me..I am sure I was hated in the car I was in as it
looked pretty empty but looking back as I left I realized there were a few people there what is the point the
point is the story is about a guy who slips through prestigious Harvard and by all the check points until he goes for the
biggy Conan O Brien..such a twist of fate..and we get the much for destination..
all aboard..the
laugh a lot train..I still get joy when I remember the story it was too funny and still is it just won't quit..and I am
posted 11 28 07 J Aldrich, new item you might like
to know.. The Vatican is a State..did you know that?? So Rome is separate and guess what is sitting on the hill looking down
their noses at St Peters Basilica even bigger than St Peters???
A Mosque..
October 26,2007 It is hard to believe two months has passed
since this website has been back on schedule. I was only able to get it back on September 3 Labor Day Weekend.
In Two months the Registry has gained 2 more camera's a recorder for audio and a Home School that wants
to help. This past week a friend of the project has donated a duplicator and a space in Boston to duplicate in
exchange for copies of the that great or what. Winter is coming and my struggle with walking and getting around
without a car this past year has been quite an experience.
CVS has a great leather bag on sale if you hunt
and it is on wheels. There are two if you look so find the right one. It is rectangular and guess what costs $10.00
I purchased one and it is perfect. I have tried many styles in the past few years trying to find a bag that would be
easy to reach stuff and this does it. It is sort of like the folding canes at CVS also which are about $20.00 and are
great to prevent losses. I donate anything that has not been tied down as it falls off my bag going over bumps and cracks
in sidewalks.
When I lost a press pass that did it. I even lost my signage at an event and that was a public
nuisance to me who struggles with every budgeted buck to make this happen. That is not irresponsibility it is part of
the package of being helped around in other people's cars and then having to jump trains busses and whatever..
I got a great deal at Staples on business cards. They are great to have a rewards card at. They actually give
a good discount. I got two recently 25.00 for 50.00 of product and 10.00 two different times. I was able to get my business
cards and some 50 stock cards to make up some postcard advertisements for the docket 4527 bill for 16.00 can you believe?
CVS is a little harder..they have a discount that is printed on the receipt which gets lost easily. I have
had it with me and then the date runs out or whatever.. I do not like their discount system but you can find good deals there
so it balances out.
I went on a hunt on the internet and found a great deal on camera's but people were a little
shy of the thing and didn't respond but I got a great deal on a new $1000.00 camera. So next time if there is a
deal coming up act on it.
I found a great deal a while back on a dvd recorder and advertised it. I
will be trying out the duplicator and maybe one of those will go on sale and we can advertise it here. A great item
to have if you are making an archive like we are. They cost 200.00 each for a one to one. The reason they are
so expensive is the old vcr copies went from bad to worse in the duplication. They simply copied each from each instead of
one to one the first copy. A good duplication system can be more than $3000.00 for quality purposes. Record companies
are very fussy. But for archiving purposes you can go the cheap route. At least until we are in the real high level
News category. We will put up and shut up.
We are always looking to expand our volunteers. You can
do a lot of jobs for Comflm,Registry. E have a constant need to call the Committee's and find out the Hearings that
are coming up. We have a role of educating the public on the committee hearings. Did you know that the Hearing for the buffer
zone was poorly attended? Welll the Hearing shows the attendees. Today the Senate passed the Buffer Zone bill
and increased the area one has to stand for Free speech zone. So we are on the cutting edge in Masachusetts by providing
this service. I actually taped the Press Conference . It was one of those days I was taping another hearing and
was finished early and walking by realized the Press Conference was up. I taped it and went on to tape the Obama gathering
on the Common. I did not get it all. Tons of people were taping and whatever. So I only wanted a snap of the event
and I got about 45 minutes.
I would love to train folks who want to learn reporting from a documentary perspective.
You just have to be willing to share the footage with comflm you tape in exchange for the training. You will be responsible
to purchase tapes unless you are taping the Hearings. You will then have copies of your own work for your records. Comflm
mandates that all videographers will be copyrighted for their submission. All videography is credited to the videographer.
This will be a historical record for the public so that the project is recorded under Comflm Registry and the Videography
is recorded for the videographer. Most News companies own the news story and the reporter is not credited with the assignment.
that is the Company's . Comflm Registry is a compilation of Independant Media and the Videographer is the owner
of the product. The registry is the vehicle of the transmission and is owned by all the Independant Media who belong.
There are more intricate details to this that will be established legally as we go deeper into this effort to form the Registry
for Independant Media.
Why now? Do you really understand the implications of the Press? We are the
bastions of free speach. We are the vehicles of information that are exposed on a daily basis. IF the news fails
to tell the story in writing legally who will? Writing is a legal document. So is videography. When a reporter
shows up at a car accident the Police shudder..the insurance companies smile and the driver is protected. But when a
reporter finds out about a public meeting which has to be publicly noticed the meeting is terrified. Why? This is democratic
process at it's best. The reporter is only video/audio/reporting the facts just the facts, nothing but the fact..They
are not writing yet. The facts are visual and audio. The reporting is accurate and factual. This is my end
of story time. Will write an update next month. See you all on tape..Jaldrich, catch of the day, video news, freelance
reporting, until next time.
This letter to the editor was printed in Hamilton Wenham
Chronicle.. I am posting it on October 5, 2007 J Aldrich
Letter: Turning off the TVThu Sep 20, 2007, 01:04 AM EDTHamilton
- Hamilton -
To the editor: Have you seen all the ads to sell the combo phone Internet and TV? Well folks,
now that Verizon has swallowed up some smaller, cheaper companies guess what the ad is $14.99 for life? What does that say
to you if you still have a live brain cell in your caput? Do I sound angry? I am not I just have eyes. So I say. Now
is the time to put them in headlock. How about a boycott and cancel the TV for a while completely. Maybe some kids will learn
their homework. Maybe some people will be able to attend some school meetings. Maybe some ears will hear each other at table
instead of eating, mumbling and running to the TV or better still just watching and eating. How about a fast on TV until
Thanksgiving games then put them all back. Why? Well for this reason alone I am suggesting this. To change the way America
gets it’s cable. We want to select the channels and not order 500 we hate or will never watch and who wants that pouring
into your living room when kids are alone or whatever. Even with kid controls maybe we need adult controls…so don’t
tell me you like all those channels. They need to decide here and now are they really for the people or for their greedy selves. Money
talks lets make ‘em notice us or forever be duped by big business. I stopped mine way back. Until they can deliver I
will not purchase. Janet Aldrich Rust Street Hamilton  | COOLMAX CYCLING
SETS: $100 Brand New Pillowtop Mattress & Box Sets. Factory Sealed in Plastic With Full Warranty. King $175,
Queen, $125, Full $115, Twin $100. 781-626-0843.
|  | Wicked Local Favorites! Visit Wicked Local Favorites and check out our Reader's Choice Awards.
posted 09 28 07 jaldrich,
In case you are not
aware, I have been taping for 4 years in January.. What started out as a simple statement to expose the lack of any documentation
of public meetings at the legislative level has turned into a huge documentary project..I plan to do a documentary on several
topics but at this time the project is still comprised of capturing as many meetings as possible and preserving the public
record. So my experience has given me a single hearted focus to state the people's case. Video the hearings and
meet the objectives of preserving the public record. My chief complaint often presented to me is that the footage is
not comparable to R E A L news ..well, so what can be fixed..which takes work..something I am not afraid of..don't
you say? So if your into asking me to purchase CBS quality camera's and just taping for free..think again. We have
come a long way baby..we used to all sit around a 10 inch tube and watch ridiculous didn't matter..John Cameron
Swezy did a better job in that snowy screen than all the high tech garbage being presented as fact today.. So when you see
me taping with my Sony and it comes out a little poor..forgive or give is what I say..just a senior with a heart for the facts
just the facts and nothing but the facts...using up my small pittance to protect the public record..that is all I am into
folks ..sorry
posted 092807 jaldrich And speaking of bikes, have you felt the impact of high gas prices? Well
why not take a boycott seriously..Before Thanksgiving consider going rail a day..overload the system, see what the other half
lives like, and then what? I have submitted a similiar boycott idea to offset the verizon, comcast big consumption of
lousy programming. Shut off the TV call them and tell them it is due to the lack of choice programming. Are you
a news junkie or classical junkie and feel you have to port lots of c..... into your vegan world? Well, money talks
and I say hit em where it hurts..stop the madness..Do you get it? If we let the power folks get a taste of their own
medicine it will me..
I have been riding the rail since last February. It's like returning
to the 60's feels good some days and annoying others. The other day a Conductor was complaining right next to me
about bikes on trains. I looked at him and engaged in conversation..he says are you OK with bikes on trains..I say
his raging fury..why they are in the way he complains..I say add another we part and I am outside of the ramp..What
is wrong with these people? Trains are boxes with ugly plastic hard seats you feel squished in and with super cranks who love
to tell you your voice is annoying or stop using a cell..I say who cares Let people live..we are all to neurotic..that is
what I think..if noise bothers you wear earmuffs or plugs and let others live..
Now what ticks me off is the side
show of behavior that is publicly inappropriate..that is something that makes you want to engage but you don't knowing
that is going no where fast..
I say let's all use bikes and stop driving and stop watching TV as the public
trans will slow you down and you won't be able to watch you just won't have the time..let's do it up to Thanksgiving
when cars are really needed to avoid freezing in the cold air getting soaked in rain and snow ..take a tip from boycotting
it works you'll it all turns round. ...
The story posted today 091107 of Framingham, the
Fraud Capital of Metro West as the Rizoli brothers like to say is like watching the tv flick Dukes of Hazard..don't
you think? Now can we find Boss Hogg in all this I wonder?
sample story received today from Comflm, Members
Joe and Jim Rizoli, Framingham..
Here is the latest CCFIILE Show #
130 This takes place at the Civic League in Downtown Framingham. The
theme was Don't Feed the Bears, which has to do with us providing ESL to
illegal aliens. It has some embarrassing moments for the police who were there
videotaping us, for what reason? If you don't want to watch the whole thing
go 5 minutes into it to see my first altercation with them. Them 44 minutes for
the last. How are the police going to get themselves out of this one? They said they had permission from St.Stephens rectory to videotape on their property. But not according to the priest! Nice when police tell little lies! Sure the priest let them stay there later but he didn't give the green light in the beginning, in fact he seemed
quite disturbed they were there. So I guess police can go on private property
anytime they want without the permission of the owners. When we walk on the property
they cry foul! You got to love it! Two sets of laws one for the police
and one for us civilians. Still waiting to hear what the town paid for the 4
officers assigned to the detail. Nice overtime pay for them at our expense.

We are looking for a section for the Sunday this is where you will find it posted each week so please
get your articles in by Friday..thanks..
We are always looking for new ideas and topics for the monthly newsletter.
If you have an idea or would be interested in writing an article, please let us know.
Bodoin St Blues..
posted 09 28 07
On the way home yesterday, I meet a young man going nuts over a ticket he got just up from Brooks Phcy. Now I know
that angst or sarah burnhardt..drippies.. I was also a victim of the same thing. In fact it made me draw the line and
give up my car. I said am I going to keep going with taping or pay 200.00 dollars in tickets whenever the problem arises?
I decided to take my feet to the streets.. I have paid off a credit card and feel really good having a few bucks to get a
coffee or a decent lunch. The kid wanted to blast the meter maid and I say, hey I can video this if you like and make
a story..he says no I just want to find the meter maid..I say forget that they have mystical powers they disappear.. Finally,
I say lets look at the meter.. He was complaining the meter was broken had eaten 5 quarters..and had not shown any
would just scroll down..he took a chance and ran to a book signing could not get in from the long line and ran that
point the mystical meter maid had done her thing.. stung the sting that screeches thieves..and he is left cvetching ..a broken
man. I put a quarter in. Just like he said..down went the meter.. 15 minutes turn into 15 seconds. gone
went the quarter..
I tell him to take my name I will vouch for him..and he takes off. That is the brutality
of the car think about my suggestion. We are being hit hard..high ticket rates..can completely set a mortgage
cycle out of control. Not all folks are flush..and flushing the petty cash is dangerous business. Get a grip on
yourself lad it will all work out..but the meters..that is a horror story we all live with repeatedly..sorry..hope your day
is better tomorrow..
A few
months back Don Coleman, House Broadcast Director posted this letter to the Editor.
to the editor July 23
GHS Mon Jul 23, 2007, 12:30 AM EDT
Old computer to blame It was disheartening to read the
inaccurate editorial ("Put the Legislature back on TV," June 19) regarding streaming Webcasts of the Massachusetts
House of Representatives. While the first Webcast on Jan. 3 was overloaded by viewers, causing many
to be unable to watch, those problems were worked out quickly and no such problems occurred with the June 14 Constitutional
Convention. Contrary to the editorial, there were no server problems, no connection problems and, other than this, not a single
complaint to the House or the Internet provider we now contract with to handle any sudden boost in demand for the broadcast. We are hard-pressed to determine what happened while the Daily News writer was watching, though we would
suggest the problem was with the computer used by the writer. As we all know, older systems or Web connections can sometimes
stall or block streaming video content. Regardless, the House Webcast was not to blame. More than
2,500 people tuned in to the House session on June 13 and the shadow Internet broadcast carried on the WBZ-TV Web site. We
certainly would have preferred hundreds of thousands had dialed in and, if they had, the system in place could meet the demand. Is our system perfect? Of course not. We share the view that legislative sessions should be broadcast on
television. But at a time of budget shortfall, it is difficult to justify the cost of at least $350,000 per year - particularly
since there are still portions of the state where broadcast and cable could not be seen. We continue
to search for a way to broadcast House sessions that reaches more of the public but is still cost-effective to the taxpayers.
We are also working jointly with the Senate and governor's office on a combined effort to improve access to the spectrum
of political debate that occurs on Beacon Hill, though we already know the creation of a C-SPAN-style network for the commonwealth
would be of considerable cost. We are also providing video content never before seen on television
broadcasts - streaming video of public hearings. Viewers have tuned in for hours of detailed hearings on the state budget
by the House Ways and Means Committee, public testimony on the experience of families and children in the child welfare system,
and a more than six-hour session analyzing the future of energy reform in the commonwealth, among others. Soon, those sessions
will be archived and viewers can play House hearings "on demand" and search among them for topics of their choosing. The House should be commended for doing more than any other body to open its process to the public, not
mocked for expected hiccups in any endeavor of this magnitude - especially ones that didn't even happen. DON
COLEMAN, Director, House Broadcast Services, Massachusetts House of Representatives
To Don Colemen, I want to say Don, I was asking for the January Con Con event and still never have gotten it.
Now maybe 12 Hearings is a lot to you but every hearing is what the people want. And this person is frustrated that the Local
Cable Access has not ported your footage to the local site.
Is that what is considered copyright infringement as
your policy states? When will the footage be accessible to all? Having streaming footage archive is what it is
all let's make it accessibe to all and port it statewide to the cable access Government Channel band..we
are waitng..
J Aldrich, Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting..09 20 07
check this usage policy out..I was referring to ..
AND REUSE POLICY By downloading electronic media (hereinafter, "media") from the Massachusetts House of
Representatives "website", and/or any related web pages, domains, and servers (hereinafter, "the website"),
website users (hereinafter, "users") agree to the following terms and conditions: "Media" may be
defined as (but not limited to): - Text, as contained in .html, Microsoft Word, Adobe Acrobat, and other applicable
document formats
- Streaming audio
- Streaming video
- Audio files, as contained in MP3, WAV, WMA and
other applicable file formats
- Video files, as contained in MP4, WMV, AVI, MPEG, MOV, and other applicable file formats
Media downloaded from the website is for private use only; the Massachussetts House of Representatives
reserves all rights to all downloaded media. No downloaded media may be reposted or re-used in its entirety in any
application without the express written consent of the House of Representatives. No excerpts of downloaded media may
be edited or incorporated into other productions without the express written consent of the Massachusetts House of Representatives.
Use of any media in the context of political advertising or communication is expressly forbidden. Usage of VHS
or DVD copies of programming ordered from the website is governed by the Broadcast Videocassette Distribution Policy (for
discussion purposes).