August 2018 We are
all aware of the Antifah angst against America and Dan Bidondi, Rhode Island, Truth Radio, has footage of the event. Christopher
Maider was attending and had some technical difficulties. Sam Rapossi? was injured a Veteran with a padlock on his
neck. The suspect was apprehended and will go to court for this. Regular news did not go to the event.
A lot of stories need covering across the State
with Dr Scott Lively Esq running for Governor. I have had a rough health winter so have
not been running around but Comflm Registry Members have been slow and steady covering events on Facebook. Chris Funnell
moved to Utah to be with family and is covering from that vantage point. Romney was able to pull off getting
signatures for the Primary so we will see what comes of that story soon. We all know the tried and
true Rinos are beside themselves with the Election of Trump. Let's see how effective Joe America is getting more
Conservatives on the deck.
RTC Hamilton is in the planning
stages of an event November 15th at the famous Wenham Tea House. Please
put this Celebratory "dressy" event on the schedule. It will be close to Thanksgiving and we hope to start
the Holidays and grow the Hamilton RTC Membership. It is a tough year,
the obstacles are huge but with new vigor we can only hope for good outcomes. call Janet
978 468 7888 with any questions or text 978 388 2457 cell . Please express any menu you
prefer. Turkey, wine and cheese, or steak dinner. It's wide open at this stage.
RTC ROCKPORT will hold an October meeting the
26th at the Police Dept meeting room from 7 to 9pm with refreshments. AG Candidate Daniel
Shores Hingham, will be speaking. If your in the North Shore this should not be missed. I heard him speak in Manchester
and he is fabulous. His specialty to bring to the AG office is Cyber Security. Story post by JAldrich
October 19 2017 A lot has transpired and Hamilton RTC has failed to gain any new members. An attempt to hold a meeting
with COMFLM at Rocky Neck Rockport was a fragile attempt to engage the RTC locally
and Regionally. The Venue was fabulous the food was amazing but the attendance was poor. I was able to get a Democrat to attend. Are you serious? Later that summer I was under seige from a car accident
and so my good intentions were disabled. I
am now 1.5 years into this and still the effort has been obstructed by one problem after another. I am sorry Hamilton.
It just won't happen. Anyway, I had wanted to just be a supporter and do my Media
thing. I hoped that I could unbalance the hate for Media and educate some people on
the advantages of my vision. So now
I have convinced a few. I have a new Atty advancing the cause with me., has posted my web presence on her Blog. I will see what influence
that has. Finally, someone can see what value this has to record Beacon Hill. J.Aldrich
Republican Caucus for First Essex and Middlesex District Purpose: Town and Ward Republican
Committee members in this district will meet to elect a new Republican State Committeewoman because of the resignation
of Angela Hudak, and vacancy of the seat. This is a special caucus within the party. Ward and town committee members
added to a committee as of May 24th, 2017, are eligible to vote in the caucus. Those who are not eligible are still
welcome to attend the caucus and watch its proceedings. Monday, June 26th, 7pm Ipswich Town Hall Room A (Selectmen's
Room) 25 Green Street Ipswich, MA 01938
june 25 2017 June 25 2017 Janet Aldrich RTC Chairwoman Hamilton formally
endorses Dianna Ploss of Gloucester to the office of RTC State Committee for First Essex Middlesex County.
Much buzz is buzzing about this election race of two competent women on the North Shore. While the North Shore has been in default
for a year to grow new members, even with the election of Donald Trump, my welcome
to a passionate new face is in order. Please
watch the video included of the speech Dianna gave in Georgetown, last Thursday night.
Committee First Essex Middlesex District -- Dear Friends,
Monday will be an important caucus for the members of Republican town and ward committees through out the district of the
First Essex and Middlesex district. I plan to nominate and vote for Dianna Ploss for State Committeewoman for the following
reasons: 1. Dianna is speaking out on the issues that are important to grass roots Republicans - she understands that
people join the Republican party when that party stands for issues and fights for the issues that conservatives
care about. 2. Dianna is promoting and defending the 2nd Amendment: She has recognized the need
to get people an LTC - A License To Carry, so that we will have a stronger, more educated, conservative base that will
defend the second amendment, and she has promoted LTC classes in Gloucester. Dianna got her LTC in 2015 and wants to
help others get theirs too. 3. Dianna actively supported our Anti - Sanctuary campaign in Rockport, showing up to debate
the Women's March Symposium forum speakers and their attempt to force sanctuary on our town, and attending several
of our meetings in Rockport. 4. Dianna has spoken out against Sanctuary policies at the State House - Dianna is unafraid
of the liberal media - crashing a Pro-sanctuary news conference! 5. Dianna was involved in coordinating Trump
Campaign activities and got our Rockport Republican Town Committee the Trump signs and stickers we needed to support
our President! I could say more, but attached to this email is Dianna's letter and her plan to help strengthen the conservative
movement in the Republican party. You can also follow these news links to learn more about Dianna.
E Ploss Face Book Page. Dianna Ploss received award for involvement in Trump Campaign. Dianna Ploss, a 2A Candidate, running for Republican State Committee Woman and Gloucester City Councilor
At Large Dianna Ploss, candidate for Gloucester City Council and State Committeewoman goes to State House
to oppose Sanctuary. Why Ploss joined the Republican Party and the Trump Campaign.
Jonathan Ring 781-632-1579 "Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things
not seen (Hebrews 11:1)." Paid for by the Jonathan Ring Committee, 9 Pooles Lane, Rockport, MA 01966
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