COMFLM REGISTRY sm 2016,17,18

Events Calendar
Events Calendar
Members Page
Links - The 'Window"
Breaking News Stories updated daily

Here we'll list events and activities scheduled for the next couple of months. We are just getting back to post here so check back often to stay up to date.  Sorry, for the inconvenience this has caused. 
You can visit my facebook page on www.facebook/comflmregistry,  I have two pages and post many stories there that are National News. 
Please visit Legislative Beat 2, a facebook page for just Beacon Hill coverage.  It is a page for Reporters and only covers stories around the state our Reporters cover. 

 Here we go again.. almost 2018

2017 catch up send stories to post here 


October 26 2016
Comflm Registry hosted dinner
event at The Studio
Rocky Neck Gloucester
invited the RTC North Shoreand Members
of both groups to The Pre Election Jitters Party!

november 2016


Rep Lyons holds last standout 9 to 11am Andover

Charlie Baker at Wakefield for Wong event pizza party 

Covering the Election 2016

Election Day November 8
JAldrich 978 388 2457 will give rides to polls
and cover North Shore Sign Holders
call for coverage and send video
to for upload news 

Prospective members are welcome to learn more about us by attending an event.,, 978 388 2457 assignment desk 978 468 7888 Home base Hamilton Ma contact 24/7 for assignments, members needed immediately,

This site  The Web

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 copyrighted contents to comflm sm  and individual contributors.  You must note who writes an article when reposting.