The CPPR Archive Project


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Friday, December 17, 2010

Welcome to this site!
In January of 2011 this site will officially be operating and taking orders.  If you order from Fuller Brush, as my customer, you will be donating the proceeds to this effort.

The CPPR, Archive Project has been funded totally by J Aldrich and at this point needs to be a very serious movement to capture public record public hearings on Beacon Hill.  So, as a past Rep for Fuller Brush Products which I just love, I decided I could possibly restart this in Hamilton.

Technology is my friend as a Senior.  I can do this.  I don't have to leave the house.  I can make money and not even leave my home.  And I believe in Fuller Brush Products.  They are the American Clean Team if you ask me.  There is always room for Fuller.

So if you think my tunnel vision is bad for the Coalition then watch out don't get me started on Fuller Brush.

I will be calling people in town.  I will be purchasing business cards.  I will be advertising this on my Media site, with a page and a link to draw people to this site.

This should be a lot of fun.  I am looking forward to business my style from here on out.  So if you see me in a car, soon, then know for certain this is paying off.
4:02 pm est          Comments

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This Coalition to Preserve the Public Record, CPPR, Archive Project was founded by Janet Aldrich, along with CRNews, in 2003 in order to provide video transcripts of Public Works Documents not under official Public Record Law in Massachusetts in the General Court and unaccessible to the public unless personnally recorded.   This Project  officially intends to upload archive and protect the public record as a Media Depot in Massachusetts., has already begun to include our work on the legal webpage.  Look for many good things to come of this.

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