The CPPR Archive Project


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Please consider being on the Team


ASSIGNMENT DESK stories should still be

referred to, or a call

to the home/office is acceptable 978 468 7888

text 978 388 2457 or call  

 We have an Editor Professor Michael Gendre,
is acting as Editor in Chief since summer.
You can submit requests on stories to be covered
by emailing,
We have 28 members of the Team at this time.
Some are still in the que but we are growing., Lisa Belanger has come on board offering to help as an Atty.

please visit her site devoted to Political issues:, Lisa has been endorsing our work for 2 years now.

CatchoftheDay, videonews, has covered a few of her cases. 


Christopher Maider, Meat and Potatoes Online Radio Show Worcester

has accepted the offer to be the County Chair for Comflm Registry News.

He also covers City Council Meetings Regulary in Worcester.  His passion

is to interview Candidates in Massachusetts.  He has a great studio he set

up in his garage and you can be on one hour with him to discuss your topics. 




Tom Duggan Editor Owner of Valley Patriot News is a member of Comflm Registry 2 years this summer.

Kyle Burns, Springfield, Paralegal, Veritas Media  is registered with SJC to cover courts 

Chester Chalupowski, Beverly is registered with the Courts SJC  

Janet Aldrich Comflm Registry President is registered with SJC and Federal Court



Can now call

Night and Day Law Firm

Hanford Y. Chiu, Esq.

631 848 7294

along with Press he can help with Landlord/Tenant

Estate Planning Small business Non Profit Law

Civil Litigation Mediation Arbitration 

This Coalition to Preserve the Public Record, CPPR, Archive Project was founded by Janet Aldrich, along with CRNews, in 2003 in order to provide video transcripts of Public Works Documents not under official Public Record Law in Massachusetts in the General Court and unaccessible to the public unless personnally recorded.   This Project  officially intends to upload archive and protect the public record as a Media Depot in Massachusetts., has already begun to include our work on the legal webpage.  Look for many good things to come of this.

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