The CPPR Archive Project

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The CPPR Archive Project needs Volunteers to produce a Video Library to post here for your viewing.  Please join us in 2017

Members of this group are very talented.  Try paying them to build a website for you. 

They can help alot due to the training they are getting working on the project.  

I am helping with a Ministry to build a website and follow them for videography. 

This Coalition to Preserve the Public Record, CPPR, Archive Project was founded by Janet Aldrich, along with CRNews, in 2003 in order to provide video transcripts of Public Works Documents not under official Public Record Law in Massachusetts in the General Court and unaccessible to the public unless personnally recorded.   This Project  officially intends to upload archive and protect the public record as a Media Depot in Massachusetts., has already begun to include our work on the legal webpage.  Look for many good things to come of this.

This site  The Web

Web site hosting by

Call 978 388 2457 and volunteer today!

Sample list of things you can help with:
Library collection proofing of public works footage to upload on site.
Making calls for fundraising.
Working on yearly lists of coverage.
Monitoring the Statehouse coverage current year.
Working on the website updates.
Library collection proofing of additional data to upload .
Duplicating collection for sales production.
Speaking to groups about the project.

Please tell your professor about this effort and see if he will give you class credit for helping on this.