The CPPR Archive Project


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Thursday, March 10, 2016

2016 the year to grow

I was looking through all the pages I have put together and decided to use

this page as we are focusing this year on achieving a full 350 members and

setting up the 501c3.  I had considered the many websites constructed as

tools to define the departments that have come out of this attempt to create

a Registry and the Library.  I hope this is not a post for a day and will be

a record of the activity I am working on this year. So if you want a serious

substantial group to support this is the one.  Thank you. 

11:31 pm est          Comments

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This Coalition to Preserve the Public Record, CPPR, Archive Project was founded by Janet Aldrich, along with CRNews, in 2003 in order to provide video transcripts of Public Works Documents not under official Public Record Law in Massachusetts in the General Court and unaccessible to the public unless personnally recorded.   This Project  officially intends to upload archive and protect the public record as a Media Depot in Massachusetts., has already begun to include our work on the legal webpage.  Look for many good things to come of this.

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