Thursday, August 20, 2015
2015 update
It is really important this year an election year, to recruit new members and reach our goal of 351 members across Massachusetts.
We have 27 official members. If we can do that, we will be able to really cover an entire year of public hearings on
Beacon Hill. As well as, cover the election news that will be happening all 2016. Please join us and spread the
word as you read this. It is urgent to be a true Corporation and to establish this great work in progress the past 11
9:16 am edt
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
August 22 2012
It has taken months to get this rolling. We have been applying to the SJC Court list. So far Kyle Burns
of Springfield has heard back. We are now actively seeking members to get a Press Pass so they can cover lots of stuff
this fall for elections. Please join the Team. New name reference is CRN News Group. That is the Press call
name. You are in the CRNews-Team if your a member.
7:48 pm edt