February 3, 2008
number to call to complain /praise MBTA this week 617 222 1023 1-3pm now isn't that special.
February 3, 2008
Commonwealth Connector Authority
individual mandates public hearing
Gardner Auditorium 10AM
Commonwealth Connector Aurthority
Regualtory Affordability
Gardner Auditorium
DOR Department of Revenue
Gardner Auditorium
new form HC public hearing
Gardner Auditorium
Suicide Prevention
Annual Awards Event
Great Hall
on Environment and Natural Resources
A1 11AM
mercury postings, recycling measures, mbta incuded
get this one either..still tired after a week being sick..sorry
February 6, 2008
Committee on Bonding
Capital Expenditures
public housing repair bills
1pm B 1
Covered this one 2.50 hours good hearing..lots
of pressure..on presentors..VChair complains
not prepared is not an excuse.. need more info to allow 40 billion for this
Energy Briefing
Tarr Morrissey Dempsey
Rm 222 1PM
missed this one got confused it
was at 230pm..
February 8, 9 2008
Friday Saturday 9AM
Copley Place
Pat Leahy,
dimming of right to know
February 7, 2008
Committee on the Judiciary
/a 1 1PM
tons of bills check
the above links
includes hate crimes etc..and even a bill to reverse archaic laws?? like the second ?? commandment..thou
shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain??? swearing would be normal as it is but I think this could affect FCC
rulings on radio and TV very big stuff for 3 little testifiers ..where is everyone.. on this one... and many others not even
addressed no one showed.not even media..just little ole me..the archivist...oh well I guess 3 hours is a short meeting for
this Committee..
First Annual Human Rights Event
Quincy Sons of Italy
7pm to 9pm
sponsored Newspaper
February 6, 2008
Committee on Elections
A1 1PM
Catch of the
Day covered this one..
political signs should they be onpublic roadways???
you gotta be kidding... what is wrong
with this guy??? of course they should
question as to safety of a child..well Mom watch your kid..this is democracy in
no no no..do not support this bill..
S2283 voting rights for permanent resident aliens in Amherst. nice
way to call illegal aliens ??.one way to secure a job nice going Sen Rosenberg..I don't think so.. why don't we try
to entice the Blacks to vote..instead they already live here and are legal..