Parenthood is holding lobby day in Boston today 103007
check out this email received today from the Rev Rusty..www.Elijahmin.com
now there's one guy in God you don't want to wrestle with...
Why You
Should Oppose Planned ParenthoodPlanned Parenthood is the nation's leading
advocate and provider of abortion. Either directly or indirectly, through their pagan sexual philosophy and abortion practice,
1/3rd of a generation 34 years old and younger have been murdered in their mother's womb. Since 1973, upwards of 47 million
preborn babies made in the image of God have been destroyed. Their innocent blood shed by the sin and crime of abortion. This
deadly legacy serves as an everlasting memorial to commemorate Planned Parenthood's culture of death. Each and every
day Planned Parenthood adds to this ignoble number. The roots of abortion and the history of Planned Parenthood
are ones of elitism and racism. It is a racism of the most sinister kind. Margaret Sanger, founder of Planned Parenthood,
in a letter to Clarence Gamble in 1939 wrote, "We should hire three or four colored ministers, preferably with social-service
backgrounds, and with engaging personalities. The most successful educational approach to the Negro is through religions appeal.
We don’t want the word to get out that we want to exterminate the Negro population, and the minister is the man who
can straighten out that idea if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members." Though some would
argue that in the actual context of the letter written to Gamble, a known racist, she was trying to remove the impression
of a racist agenda, the fruit of her organization, however, betrays the intention. According to BlackGenocide.org,
today more black children are murdered by abortion than are born. Since 1973, over twice as many African-Americans have died
from abortion than from AIDS, accidents, violent crime, cancer, and heart disease combined. Over 12,000 of 17,000 aborted
babies found in one California dumpster were black. 78% of Planned Parenthood facilities are located in minority neighborhoods.
4 billion dollars has been paid to the abortion industry in order to slaughter black children in their mother’s wombs.
Every week "legal" abortion kills twice as many black people than the Ku Klux Klan has killed in its entire history.
To this day, Planned Parenthood has never disavowed or recanted Margaret Sanger’s racist and elitist agenda.
In fact, Planned Parenthood hands out the Margaret Sanger Award to their brightest and best in the abortion industry. Dr.
Alan Guttmacher, a past president of Planned Parenthood, clearly stated, "We are merely walking down the path that Mrs.
Sanger carved out for us." For more documentation go to www.KlanParenthood.com. www.KlanParenthood.com.
There is overwhelming evidence that Planned Parenthood has for years provided safe cover for sexual predators and pedophiles.
Documentation has emerged (www.ldi.org or www.childpredators.com) that reveals Planned Parenthood was caught red-handed providing
a safe haven for grown men who prey upon and sexually abuse our young daughters. Life Dynamics, a Texas based research group,
conducted a survey. They had a young woman pose as a 13 year old child to seek an abortion in order to conceal her illegal
sexual activity with an older man. She called over 800 Planned Parenthood and National Abortion Federation facilities
across America. The results of this survey are absolutely appalling. The vast majority of these facilities agreed to conceal
the crime, even among those who acknowledged it was statutory rape. Some Planned Parenthood employees coached the caller on
how to avoid detection, how to circumvent parental notification law, and what to say or not to say when she came to the clinic.
Many encouraged her to lie, conceal her age and the age of her predator, or to just give false names. All these
phone calls were recorded and demonstrate, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that Planned Parenthood is either complicit or complacent
when it comes to the rape and sexual abuse of our children. To listen to these recorded conversations go to www.childpredators.com. www.childpredators.com. A WORD
TO PARENTS Obviously, this article raises disturbing allegations
against Planned Parenthood. If this publication contains misinformation, slander, or libel then Planned Parenthood should
pursue a lawsuit. Don’t hold your breath, however, to see that reported in the news. Even, the mighty Planned Parenthood
cannot defend the indefensible. For far too long Planned Parenthood has cast a deceptive spell over our nation.
They present themselves as a benevolent organization compassionately concerned about women’s rights and health care.
Behind that shiny veneer, however, a more malevolent organization cannot be found. It is a wolf in sheep’s clothing.
The lives and souls this wolf has devoured is beyond comprehension. Therefore, it is imperative that this wolf not have access
to your children. It is in the best welfare of your children to never, under any circumstances, have contact with Planned
Parenthood. Protect your children! STOP PLANNED
PARENTHOOD! Contact public officials and demand no tax money
for Planned Parenthood. Remember you and I are paying for the destruction of our young. ·
Contact your school board to make sure Planned Parenthood’s "sex education"
programs or "referral centers" are not in place. If they are, seek their removal. Remember, they must entice our
children to sexual activity in order to justify their birth control and abortion "services." Contact your school board to make sure Planned Parenthood’s "sex education"
programs or "referral centers" are not in place. If they are, seek their removal. Remember, they must entice our
children to sexual activity in order to justify their birth control and abortion "services." · Check into any associations in which your children may be involved.
Research associations, such as, Girl Scouts, Big Brothers and Big Sisters, Camp Fire Girls etc. and find out whether or not
they allow Planned Parenthood to indoctrinate your children. If so, work to remove Planned Parenthood or remove your children. Check into any associations in which your children may be involved. Research associations,
such as, Girl Scouts, Big Brothers and Big Sisters, Camp Fire Girls etc. and find out whether or not they allow Planned Parenthood
to indoctrinate your children. If so, work to remove Planned Parenthood or remove your children. · Boycott any corporation that supports Planned Parenthood.
www.fightpp.org Boycott any corporation that supports Planned
Parenthood. www.fightpp.org · Help
educate others on the evils of Planned Parenthood. Make copies of this article and pass it to family, neighbors, friends,
and your church. Help educate others on the evils of Planned Parenthood.
Make copies of this article and pass it to family, neighbors, friends, and your church. ·
Pray that Planned Parenthood’s reign of terror comes to an end in your city
and beyond. Pray that Planned Parenthood’s reign of terror
comes to an end in your city and beyond. · If a Planned Parenthood referral center or abortion clinic resides in your city, bring the Church to stand against
the evil and reach out to those who find themselves where they ought not to be with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. IN KING
JESUS’ SERVICE, If a Planned Parenthood referral center
or abortion clinic resides in your city, bring the Church to stand against the evil and reach out to those who find themselves
where they ought not to be with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. IN KING JESUS’ SERVICE, · Contact your school board to make sure Planned Parenthood’s
"sex education" programs or "referral centers" are not in place. If they are, seek their removal. Remember,
they must entice our children to sexual activity in order to justify their birth control and abortion "services."
Contact your school board to make sure Planned Parenthood’s
"sex education" programs or "referral centers" are not in place. If they are, seek their removal. Remember,
they must entice our children to sexual activity in order to justify their birth control and abortion "services."
· Check into any associations in which
your children may be involved. Research associations, such as, Girl Scouts, Big Brothers and Big Sisters, Camp Fire Girls
etc. and find out whether or not they allow Planned Parenthood to indoctrinate your children. If so, work to remove Planned
Parenthood or remove your children. Check into any associations
in which your children may be involved. Research associations, such as, Girl Scouts, Big Brothers and Big Sisters, Camp Fire
Girls etc. and find out whether or not they allow Planned Parenthood to indoctrinate your children. If so, work to remove
Planned Parenthood or remove your children. · Boycott any corporation that supports Planned Parenthood. www.fightpp.org Boycott any corporation that supports Planned Parenthood. www.fightpp.org ·
Help educate others on the evils of Planned Parenthood. Make copies of this article
and pass it to family, neighbors, friends, and your church. Help
educate others on the evils of Planned Parenthood. Make copies of this article and pass it to family, neighbors, friends,
and your church. · Pray that Planned
Parenthood’s reign of terror comes to an end in your city and beyond. Pray that Planned Parenthood’s reign of terror comes to an end in your city and beyond. · If a Planned Parenthood referral center or abortion clinic
resides in your city, bring the Church to stand against the evil and reach out to those who find themselves where they ought
not to be with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. IN KING JESUS’ SERVICE, If a Planned Parenthood referral center or abortion clinic resides in your city, bring the Church to stand
against the evil and reach out to those who find themselves where they ought not to be with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. IN
KING JESUS’ SERVICE, Why You Should Oppose
Planned ParenthoodPlanned Parenthood is the nation's leading advocate
and provider of abortion. Either directly or indirectly, through their pagan sexual philosophy and abortion practice, 1/3rd
of a generation 34 years old and younger have been murdered in their mother's womb. Since 1973, upwards of 47 million
preborn babies made in the image of God have been destroyed. Their innocent blood shed by the sin and crime of abortion. This
deadly legacy serves as an everlasting memorial to commemorate Planned Parenthood's culture of death. Each and every
day Planned Parenthood adds to this ignoble number. The roots of abortion and the history of Planned Parenthood
are ones of elitism and racism. It is a racism of the most sinister kind. Margaret Sanger, founder of Planned Parenthood,
in a letter to Clarence Gamble in 1939 wrote, "We should hire three or four colored ministers, preferably with social-service
backgrounds, and with engaging personalities. The most successful educational approach to the Negro is through religions appeal.
We don’t want the word to get out that we want to exterminate the Negro population, and the minister is the man who
can straighten out that idea if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members." Though some would
argue that in the actual context of the letter written to Gamble, a known racist, she was trying to remove the impression
of a racist agenda, the fruit of her organization, however, betrays the intention. According to BlackGenocide.org,
today more black children are murdered by abortion than are born. Since 1973, over twice as many African-Americans have died
from abortion than from AIDS, accidents, violent crime, cancer, and heart disease combined. Over 12,000 of 17,000 aborted
babies found in one California dumpster were black. 78% of Planned Parenthood facilities are located in minority neighborhoods.
4 billion dollars has been paid to the abortion industry in order to slaughter black children in their mother’s wombs.
Every week "legal" abortion kills twice as many black people than the Ku Klux Klan has killed in its entire history.
To this day, Planned Parenthood has never disavowed or recanted Margaret Sanger’s racist and elitist agenda.
In fact, Planned Parenthood hands out the Margaret Sanger Award to their brightest and best in the abortion industry. Dr.
Alan Guttmacher, a past president of Planned Parenthood, clearly stated, "We are merely walking down the path that Mrs.
Sanger carved out for us." For more documentation go to www.KlanParenthood.com. www.KlanParenthood.com.
There is overwhelming evidence that Planned Parenthood has for years provided safe cover for sexual predators and pedophiles.
Documentation has emerged (www.ldi.org or www.childpredators.com) that reveals Planned Parenthood was caught red-handed providing
a safe haven for grown men who prey upon and sexually abuse our young daughters. Life Dynamics, a Texas based research group,
conducted a survey. They had a young woman pose as a 13 year old child to seek an abortion in order to conceal her illegal
sexual activity with an older man. She called over 800 Planned Parenthood and National Abortion Federation facilities
across America. The results of this survey are absolutely appalling. The vast majority of these facilities agreed to conceal
the crime, even among those who acknowledged it was statutory rape. Some Planned Parenthood employees coached the caller on
how to avoid detection, how to circumvent parental notification law, and what to say or not to say when she came to the clinic.
Many encouraged her to lie, conceal her age and the age of her predator, or to just give false names. All these
phone calls were recorded and demonstrate, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that Planned Parenthood is either complicit or complacent
when it comes to the rape and sexual abuse of our children. To listen to these recorded conversations go to www.childpredators.com. www.childpredators.com. A WORD
TO PARENTS Obviously, this article raises disturbing allegations
against Planned Parenthood. If this publication contains misinformation, slander, or libel then Planned Parenthood should
pursue a lawsuit. Don’t hold your breath, however, to see that reported in the news. Even, the mighty Planned Parenthood
cannot defend the indefensible. For far too long Planned Parenthood has cast a deceptive spell over our nation.
They present themselves as a benevolent organization compassionately concerned about women’s rights and health care.
Behind that shiny veneer, however, a more malevolent organization cannot be found. It is a wolf in sheep’s clothing.
The lives and souls this wolf has devoured is beyond comprehension. Therefore, it is imperative that this wolf not have access
to your children. It is in the best welfare of your children to never, under any circumstances, have contact with Planned
Parenthood. Protect your children! STOP PLANNED
PARENTHOOD! Contact public officials and demand no tax money
for Planned Parenthood. Remember you and I are paying for the destruction of our young. ·
Contact your school board to make sure Planned Parenthood’s "sex education"
programs or "referral centers" are not in place. If they are, seek their removal. Remember, they must entice our
children to sexual activity in order to justify their birth control and abortion "services." Contact your school board to make sure Planned Parenthood’s "sex education"
programs or "referral centers" are not in place. If they are, seek their removal. Remember, they must entice our
children to sexual activity in order to justify their birth control and abortion "services." · Check into any associations in which your children may be involved.
Research associations, such as, Girl Scouts, Big Brothers and Big Sisters, Camp Fire Girls etc. and find out whether or not
they allow Planned Parenthood to indoctrinate your children. If so, work to remove Planned Parenthood or remove your children. Check into any associations in which your children may be involved. Research associations,
such as, Girl Scouts, Big Brothers and Big Sisters, Camp Fire Girls etc. and find out whether or not they allow Planned Parenthood
to indoctrinate your children. If so, work to remove Planned Parenthood or remove your children. · Boycott any corporation that supports Planned Parenthood.
www.fightpp.org Boycott any corporation that supports Planned
Parenthood. www.fightpp.org · Help
educate others on the evils of Planned Parenthood. Make copies of this article and pass it to family, neighbors, friends,
and your church. Help educate others on the evils of Planned Parenthood.
Make copies of this article and pass it to family, neighbors, friends, and your church. ·
Pray that Planned Parenthood’s reign of terror comes to an end in your city
and beyond. Pray that Planned Parenthood’s reign of terror
comes to an end in your city and beyond. · If a Planned Parenthood referral center or abortion clinic resides in your city, bring the Church to stand against
the evil and reach out to those who find themselves where they ought not to be with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. IN KING
JESUS’ SERVICE, If a Planned Parenthood referral center
or abortion clinic resides in your city, bring the Church to stand against the evil and reach out to those who find themselves
where they ought not to be with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. IN KING JESUS’ SERVICE, · Contact your school board to make sure Planned Parenthood’s
"sex education" programs or "referral centers" are not in place. If they are, seek their removal. Remember,
they must entice our children to sexual activity in order to justify their birth control and abortion "services."
Contact your school board to make sure Planned Parenthood’s
"sex education" programs or "referral centers" are not in place. If they are, seek their removal. Remember,
they must entice our children to sexual activity in order to justify their birth control and abortion "services."
· Check into any associations in which
your children may be involved. Research associations, such as, Girl Scouts, Big Brothers and Big Sisters, Camp Fire Girls
etc. and find out whether or not they allow Planned Parenthood to indoctrinate your children. If so, work to remove Planned
Parenthood or remove your children. Check into any associations
in which your children may be involved. Research associations, such as, Girl Scouts, Big Brothers and Big Sisters, Camp Fire
Girls etc. and find out whether or not they allow Planned Parenthood to indoctrinate your children. If so, work to remove
Planned Parenthood or remove your children. · Boycott any corporation that supports Planned Parenthood. www.fightpp.org Boycott any corporation that supports Planned Parenthood. www.fightpp.org ·
Help educate others on the evils of Planned Parenthood. Make copies of this article
and pass it to family, neighbors, friends, and your church. Help
educate others on the evils of Planned Parenthood. Make copies of this article and pass it to family, neighbors, friends,
and your church. · Pray that Planned
Parenthood’s reign of terror comes to an end in your city and beyond. Pray that Planned Parenthood’s reign of terror comes to an end in your city and beyond. · If a Planned Parenthood referral center or abortion clinic
resides in your city, bring the Church to stand against the evil and reach out to those who find themselves where they ought
not to be with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. IN KING JESUS’ SERVICE, If a Planned Parenthood referral center or abortion clinic resides in your city, bring the Church to stand
against the evil and reach out to those who find themselves where they ought not to be with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. IN
KING JESUS’ SERVICE, Planned Parenthood
is the nation's leading advocate and provider of abortion. Either directly or indirectly, through their pagan sexual philosophy
and abortion practice, 1/3rd of a generation 34 years old and younger have been murdered in their mother's womb. Since
1973, upwards of 47 million preborn babies made in the image of God have been destroyed. Their innocent blood shed by the
sin and crime of abortion. This deadly legacy serves as an everlasting memorial to commemorate Planned Parenthood's culture
of death. Each and every day Planned Parenthood adds to this ignoble number. The roots of abortion and the
history of Planned Parenthood are ones of elitism and racism. It is a racism of the most sinister kind. Margaret Sanger, founder
of Planned Parenthood, in a letter to Clarence Gamble in 1939 wrote, "We should hire three or four colored ministers,
preferably with social-service backgrounds, and with engaging personalities. The most successful educational approach to the
Negro is through religions appeal. We don’t want the word to get out that we want to exterminate the Negro population,
and the minister is the man who can straighten out that idea if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members." Though
some would argue that in the actual context of the letter written to Gamble, a known racist, she was trying to remove the
impression of a racist agenda, the fruit of her organization, however, betrays the intention. According to BlackGenocide.org,
today more black children are murdered by abortion than are born. Since 1973, over twice as many African-Americans have died
from abortion than from AIDS, accidents, violent crime, cancer, and heart disease combined. Over 12,000 of 17,000 aborted
babies found in one California dumpster were black. 78% of Planned Parenthood facilities are located in minority neighborhoods.
4 billion dollars has been paid to the abortion industry in order to slaughter black children in their mother’s wombs.
Every week "legal" abortion kills twice as many black people than the Ku Klux Klan has killed in its entire history.
To this day, Planned Parenthood has never disavowed or recanted Margaret Sanger’s racist and elitist agenda.
In fact, Planned Parenthood hands out the Margaret Sanger Award to their brightest and best in the abortion industry. Dr.
Alan Guttmacher, a past president of Planned Parenthood, clearly stated, "We are merely walking down the path that Mrs.
Sanger carved out for us." For more documentation go to www.KlanParenthood.com. www.KlanParenthood.com.
There is overwhelming evidence that Planned Parenthood has for years provided safe cover for sexual predators and pedophiles.
Documentation has emerged (www.ldi.org or www.childpredators.com) that reveals Planned Parenthood was caught red-handed providing
a safe haven for grown men who prey upon and sexually abuse our young daughters. Life Dynamics, a Texas based research group,
conducted a survey. They had a young woman pose as a 13 year old child to seek an abortion in order to conceal her illegal
sexual activity with an older man. She called over 800 Planned Parenthood and National Abortion Federation facilities
across America. The results of this survey are absolutely appalling. The vast majority of these facilities agreed to conceal
the crime, even among those who acknowledged it was statutory rape. Some Planned Parenthood employees coached the caller on
how to avoid detection, how to circumvent parental notification law, and what to say or not to say when she came to the clinic.
Many encouraged her to lie, conceal her age and the age of her predator, or to just give false names. All these
phone calls were recorded and demonstrate, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that Planned Parenthood is either complicit or complacent
when it comes to the rape and sexual abuse of our children. To listen to these recorded conversations go to www.childpredators.com. www.childpredators.com. A WORD
TO PARENTS Obviously, this article raises disturbing allegations
against Planned Parenthood. If this publication contains misinformation, slander, or libel then Planned Parenthood should
pursue a lawsuit. Don’t hold your breath, however, to see that reported in the news. Even, the mighty Planned Parenthood
cannot defend the indefensible. For far too long Planned Parenthood has cast a deceptive spell over our nation.
They present themselves as a benevolent organization compassionately concerned about women’s rights and health care.
Behind that shiny veneer, however, a more malevolent organization cannot be found. It is a wolf in sheep’s clothing.
The lives and souls this wolf has devoured is beyond comprehension. Therefore, it is imperative that this wolf not have access
to your children. It is in the best welfare of your children to never, under any circumstances, have contact with Planned
Parenthood. Protect your children! STOP PLANNED
PARENTHOOD! Contact public officials and demand no tax money
for Planned Parenthood. Remember you and I are paying for the destruction of our young. ·
Contact your school board to make sure Planned Parenthood’s "sex education"
programs or "referral centers" are not in place. If they are, seek their removal. Remember, they must entice our
children to sexual activity in order to justify their birth control and abortion "services." Contact your school board to make sure Planned Parenthood’s "sex education"
programs or "referral centers" are not in place. If they are, seek their removal. Remember, they must entice our
children to sexual activity in order to justify their birth control and abortion "services." · Check into any associations in which your children may be involved.
Research associations, such as, Girl Scouts, Big Brothers and Big Sisters, Camp Fire Girls etc. and find out whether or not
they allow Planned Parenthood to indoctrinate your children. If so, work to remove Planned Parenthood or remove your children. Check into any associations in which your children may be involved. Research associations,
such as, Girl Scouts, Big Brothers and Big Sisters, Camp Fire Girls etc. and find out whether or not they allow Planned Parenthood
to indoctrinate your children. If so, work to remove Planned Parenthood or remove your children. · Boycott any corporation that supports Planned Parenthood.
www.fightpp.org Boycott any corporation that supports Planned
Parenthood. www.fightpp.org · Help
educate others on the evils of Planned Parenthood. Make copies of this article and pass it to family, neighbors, friends,
and your church. Help educate others on the evils of Planned Parenthood.
Make copies of this article and pass it to family, neighbors, friends, and your church. ·
Pray that Planned Parenthood’s reign of terror comes to an end in your city
and beyond. Pray that Planned Parenthood’s reign of terror
comes to an end in your city and beyond. · If a Planned Parenthood referral center or abortion clinic resides in your city, bring the Church to stand against
the evil and reach out to those who find themselves where they ought not to be with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. IN KING
JESUS’ SERVICE, If a Planned Parenthood referral center
or abortion clinic resides in your city, bring the Church to stand against the evil and reach out to those who find themselves
where they ought not to be with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. IN KING JESUS’ SERVICE, · Contact your school board to make sure Planned Parenthood’s
"sex education" programs or "referral centers" are not in place. If they are, seek their removal. Remember,
they must entice our children to sexual activity in order to justify their birth control and abortion "services."
Contact your school board to make sure Planned Parenthood’s
"sex education" programs or "referral centers" are not in place. If they are, seek their removal. Remember,
they must entice our children to sexual activity in order to justify their birth control and abortion "services."
· Check into any associations in which
your children may be involved. Research associations, such as, Girl Scouts, Big Brothers and Big Sisters, Camp Fire Girls
etc. and find out whether or not they allow Planned Parenthood to indoctrinate your children. If so, work to remove Planned
Parenthood or remove your children. Check into any associations
in which your children may be involved. Research associations, such as, Girl Scouts, Big Brothers and Big Sisters, Camp Fire
Girls etc. and find out whether or not they allow Planned Parenthood to indoctrinate your children. If so, work to remove
Planned Parenthood or remove your children. · Boycott any corporation that supports Planned Parenthood. www.fightpp.org Boycott any corporation that supports Planned Parenthood. www.fightpp.org ·
Help educate others on the evils of Planned Parenthood. Make copies of this article
and pass it to family, neighbors, friends, and your church. Help
educate others on the evils of Planned Parenthood. Make copies of this article and pass it to family, neighbors, friends,
and your church. · Pray that Planned
Parenthood’s reign of terror comes to an end in your city and beyond. Pray that Planned Parenthood’s reign of terror comes to an end in your city and beyond. · If a Planned Parenthood referral center or abortion clinic
resides in your city, bring the Church to stand against the evil and reach out to those who find themselves where they ought
not to be with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. IN KING JESUS’ SERVICE, If a Planned Parenthood referral center or abortion clinic resides in your city, bring the Church to stand
against the evil and reach out to those who find themselves where they ought not to be with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. IN
If you don't think bad stories influence people think again..think about Britany and Madonna kissing or the Clinton
saga, will it ever go away???not in this life.. we have consequences for our actions and the payoff seems harsh but the
law on our hearts wins out every time. We all have a much higher calling in this life. Will you find
yours? I hope so and that you will give up potty talk once and for all. This is more of the same 5th grade level
potty talk. Turn on some good radio and forget about all this ..get involved in changing things back from the worse
to the way it used to be..turn back time before time turns itself back on you. J Aldrich, Hamilton
comflm, reporters rag report