AFA donates 1,000 Christmas buttons to students at high school which banned Christmas from posters |
Your American Family Association is donating 1000 Christmas buttons to the Fellowship of Christian
Athletes (FCA) at Glenelg High School in Howard County, Maryland.
The Glenelg High School FCA chapter is sponsoring an "Operation Christmas Child" project which will benefit incarcerated
parent's children at Christmas by collecting toys for the children. As part of the project, students posted signs throughout
the school, encouraging other students to help those less fortunate than themselves.
principal forced the FCA chapter to cover over the word "Christmas" and replace it with "Holiday," so
that the signs read, "Operation Holiday Child." AFA's button reads: "Merry Christmas: God's Good News."
We were thrilled to have an opportunity for the students at Glenelg High School to wear these buttons.
I hope you will help us distribute as many of these beautiful Christmas buttons which contain the
message about the "Reason for the Season." You can sponsor your church, or even you local school. Students in Christian schools certainly need to proudly wear these buttons. Businesses can offer
them to their customers.
Click here to order your buttons.

Donald E. Wildmon, Founder and Chairman
American Family Association