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Once upon a story story:

Once upon a time there was a man and a woman who liked to disagree. They even liked to disagree so much they got married .  One day when the man asked his young wife if he could buy a boat, a scarry boat called a catamaran sole cat. She was not too happy about that but thought if he would put Praise the Lord up the mast she would say Ok.  He agreed and time went on and the man had fun in his boat but they still could not agree on anything and decided to part ways in due time.  So one day while the man was in a disagreeable mood he said he was going down to the lake to scrape off Praise the Lord from the mast of his boat.  And as you remember the only reason he got the boat in the first place which the woman didn't want was if he would put Praise the Lord on the mast. So off he went to scrape off the Name of the Boat.    The woman was not concerned with disagreement she was used to it, she just stated, go ahead do as you will.

That night a freak storm went through town.  In the morning the man decided to check on his boat.  Woe be tied..the boat was damaged.  The mast was split in two.  The man was not sorry and did not apologize or give up his rage.  He sputtered nonsensically to himself and yes the two later parted as planned.  That was not the end of the story it got worse before it got better  but the moral of this story is this.

When a country which  like a marriage bed for all people's  to live in peace and harmony like  America was formed and got it's strength from God,  puts it's own hand to the knife and dares to scrape off the Praise the Lord symbol of it's strenth on the apex of the Washington Monument, or shun it to visitors,  a symbol of the Father of the Nation our First President,  what will that do tonight??to our nation??? (thank God that is not the right story here, as the placque is all that was messed with not the apex) Will the nation fighting over God have to wake up on Halloween  to something strange in the morning??? like this angry athiest  husbandman?  We will see.......... stay tuned to the morning after..story..waiting in fear, awe and not let the sun go down on your wrath..oh America the proud..humble thyself quickly it is a fearful thing to fall into the hand of the Living God..
not that I really care about the masonic washington monument or anything, maybe that is why it has not been destroyed before lightening. because when the Loving God looks down He sees Laos Deo on the is not the aluminum it is the fear of God that kept it..
What would Pelosi do to Boston, God Save the Commonwealth of Massachusetts in the Senate Chambers..let's all go a wailing a wailing a wailing..
J Aldrich posted 103007
after getting an email from American Family Association today 103007 that the Federal Government just scraped Laus Deo.INCORRECT I got so upset I couldn't even read the story correctly until about an hour ago..can you believe and told people as well they scraped it off the top.. .Praise be to God off the Washington Monument..and in the past two weeks, Pelosi praises the archivist for not issuing certificates for flags with God on it, and the wording on Burial Flags for our Veterans being buried in National Cemetaries for the 11th fold of the Flag reading is stopped altogether. is shunned by VETERANS?????????????? WHAT IS GOING ON HERE???????..stay tuned to the next once upon a story story,


Washington Monument

National monument no longer references God


Dear janet,

The National Park Service, a branch of the federal government, has joined the Veterans Administration in establishing anti-Christian bigotry as public policy. The NPS has censored “God” from a key display of America's Christian heritage in Washington.

The reference is an engraving of "Laus Deo," which is Latin for "Praise be to God," on the east side of the 100-ounce aluminum cap atop of the Washington Monument.

Since the actual inscription on the cap is unviewable atop the 555-foot stone column, the NPS created a replica which is on display in the white-colored obelisk of marble, granite and sandstone.

Now “God” has been removed from the plaque containing information about the Washington Monument. In 2000 the plaque read:

APEX OF THE MONUMENT Reproduction The builders searched for an appropriate metal for the apex that would not tarnish and would act as a lightning rod. They chose one of the rarest metals of the time, aluminum. The casting was inscribed with the phrase, Laus Deo, (Praise be to God).

The NPS censored the last sentence from the latest plaque, which now reads:

CAP OF THE MONUMENT Reproduction The builders searched for appropriate metal for the cap that would not tarnish and would act as a lightning rod. They chose one of the rarest metals of the time – aluminum.

In addition, the replica of the cap which is in the monument has been positioned so close to the wall that the wording “Laus Deo” cannot be read. Prior to the censorship by the NPS, the replica wording could be read.

It was the third time in just the past few weeks that an agency of the federal government has banned the use of “God.” First was the Architect of the Capitol banning religious references when issuing flag certificates. That ruling was later rescinded. Next came the Veterans Administration censoring religious references in the script used to describe each fold of the flag at 125 national cemeteries. That censoring came after only one person complained.

Because of the NPS censorship, children and other visitors to the monument now have no way to know that the words, 'Laus Deo,' ('Praise be to God'), are inscribed on the original cap atop the monument! This censoring of God will help establish anti-Christian bigotry into federal law.

Click Here for more information.


Take Action

  • Send President Bush an email asking that he rescind this anti-Christian censorship by the National Park Service. Your email will also go to the Secretary of the Interior and the NPS Director.
  • Please forward this to your friends and family and urge them to take action.

Click Here to Send Your Letter Now

I am not going to go overboard here with the I hate harry potty stories..but just a case in point..finally the church crowd get's it..and so what if they listen to the confession of those who believe  supernatural arts is a no no sin ..bad if you think the solution is the lukewarm Im ok your Ok theme of who cares????it is not..there are those who think supernatural arts is a why not boot it like the car jackers who boot your falsely parked cars..just let the religion booters boot harry to the potty and wipe the school clean of the supernatural scarry harry and his ghoolish friends..afterall the religious crowd has been given the heeve God be the power why not harry..who is he to be selectively secure..  let God back and you will find the scrutiny on board will resume a proper dissection of factual criteria...amen posted 10 26 07 pre halloween by J aldrich..begone don't fool me..

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