Here is Janets Video
posted 110407Jaldrich,
this story may be a series of followup links as well as the main coverage of the Laramie
Project implementation hate crimes task force as it seeks to set the "stage" in hardcore Acton.. to
persecute the this case the Phelps troop.who might I add did a pretty good job as well of telling the Church to
wake I caught them leaving Acton Episcopal Church with Police escort and all but could not find them as they vanished
into thin air it seemed along with the pd..
three links will be put up shortly of the Forum put on to alert the
Community to the plays' intent with three speakers addressing the Homosexual theme in the play.
A tape
of the second night of the play at ABRHS protest put on by the Phelps group and the HS kids across the way yelling
was filmed by Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting at the request of an interested party.
Catch of
the Day, Video News, wants to formally compliment the Acton Pd for the respectful handling of the protest. Having filmed
numerous protests this was the best ever. They had Aframes up to corral both sides, and it seemed like 15 cops the second
night. they had a paddy wagon to haul away but it was not used and they didn't even need to threaten as the scene
was a perfect example of our First Amendment Right to protest on both sides. If anyone has a different story please let me
know. I was impressed and it was a passionate rally, as passionate as it can get and they held their cool and never
made a peep. I can't thank them enough really. The Police are there for our safety and they were doing the
job they were hired for. Salute..
Here are the videos of Laramie Project
Oct 3rd 2007 Laramie Project Acton
Boxborough High School 1 Video 2 Video 3 . Here are the videos
of Laramie Project Oct 3rd 2007 Laramie
Project Acton Boxborough High School 1 Video 2 Video 3 . Here are the videos of Laramie
Project Oct 3rd 2007 Laramie
Project Acton Boxborough High School 1 Video 2 Video 3 . Here are the videos of Laramie
Project Oct 3rd 2007 Laramie
Project Acton Boxborough High School 1 Video 2 Video 3 . Here are the videos of Laramie
Project Oct 3rd 2007 Laramie
Project Acton Boxborough High School 1 Video 2 Video 3 for more backgound on the Phelps group, here is a story from
Americans for Truth
| Fred Phelps has expanded on his “God Hates Fags” message to now protest U.S. soldiers’ funerals, “thanking” God for terrorist killings of our troops as punishment
for America’s embrace of homosexuality. Above, “IEDs” stands for “improvised explosive devices,” of the sort used to bomb American
military vehicles in Iraq and Afghanistan. Americans For Truth condemns Phelps’ unbiblical messages and his
grotesque targeting of soldiers’ funerals for his clan’s protests. (In 2005, the Kansas ‘minister’ said then
Illinois Family Institute Executive Director Peter LaBarbera was going to hell after LaBarbera condemned his ”God Hates Fags” protests.) Phelps’ military pickets like the above have led to enactment of a federal law and state laws restricting protests at military funerals; he is challenging the constitutionality of such laws. As Gary
Glenn writes below, Phelps also has a history of denying the power of Jesus Christ to change the lives of people
caught up in homosexual behavior (although he now seems to at least great that possibility on his website, Americans For Truth commends Gary Glenn’s excellent statement on Phelps below.
______________________________ The following statement was issued by Gary Glenn, president of American Family Association of Michigan in May 2006, upon learning that Fred Phelps of “God Hates Fags”
notoriety was planning to stage a protest at a military funeral in Michigan (emphasis added): Fred Phelps and Homosexual Activists Both Wrong By
Gary Glenn The American Family Association of Michigan believes that homosexual behavior is harmful and wrong. Without apology, we oppose attempts by the Triangle Foundation [a Detroit-based homosexual organization] and other homosexual activist groups
to force their political agenda onto our children, our public schools, and society at large. We approach the public policy debate surrounding homosexual behavior with sincere Christian care and concern for
individuals who we believe put themselves physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually at risk by engaging in such behavior,
and with a spirit for protecting children and others put at risk by those who promote and enable such behavior. We personally know parents who in 2004 helped gather signatures to enact a Marriage
Protection Amendment to our state constitution — reaffirming marriage as only between one man and one woman
— not because they “hate” their children who are involved in homosexual relationships, but because they
love them. The sincere Christian compassion which motivates our stand
is marked by warning against — and protecting those we love from — harmful self-destructive behavior, not by the
false compassion of enabling or passing special laws to protect such behavior. That’s in sharp contrast to the self-described, expressly hate-motivated message of the Kansas “reverend”
who plans to picket a local military funeral this weekend. Fred
Phelps insists that individuals who engage in homosexual behavior are beyond hope or redemption, a false doctrine
that — while at odds with the true Christian gospel of repentance and forgiveness available to all — is much closer
to that of homosexual activists who echo Phelps’ insistence that individuals involved in homosexual behavior have no
hope of abandoning that lifestyle. We strongly disagree.
The false gospel preached by Fred Phelps and the Triangle Foundation is proven wrong by the life experience of individuals
who through faith, with God’s help, have abandoned homosexual activity and now live their lives in normal loving
relationships between a man and a woman, many married with children. In four Michigan cities, counseling services are
available staffed by individuals who themselves abandoned homosexual behavior and are compassionately committed to giving
others hope and help in doing so. (For example, see in Lansing or in Sterling Heights, [Michigan].) Compared
to sincerely compassionate voices who warn young people and others about the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual hazards
of such activity, Phelps gives the repulsive appearance of gleefully celebrating the life-threatening disease, premature
death and other severe health consequences medically associated with homosexual behavior. Recently, Phelps has expanded his expressly hate-driven activities to include despicable
attacks on U.S. military personnel who gave their lives in service to this country, parading “God Hates America”
signs and desecrating the American flag at their funerals without regard or compassion for their families or the
certainty that many such families are people of faith who themselves sincerely believe homosexual behavior is wrong. Phelps’ bizarre demand to erect celebratory public monuments to the murder
of homosexual college student Mathew Shepard has also motivated officials in at least one city, rather than grant
his demand, to ban all public displays and thus remove a Ten Commandments monument that had for half a century been displayed
in a city park. Phelps’ twisted message serves only to falsely
caricature and fuel prejudice and bigotry toward people of faith who sincerely espouse traditional Judeo-Christian moral views
on issues such as marriage and protecting the lives of prenatal children. He has become a near-indispensable
propaganda tool for homosexual activists intent on promoting homosexual behavior in our public schools and elsewhere
and demonizing anyone who objects. Despite the fact that they actually
share a central tenet of Phelps’ false, misguided doctrine — that individuals who engage in homosexual activity
are incapable of choosing otherwise — homosexual activists understandably leap at every opportunity to portray anyone
who dares oppose their own political extremism as “hate-mongers” comparable in motivation to Phelps, something
that’s as unfair and untrue as claiming that every single individual who engages in homosexual behavior is also a child
molester. The American Family Association of Michigan will continue its leadership role in standing against homosexual activists’
political agenda and their attacks on traditional family values and institutions such as marriage. We also condemn
Fred Phelps’ rejection of the Christian gospel of redemption and his expressly hate-motivated attacks not only
on individuals ensnared in the homosexual lifestyle, but on American military personnel and their families who have nothing
whatsoever to do with the issue. We respectfully offer our condolences
to the families of Sgt. Gabriel DeRoot and others killed in the War on Terror, and we salute these young men for their courageous
sacrifice in the cause of keeping all of our families safe and free. Further,
we endorse Michigan’s new state law banning Phelps’ brutish disruption of military funerals,
and we also urge our two U.S. senators — Sen. Carl Levin and Sen. Debbie Stabenow — to support efforts to constitutionally
ban desecration of the American flag by Phelps and others. Finally, as
we have since he first appeared here four years ago, AFA-Michigan once again urges Phelps not to bring his false gospel back
to southwest Michigan or anywhere else in our state. ______________________________ Gary Glenn, Midland, is president of the American Family Association of Michigan. He served
eight years in the Army National Guard. Contact him at Send Article to a Friend |
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| | LOWELL -- More than half a century of emotional pain came to an end when Janice Carney
opened her eyes on the morning of Feb. 25, 2001, in a Colorado hospital. Full Story | |
| |
As the shoe shine Preacher exhorted me this week the Golden rule to the people is about's about the when you see the GOLD DOME on all our Capital buildings think again..the Golden Rule is the rule of Justice but the
Golden role is the way of the money pit..whom do you serve??
The following
stories have been fixed and so many calls came in they have reversed all three decisions..Now the latest stupid story is the
Military is selling porno magazines at Base Stores and the kids of servicemen and women are buying them and getting addicted..nice
way to protect the children of our fighting men and women..need to make your voice known again..once more for morality..please
Dear janet, The
National Park Service, a branch of the federal government, has joined the Veterans Administration in establishing anti-Christian
bigotry as public policy. The NPS has censored “God” from a key display of America's Christian heritage in
Washington. The reference is an engraving of "Laus Deo," which is Latin
for "Praise be to God," on the east side of the 100-ounce aluminum cap atop of the Washington Monument. Since the
actual inscription on the cap is unviewable atop the 555-foot stone column, the NPS created a replica which is on display
in the white-colored obelisk of marble, granite and sandstone. Now “God”
has been removed from the plaque containing information about the Washington Monument. In 2000 the plaque read: APEX OF THE MONUMENT Reproduction The builders searched for an appropriate metal
for the apex that would not tarnish and would act as a lightning rod. They chose one of the rarest metals of the time, aluminum.
The casting was inscribed with the phrase, Laus Deo, (Praise be to God).
The NPS censored the last sentence from the latest plaque, which now reads: CAP OF THE MONUMENT Reproduction The builders searched
for appropriate metal for the cap that would not tarnish and would act as a lightning rod. They chose one of the rarest metals
of the time – aluminum.

In addition, the replica of the cap which is in the monument has been positioned so
close to the wall that the wording “Laus Deo” cannot be read. Prior to the censorship by the NPS, the replica
wording could be read. It was the third time in just the past few weeks that an
agency of the federal government has banned the use of “God.” First was the Architect of the Capitol banning religious
references when issuing flag certificates. That ruling was later rescinded. Next came the Veterans Administration censoring religious references in the script used to describe each fold of the flag at 125 national cemeteries. That censoring came after only one person
complained. Because of the NPS censorship, children and other visitors to the
monument now have no way to know that the words, 'Laus Deo,' ('Praise be to God'), are inscribed on the original
cap atop the monument! This censoring of God will help establish anti-Christian bigotry into federal law. Click Here for more information.
janet, The National Park Service, a branch of the federal government, has joined
the Veterans Administration in establishing anti-Christian bigotry as public policy. The NPS has censored “God”
from a key display of America's Christian heritage in Washington. The reference
is an engraving of "Laus Deo," which is Latin for "Praise be to God," on the east side of the 100-ounce
aluminum cap atop of the Washington Monument. Since the actual inscription on the cap is unviewable atop the 555-foot stone column, the NPS created
a replica which is on display in the white-colored obelisk of marble, granite and sandstone. Now
“God” has been removed from the plaque containing information about the Washington Monument. In 2000 the plaque read: APEX OF THE MONUMENT Reproduction The builders searched for
an appropriate metal for the apex that would not tarnish and would act as a lightning rod. They chose one of the rarest metals
of the time, aluminum. The casting was inscribed with the phrase, Laus Deo, (Praise be to God).
The NPS censored the last sentence from the latest plaque, which now reads: CAP OF THE MONUMENT Reproduction The builders searched
for appropriate metal for the cap that would not tarnish and would act as a lightning rod. They chose one of the rarest metals
of the time – aluminum.

In addition, the replica of the cap which is in the monument has been positioned so
close to the wall that the wording “Laus Deo” cannot be read. Prior to the censorship by the NPS, the replica
wording could be read. It was the third time in just the past few weeks that an
agency of the federal government has banned the use of “God.” First was the Architect of the Capitol banning religious
references when issuing flag certificates. That ruling was later rescinded. Next came the Veterans Administration censoring religious references in the script used to describe each fold of the flag at 125 national cemeteries. That censoring came after only one person
complained. Because of the NPS censorship, children and other visitors to the
monument now have no way to know that the words, 'Laus Deo,' ('Praise be to God'), are inscribed on the original
cap atop the monument! This censoring of God will help establish anti-Christian bigotry into federal law. Click Here for more information.
following story posted 10 26 2007 j aldrich
week Gov Patrick endorses Obama..and I was there..
I am reporting what I you wanna hear???
the media which is what I am..a person who disseminates information to the public..that's me..was allowed access to this
penned event by a second circular pen around the common area of scanned visitors. so out side the second pen was a third
pen for those who were waiting in line to assemble or those who just wanted to be outside from the frustration of not getting
in. I got there about 530 and so had a few hours to wait. I was really happy we had the weather on our side and
the crowd thickened as the time rolled up to 7pm..when it was to start..
I was able to get in with the press
and quickly understood the press was actually not oppressed at all. Having gone to many ove these Federal events I was
impressed they were so hospitable to the press. I was seen and hailed as I walked the long path to the press area but
was also impressed later when some high school kids from Newton were also allowed in and were doing their story on the assembly.
So what is my advocate for free press so that is the point..I am not going to elaborate on the
talk ..but wanted to let you know my reaction to go was precipitated by the radio show early in the day that remarked Obama
was the only candidate that would not put his hand over his heart for the Pledge.. The gorgeous lighting on the flag that
same night and it almost blowing off the stage near the start made me wonder what was his talk going to be about..
Gospel singers from a school sang two songs of Cultural ethnicity of the struggle for freedom in this country..that is what
I perceived. And the use of God songs and the get the devil out was surprising given the liberal stand both Obama and
Patrick have demonstrated.
I left to the surmise of my feet which were going into spasms on the stand and
decided my day was done.
As I left I was able to video Ron Paul people and at the T stop park st they even had
brought a TV to give a talk. I would expect they did not have permitting to use that in the Common and it did not do
anyone justice as the event brought about 3000 to my judgement and they were perfectly happy sprawling the lawn and content
to see the dissing really occured except a twosome in the rear moaning some words with regard to Israel..I filmed
it but it was weird to see them at this event. But so much for free speech at least they did not try to penetrate the
crowd and hold the sign up in front of Deval and Obama..and have to be escorted away..
following story posted 10 26 07 Jaldrich
closed..hooray for independant media who without which, the public would have had to put up with testimony
that would have made the courroom a the constant abuse of protest etiquette has made this win a taxpayers burden..
hail to the free press and free exercise of free speech. So are you going to get that camera and protect freedom?
Do you now understand why reporters are willing to have their heads blown off? At last the sleeping giant
arises..don't stop now..independant media keep it up......and join comflm registry and be a soldier for free speech..take
up your camera count the cost and lets sweep the house clean for truth ..together..jaldrich, catchofthedayvideonewsfreelancereporting
is not a parade about a parade or a parade it is stationary..this is not absurd this is a mockery by a judge of the law he
is to protect?????? we are being screwed folks be watching very closely the next your homework..get informed..
protest the not sit idly by and twiddle..this is the time to act.. your freedom is being tweaked today all weekend
and the jury was alowed to eat outside the court on Thursday. That jury was not protected by the court by having food
brought in. Do you think the court wants this case thrown out??? where are they this weekend??? this is a set up and a trap..
check out the report by Brian Camenker of the week's happenings and my notes when I put them do your homework
is what I tell you.
the following story story posted 10 19 07
by J Aldrich
is very hard being right you shoud have been there today in court. The argument to stand by the rule
of law on assault and battery was too much for my heart to fathom. Now I had cause to file an assault and battery
once and it was very explosive and the police somehow lost their copy but I had it and so their copy suspiciously but was
not a problem except the fact they lost it. Today I was not allowed to tape as the hearing started I had done my job
of finding the mottion to tape to present to the Judge at the point of the closing arguments and presenteed to the guard
who said I would be able he just needed to check witht he Judge. However the Detective who also had testified at hearing
immediately got up and went th the DA who huddled and the guard came back saying I could not tape the hearing. I pointed
my camera at him and bingo have the tape. So free speech was in the line of fire again as I mentioned below. The
Judge simply wants to get a trophy decision to batter Mr. Cirignano the innocent. At the beginning of the hearing the
Judge Despot opolus something states he is not going to allow Defendants attorney to use employment as a defense for Larry
who was on assignment with Ray Flynn and Mass Family da to be the advance man for the day. This is ridiculous
so they had to find the evidence of that employment assaignment which the Defense was quick to put first on his
points in the closing argument. By the way at this point I do not have word as to the decision. The Jury is still deciding
and maybe the news will tell us tonight. If it clears Larry you can be sure it won't make the blotter. But my motion
was in the Judges hands and I was not allowed to tape. I took tons of notes had already scanned the audience before
and have the tape of the denial which I will post on google soon and add the links here. So wait fotr that to happen.
I will be transcribing my notes tonight or on the weekend as I am exhausted from the draining tension. The two days I went
no more than 20 people attended and no physical press showed up to fill the room with cameras ..When I called Fox News later
to tell them the desk answered they had better things to do..ok when they loose their public access I will not can
believe. They will in case you are unblieving on this. Show and tell is coming.
October 17, 2007 J Aldrich
check out this massresistance link to the Larry Cirignano Case Worcester..expected to
last 2-3 days.. want my comment..the Judges will be gluing their heads together to make this their civil rights trophey to
tantalize the Massachusetts Christian Right making them the Christian Wrong.
want us in jail..check out this link posted by Jim Rizoli.. home page but reposted to substantiate the supposition..
UNTO YOU???????????
ARE YOU NUTS?????????????? Last night around midnight I found the story that UK Scientists
have been given permission by the Government to grow human monkey creatures..half human half monkey.. WOULD YOU LIKE TO BE
YOU HAVE MADE A MOCKERY OF HUMANITY.. I went to bed heart pounding...what about you reader? Are you sickened with
disgust??? Too hot to handle that is what I say.. posted 10 14 07 J Aldrich
posted October 17, 2007 JAldrich
elephants among us..ringling the circus at Statehouse today in the Hearing
on Tourism..and Sen Brian Joyce clearly defends the leftist anthem no God in the room when a poyson decides to pray before
testifying..and the band plays on..did I miss a good laugh and cry today..had to do catch up at home..after a broken camera
saga..the day before..please advocate with me all hearings are videotaped..please call rules today as the oracle rules were
exemplified so well by the Senator.. and if the Circus had nude women on the elephants would there be any clamor for this
to stop..while children look on at that???? Not going myself do not like the glitz and whatever has changed since I
went some 60 years ago.. I remember taking my kids once or twice and thinking what a I would not be
good at watching this saga on any level. But the animals should not be mistreated and people should put clothes on if
you ask me.. Don't you just want to believe Ringling???they can do not harm right???? There is a lot of danger in
a circus that people just could care less about..what if those animals got psd and charged everyone.. Isn't that a concern
for the public safety of an animal that is mistreated to just stage his own justice.. I would pray the whole time in the circus
so much can go wrong..Sorry life is full of civil rights infractions every day I mention God.. to someone. God have your way in the Elephants among us story. Who can defend them with justice ony You.
Items posted here will be of stories too hot to wait for Sunday.. Story submitted by MIKE FRANCO
The (Springfield) Republican - Homosexual Activist - Newspaper is "ramping up" Puppolo Points.
See three opposition letters below: Also, see here at this link a nice depiction of the Puppolo billboard: Letters: The Republican Tuesday, October 09, 2007 1.
Attack billboard should be removed right away The new billboard on Interstate 91 regarding gay marriage is an obscenity which should be torn down immediately. ("Billboard attacks gay marriage vote," The Republican,
Oct. 6). What kind of Christian values equates a political disagreement with betrayal of God and country? I
had not interest, either way, in gay marriage before the court decision, but it has proved a cesspool for the growth
of toxic life-forms. A special word to the National Organization for Marriage and other interlopers: Keep
your money and your slime in your own red(neck) states. The people of Massachusetts HAVE spoken through our elected representatives. We have said NO to the proposed amendment, and not one seat was lost to the gay marriage
issue between the two legislative votes. Had it gone to referendum, the outcome might have gone either way, but would have guaranteed an entire election season as nasty as this billboard. WILLIAM C. DALE East
Longmeadow 2. Puppolo deserves praise for his gay marriage vote Kudos to state Rep. Angelo J.
Puppolo Jr., D-Springfield, for defending his gay marriage vote, and standing strong in defiance against another small-minded group of bigots, the so-called National Organization for Marriage, and the ridiculous billboard it financed
along Interstate 91 in downtown Springfield. I wonder how much this extremist group paid for this advertising
space and, more important, I wonder how much good this money could have done if put to use elsewhere. How many worthwhile
charities could have benefited from even a fraction of what it cost to buy that space? These groups
claim to work for the children, but they've clearly demonstrated that they'd much rather spread hatred and bigotry.
Puppolo deserves our support and our thanks for voting with his brain and not his Bible. As for
this group, and its plans to launch a billboard campaign across Massachusetts, I would ask each and every advertising
agency responsible for erecting these billboards and our state and local representatives who support equality
for all to consider the fact that an out-of-state to hate group to come here and spread its disease across our great commonwealth. Is that what we wan there in Massachusetts? MARK J. DEROIN Springfield 3.
N.J. hate group should 'get over it, go home' This letter is in response to the billboard placed in Springfield
by the New Jersey group, National Organization for Marriage. I say, "get over it" and go home.
Your hatred and venom will backfire. Springfield state Rep. Angelo J. Puppolo Jr.'s vote was a vote to protect
the rights of Massachusetts citizens. He was elected to protect ALL of the citizens in his district and he
voted to prevent a small, vocal minority from spewing this type of vile, pseudo-religious garbage. Puppolo proudly
protected the Massachusetts constitution and civil rights. I, for one, will contribute and volunteer for Puppolo
in the coming election cycle. He understands there is a reason for the separation of church and state. LORI BONATAKIS Longmeadow