Sometimes when corruption gets
to big you got to get to the source of that corruption. The Town Of Framingham has proved that it aids and abets
illegal aliens in lieu of the blatant readily available information that states that it is a Federal FELONY to aid and abet
illegal aliens, even if that reason is for "personal convictions"
Course Framingham is reaping the rewards of that by tons of space in the police blotter about the "values" these
illegal's are bringing to Framingham by way of bombings, murders, larceny, money laundering, document fraud, and
every other illegal activity one can think of.
You would think that the Framingham Police would help in this cause. Sometimes they
don't. At times illegal's go away scot free while breaking the law driving without licenses. If you
and I, Framingham legal citizens did that we would be arrested and our cars impounded and we would have to go to court paying
major fines. The Illegal's get a wrist slap and drive again and again, sometimes killing or maiming or leaving one unable
to collect for these lawbreakers, protected by our town officials who sign Sister City pacts
Proclamation statements.
have had it.
Nov 2003 our Group CCFIILE, has been the grain of sand in Framingham's shoe to expose this illegal alien invasion. ALL
of our information about the towns illegal alien invasion has been found to be true, NEVER proven false.
Other cohorts of this aiding
and abetting goes to our very liberal town Newspaper, The Metrowest daily News for despicable articles by
its own writers, including Miryam Wiley, whose articles provide a sound board for the illegal aliens to the
dismay of THOUSANDS of Law abiding residents who want to pull out their hair reading these traitorous un American articles.
The only reason I still get the paper is for continuous articles we quote on the illegal's for our cable show.
CCFIILE has NO representation
at this time for this despicable meeting of aiders and abettors who violate the law due to their "personal
IF ANY illegal aliens actually go to this meeting shame of Police Chief Carl, it will be an act of treason on the
Framingham Police department whose job is to enforce the LAW not aid the law breakers.
Ezola Foster said, "It's a sad
day in America when the law makers side with the law breakers against the law-abiding citizens."
Join our protest. Thur Nov 8, 6:30pm
Video Cameras WELCOME. We will have signs. Bring
your own.
Framingham MA, Police Station
Corner of Union Ave next to the Memorial building parking lot
Police Department
1 William H Welch Way, Framingham, MA
(508) 872-1212
forward to REAL patriots who will be there, maybe even representatives from MCIR.
Joe Rizoli