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breaking news Commander Sworn in by Governor Patrick, in Boston this morning according to the statehouse news..

Major General Joseph Carter of Oaks Bluffs, age 51 was attended by his Family Wife Rae and daughter and his parents Clarence and Betty Carter.  M.General Carter replaces Brig.General Oliver Mason, some pretty big shoes to fill..

As past Chief of Police for the MBTA we should all feel safe coming into North Station the transportation hub of Boston north..shouldn't we..

The new Adjutant General made reference to the ranks of Aftrican Americans who helped pave the way for this Honor to be bestowed on him..Adj General Carter received a medal of merit from the Governor for exceptional service..

following story submitted by J Aldrich, 103007

charlie on the mbta..just figured out why the name charlie??  well hopefully we will not have to ride forever like charlie..

STORIES TO MAKE YOU SHUDDER.. Yesterday I was done with my day early.  So had to wait in North Station about 1.5 hours.  I bought an ice cream some popcorn and watched the people.  I saw an old man about my age.. with a young woman.  She was sprauled on the bench with her head snuggled up to his.  She was facing the back of the wooden bench on the end.  He was just sitting watching whoever was watching them..not moving.  But when I walked passed them behind the other end glancing back I could see the body language was complete eontentment. 

What would you do?  Was that consentual?  Was she doped up?  All these questions ran through my mind..  Did he pay for her?  Was it his granddaughter?  Were they married?  Where are the police?  Does he think this is good for little babies to see and there were some kids all ages in there.. Is he a rapist?  Did he steal her from some other state?  Was she being obnoxious so someone would react?  Did she want to be found?  Was my reaction good?  Was I being an enabler?  Did I care about kids at all? Still makes me sick?  How do you feel?  We are falling the nation is falling..


TONIGHT AT NORTH STATION I GOT THE SURPRISE OF MY MBTA LIFE..A booze bar is sitting right there.  The blue boards finally down the rot iron fencing carraling the soul rot brewing bar right in my face with bottles of liquor shelving the view. Then the screen all dark and the people packing the station all seemed to be travelors as I got out my mike and started asking questions on what they thought of this mess.  Only one person was not happy and felt like I do.  So they will have to get suited a few times to realize the devasting impact a bar open to 11 pm everynight packing stinky people into sandwiched cars smelling and talking stupid.  I am sorry the alcolohol scene is too much.  I try to get by the sleezy bars in the area and feel safe in the station sometimes 3 hours waiting for the Hamilton train ..and what now. I will not want music openly blasing the stupid honky tonk sounds and the noise of it all..  this is a public space and why is there no serious concern for the safety of travelors from the enabling addictive stopover.  And no cops were near to check on the phony drivers licenses to verify age.  You can be sure this is very depressing.  I will seek another route to Boston for sure.  I may go by bus a few stops and skip the north station scene all together.  I hate it.

MBTA, BANK NORTH, BOOZ CLUES..GOLDEN $$$$$$$$$$$$ RULES HOT TOTTIE's at NORTH jaldrich, posted 102607

SHOCK AND north station..this past week when I discovered the new coffee booze bar right in the middle of north station or may I say on the side..but smack in your FACE where you have to see it under the schedule sign.. SO....i take out my camera and mike and start interviewing..what do you think about the booze in North Station???? Are you happy ?? Upset??
not hiding my own oppinion as it flew out of me like the cookoo nest..flight of the spirits of alcohol on labels so decry..  Yes I am a prohibitionist at the T stop..we have enough of advocacy of drunks in curb corners begging now we will help them get there in the T stop..where are the counter signs do not drink and ride..or drive later when they hop off the MBTA train and finish the ride home..looks like a good trap for the local PD  to me..and who is this really hurting?? the public liquor stops are friendly ways to unwind and get home with the edge off..but what about the ones sitting next to you like me who had to sit next to someone who had had a beer..I didn't move because I have too much stuff to haul and it was not that far for me to get off but I will not see this as progress in any way. 

Oh and the people I interviewed were really not familiar traverlors they had only just seen it and liked it..even when I explained the stop layover at night can be 3 hours..and spent some time with a Mom and two kids who had missed the train one night and I was waiting 2.5 hours they had to wait 1 hour and Mom was not happy.  I see this as a ready made preditor site for rapists and child molestors..mark my many cases do you need to make to figure that one out??

Put signs up to lead folks the bar upstairs..make the upstairs user friendly to all with a nice open elevator like at the malls and you will do more public service than adding all the vice stops to the T stop instead of a nice ice cream shop like brighams or ben and jerry's for the ride home..a nice o bon pain would be good also as the Mac and DD are the most upscale things until you added the lower possibilities of the porn sites lottery sites and now the booze sites to intrigue the hookers and boobie the already risky neighborhood of North Station..

sorry folks this is more of the same lack of good discretion and where were the public notices placed in the T stop so people who visit could attend the hearings..I would have gone had I known..instead the blast of blue boarding said nothing.. no public notice of what was happening and I asked many people and stated in verbal dismay my displeasure at the choice on several occasions to the people in Bank North on first floor in my travels..

When your daughter or son is raped in the North Station public pornory maybe a few law suits will dress up North Station so the pleaantries of flowers to bring home or soups and breads or a quick trader joes would be thought about and  so much more welcome with little tables to wait at and eat a cup of soup before dinner ,  instead of the counter fast lane express mode which is not what happens at the Train Station at all..

As I stated to the many interviewed without asking names..did anyone ask You if they could do this??  Is this what a community friendly bank is all about????  Lets say friendly is turned to fire n d ty..that is more like it if you ask me..JAldrich, catch of the day video news free lance reporting

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