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What I love about the web is the opportunity to share my thoughts with others. But I also like to hear what others think, and to exchange ideas.

How about a learing techi tip..

Do you know how to make a cd????????? I just learned..

First you purchase an audio recorder from Radio Shack..about 60.00 do not buy the one for 40 it does not have a USB..

then you install the software.

Then you check the date time etc mode or speed.  Better stick with the least which in this case records 12 hours no tapes..

then you push the red button turn on the side bar plug in a mike turn on the mike and record a meeting.

Don't forget to turn it off right away after the meeting.  You will be recording your conversations into the device if you don't.

then you plug the USB in the recorder hook up to computer and your good to go.

The screen will come up with everything you recorded.

Here is where the fun starts..

You want to save this to the computer.

So go to file and save make a folder in my documents

.. then look for my computer

click on that

then you will see cd dvd drive E

click on that it will say you need to copy the files

look on the screen music files

edit says copy file

copy the file

copy items

dvd cd drive E again

Cd writing tasks click on that

writing wizard


no to just cd

yes to computer and cd record

that should do it..

keep trying I got it in a week.  this is my best shot at telling you.  I may update this..or you can update it and send me a changed direction..

I am not into starving information from people.  I am into sharing information..have a great day

posted, 10 13 2007 J Aldrich

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