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Media Reform Daily
News of the movement for January 18, 2011
Comcastrophe: Comcast-NBC Merger Approval Expected Today

The FCC is expected to bless the merger of Comcast, the nation's largest cable and residential Internet provider, with NBC Universal. The Justice Department is expected to follow suit right away, removing the last obstacle to the unprecedented consolidation of media and Internet power in the hands of one company. You should be afraid and mad as hell.

Josh Silver, Huffington Post
FCC Set to Approve Comcast-NBC Without Key Democrat

The massive and historic union of Comcast and NBC Universal is set to be approved within hours on a 4-1 vote by the FCC. The dissenter is the panel's senior Democrat, Michael Copps, who had pushed for the most stringent conditions on the $30 billion transaction.

David Hatch, National journal
FCC Expected to Approve Comcast-NBC Deal

Federal regulators are expected to vote Jan. 18 to approve Comcast and NBC Universal's joint venture, putting an end to a more than year-long review of a controversial union that will combine the nation's biggest broadband Internet and cable service operator with a television-and-movie powerhouse.

Cecilia Kang, Washington Post
Videos: Why We Oppose the Comcast Merger

Public interest groups, small broadcasters, independent content providers and small tech companies have been fighting the Comcast-NBC merger for a year. We caught up with a few of them at the Open Video Conference in New York City last October to hear why they oppose the merger.

Megan Tady,
FCC to Study Retransmission Fees

The FCC is preparing to revisit the rules that govern the retransmission of local television stations by cable and satellite companies like Time Warner Cable. The industry will be looking for the first signs of a reform plan when the FCC releases its Feb. meeting agenda.

Brian Stelter, New York Times
Net Neutrality

Since the Internet began, the idea has been to keep the most information flowing as fast as possible to all users. But that was long before bandwidth-hogging services like Netflix, Hulu and Youtube. Now service providers want to charge more to use those sites, and give priority to others, setting off a battle between the FCC and Congress

Laura Knoy, New Hampshire Public Radio
Congress Might Have Role to Play in Keeping Indecent Content off Airwaves

Congress might have a role to play in keeping curse words and nudity off the airwaves after the FCC lost ground in the fight over indecency.

Sara Jerome, The Hill
Where News Is Power, a Fight to Be Well-Armed

Washington, D.C. is a city that traffics in information, and as many 20-something staff members are learning, who knows what -- and when they know it -- can be the difference between professional advancement and barely scraping by.

Ashley Parker, New York Times
Under Pay Model, Little Effect Seen on Papers' Web Traffic

While newspapers around the world are anxiously asking themselves what would happen if they started charging readers to view articles online, a few answers have started to emerge.

Jeremy W. Peters, New York Times
AOL Bets on Hyperlocal News, Finding Progress Where Many Have Failed

Over the last year and a half, AOL, the former Internet colossus, has spent tens of millions of dollars to build local news sites across the country through The idea is that the service would fill the gap in coverage left by local newspapers, many of which are operating on a string after declines in advertising revenue.

Verne G. Kopytoff, New York Times
don't miss

2011 is upon us and there's no shortage of work ahead in the fight for media reform and media justice. That's why in April, we're thrilled to be hosting our fifth National Conference for Media Reform in Boston. Register today and take advantage of the discounted early bird rates!
In Other News...
Local Radio Cuts Put Jobs and Transparency at Risk

The attempt to blindly defund a public broadcasting budget that has not been fully examined amounts to little more than a reactionary attempt to inject federal censorship and leftover partisan outrage into one of the last bastions of a truly free press in America. If we are honest about deficit reduction, let us not penalize efficiency, but instead target waste.

The Hill
The Social Side of the Internet

The Internet is now deeply embedded in group and organizational life in America. A new national survey by the Pew Research Center's Internet and American Life Project has found that 75 percent of all American adults are active in some kind of voluntary group or organization and Internet users are more likely than others to be active.

Pew Research Center
WikiLeaks Given Swiss Bank Account Data

WikiLeaks has taken possession of discs containing the banking details of 2,000 prominent people with Swiss bank accounts. The discs were presented to WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange in London by former Swiss banker Rudolf Elmer. The data will be published by WikiLeaks once it has been vetted, a process expected by Assange to take at least two weeks.

Ars Technica
A Google Worry Recedes, for Now, As Italy Ends Investigation into News Service

The Italian antitrust authority said that it had ended an investigation into Google's Internet news service after the company took steps to ease newspaper publishers' concerns about control over their content and the sharing of advertising revenue.

New York Times
Apocalypse in Cyberspace? It's Overdone

A new report argues that doomsayers have greatly exaggerated the power of belligerents to wreak havoc in cyberspace. It is extremely unlikely that their attacks could create problems like those caused by a global pandemic or the recent financial crisis, let alone an actual shooting war, the study concludes.

New York Times
Renowned Hacker Playstation Suit Highlights Absurdity of Digital Copyright Law

A reknowned hacker and 21-year-old whiz kid who was the first to unlock an iPhone said in a recent interview that Sony's lawsuit against him for his latest Sony PlayStation 3 hack only serves to highlight the absurdity of a landmark digital copyright law.

Broadband Breakfast
Blockbuster Asks for More Cash

Blockbuster is asking creditors to put up more money to help it exit bankruptcy protection, prompting a debate among bondholders about whether to invest further in the struggling video chain or put it up for sale, people familiar with the matter said.

Wall Street Journal

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