COMFLM.COM 2011,12,13

The Issues
CPPR page 2
CPPR Page 3
CPPR Page 4
CPPR Page 5
CPPR Page 6
CPPR Page 7
CPPR Page 8
CPPR Page 9
CPPR Page 10
CPPR Page 11
CPPR Page 12
CPPR Page 13
CPPR Page 14
CPPR Page 15
CPPR Page 16
CPPR Page 17
CPPR Page 18
Mass Resistance Weekly Email Press Release
Whitehouse Emails to Reporters
RNC Updates
ABC News Brian Ross The Blotter Alerts
FreePress.Net NewsWirePress Release Emails
Latest News
Progress Notes of Systemic Seismic Change Caused by COMFLM Presence
Latest News
Statewide Tea Party updates and events
Marriage and Family Groups press releases
News Updates on Islam USA
Amy Mann Contrada
Zipcar Specials the Media Machine for CRNewsTeam
Beacon Hill Statehouse Events and Hearings
Open Meeting Law updates 2011
GOP Town by Town
The Issues
Contact Us

Here we will highlight the key issues of the campaign to make visitors to our site familiar with our position.

For example, if we are campaigning for reduced destruction of the environment, we might display some relevant pictures or mention interesting statistics.

A political rally; Size=240 pixels wide

Here's a picture of a recent rally.

Picture of smokestacks; Size=130 pixels wide

Above are several hazardous smokestacks.

Picture of smokestacks; Size=130 pixels wide

Controlling pollution is a major environmental issue.

A political rally; Size=240 pixels wide

Here's another picture of supporters of our cause.

We may also include a link to download our position papers on this page.

Campaign Headquarters * Any Street * Anytown * US * 01234

ComflmRegistryNews, since 2004, CRNewsTeam 2010, COMFLM PRESS,, dba Ranbo Enterprises, 34B Rust Street Hamilton Ma 01982
978 468 7888 office 978 388 3457 cell email

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