tape Brian Camenker, Mass Resistance Founder and Investigative Reporter chides Committee on Judge Ireland, Candidate to be
the SJC Supreme Court Justice to replace Justice Margaret Marshall. Mr. Camenker at the Governors Council Public Hearing stated
this appointment is a worst nightmare. Mr. Camenker, did not support the appointment for Judge Ireland who is clearly not
non partisan.. Mrs. Sally Naumann, of Carlisle, addressed the Governors Council Members in Committee on December 1, 2010. Mrs.
Naumann wanted the Committee to select a Justice that was not known to be partisan and this Judge Ireland was partial in matters
of same sex union. Mrs Naumann has spoken on many occasions on the dangers health wise in this behavior which is a grave concern
to her. In this 9 minute compelling public testimony before the Governors Council Atty Prociotto Esq Sr. addresses his
concerns with public record law and discusses his experience with Justice Ireland the Candidate for Supreme Court Justice. In this tape of 14 minutes you will be hearing Atty Prociotto Esq speak of his experience with Justice Ireland
in three cases. Very interesting testimony on the lack of public record law in the Judiciary. On Dec 1 2010 the Governors Council heard testimony in a public Hearing on the Governors appointment of Justice
Ireland to the Supreme Court. On this 3minute segment you will hear a Committee woman express her dismay at the amount of
money the Picciotto's had to pay to obtain public records in their damage case of 50 thousand dollars. On December 3 2010 at the Boston Statehouse, Justice Ireland had a Governors Council Hearing on his appointment.
In this 10 minute comment Melita Picciotto, Esq discusses her concerns about the Judge and public record law. On the First Sunday of every month at Doyles Cafe, Jamaica Plain Steve Garfield holds a Media Meeting. It is great.
You have to go. This is a sample of what you will find. Besides the free coffee and the awesome food, great Waitresses, the
meeting is sensational. You will get your impossible Media questions answered and get to know some truly great Artists in
the Field. Catch of theDay, Video News, Freelance Reporting. sorry for the lighting problem. On Monday Nov 1 2010, at the Quincy Elks Club, a special pre Election Day gathering for Rep Perry took place where
Governor Romney gave his personal endorsement and support of Representative Jeff Perry, of Hyannis, Massachusetts running
for Congress against Democrat Congressman James Keating. Approximately 100 people jamned into the Club for the Endorsement.
The tape lasts approximately 20 minutes. Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting taped the event. On Tuesday, November 3 2010 noon, at Our Lady Help of Christians, Catholic Church 573 Washington St Newton Ma 02458,
a Memorial Mass was held for Dr Mildred Jefferson, MD. Dr Jefferson at 84 had been a pioneer for Black students at Harvard
University as the first woman who graduated Med Surgery and became Founder and the President of Massachusetts Citizens for
Life, MCFL where she lobbied tirelessly for rights of the unborn. This film is 45 minutes long, and is one of 3 that captured
the Celeb... Tape 2 of 3 A Memorial Mass Service continues for Dr Mildred Jefferson MD, pioneer of MCFL Massachusetts Citizens
for Life President and Founder. The Church is in Newton. Approximately, 300 people attended the service at noon on Wednesday.
Mildred will be buried in Texas with family. Video by CatchoftheDay, VideoNews, FreelanceReporting. On Wednesday, November 3 2010 in Newton Massachusetts, a Memorial Service was held for the late Dr. Mildred Jefferson
MD, who personally pioneered MCFL Massachusetts Citizens For Life, a non profit dedicated to stopping Adoption in our Country.
Mildred was 84 years old at her death and was every bit a spark of life to all who met and knew her. Her achievements follow
her and much has to be said. The Service Mass is approximately 1.5 hours long. This tape is 29minutes and was recorded on
a Sony... In this tape we hear from Paul Jehle, Plymouth Pastor and Historian on the USA early American History. This tape
will include others and will last approximately 27 minutes. In this tape we hear from Kris Mineau Assembly of God Pastor and head of MFI Woburn. The next speaker I did not
hear the name. Appologies! This tape will last approximately 20 minutes A woman named Bethany came up to speak of the danger the church is in at this moment critical juncture in history.
We are tottering on extinction. If the Lord does not help us we have failed to perceive this radical need for a change in
heart. We need to see the truth for what it is. Excellent Bethany who is an intercessor and prophetess at JHOP Boston. Her
numbers breakdown is powerful.
On September 25 2010 in Memorial Hall, Plymouth, Massachusetts, people gathered to Repent for the sins of the generations
that have come from the Pilgrims to now. Shofar blowing would have been a part of the early Christian Pilgrims as they believed
the Jewish Traditions were never omitted from Scripture. On this day the people gathered to re covenant with God and the Mayflower
Christians who built the Monument to Religious Freedom much overlooked in American History Books. This tape is short ... In this video we will see people worshiping and thanking God for our America. A highlight is a woman with a silver
flute. The flute actually glistened as she played. It was very special. How cool is that. This tape is about 7 minutes long
and was done on a Sony dvd camcorder in lp mode. At the Monument in Plymouth the Christians gathered to honor the Monument and to Repent for not keeping Covenant
with the First Settlers. The group though small at first ends up to fill the Memorial Hall downtown. This portion is the first
remarks the Pledge of Allegiance and song. This tape lasts 10 minutes and was taped on a Sony dvd camcorder in lp mode.