Tom Duggan Editor Owner Valley Patriot Newspaper Introduces NDAA to speak ... Camera GE Camcorder did a great job
and this is a total of 1 gigabite. The event lasted from 1pm to 4pm and ended with a walk to the Senate ..
As JAldrich took the rail on Christmas afternoon a standing freezing wait on Lynn Platform was suddenly transformed
into a serious science moment. A dreary Christmas weather of thick clouds persisted most of the day. But a peek of sun poke
through the clouds and getting out a camera a JVC Camcorder she attempted to capture the happening. You will see JAldrich
is struggling as the cold was so bad her hands were just freezing off. And the shaking freezing air seemed to want to stop
the capture. ...
Mrs Kristi Devine, a resident of West Newbury, on October 19,2011 addresses the West Newbury Selectmen on a October
20 pending criminal matter before the Peabody District Court the next morning October 20, 2011. Catch of the Day, Video News,
Freelance Reporting attended the meeting and videotaped. This is 20 minutes of a 2.5 hour meeting. The next morning however,
Mrs Devine did not go to court due to an episode of severe chest pain and her family took her to the Newburyport Anna Jacques
On September 2 2010 Comflm Registry News was on Vital Concerns BNN Boston Neighborhood Network with Atty Colbe
Mazzarella who sits in for the Dr Mildred E Jefferson Community Access Show as Moderator. Colbe was excellent in her guidance
of the conversation and J Aldrich of Hamilton Founder of the CPPR Archive Project, the Coalition to Preserve the Public Record
Public Works Video Documents Media Project explained how the lack of transparency from not having public record law imposed
on our Leg...
On the 7th of December at Newburyport District Court Mrs Kristi Devine West Newbury was a Defendant in a case that
has been ongoing for 10 years with numerous accusations by her neighbor. This case was pro se on both parties. Mrs Devine
has spent thousands of dollars on Lawyers and at this point has decided to file pro se. I met Mrs Devine on Beacon Hill testifying
on public record law and her aggregious case. I am interested in following pro se cases and believe they in particular should
On the same day Mrs. Devine of West Newbury was in Newburyport District Court, Salisbury Police Chief Les'perance
was put under investigation and it was Front page of the Local Newspaper. This is the Media who were waiting outside the Station
in Salisbury to get the first news. I think at this point it is a slow burn as not much appears to be happening. According
to Mrs Devine this Police Officer was directly involved in her being falsely arrested by Officer Les'perance.
On Tuesday at Peabody District Court, Peabody Square, Central Street Peabody, Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance
Reporting covered the dual Pro Se Litigants Waring vs Devine 285 Harrassment case. This case was heard two weeks prior in
Newburyport and was moved due to Recusal by Judge . Having met Mrs Devine on Beacon Hill while taping a Public Record Hearing
this case was in my neighborhood, North Shore Pro Se and I am interested in this type of case. I Requested to tape both days,
but th...
In this last tape of about 8 minutes you will see the Lighting of the First Candle of 8 days of Chanuka by the
Lubavitch Rabbi and Theresa Murray Senate President. The 45 minute tape is broken into short segments due to the Internet
Provider package. This was captured on a JVC 30 gig Camcorder. This is the third time Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance
Reporting has attended and Documented the Event of the Lubavitch Education Center Annual Event.
In this 16 minute video we will now be hearing from Judge Roderick Ireland, who will give his personal testimony
of why he feels he is going to accept this offer as Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. Judge Ireland will be replacing Chief
Justice Margaret Marshall SJC. This is number 1 and there are approximately 2 hours of his testimony which will be broken
into 16 minute segments. This was videotaped on a Sony DVD Camcorder in sp mode. Copies of the Hearing were delivered next
day to SJC Inf...
On December 1 2010 the Governors Council heard public testimony on the appointment of Judge Roderick Ireland to
the Supreme Judicial Court to replace retiring Justice Margaret Marshall. In this 9 minute tape Joseph Urjneck of Fathers
Coalition addresses the Council to not support this appointment.
On December 1 2010 The Governors Council heard testimony from the Fathers Rights Group on the appointment of Judge
Roderick Ireland to the Supreme Judicial Court to replace retiring Justice Margaret Marshall.
December 1 2010 the Governors Council held a public hearing to appoint a new Supreme Court Justice. Brian Camenker
in this 4 minute tape addresses the Council on Justice Roderick Ireland, who is being interviewed for Supreme Court Justice
to replace retiring Judge Margaret Marshall SJC
In this 6 minute tape Brian Camenker, Mass Resistance Founder and Investigative Reporter chides Committee on Judge
Ireland, Candidate to be the SJC Supreme Court Justice to replace Justice Margaret Marshall. Mr. Camenker at the Governors
Council Public Hearing stated this appointment is a worst nightmare. Mr. Camenker, did not support the appointment for Judge
Ireland who is clearly not non partisan..
Mrs. Sally Naumann, of Carlisle, addressed the Governors Council Members in Committee on December 1, 2010. Mrs.
Naumann wanted the Committee to select a Justice that was not known to be partisan and this Judge Ireland was partial in matters
of same sex union. Mrs Naumann has spoken on many occasions on the dangers health wise in this behavior which is a grave concern
to her.
In this 9 minute compelling public testimony before the Governors Council Atty Prociotto Esq Sr. addresses his
concerns with public record law and discusses his experience with Justice Ireland the Candidate for Supreme Court Justice.
In this tape of 14 minutes you will be hearing Atty Prociotto Esq speak of his experience with Justice Ireland
in three cases. Very interesting testimony on the lack of public record law in the Judiciary.
On Dec 1 2010 the Governors Council heard testimony in a public Hearing on the Governors appointment of Justice
Ireland to the Supreme Court. On this 3minute segment you will hear a Committee woman express her dismay at the amount of
money the Picciotto's had to pay to obtain public records in their damage case of 50 thousand dollars.
On December 3 2010 at the Boston Statehouse, Justice Ireland had a Governors Council Hearing on his appointment.
In this 10 minute comment Melita Picciotto, Esq discusses her concerns about the Judge and public record law.
On the First Sunday of every month at Doyles Cafe, Jamaica Plain Steve Garfield holds a Media Meeting. It is great.
You have to go. This is a sample of what you will find. Besides the free coffee and the awesome food, great Waitresses, the
meeting is sensational. You will get your impossible Media questions answered and get to know some truly great Artists in
the Field. Catch of theDay, Video News, Freelance Reporting. sorry for the lighting problem.
On Monday Nov 1 2010, at the Quincy Elks Club, a special pre Election Day gathering for Rep Perry took place where
Governor Romney gave his personal endorsement and support of Representative Jeff Perry, of Hyannis, Massachusetts running
for Congress against Democrat Congressman James Keating. Approximately 100 people jamned into the Club for the Endorsement.
The tape lasts approximately 20 minutes. Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting taped the event.
On Tuesday, November 3 2010 noon, at Our Lady Help of Christians, Catholic Church 573 Washington St Newton Ma 02458,
a Memorial Mass was held for Dr Mildred Jefferson, MD. Dr Jefferson at 84 had been a pioneer for Black students at Harvard
University as the first woman who graduated Med Surgery and became Founder and the President of Massachusetts Citizens for
Life, MCFL where she lobbied tirelessly for rights of the unborn. This film is 45 minutes long, and is one of 3 that captured
the Celeb...
Tape 2 of 3 A Memorial Mass Service continues for Dr Mildred Jefferson MD, pioneer of MCFL Massachusetts Citizens
for Life President and Founder. The Church is in Newton. Approximately, 300 people attended the service at noon on Wednesday.
Mildred will be buried in Texas with family. Video by CatchoftheDay, VideoNews, FreelanceReporting.
On Wednesday, November 3 2010 in Newton Massachusetts, a Memorial Service was held for the late Dr. Mildred Jefferson
MD, who personally pioneered MCFL Massachusetts Citizens For Life, a non profit dedicated to stopping Adoption in our Country.
Mildred was 84 years old at her death and was every bit a spark of life to all who met and knew her. Her achievements follow
her and much has to be said. The Service Mass is approximately 1.5 hours long. This tape is 29minutes and was recorded on
a Sony...
In this tape we hear from Paul Jehle, Plymouth Pastor and Historian on the USA early American History. This tape
will include others and will last approximately 27 minutes.
In this tape we hear from Kris Mineau Assembly of God Pastor and head of MFI Woburn. The next speaker I did not
hear the name. Appologies! This tape will last approximately 20 minutes
A woman named Bethany came up to speak of the danger the church is in at this moment critical juncture in history.
We are tottering on extinction. If the Lord does not help us we have failed to perceive this radical need for a change in
heart. We need to see the truth for what it is. Excellent Bethany who is an intercessor and prophetess at JHOP Boston. Her
numbers breakdown is powerful.
On September 25 2010 in Memorial Hall, Plymouth, Massachusetts, people gathered to Repent for the sins of the generations
that have come from the Pilgrims to now. Shofar blowing would have been a part of the early Christian Pilgrims as they believed
the Jewish Traditions were never omitted from Scripture. On this day the people gathered to re covenant with God and the Mayflower
Christians who built the Monument to Religious Freedom much overlooked in American History Books. This tape is short ...
In this video we will see people worshiping and thanking God for our America. A highlight is a woman with a silver
flute. The flute actually glistened as she played. It was very special. How cool is that. This tape is about 7 minutes long
and was done on a Sony dvd camcorder in lp mode.
At the Monument in Plymouth the Christians gathered to honor the Monument and to Repent for not keeping Covenant
with the First Settlers. The group though small at first ends up to fill the Memorial Hall downtown. This portion is the first
remarks the Pledge of Allegiance and song. This tape lasts 10 minutes and was taped on a Sony dvd camcorder in lp mode.
On Saturday the Plymouth Monument to the Pilgrims was the site of the gathering of People who were committed to
the God of the Mayflower to recelebrate the Monument and for National Repentance Day. The event lasted from 930 in the Am
to 4pm ending at the Memorial Hall, downtown. Please use the pause to read the inscriptions on the monument. As the event
was starting I wanted to get a shot of the four sides . In the background was the sound of the generator for the equipment.
On Friday night , Catch of the Day, Video News took the Boston bound Rail from Hamilton . Planning an early start
to Plymouth the next day, without a car, depending on rail inconvenient schedules. The plan was to stay over with friends
to arrive in Plymouth at 9am. Thrilled to have not missed the train pulling my equipment, JAldrich sits in the car near the
door. Looking up at the yellow sign shock began to hit the Reporter. Out comes the camera and here it is. Upon leaving from
the last car, ...
On Monday September 20 2010 The Liberty Preservation Association sponsored an event in Nurses Hall, Statehouse
Boston to celebrate Constitution Day. One of the Speakers was Christen Varley, the Greater Boston Tea Party President. This
talk will last 15 minutes.
Jordan Page sings for the Massachusetts Liberty Preservation Association Constitution Day Celebration. Jordan is
touring the USA and writes his own Patriotic Liberty Music.
On September 20 2010 The Liberty Preservation Association in Nurses Hall Celebrated Constitution Day. In this tape
we hear from Emcee Tricorn Tom Moore, Patriot Pastor Garrett Lear, Sean Harrington Pledge of Allegiance, and the National
Anthem by Brad Marston, Candidate for State Rep 8th Suffolk.
On September 20, 2010 The Liberty Preservation Association held a Celebration Constitution Day event in Nurses
Hall, Statehouse, Boston. In this tape we hear from Bob Dwyer, President LPA, Ken Mandile, Organizer of the Worcester Tea
On Monday September 20 2010 in Nurses Hall Boston Statehouse the Liberty Preservation Association held a Constitution
Day Celebration. In this video we will hear from Dan Mc Gonigle, State Organizer Committees of Safety, Kamail Jain former
Candidate state Auditor
On September 10 2010 the Merrimac Valley Tea Party in Andover have a special guest Michael Graham coming to speak.
The mood is up and the general business has to be addressed. You might want to join this group!
On September 9 2010, the Merrimac Valley Tea Party met in Andover, and this tape will have a few things of interest.
How much do you know your history? Introduction of Michael Graham.
On Thursday the Merrimac Valley Tea Party in Andover heard from Michael Graham Talk Radio Host and approximately,
70 people attended. Funny stuff here, you will enjoy every minute. Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting taped
this on a Sony DVD Camcorder.
Tom Weaver for Congress and his Band get introduced first for the Merrimac Valle Tea Party Michael Graham night.
This tape is greeat.. Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting on a Sony DVD Camcorder..
On Thursday September 9, 2010 in Andover, the Merrimac Valley Tea Party invited Michael Graham to speak to the
group of 70 people. This portion is 10 minutes in length. Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting taped the event
on a Sony DVD Camcorder.
On September 9 2010 Michael Graham accepted an invitation to speak to the Merrimac Valley Tea Party. This tape
is approximately 10 minutes long and addresses Beacon Hill and how they are worried about the impact of the Tea Party on their
votes. Compelling, funny, this video will boost your spirits.
On September 9 2010 Michael Graham accepted an invitation to speak to the Merrimac Valley Tea Party. Only 5 minutes
this tape will captivate you. He spoke around one hour to the group of approximately 70 people. He praised the group for the
numbers and encouraged them to keep up the goog work. Each tape will be posted in 10 minute segments.
On Saturday and Sunday September 11,12, 2010 in Hamilton the Horse Show is going on. Catch of the Day, Video News,
Freelance Reporting decided to cruise over on her scooter and capture some footage. Using a Sony DVD Camcorder on automatic
the footage is a little dark. It is a gamble each time I tape as to what will show up. Weather, sun and so manythings affect
video quality. However, the day was gorgeous and not having gone before I was struck with the beauty of the event. What a
blessing to ...
On Thursday night in Andover, the MERRIMAC VALLEY TEA PARTY, Bob Shapiro, Republican,,
speaks to Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting about the coming race in the 5th District. Bob Graduated from
Fordham University. He has worked as a Pharmacist, a front line Corporate Manager, a Software Engineer, and a Math Teacher.
He and his wife Maria have 2 children and 5 grandchildren and he lives in Andover. This video is approximately 6 minutes long.
This is a lit...
On August 25 2010 the Merrimac Valley Tea Party held a Candidates night in Andover. Robert Finnerhan, Republican
Attorney running for Representative against Harriet Stanley.
On August 25 2010 in Andover the Merrimac Valley Tea Party held a Candidates night. Jameson Tomasek Republican
is running for Senate Susan Tuckers Seat.2nd Essex Seat.
Kevin Begley, Republican 14th District, running for Representative spoke to the Merrimac Valley Tea Party Candidates
Night event in Andover on the 25th of August.
On August 25 2010 in Andover the Merrimac Valley Tea Party held a Candidates night. Stanley Novak Republican is
running for Representative from the 14th District.
Paul Adams Republican of 17th District is running for Representative for Rep Barry Fiengolds seat. The Merrimac
Valley Tea Party on August 25 2010 held a Candidates night. Paul Adams would like to give money back to Local Aid for Cities
and Towns for Police Fire EMS.
On August 25 2010 the Merrimac Valley Tea Party held a Candidates Night. For the 17th District we here from Salim
Tabit, Esq. An Attorney running for Representative for Barry Feingolds seat. This guy is amazing and has a very down to earth
necessary platform for the Repubican ticket. A child of Cuban Immigrants he explains the situation America is in.
On August 25 2010 in Andover the Merrimac Valley Tea Party held a Candidates night. Here we listen to James Lyons
Republican of Andover who is running against Encumbent Democrat Representative Barbara L'Italien. This guy will give Barbara
a run for her money.
Tape 1 of 2 John Thorlin of the 18th District speaks to the Merrimac Valley Tea Party Candidates night in North
Andover. John Thorlin is running for Representative and was the last speaker to address the group.
In Andover on August 25 2010 the Merrimac Valley Tea Party held a Candidates night. This is the last tape and only
3minutes of questions to John Thorlin, running for Representative in the 18th District. A Graduate of Harvard he was remarkably
on target as a Republican hoping to help curb the present situation of Socialized Healthcare and Entitlement practices by
the Democratic Representatives. This guy is not going away soon. tape 2 of 2
Tape one of two, August 31 2010 the Bus Tour called Blue Green Alliance Jobs Not Done, held a public meeting to
discuss the stimulus funding for the Environment at the University of Maine Avronson Hall .
At the University of Maine in the Avronson Building the Blue Green Alliance Jobs Not Done Bus Tour held a public
meeting on the scope of the Environment Stimulus Funds. This is tape two of two total of 32 minutes. Approximately, 15 people
attended this event. The next stop is Boston Roxbury Community College at 830AM on Sept 1 2010 for a Press Conference.
The South Boston Tea Party holds an event at Castle Island and the Regional Director for the Tea Party addresses
the group of approximately 150 people in the soaking rain.
In this video the Chair of the South Boston Tea Party addesses her involvement in the Tea Party spearheaded by
her two sons deployed to Iraq. Very compelling video.
Brian Camenker, Mass Resistance speaks to the South Boston Tea Party Event first at Castle Island. Approximately,
150 people showed up in the pouring rain. I arrived a little late so the talk was already going on.
CJ Doyle Esq, Catholic Action League, speaks to the Tea Party at Castle Island, South Boston in the soaking rain.
Approximately, 150 people showed up to listen to the speakers.
On Sunday August 22 2010 the Director of Political Studies, Washington DC spoke at Castle Island Fort, South Boston
to the Tea Party on legal Immigration Issues in the soaking rain. Approximately 150 people showed up to listen to the speakers.
No Candidates were invited to speak at this Tea Party Event.
Carlos Fernandez, Tea Party Chairperson Saugus runs a Rally in Saugus for the Tea Party. Candidates will speak
and a group of approximately 100 people showed up.
June 18 2010 at the Danvers Yacht Club Republican Fundraiser, Abby Bertlesen of Hamilton Republican Town Committee
Interviews Michael Stopar, Republican of Worcester who will be running in the 6th district against Congressman Mc Govern and
Rob is a Physicist. He is another upstart that will shake you down a piece with his delivery and confidence. Abby, is a member
of Comflm Registry News, and plans to do a Cable Access show soon and will be a Talk Host interviewing Candidates and talking
Beverly City Republican Committee on the 18th of June held a fundraiser at the Danvers Yacht Club. Among the celebrated
guests was Talk Show Host Todd Fineburg, WRKO AM . Todd was given an award for his efforts to speak up for Republican ideals.
Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting Comflm, Registry News, Hamilton attended a guest of Abby Bertelson. Abby,
is a member of Comflm Registry News, and has hopes of a Cable Access Show coming soon in Beverly. The Award was presented
by Mar...
Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting captures Nikki Tsongas at the Boston Pride Parade on a Sony DVD
Camcorder. Copyright protected footage. June 12 2010
Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting, captures Michael Ross Supporting GBLSTA Saturday June 12 2010.
This was captured on a Sony DVD Camcorder. This footage is copyright protected.
Catch of theDay, Video News, Freelance Reporting captures the Supporting Schools of the Gay Straight Lesbian Transgender
Alliance at Government Center on Saturday June 12 2010. Footage is copyright protected and was taped on a Sony DVD Camcorder.
Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting copyrighted footage, at the Pride Parade Government Center end
point, captures Susan Bump, running for Auditor in Massachsusetts Democratic Ticket. Saturday June 12 2010
Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting copyright protected footage, at the Pride Parade Government Center
end point, captures Steven Grossman
Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting at the Pride Parade Boston Government Center end zone on Saturday
June 12 2010. This video is just full of groups of all kinds supporting the GBLST Alliance.. This tape is copyright protected
and is approximately 17 minutes long
Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting captures more politicians who support GBLTA Boston at Pride 2010
Parade Government Center. Copyrighted protected footage.
Catch of theDay, Video News, Freelance Reporting at the end zone of the Pride Parade at Government Center Boston
on Saturday June 12 2010. Copyright protected footage.
Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting at the Pride Parade end zone on Saturday June 12 2010. Copyright
protected. Senator Diaz replaced Diane Wilderson and supports the Pride Events.
Supporters with Governor Patrick march in the Pride Parade. The Governor was directed in a vehicle to exit at this
point. Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting, ComflmRegistryNews.
Band Cinque Warm Up before event start at City Hall Plaza. Catch of the Day, Video News, on Scooter News Vehicle
tapes the warm up of the Band on her Sony DVD Camcorder. For those who like to just watch my stuff roll.. have fun.. Copyright
protected to ComflmRegistryNews.
On Saturday June 12 2010 the Boston Pride Festivities Exhibit was captured by J Aldrich, Catch of the Day, Video
News, Freelance Reporting, and this is part two of two video's. This is a documentary piece and no interviews will be found.
This is approximately 7 minutes long. This is copyright protected footage and was taped on a Sony DVD Camcorder.
On Saturday June 12, 2010, at the Government Center City Hall Plaza the Boston Pride Festival is set up and waiting
for the Parade Participants to descend on it for an afternoon of festivities. J Aldrich, Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance
Reporting, Videographer, and President of Comflm Registry News, captures the exhibits prior to the parade. The weather was
rainy but the colors were excellent. This was captured on a Sony DVD Camcorder. The video will last approximately 17 minutes
and i...
BOSTON PRIDE PARADE captured on Saturday by Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting, Comflm Registry
News at the Government Center Parade Start.
Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting at Government Center Boston Massachusett on Saturday June 12
2001. The parade begins at Stuart and Boylston St and ends at the Government Center. The weather was drizzly but ended in
an all out downpour. J Aldrich was on a new scooter on this day. J Aldrich is a Physically Disabled Senior Citizen Journalist,
Videographer who has been capturing public events for 6 years in Boston and in Massachusetts when asked. This is a copyright
protected vid...
Downtown Crossing at Washington and Summer Street on June 10 2010 a group of youth were protesting the MBTA Youth
Rates. They had come from another location when I saw them and got out my camera. I did not interview anyone on the subject.
Catch of the Day, Video News, has a new (used) Scooter. You will be seeing her about the City from now on capturing the Daily
Catch on her Scooter News buggy. J Aldrich, a Senior Citizen Journalist has osteo problems. On many occasions it has been
a serious d...
Part 2 of the June 10 2010 Macy's Fashion show to benefit Pride Week GBLT 2010. Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance
Reporting captured the event on a Sony DVD Camcorder. This footage is copyright protected any use must be compliant with Producers
requests to use the name Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting, ComflmRegistryNews. This footage will last approximately
5 minutes.
On Thursday, June 10 2010 5pm sharp, the Macys 5th Benefit Pride Week Fashion Show for GBLT took place. Catch of
the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting, Comflm Registry News, captured the event. This will be in two parts. The event was
captured on a Sony DVD Camcorder. This material is copyright protected to Catch of the Day, Video News, and any use must give
credit to the videography Producer, J Aldrich, ComflmPress. Thank you..
on Saturday June 5 2010 a Remembrance of the life of Senator Edward Kennedy was presented by his wife Victoria
Reggie Kennedy at the DCU Worcester, Massachusetts. Mrs Kennedy was one of the Highlight Speakers at the Democratic Convention.
After her speech the final votes on Auditor and dismissal was conducted. The DCU had one videographer that worked the main
floor during the two days. He was responsible managing the videography of the event. He did a great job. Salute! Catch of
the Day, Video...
On Saturday June 5, 2010 US Senator Kerry speaks to the Democrats at the Convention about the late Senator Edward
Kennedy. This will last 17 minutes and will be continued . The site only can upload in 17 minute segments. Catch of the Day,
Video News Freelance Reporting, ComflmRegistryNews
Saturday June 5 2010 Senator Kirk continues to speak on the late Senator Edward Kennedy and his contibution to
the Democrats in Washington, DC. Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting, ComflmRegistryNews
On Saturday June 5 2010 Senator Kirk who filled Senator Edward Kennedys seat spoke of the late Senator Kennedy
in a Remembrance at the DCU Center Worcester at the Democratic Convention. This talk will last 17 minutes and will continue
to another tape. Catch of theDay, Video News, Freelance Reporting, ComflmRegistryNews
On Saturday June 5, 2010 in Worcester at the DCU the Democrats could not find a Party Candidate because all three
Candidates got enough votes to be on the ballot but none enough to get the Party endorsement. Also, the best is last as the
very end of the Convention they voted voice vote to put some Amendments on the Democratic Platform. A quick scan around the
room shows the numbers were pretty low to have the necessary 150 present to pass but this is Politics as usual. Catch of the
Day, Video ...
On Saturday, at the DCU Worcester , Catch of the Day, Video News, roaming about to find some hot breaking news,
stumbles on the Governor getting into the elevator on the first floor near the Press Room. JAldrich, asking when the Press
Conference was to be held was told it had been moved up. Two other cameras running in the elevator JAldrich put hers on as
well, but as you can see was told this was closed to Press. Then asking about the other two cameras JAldrich was told that
was the Governors...
On Friday night in Worcester at the DCU Center the Secretary of State William Galvin gave his political address
at the Democratic Convention and received their endorsement. This is a back track of the introduction on the previous welcome
tape from the Mayor but will last approximately 15 mintues. Catch of the Day, VideoNews, FreelanceReporting, ComflmRegistryNews,
On Friday Night the Democratic Convention begins at the DCU in Worcester Massachusetts. We will watch the Mayor
of Worcester welcome the Delegates to the Convention Center . this footage will run around 15 minutes and ends with Secretary
of State Galvin's speech to be continued Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting, ComflmRegistryNews, covered the
Friday Night Attorney General Martha Coakley is endorsed by the Democratic Convention for the party ticket. The
Attorney General will run unopposed.. Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting, ComflmRegistry,News.
On Friday night June 4 2010, Atty General Martha Coakley addresses the Democratic Convention. Catch of the Day,
Video News Freelance Reporting, ComflmRegistryNews, covered the event.
On Friday Night June 4, 2010 at the opening night of the Democratic Convention 2010 a tribute salute was made to
Auditor Robert DeNucci Autitor of the Commonwealth who is retiring. Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting taped
this on a Sony DVD Camcorder.
On Saturday June 5, 2010 Catch of the Day, Video News, captures the exhibit hall. Unfortunately the camera ran
out of tape and I only was able to capture the tables. But you can see these tables are purchased and are a very useful purchase
to get to speak to your Delegates and pass out literature. When I went to check on the other camera I got distracted so much
was happening.
On Saturday, at the Democratic Convention, daughter Catherine Patrick introduces her father Governor Patrick as
the next Governor of Massachusetts to a round of applause.. Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting, captures the
moment .
On Saturday at the DCU in Worcester, Massachusetts, the Democratic Convention convenes the second day. Here we
see the State Police bring in the Flags, called the Colors, a Minister say the Opening Prayer and a High School Arcopelo Choir
sing the Anthem. Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting at the Convention. A Sony DVD Camcorder was used with this
On Saturday, May 20 2010 in Boston, the Join the Impact Internet Protest group joined GBLT to hold a rally on the
Transvestite bill. The bill is held up in Judicary and is also known as the Bathroom bill. This bill will give access to both
sex bathrooms at will to the Homosexual community. The bill was sponsored by Charles Teisei and Carl Sciortino on the Judicary
Committee. The footage is captured on a JVC Camcorder as the Rally assembled and will last one hour and 5 minutes. The sections
On Saturday May 20 2010 in Boston, on the Statehouse Steps JOIN THE IMPACT AND GBLT held a Rally to Protest the
Transvestite Bill held up in Judiciary. This bill will provide at will access to both sex bathrooms and has been labeled the
Bathroom Bill by Conservatives. Catch of the Day Video News, Freelance Reporting covered this event and taped on a JVC Camcorder.
The sequels are in 4 parts 17 minutes each. This is 2 of 4. Later a tape was also made of the Marchers on Washington and Summer
On Saturday May 20 2010 Join the Impact and GBLT held a Rally on the Statehouse Steps The footage was captured
on a JVC Camcorder and will last one hour. Each section is 17 minutes and this is 3 of 4. The Rally was organized to protest
the Transvestite Bill held up in Judiciary. This bill will give these people rights to access both sex bathrooms at will.
On Saturday May 20 2010 at Noon JOIN THE IMPACT AND GBLT held a Rally at the Statehouse Steps Boston Massachusetts.
The Speakers assembled to protest the Transvestite stall on the Bathroom Bill which has been held up in Judiciary. After the
Rally the group had a March through the streets. The footage was done on a JVC Camcorder and is a little choppy. Sorry about
that. Catch of the Day, Video News Freelance Reporting captured the event and the Rally will last one hour 6 minutes. The
tapes are ...
On May 20 2010 St Marys Catholic Church Waltham, Massachusetts has an evening Pentecost Service . The Church has
just been painted and the old ancient altar has been removed. I actually loved the altar but times change and things happen
like this without any awareness. I made my First Communion in this Church. That began my personal journey into faith and this
night was a special visit for me to be in this church at 67 years of age and my First Communion was 60 years ago. I taped
some of the e...
On Saturday May 20 2010 around 2pm Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting finished covering the Rally
on the Statehouse Steps and walked to downtown crossing to meet up with some friends. On the Corner of Summer and Washington
Bath and Body Works has just moved in the new location. This is one of their first displays. Actually, it was a Pentecost
Weekend and some Catholic Evangelists were out as well on the same corner. So I made the effort to scan in what was really
happening in Bo...
Today, May 8, 2010 was Massachusetts Youth Pride on the Boston Common, sponsored by the Mass. Commission on Gay
Lesbian Bisexual Transgender Youth and "The Friends of GLBT Youth, Inc." Students come from high school GSAs (Gay
Straight Alliance clubs) around the state. The parade and Common event are followed by the Prom at Boston City Hall at 7pm
tonight, sponsored by BAGLY, the Boston Alliance of Gay Lesbian Bisexual and Transgender Youth. At approximately 11am there
was a huge downpour. The ...
CATCH OF THE DAY, VIDEO NEWS, FREELANCE REPORTING covered the John Joseph Moakley Courthouse, 1 Courthouse Way,
Boston today May 6 2010. A Hearing on DOMA Defence of Marriage Federal Law Constitutionality was argued for 16 Plaintiffs
by Atty Mary Bounato, Esq and the DOJ Atty Scott Simpson, Esq in front of Judge Joseph Tauro of District Court. Approximately
200 people attended and an overflow room was set up with video transmission. It is not clear if the hearing was recorded and
no cameras we...
10:30AM.....DOMA CHALLENGE: The U.S. District Court of Boston, John Joseph Moakley Courthouse 1 Courthouse Way,
Suite 2300 7th floor Courtroom 22, hears oral arguments in a challenge to the Federal Defense of Marriage Act brought Gay
& Lesbian Advocates and Defenders (GLAD). The Hearing challenges DOMA’s constitutionality. Judge Joseph Tauro is
expected to preside over the hearing. Mary Bonauto, Esq will Represent 16 Same Sex Couple Plaintiffs, DOMA, passed in 1996
and signed by President Bill...
Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting on April 14 2010 taping the Tea Party Express on the Boston Common.
This tape will last 17 minutes and was done on a JVC Camcorder in lp mode.
Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting, April 14 2010 on the Boston Common tapes the Tea Party Express
Rally . This tape is somewhat wably but the sound is excellent. The tape is 16 min long and was taped on a JVC Camcorder in
lp mode.
Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting on the Boston Common taping the Tea Party Express .. This tape
is 16 min long and was recorded on a JVC Camcorder in lp mode. The footage will show the gathering crowd and as I pressed
in to find the press pool was caught in a trap of people . The rest of the footage on this camera will be of the speakers
and will not be perfect as I had to use a monopod and extend it about 12 feet and sometimes did not know what I was taping.
The sound is exce...
Andy Cummings Music heard at the Fifth Amendment Tea Party GOP Pre Convention night in Worcester . This guy is
sensational.,, Thanks Fifth Amendment Pub for having us all.
The food was great the hospitality greater and the music even better than best. Visit this place before Andy goes higher and
you have to pay tons to see him. He is on the move.
Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting Worcester Hilton Garden Reception area .. the rainy night after
a long travel day deterred a plan to visit all the sites. Instead the journey started here and ended at the Tea Party GOP
Stop the Fifth Amendment.
Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting on the Boston Common with the Tea Party Express Bus Sony DVD
Camcorder 17 minutes please note.. some footage is not focused or moving on purpose with the excitement and sometimes scans
too fast. However, the sound works great so watch and enjoy or close your eyes and enjoy.. either way enjoy the free news
.. by Comflm Registry News
On Wednesday, 830 AM in Cambridge Middlesex Probate Court, Comflm Registry News Court Watched Courtroom 3 on the
4th Floor. I will be posting more detail on this event on my website. I want to put the interview up on Cambridge Court as
in Suffolk Probate Court Hector Montalvo was videotaping a Family Court Case that he had permission to tape. He had also asked
to tape today in Cambridge but the Justice was denied. This is a First Amendment Case and is very intriguing. Do you think
this person ...
On Saturday, March 20 2010 in Washington DC the Tea Party assembled to oppose the vote on National Health Care
Takeover. During the event a group of 4 male individuals penetrated the crowd with cow bells yelling and throwing water at
the families assembled to protest with the Tea Party. Please listen to the audio of a person who attended and who was not
used to things like this but was involved as many are because of fear of losing our Liberty. The video was cap'd so to not
capture the individ... Sunday, March 28, 2010
From: 12-2pm The 3 road intersection ( Rt 113/Mosley Ave/Ferry Rd) adjacent to Atkinson Common Park Newburyport, MA 01950
Many other Candidates were present at the Dedham Norfolk Suffolk Country Candidate night at the Endicott Estates..
A truy gorgeous place to hold an event. Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting captured this event.. low lighting
Senator Richard Tiesei speaks in Dedham at the Endicott Estates to the GOP on his Candidacy as Leutenant Governor.
Catch of theDay, Video News, Freelance Reporting captured the event.
Mary Connaughton speaks to the GOP in Dedham at the Endicott Estates Antique Building on her Candidacy for State
Auditor in Massachusetts.. This is a second rendition on a second camera a JVC Camcorder in lp mode.. Catch of the Day, Video
News, Freelance Reporting captured the event.
Prof. Mary Cannoughton Speaks in Dedham, at the Endicott Estates Antique Building to the GOP on her Campaign for
Auditor.. Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting captured the event. We arrived late and so the placing of the
camera was problematic. The sound is good however, and you should be able to get an idea of her experience and who she is
from this video. This was taped on a Sony dv Camcorder.. Comflm Registry News, JAldrich does not edit footage. This is for
educational purpos...
A Massachusetts Resident who chose to not put his photo up here testifies to Comflm Reporter Catch of the Day ,
Video News Freelance Reporting at the Statehouse. J Aldrich has at this point not seen the video's of the Tea Party events
and questions the Gentleman on the trip he made to Washington on March 20 2010 to attend the Protest. This person never get's
involved and so did not recognize the group known as code pink. JAldrich gets more information on the 4 individuals that tried
to instaga...
On Tuesday Kris Mineau of Massachusetts Family Institute comments to JAldrich CatchoftheDay, Videographer, Reporter
on the MFI Lobby Day on two bill and his general consensus of the results. This video will be 1.5 minutes Catch of the Day,
Video News, Freelance Reporting
On Tuesday March 23 2010 on Beacon Hill Statehouse Constituents visit Senator Cory Atkins office Co Chair of the
Rules Committee to speak to her staff about H1728 Transgender Bathroom Bill, and a Education Curriculm Frameworks Bill, currently
being considered for passage in Massachusetts. Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting captured the event.
On Tuesday March 23 2010 on Beacon Hill a group of Constituents of Senator Bruce Tarr, visit his office to speak
on the Transgender H1728 Bill now being considered being law before the Legislature. They also spoke on the Massachusetts
Curriculum Frameworks that was just taken out of study by the Education Committee.
On Tuesday March 23 2010 On Beacon Hill Statehouse Constituents speak to Senator Fargo Staff on the H1728 bill
for Transgender bathroom legislation and a bill on the Curriculum Frameworks. This video part 2 will last 5 minutes Catch
of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting captured this video
On Tuesday on Beacon Hill Statehouse, some Constituents of Senator Fargo visit her office to Lobby against the
House Bill H1728 and a Curriculum Frameworks Bill that impose unrestricted Bathroom Privileges to Transgender people in the
Commonwealth that will cause a $2000 dollar fine and jail time to occur.. This video is 9 minutes long. Catch of the Day,
Video News, Freelance Reporting captured this video .
On Tuesday March 23 2010 at the Massachusetts Statehouse on Beacon Hill in B 2 Kris Mineaw President of Mass Family
Institute gives an informational on the Transgender Lobby Day to Members of Mass Family Institute. H1728 and a bill on the
Education Committee Bill on Curriculum Frameworks recently pulled out of study are the topic of this discussion. Later we
will see some of the Concerned Citizens visit a few offices and explain their oppinion to their Representatives s and Senators.
The Proto...
16 minutes of public testimony in the Jt Committee on Public Safety and Homeland Security taped by Catch of the
Day, Video News Freelance Reporting. tape 1 of 2 a total of 22 minutes H2238 An Act relative to a report of firearms statistics.
H4401 An Act relative to elevator regulations. H4418 An Act relative to police procedures when dealing with criminal street
gangs in the city of Holyoke. H4462 An Act relative to motor vehicle police chases.
Over in 22 minutes and on two uploads the Jt Committee on Homeland Security and Public Safety heard two bills today
although 4 were on the adgenda. Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting captured the Hearing on a JVC Camcorder.
H2238 An Act relative to a report of firearms statistics. H4401 An Act relative to elevator regulations. H4418 An Act relative
to police procedures when dealing with criminal street gangs in the city of Holyoke. H4462 An Act relative to motor vehicle
police c...
On March 3 2010 the Jt Committee on Telecommunciations Utilities and Energy heard testimony in Rm A2 at 10AM on
Gas Leaks. This hearing was taped on two cameras.. this camera is a DVD Sony Camcorder in lp mode and the tape will last 17
minutes. The entire hearing will last approx 3.5 hours.
On this day the public hearings were up for March 3 to 10th. To slow down the video just pause the bar and read.
The window is very dark and I am short and so the combination makes it difficult to capture this. Sorry
Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting at the elevator on second floor notices the gorgeous chairs being
organized in Great Hall. I just could not help myself from taking a 25second shoot of the room.
On March 3 2010 in the Members Lounge a Legislative Briefing was held on Medical Marijuana. This tape is the second
tape of three tapes and will last approximately 17 minutes. The footage was captured by Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance
Reporting on a Sony DVD Camcorder in lp mode.
On March 3 2010 in the House Members Lounge a Legislative Briefing was held on the Medical effects of Marijuana.
The session lasted around one hour and I have three sessions including some questions. This tape is recorded on a Sony DVD
Camcorder in lp mode. The tape will last 17 minutes. Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting tapes documentary footage
and desires to see a Public Affairs Network in Massachusetts.
On March 3 2010 in the House Members Lounge a Legislative Briefing on legalizing marijuana took place. A doctor
gave testimony of the medical safety of marijuana and the tape is one of 3 . This was taped on a Sony DVD Camcorder in lp
On March 2 2010 in the Jt Committee on Judiciary this Lawyer spoke in favor of legalizing marijuana and represented
around 30 people who came to support this. The meeting took place in A2 and lasted 6.5 hours. There were around 160 bills.
Too many.
On Tuesday March 2 2010 in Jt Committee on Judiciary ChrisNoonanFunnell testified in behalf of Covenant Keepers
in support of Circumcision. Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting captured this public hearing on a JVC Camcorder
in lp mode.
On Tuesday in Jt Committee on Judiciary many came to speak against Circumcision. This gentleman came from Long
Island on the train and has a group that is supporting banning Circumcision across the country. Later we will post his testimony
but in this video Catch of the Day, interviews him.
On March 2 2010 many Court Reporters testified before the Jt Committee on Judiciary. Catch of the Day, Video News
Interview explains why the bill to license Court Reporters is not supported.
On Tuesday March 2 2010 many Court Reporters came to the Jt Committee on Juciciary Public Hearing to oppose a bill
that will force Court Reporters to be licensed. Catch of the Day, Video News Freelance Reporting captured the public hearing
in A2 and the two rooms were packed. At this point in the day the room was thinning out.
Senator Bruce Tarr, Gloucester, Testifies on Tuesday March 2 2010 before the Jt Committee on Judiciary in A2. The
Judiciary Committee heard about 160 bills that day and the Hearing lasted 6.5 hours. Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance
Reporting Captured the Hearing and does documentary public works footage. Senator Tarr supports a bill that will make the
public hearings by law have to be videotaped and archived. S1458 This short tape is about 45 seconds long.
Tape 2 of 2 taped on Sony DVD Camcorder in lp mode. RM B2 Statehouse Boston. Press Conference on the Bullying Bill.
ADL Alliance Defense League of Massachusetts and the Education Committee et al discuss the Bullying Bill about to be debated
on the House Floor next week according to the House Chair Rep Waltz. Questions did not include what impact Cori will have
on kids put in contact with the Juvenile Court System because of this bill.
On Thursday at the Statehouse in Boston, a Press Conference was held in RM B 2 at 1PM. Catch of the Day, Video
News, Freelance Reporting taped the event on a Sony DVD Camcorder . This will be posted in two episodes. The total event is
approximately 27 minutes. The Press Conference was of the Aliance Defense League and the Education Committee which which exec"d
out the Bullying bill which will make it a crime to subject school children to bullying of any kind. When J Aldrich asked
the regular P...
On Saturday February 27 2010 Amesbury Elementary Grade School had the Basketball Playoffs. In this video we see
the Award Ceremony. The video was recorded on a SonyDVD Camcorder in lp mode. Please feel free to use the footage for your
memorys.. Catch of the Day Video News Freelance Reporting taped the event.
Can you believe these kids were out the door before 830AM? On Saturday the playoffs for the Amesbury Basketball
Teams took place and Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting taped the event. The footage is about an hour long
in total and this tape will be 17 minutes.
On Saturday the Amesbury Elementary Basketball playoffs took place. Here are a couple of teams before the award
ceremony. Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting captured the event in a Sony DVD Camcorder in lp mode. Don't you
think all these fun games should be recorded? We do.
On Saturday February 27 2010 Amesbury Elementary held their Science Fair at the High School. This footage was captured
on a Sony DVD Camcorder in lp mode. Each tape is about 17 minutes in length due to the upload process. Catch of the Day, Video
News, Freelance Reporting captured about 50 exhibits along with Cable Access. The award Ceremony will be on it's own tape.
Please feel free to use the footage. No names will be included in this description. No names were given only the experiments
On Saturday in Amesbury Massachusetts at the High School Elementary children up to about 10 had their Science Fair.
Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting was able to capture about 50 exhibits on tape. No names will be included
in this footage but parents are allowed to upload this and use it for their family use. Make a DVD and capture this event
and have some fun looking back at real stuff your child is learning in school with your help of course! So hats off to parents
and kids f...
On Saturday February 27 2010 in Amesbury at the High School the Elementary kids have their Science Fair. Catch
of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting captured around 50 exhibits and got some great footage of the event. No names
will be included and this is a testament to the education and motivation these kids are enjoying in Amesbury. Salute! See
what happens when parents and kids work together! A lot of work went into this from both. Thank you parents for inspiring
your kids to step int...
This is the last of at least 10 video's by Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting, covering the Amesbury
Elementary School Science Fair. More than 50 exhibitors explained their genious to J Aldrich on Saturday and you will enjoy
this footage I am sure. It is a rockin testimony of the student interest in Amesbury and the parents who helped out. No names
will be identified in the footage and parents are allowed to use the footage. Catch of the Day, videotapes public events and
does do...
A volcano experiment and demonstration won First Prize on Saturday in Amesbury captured on tape by Catch of the
Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting. Channel 8 will also be showing some footage of this stupendous event. If you meet this
young man someday be sure and congradulate him!
On Saturday at Amesbury Massachusetts High School the Science Fair took place for kids up to about 10 years old.
Catch of the Day, Video News Freelance Reporting, captured many students of all ages that had really interesting topics. This
young man won first prize for his grade. How great is that! Even Grampa is excited! The names will be left out on all the
footage. Channel 8 also taped and this footage may be combined with it but please feel free to use this if you are a parent.
Catch of the Day Video News, Freelance Reporting tries to see the dark window in the hallway on Tuesday posting
the public hearings. I am not very tall and the window has to be copied with my camera up in the air and I cannot zoom it
in because it is so dark it will not focus. But the bills in Judiciary are on the window. They did not pas out bills in the
Hearing room and online I didn't remember seeing so many eminent domain. Some spoke of it however, but the Press shield bill
was the one tha...
February 23 2010 Jt committee on Judiciary Public Hearing tape 16 min lenth taped on Sony DVD Camcorder in lp mode
4.5hours 4-1hour tapes Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting on site does Documentary Footage of Beacon Hill .
Please support S1458 and the Shield Law Bill in this Hearing.
February 23 2010 jt Committee on Judiciary Public Hearing on Constitutional issues taping by Catch of the day,
video News Freelance Reporting, tape 16 minutes long, taped on Sony DVD Camcorder lp mode
February 23 2010 Jt Committee on Judiciary PUblic Hearing on Civil Rights Eminent Domain Press Shield for Journalists,
Assisted Suicide 16 min sony dvd camcorder lp mode
February 23 2010 1PM B1 Jt committee on Judiciary on first amendment , Eminent Domain, Press Shield for Journalists,
4.5 hour hearing SonyDVD Camcorder lpmode Catch of The Day Video News, Freelance Reporting
On Tuesday February 23 2010 the Jt committee on Judiciary heard testimony in B1 on Constitutional Issues. The footage
was done on a SonyDVD Camcorder in lp mode. Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting does documentary footage and
desired a CSpan Public Affairs Network in Massachusetts. This tape will be testimony from some disabled individuals who are
opposed to assisted Suicide legislation being proposed.
On Tuesday February 23 2010 Marie Sturgis Director of the MCFL Mass Citizens For Life, Testified before the Jt
Committee on the Judiciary in Opposition of Assisted Suicide, The Committee heard bills on First Amendment , Civil Rights,
Press Shield for Journalists, and other bills. Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting tapes documentary footage
and desires a C Span Public Affairs Network in Massachusetts S1458 is a bill that supports Independant Media and granting
them the same credi...
February 23 2010 Jt committee on Judiciary Public Hearing B1 1-515PM taped on a Sony DVD Camcorder lp mode. Tape
lasts 16 minutes. Catch of the Day, video News, FreelanceReporting
February 23 2010 Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting captures the Jt Committee on Judiciary Public
Hearing in B1 1-515PM The footage was captured on a Sony DVD Camcorder in lp mode. The committee heard bills on civil rights
assisted suicide, constitutional issues, press shield.
February 23 2010 Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting Captures the Jt Committee on Juciciary Public
Hearing in B1 1-515PM This footage was captured on a Sony DVD Camcorder in lp mode. This tape will have two speakers, Evelyn
Riley of Mass Family and Ed Saunders of Mass Catholic Conference. They will be speaking on the Assisted Suicide Bills and
various other civil rights bills.
February 23 2010 Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting captures the Jt Legislative Committee on Judiciary
Public Hearing in B1 This is the last of the 4 tapes and is in 2 parts 4a and 4b. The footage was captured on a Sony DVD Camcorder
in lp mode and it will last 16 minutes. This Public Hearing was on Constitutional Issues, Buffer zones, civil rights, assisted
suicide, press shield, religious freedom.
February 23 2010 the Jt Legislative Committee on Judiciary in RM B1 Statehouse Boston, heard testimony on Civil
Rights Legislation First Amendment Constitutional Issues and from the Attorney General. This footage was captured on a Sony
DVD Camcorder in lp mode. This tape will last approx 14 minutes. You will hear testimony from Attorney General Martha Coakley.
To find the list of bills you can ask the Committee. The public Hearing lasts 4.5 hours. The four one hour tapes are broken
up into 4 s...
February 23 2010, the Jt Legislative Committee on Judiciary held public hearing on Civil Rights and First Amendment
Legislation. Shield Law for Journalists drew many reporters to testify. The footage was taped on a Sony DVD Camcorder in lp
mode. House Broadcast also taped the full Hearing and you can watch in on the Live Broadcast link. Catch
of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting does documentary footage and desires that Massachusetts has a C Span Public Affairs
February 23 2010 Jt Legislative Committee on Judiciary 3c of 1 RM B1 1PM-515PM this footage is 16 minutes in duration
and is on Constitutional Issues. The footage was taped on a Sony DVD Camcorder in lp mode. Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance
Reporting does archive documentary footage. This Public Hearing was on Press Shield and various civil rights bills.
February 23, 2010 Rm B1 the Jt Committee on the Judiciary heard testimony on Constitutional Issues. Catch of the
Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting captured the Public Hearing and also the House Broadcast captured the Hearing. House
Broadcast will be available in a few days. I will be uploading the footage in 16 minute segments. The footage was captured
on a Sony DVD Camcorder in lp mode. The Public Hearing was 4.5 hours long. I am breaking the footage up to read as above 4d
of tape 1 etc. O...
February 23 2010 J Aldrich, Comflm President, Reporter, Videographer for Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance
Reporter testifies before the Jt Committee on Judicary yesterday on Civil Rights Bills and Reporter Shield Bill, before the
Committee. J Aldrich, who has compiled 450 plus Recordings of Committee Hearings complains of the Bills inadequate definition
of a Reporter. Having dealt personally with 7 years of Press Abuse in the Statehouse personally, J Aldrich defines the definition
of Pr...
Catch of the Day, Video News, FreelanceReporting, taping Gardner Auditorium the Jt Committee on Ways and Means
Budget Vetting Public Hearing. This tape will run one hour and is uploaded in 17 minute intervals. In this tape we hear from
State Auditor Joseph De Nucci and Staff and Treas Tim Cahill, will give testimony. The footage was taped on a Sony DVD Camcorder
in lp mode. The full DVD version is available by emailing
Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Recording, taping Gardner Auditorium the Jt committee on Ways and Means
Budget Vetting Public Hearing. This will last approximately 17 minutes and was recorded on a Sony DVD Camcorder in lp mode.
We are listening to Treasurer Tim Cahill give testimony to the Committee.
Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting Gardner Auditorium the Jt Committee on Ways and Means Budget
Vetting Public Hearing. This was recorded on a Sony DVD Camcorder in lp mode. We are listening to Treasurer Cahill giving
testimony approximately 17 minutes.
Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting at Gardner Auditorium the Jt Committee on Ways and Means Leglisative
Public Hearing on Budget Vetting. This tape is approximately 5 minutes and is the last of the first hour SonyDVD Camcorder
tape and will hear Treasurer Cahill answering questions to the Committee. the total hearing lasted 2.5hours. This website
only will upload in 16 minute intervals so there are approximately 10 different uploads to complete this Hearing. You may
order a full...
Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting Gardner Auditorium tape 2 1hour length of 2.5hour hearing.. Taped
on Sony DVD Camcorder in lp mode. This tape we hear Tresurer Cahill give testimony in Public Hearing on Budget Vetting.. His
testimony approx 8 minutes and Secretary Galvin is another 10 minutes of 25 total testimony by Galvin.
Catch of the Day, Video News, FreelanceReporting Gardner Auditorium taping Jt Committee on Ways and Means Public
Hearing on Budget Vetting. Taped on Sony DVD Camcorder lp mode this tape is 16 minutes and we will hear from Secretary Galvin
Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting Gardner Auditorium, February 16 2010 on Sony DVD Camcorder 5
minutes of Secretary Galvin giving testimony on the Budget Vetting
Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting on Tuesday in Gardner Auditorium captures the Jt Committee on
Ways and Means Budget Vetting Public Hearing. In this tape of 17 minutes recorded on Sony DVD Camcorder in lp mode we hear
Secretary Galvin give testimony followed by approx 8 minutes of Attorney General Martha Coakley. On the next tape I restarted
her testimony so that it would not be broken up too much.
Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting Gardner Auditorium 10AM on Tuesday February 16 2010 captures
the Jt Committee on Ways and Means Public Hearing on Budget Vetting 1 of 8 Public Hearings. On this tape we will listen to
16 minutes of testimony from Atty General Martha Coakley . The next tape will be her question and answer time to her testimony
before the Commttee. Some footage is lost in separating the tapes or duplicated. You can order a full copy by emailing
Catch of the Day, VideoNews, Freelance Reporting Gardner Auditorium captures the Jt Committee on Ways and Means
1 of 8 Budget Vetting Hearings. This tape will be less than 5 minutes and winds up the testimony by the Inspector General
Sullivan. This was taped on a Sony DVD Camcorder in lp mode..
Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting Gardner Auditorium February 16 2010 Tape of Atty General Martha
Coakley continues and is followed by Inspector General Sullivan. 1 of 8 Budget Veted Public Hearings. This tape lasts 16 minutes
and was recorded on a Sony DVD Camcorder in lp mode
Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting Gardner Auditorium 2011 Budget Hearing by the Jt Committee on
Ways and Means hears testimony from Constitutional Officers 1 of 8 Budget Vetting Hearings. Attorney General Coakley is seen
here taking questions from the Committee Members after testimony. This Tape is 16 minutes ..The Atty General is followed by
Inspector General Gregory Sullivan. This tape was recorded on a Sony DVD Camcorder in lp mode.
Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting captures the Committee on Ways and Means Public Hearing on Lawrence
Budget Crisis.on February 9 2010. Great shot of Senator Susan Tucker here in complete contemplative mood over her district's
problems. The scan will also capture the full deck of Media covering this tension packed hearing. Many other events took place
the same day and Catch of the Day, got three of them. Very active Beacon Hill Day. A JVC capture of this 2.5 hour event will
Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting setting up the JVC in Gardner Auditorium on February 9 2009 decides
to capture the full Committee with the Exception of Senator Harriet Chandler. A second clip will be up soon to capture the
full deck of Reporters on the scene. The Committee was to hear the testimony from Lawrence which is about to belly up in debt.
The House Broadcast team was also on duty one camera on the floor and several from remote locations for this one and the video
Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting, captures opponents to Gambling United to Stop Slots Press Conference
Briefing in Rm B2 Boston Statehouse. The footage is captured on a Sony DVD Camcorder. Technical difficultes occured and the
video component will stall. The audio is fine. This could be due to the Comcast mpbs upload speed they divy out to customers.
This has not happened before today. A DVD copy can be ordered by emailing, The Coalition to Preserve the
Catch of the day, Video News, Freelance 'Reporting captures United to Stop Slots Press Conference in B2 on Tuesday
February 9 2010. This Press Conference is separated into several clips as some technical difficulties kept interfering with
the video capture. The audio is fine. The footage was captured on a SonyDVD Camcorder. The project Coaltion to Preserve the
Public Record is a volunteer project and is funded by donations and advertisements on this site. In this video a testimony
of a gambler...
Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting captures opponents to Gambling United to Stop Slots in Massachusetts.
The Casino Math Workbook Handout is explained in this video. Technical Difficulties are due to upload mpbs speed that Comcast
provides and the video component is being affected today. Appologies to the audience for this interference. Funding is voluntary
in this project. Please support S1458 a bill that will require the Legislature to come back under the Open Meeting Law they...
Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting captures the opponents of Gambling Press Conference in B2. United
to Stop Slots gave a presentation and in this video take questions from the Press. The footage is complicated by some technical
difficulties but the audio will be intact. To obtain a DVD copy of this event please email This footage
was recorded on a Sony DVD Camcorder. The event will be in several parts due to the mpbs speed Comcast provides in Massachusetts
Catch of the Day Video News Freelance Reporting on February 9 2010 in Rm 437 captures the Policy update by the
Massachusetts Partnership for Responsible Gambling. This event will be in 3 parts and will run approximately 19 minutes. The
event was captured on a Sony DVD Camcorder which was set to a short speed and did not capture the entire envent. Apologies
for this as this was a mistake. The footage also had some technical problems uploading and the video portion became still.
The audio runs f...
Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting on Tuesday February 9 2010 the Partnership For Responsible Gambling
Policy Update tot he Legislature in Rm 437. This was recorded on a Sony DVD Camcorder and this is the 2nd of 3 parts. The
upload process has been a problem but my footage is intact for only 19 minutes of this hour long event. I apologize but did
not realized the Camcorder was not set properly to last one hour. Please advocate with Comflm Registry News to have a Public
Affairs N...
Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting on Tuesday February 9 2010 in Rm 437 Statehouse Boston, the Massachusetts
Partnership For Responsible Gambling Presentation on Policy to the Legislature. I was only able to capture 19 minutes of this
event as my Sony dvd camcorder somehow slipped into high quality and this shut off to my demise. Sorry as I try to capture
a full event and not my intent. A second problem occured in uploading this and it is due to my Comcast package. It just kept
Catch of the Day, Video News Freelance Reporting on February 2 2010 in A1 1-3PM on the Jt Committee on Federal
Stimulus Oversight Public Hearing. Committee Chairmen Senator Pacheco and Representative Linsky continue to hear testimony
from Administration and Finance Secretary Jay Gonzalez. This tape will be approximately 17 minutes and was recorded on a Sony
DVD Camcorder. Catch of the Day, Reporting on Tuesday February 2 2010 A1 1-3PM on the Jt Committee on Federal Stimulus Oversight
Public He...
Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting on the Jt Committee on Federal Stimulus Oversight Public Hearing
on Jobs. On this tape we continue to hear testimony from Administration and Finance Secretary Jay Gonzalez in A1 1-3PM This
tape was captured on a Sony DVD Camcorder and lasts 17 minutes
Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting on the Jt Committee on Federal Stimulus Oversight Public Hearing
A1 1-3PM Statehouse on Jobs. Committee Chairs Representative Linsky, and Senator Pacheco hear testimony on this tape from
Administration and Finance Secretary Jay Gonzalez. This footage was captured on a Sony DVD Camcorder by JAldrich videographer
who does documentary footage and does not edit. Some testimony may be lost in the separation process uploading. A full copy
may be orde...
Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting on the Jt Committee on Federal Stimulus Oversight Hearing on
February 2 2010. This is the end testimony tape of Administration and Finance Secretary Jay Gonzalez and the initiating testimony
of Director of Infrastructure Investment Jeffrey Simon to the Committee. House Chairman Representative Linsky and Senate Chairman
Pacheco RM A1 1PM-3PM On this tape the sound runs fine but while uploading the picture stalls for about 6 minutes. This does
February 2 2010 Tuesday A1 1PM the Jt Committee on Federal Stimulus Oversight Committee held a public hearing on
jobs. In this tape 1 of 3 second half of hearing you will hear from the Director of Infrastructure Investment, Jeffrey Simon
and the tape is approx 15 min long. This was taped on a Sony DVD Camcorder. Catch of the Day, Video News Freelance Reporting
videotaped this public hearing.
February 2 2010 Tuesday at 1PM the Jt Committee on Federal Stimulus Oversight held a public hearing on jobs. This
is tape 2 of 3 and is testimony from Director of Infrastructure and Investment Jeffrey Simon. This tape is approx 5 minutes
long Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting videotaped this hearing
Tuesday February 2 2010 the Jt Committee on Federal Stimulus Oversight held a Public Hearing on Jobs Chaired by
Rep Linsky and Senator Pacheco to hear testimony from Administration and Finance Secretary Jay Gonzalez and Director of Infrastructure
Jeffrey Simon. This is 3 of 3 Jeffrey Simon tapes the second half of the hearing. This footage was captured by Catch of the
Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting copies can be obtained by emailing
Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting, captures the Docket Windows of the House and Senate Clerk. These
windows should be equal. Please support S1458 Open Meeting Legislation and Press There is a missing Public Hearing on Thursday.
The Public Health Executive Hearing tomorrow will have these bills on the adgenda. Some bills may be off the list some may
come on.. this is the stats so far 2 2 10 Bills : HI028, 1116, 1148, 2034, 2038 2041, 2044, 2054, 2064, 2070, 2078, 2079,
2087, 208...
Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting, Statehouse House Speaker Deleo and Homeland Security Public
Safety Committee House Chairman Representative Costello of Newburyport comment on the 20 Year Natural Gas Shipping Contract
with Yemen to dock in Charlestown, Massachusetts, The Press Conference 330 PM today Tuesday, February 2 2010. Please note
the end of this video states February 1 2010 that is not correct it is a technical error. JAldrich Videographer.
Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting Statehouse 330PM catches Press Conference with US Coast Guard,
Speaker Deleo and Rep Costello Homeland Security Chairman, outside the House Chamber Beacon Hill. The entire footage is about
24 minutes long in two parts.
Catch of the Day, Video News Freelance Reporting catches some footage of the Brown Thank You Party and finds a
Candidate running in November.. check this out!
Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting last group of citizens who wanted to get a photo with Scott Brown..
Guess who will vote for Scott in November.. He's the guy of the day.. best photo op..
Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting, interviews Rabid Republican Blog Writer and Michael Halberg
gets asked a question! The Crowd at Linzi's Catering Thank You Party for Brown was an opportunity to meet some activists that
hailed Scott Brown.
Catch of theDay, Video News, Freelance Reporting at Linzi's Catering Thank you Party for Scott Brown gets interview
while recording the event with Chelmsford Town Official on the Seating of Scott Brown.. watch how engaging this commentary
becomes as an Attorney gets involved and another citizen.
Catch of the Day, Video News, FreelanceReporting J Aldrich captures the Brown Campaign Trail Celebration Thank
You party sponsored by LInzi's Catering of Dracut. This 5 minute of 60 minute flick will show the packed room and notice the
potential Media in the room with all the small cameras being held up. I love it. Media is smack in front of Scott and would
not step back to the platform Catch of the Day was on. I do not like to tape the close up version for the news bite. I like
to tape the do...
Catch of the Day, Video News Freelance Reporting checks on the Clerks window. January 28 2010 there were two notices
on Judiciary on the Clerks window. I asked if they could give me a copy as there were two. I was told it was online but then
the Clerk said one had been brought up today. Well that was not in 48 hour notice was it. And later found the House had added
1 bill. This is why some people go nuts that they sneak in a bill. But what I am saying is fix the public record law and this
Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting on Thursday January 28 2010 captured the Jt Committee on Judiciary
Public Hearing A1 1PM . During the Public Hearing this Father and Daughter testified on a Personal Injury Suit that has cost
the family $9 Million Dollars that has totally eaten up the settlement. The Justice granted 40% of 9 mil to the Attys plus
more. Please listen to this horror story. The Committee was moved by this testimony. The Father an Atty will undergo a 9 hour
Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting captures Senator Scott Brown signing autographs for supporters
after the Worcester Mechanics Hall Rally which by the way was filled to the rafters plus the street plus the overflow of 1000
Catch of the Day, Video News Freelance Reporting captures Earl Sholley Republican, of Wellesley speaking to the
ProLife March for Life on Washington on the 37th Aniversary of Roe vs Wade . Earl Sholley is running against Congressman Barney
Frank Democrat of Newton Massachusetts.
Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting on the 37thAniversary of Roe vs Wade Washington DC Capital March
for Life. This footage will continue the discussion on lobbying to the Citizens for Life. There are two more videos on this
discussion. You are listening to Earl Sholley of Massachusetts running for Congress against Barney Frank and the Catholic
University Law School Attorney/ Professor talking about the Buffer Zone Case. The dates at the end of the video are not correct.
Please d...
Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting finds the Senate Reading Room of the US Senate Building 3rd Floor.
A discussion is going on for the MARCH FOR LIFE Citizens who will lobby their Congressman and Senators. This video is very
rough. However, the sound is excellent and this was done on a sony dvd camcorder which cannot be altered. Please excuse this.
If I had staff to help then maybe we could do some serious editing. This footage lasts about 4 minutes. There are 3 more videos
on t...
Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting, JAldrich, captures portions of two services at the Bascilica.
The first is the Blessed Sacrament Adoration Chapel where 24 hour prayers will be offered up and the Mass for the Unborn in
the main Church. Neither are full service but will show the highlights. The Mass will be said by His Excellency Most Reverend
Timothy P. Broglio, Archbishop of Military Services, USA and four additional ConCelebrants and two Deacons. A Day of Penance
and Prayer...
Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting, Friday January 22 2010 arrives while still dark at the Basicilica
of the Immaculate Conception with a bus trip on Colonial Tours, organized by St Pauls of Harvard Square Cambridge. The trip
left Cambridge at 8pm and traveled all night then returned again at 6pm the same day. Absolutely, comfortable bus as busses
go and the driver was a great driver! This is a very awesome video of the Bascilica which had opened its doors to Pilgrims
and allowe...
Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting crowds passing the US Senate Building Washington DC on January
22 2010 the 37th Aniversay of Roe vs Wade. Picture the density of this photo and you will understand the density of this crowd
which extended from the Monument to the Supreme Court where the Walk for Life ended.
Catch of the Day, Video News Freelance Reporting in Washington DC asked Jill to pose at Scott Browns office for
fun. Senator Scott Brown will be seated this week but until that time the office remains in Sen Kirk's name. Yes he will have
that office according to Staff asked that day in DC while in DC covering the March for Life on the 37th Aniversary of Roe
vs Wade.
Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting continues to capture the march heading to the Capital. The march
will end at the Supreme Court and J Aldrich is on foot taping so forgive the movement as it was important to keep going not
to miss the event at the Senate Building area.
Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting, JAldrich continues to record the March on Washington for the
Aniversary of Roe vs Wade Supreme Court Decision 37 years ago. At this point J Aldrich attempts to turn back realizing the
walk was being assembled and marching toward the Capital on a parrellel street. It was not until the end at the Capital looking
back toward the Monument that JAldrich realized the diversion of the crowd must have been a direct assault on the liberty
to assemble a...
Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting Breaking News! JAldrich, attending the March for Life captures
the assembling groups waiting to form the huge wall of people against Abortion after 37 years of Roe vs Wade in the US. This
area is near the Rally and Speakers however, the fenced area protecting the lawns which were subject to intense trampling
in the mudd made it difficult to gain access to areas and to move the crowds with any precision. Mounted officers were used
to open blocke...
Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting, JAldrich, visits Washington DC on the 37th Aniversary of Roe
vs Wade. Walking from the Senate Building to the Monument Rally area an endless assembly of marchers were videotaped. Groups
chose colored hats and scarfs to distinguish themselves. Aldrich thought at some point the walkers would stop but it did not
and returning to the Senate Building area later will show why.
Aniversary Roe vs Wade March on Washington took place today. Catch of the Day was able to capture the event. This
is the Senate Building Senate Briefing Room where Right to Life Activists from around the Nation have a briefing on the status
of the Health Care Bill and prepare to Lobby their Senators and Representatives. The event is approximately 16 minutes long
No other Press was on site for this event. Not even C Span
Catch of the Day Video News Freelance Reporting .. this is the first of 3 opening comments by Speakers. The room
was electric and the same charge has persued us like a mighty wind and the Massachusetts Miracle. Today in Hamilton even in
the snow the voting turnout is steady. The event filled the Hall, poured into the streets and into the overflow room of 1000
people. Wherever people know of a rally hundreds show up . Catch the Fire.. well see how this turns out.
Catch of the Day, VideoNewsFreelanceReporting, JVC camera decides to put the date on this video.. sorry.. technical
problem Would you believe I hate technology! This is why. I had the best view.. my camera appeared to be rolling and then
this. So please excuse the blunder. the footage is amazing. The footage will be up in 16 min segments.. Approximately, 2 hours
in full.
Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting captures some footage of the Atty General Coakley's Newburyport
Visit and the Republican Rally on the Salisbury Bridge..
Catch of the Day, Video News Freelance Reporting captures some of the 2 hours of showing up for the Atty General
Coakley at the Salisbury Bridge, Approximately, 150 people showed up and would not leave. They were at both exits of the Restaurant
. Two cameras were used and only one has been uploaded at this point. Sony dvd camera
Catch of the Day, Video News Freelance Reporting taping the Rally for Senator Scott Brown for US Senate. Outside
of Mechanics Hall the people had already gathered to greet Scott Brown. A second overflow area was arranged and 1000 people
gathered there not being able to get in. The signs are unique and the fervor was unbelievable. No one is happy with this Administration.
I do not think the Government is ready for this at all.
Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting on Sunday afternoon videotaped the full inside of Mechanics Hall
where the 4 videos show the crowd to the rafters building with an overflow of 1000 somewhere else. If you cannot hear the
rumble revolution in the sound that was ongoing for a good 45 minutes inside you must be tone deaf. All the media were lined
across the back but the sign holders center were asked not to hold the signs for the speakers which they did. The speeches
are on anothe...
Amesbury Republicans held signs Brown for Senate. Caught on tape by Catch of the Day Video News, Freelance Reporting
. Sign holders were out from 10AM to noon on Saturday.
Catch of the Day, Video News, FreeLance Reporting, catches some more heckling of the lone star Brown Supporter
with the 4x8 sign made in America.. being heckled by the Royal Carpenter Union standing guard for Atty General Coakley.. this
one is priceless in case anyone wants to purchase this. all rights protected by copyright to Catch of the Day, Video News
Freelance Reporting
Catch of the Day, Video News, FreeLance Reporting tape 2 continues outside to cover the Atty General Martha Coakley
Campaign Trail to Lowell 43 Palmer St. Listen as the Union Guys build momentum heckling the lone Brown for Senate 4x8 sign
for Brown .. Two and at times 3 cruisers were available on scene for any problems and to keep traffic in check.
Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting on Saturday the 16th of January 2010 made it to Lowell videotaping
the Coakley Campaign Trail. It was a cobblestone street and huge signs for Coakley for Senate addorned the corner Restaurant.
As only one sign for Brown was seen in this remote spot J Aldrich decided to take some of the Speech in. However, the small
Room was standing room only and the space was about 36 inches square where she would have to tape from. Using the monopod
Aldrich r...
Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting goes to the Statehouse and checks on the docket schedules. The
Senate Window and the House Clerk windows are the first place to look. The second year of a two year log usually the bills
have had hearings already. However, some Committees will still see a few more Public Hearings. Then the next thing is the
Executive Session list. The Docket Room 428 closed down in December of 2009 so we now will have to go to the Committees and
these offices to...
CEREMONY TO IRAQ AND AFGANISTAN SUNDAY 10AM. This video is broken into 4 16 minute segments. In this opening segment National
Guard Major John Prior after the National Anthem sung by Ms. Kennedy, and the prayer Invocation by Chaplain Candidate 1st
Lt Michelle Durkee of Leominster, Major Prior introduces Gov Deval Patrick, and Senator Paul Kirk. Catch of the Day, Video
News, Freelanc...
TD BANK NORTH North Station MASSACHUSETTS NATIONAL GUARD 101ST FA, 164TH TB, AND RCAG 16 minute tape Mar John Prior,
MNG, Introduces Senator Paul G Kirk TD Bank North offers to hold th eCeremony which is the best ever and 3/4 of the Garden
is filled with Family and Friends cheering the Troops about to go to Iraq and Afganistan some a third and fourth time. Fianally
the Gov et al gets it right. We will stand with you and your families is the mantra of this event. Thank God. Thefull event
lasts ...
DESCRIBED IN THE FIRST VIDEO. The event started at 10AM and lasted about 1 hour. The video is broken into 4 16 minute sections.
TD Bank North Garden provided the space free for the best ever send off of our Massachusetts National Guard . Please
refer to the first description provided for the details of the video.
best ever send off for our Massachusetts Troops this Reporter has seen. From th e Prayer convocation to the words of each
speaker the hearts and minds were in complete harmony on this wintry day in January. The whole area covered in snow up to
1 foot in places did ...
December 14 2009 Legislators gathered to celebrate Chanukah by lighting a huge Menorah in Nurses Hall. This footage
is done on a JVC Camcorder . This has been done as a Documentary Archive Tape of our Statehouse by the Coalition to Preserve
the Public Record. J Aldrich has been documenting our Statehouse for the past 6 years. Over 450 Public Hearings Events and
Press Conferences have been archived by Catch of the Day Video News and Comflm Registry.
A 14 min tape of the December 14 2009 Menorah Lighting Service with all the Dignataries included adding remarks
on Religious Freedom and its inclusion in Politics and American History.
10 min tape 3 of 4 Catch of the Day Video News Freelance Reporting Tuesday December 14 2009 tapes for the third
consequtive year the Menorah Lighting for Chanukah.
This production of the Menorah Lighting Ceremony will be done on a JVC Camcorder. The program is somehow loading
longer and the coloring of the same event is remarkable. Please understand that the Events at the Statehouse are never recorded
for an archive purpose. Catch of the Day Video News Freelance Reporting is a Documentary Videographer JAldrich. The purpose
of this video is to show the public what is happening on Beacon Hill on any given day. Celebrating our Religious Holidays
is a part o...
Tape 1 of 4 this tape will last 6 minutes and will be the Schector School Choir from Sharon Massachusetts. The
event started approximately 430pm and the kids were practicing and entertaining the crowd a good hour. They were awesome.
This event has been happening for 20 years and Catch of the Day has taped 3 years. This was taped on a Sony DVD Camcorder.
There is another version on a JVC that will be uploaded. That will be special closeups . stay tuned. If you would like to
use this footage you...
This tapewill last 39 minutes the last half of the event. This was recorded on a Sony DVD Camcorder. Catch of the
Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting does documentary footage at the Statehouse. A C Span production and the footage is unedited.
This will be the longest portion of the event. The first couple tapes have been shortened as to capture singing while waiting
for the event to start. Catch of the Day has captured two other years of this event however, this is the first year to be
Tape 1 of 4 17 minute increments The Jt Committee on Labor and Workforce Development holds a Public Hearing . To
find the bills for this public hearing go to this link: Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance
Reporting does Documentary footage and does not edit. When transferring to the internet some testimony is lost during segments.
To order a full copy please email Until the Legislature is BACK UNDER the open meeting law S1458 all footage
Tape 2 of 4 17 min increments Jt Committee on Labor and Workforce Development
link to see the bills presented in this Public Hearing
Tape 4 of 4 17 min segments this tape about 10 minutes long to find the bills
for this Public Hearing.. Any proceeds from ads go to support the Coaltion to Preserve the Public Record
THIS IS MY BEST EVER.. I follow the Media coverage in Massachusetts. Look for my media tracking and you will see
the tripods if they are there. This is my best for students in Journalism courses.. I was so excted this shot was captured.
However, this shot is totally copyrighted. Use it with great worry if you do not give me credit as COMFLM REGISTRY President
Tape 1 of 8 the Jt Committee on Financial Services hears bills found on this site
and the Hearing will go for 2 hours. You can order a full copy of this Hearing by emailing, Catch of the
Day, Video News, does Documentary footage and does not edit but due to the uploading in segments some footage is lost. You
can fix this byordering a full copy. The meeting start is a little off . I was coming in as it started. Afterthoughts: This
public hearing...
Tape 2 of 8 17 minute intervals the Massachusetts Jt Committee on Financial Services
for the list of bills being heard on December 2 2009
Tape 3 of 8 17 min intervals the Jt Committee on Financial Services to find the
bills being heard in Committee on this day
Tape 5 of 8 17 min intervals the Jt Committee on Financial Services for the list
of bills being heard on this day Dec 2 2009
Tape 8 of 8, loading in 17 minute segements, 2hours, Jt Public Hearing, The link
has the bills heard on this day in At this point the Legislature is not retaining the bills in the online
site. They can be removed. Comflm, has saved them for you to access. Catch of the Day, Video News Freelance Reporting, does
documentary footage. J Aldrich does write oppinions. However, the footage is intact to the best possible within the program
to upload,. So...
On this video I am not sure if the footage will post without many stops. I hope you can appreciate the footage
and I will post again if I can fix the technology problem. Catch of the Day Video News Freelance Reporting
Catch of the Day, Video News Freelance Reporting covers Sen.Scott Brown win at the Marriot Hotel Newton, Massachusetts.
This footage is a little rough as something is going on with my technology. It seems that things can happen that I cannot
fathom no matter how I try. So enjoy the footage. It was a very sweet event, and the crowd loved him. I think we are in for
a good race in the coming year. I always do a documentary view and do not do interviews. I was watching the media and how
they cover...
In this video you will see the Police arrive and question the group Join the Impact . This will last only 2 minutes.
After this they returned to the Boston Common but Catch of the Day ended coverage.
At this point on the 16 minute tape the group moves to the Cemetary directly aside the Park Street Church. They
can see the group assembled inside the Church and proceed to chant loudly using the blow horn until that is not bad enough
they put it on the window itself. The shock of this event caught me off guard and I was not aiming the camera correctly but
the sound is what is important. Stay with it and it gets very interesting. Catch of the Day Video News Freelance Reporting
does Documentary...
During the Summer Join the Impact a group started on Facebook able to round up 3000 people in 4 days discovered
Park Street Church was holding a Seminar for Clergy on how to minister to Homosexuals and Lesbians. Exodus International .
Catch of the Day Video News does not edit and so this footage is what it is including a spot on my lens .. Sorry about that.
taped on 8MM Sony this came out well in spite of. The footage is broken up in 16 minute segments. Please watch for the compelling
16 min and 5 min tapes are a great testimony to the power of 1. A single man traveled 17 years ago to Arlington
Cemetary to place wreaths on the graves of fallen soldiers. Today a Nation Wide event will follow this one next weekend to
bring solidarity to the compassion for our fallen soldiers and awareness. This public ceremony is an awesome example of why
we love our Soldiers. Catch of the Day Video News does documentary footage and you are free to use this video for your pleasure
with credit...
In this video you will see the coffee spread the Town of Hamilton prepared for the event participants. From this
site they will travel to Bedford AFB . This video will be approximately 5 minutes. Catch of the Day , Video News, Freelance
Reporting does documentary footage and does not edit. Please feel free to use this footage and give credit . Comflm Registry
loves our Troops and is happy to contribute this footage to the cause. Wreaths Across America
At apporximately 529pm a male in his 40's was waiting for the 545pm train to Boston. He had just spoken to a Cab
Driver and turned to cross the first set of tracks to board the train when the Train suddenly without notice was on the first
set of tracks as he crossed. This was reported to Catch of the Day, Video News on the Newburyport Train by the only witness
to the accident after Police had him give a report and he was boarding at theRowleyStation. This gentleman refused to state
his name an...
Judges legalize over 200 Adoptions on National Adoption Day on November 20 2009 in Cambridge Juvenile Court designated
Lead Court. Gov Patrick guest speaker , tale end here, Juvenile Court Chief Justice Michael J Edgerton, Probate and Family
Court Chief Paula M Carey, Middlesex Juvenile Court First Justice Jay Blitzman, Dept Children Fam Commissioner Angelo McClain,
Secretary Health and Human Services Dr Judy Ann Bixby, Eliot Tatelman CEO Jordans Furniture, and the Sheppard Family plus
This tape starts off with Human Service Secretary Dr Judy Ann Bixby , and will last around 14 minutes. There are
three tapes to cover the full event and a few extras of special parts I wanted to allow you to watch alone. then to CEO Jordans
Furniture, Eliot Tatelman, and the Shepard Family last.
lETS DO THIS AGAIN.. THE MUSIC IS AWESOME! Catch of the Day Video News Freelance Reoporting does documentary footage
of Public Hearings, Press Conferences and Special Events like this one! 978 388 2457
This is the third tape of around 15 minutes. My computer is acting up. You will see around 7 minutes at the end
that is priceless of the music portion where aa adoptee 15 year old will shock you by the voice she commands. This section
is started off with Jordans Furniture CEO Eliot Tatelman giving remarks on the Jordan Furniture contribution to this effort
and a challenge to invite two people to adopt in the next year.
Catch of the Day, gathers a few more words on the experience these folks had giving testimony at theLegislative
public hearing on Children and Familes in A1. Interesting Fr Harrinton's Mom showed up to hear her son. Is that sweet or what!
Sally Naumann adds a comment as well.
Brian Camenker, Mass Resistance Director, Sally Naumann of Carlisle, Fr Jack Harrington, Fall River testfied to
support a bill on parenting involvement. H145 an act protecting children and parents This testimony is graffic as not all
the the publicor parents are aware the material is being taught to their children Camenker states. Sally Naumann tells of
the fact she was the one that found the famous Black Book being used in schools. Fr. Harrinton stressed the fact Virtue is
the educational mod...
Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting scans in some information boards brought by one group of the
Testifiers. The JVC 2 hour video will be posted in 17 minute increments. This information will support the testimony to provide
Social Workers to kids aging out of Foster Care, Parole Board sites. This is a description of what they hope to implement
if the bill passes.
Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting visits the House Clerks office to see if they will distribute
a copy of the bills for the day. The Clerk states we do not do this, but JAldrich knows they are setting up a system in the
Computer so she asks.. oh, so I go to the Computer? At which point the blank stare looks up and she states are you letting
the public use the computer to get a copy? The Clerk then states to turn on the computer.. so going over the screen button
would not come o...
The J@ J Show continues to discuss the Constitttion and conflict of interest in Lawyers being Elected Officials
and continuing their Practice. Comments can be sent to
The J&J Show presents a third show on Current Events.. Health Care, FixBeacon Hill, and Constitutional Issues
. . Please contact, with any comments on the Show.
This is a second show on Health Care Plan just passed by a 2 vote margin. J&J discuss the impact the change
in health care will have on Medicare Medicaid Payments. To comment please email, and specify J or Jay for
questions. If this show appeals to you please let us know ..If you would like to be on this show you can and not leave your
The next 5 shows will be a first Production of the J&J SHOW sm . This is only 9 minutes in length and can be
added to an email. This will be on the Health Care Plan that just passed the House of Representatives by only a 2 vote margin.
Please stay tuned and email comflm at, with any comments for Jan or Jay.
Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting covered this Public Hearing.. the Chairman describes the bills
and invites testimony. This public hearing will go approximately 3 hours and will be posted in 17 minute increments. J Aldrich
feels this testimony is extremely important as ti addresses the hours Medical Professionals are required to work. Testimony
will attempt to address the pro and con of diminishing the hours Doctors can work to be safe.
Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting, J Aldrich, reports on the miracle of 125 troop soldiers coming
home alive from Iraq. And the opposition Family Support gave her to codify relationships during her sons deployment to Iraq.
Aldrich, tries to show how the entire family experienes ptsd when the Military takes over your life and your family.
Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting JAldrich, reports on the experience taping the Veterans Event
at the Statehouse on Wednesday. Please understand the pattern of harrassment that is being described as an Independant Videographer
documenting Public Events at our Statehouse
Now that the Docket Room is closed.. the public has the Senate and Clerk windows to find the public hearings coming
up. Please note that the Senate Clerk window does not match the House Window and the Education Committee list has been taken
down. I read the date and Committees outloud as the script is difficult to see.
Catch of the Day, Video News taped 25 minutes of this event. Comflm Registry salutes our Veterans and the enormous
sacrifice they give to protect this great land America. This will be in two episodes.
Kristi Devine of West Newbury testifies to the Jt Legislative Committee on Judiciary of the experience she had
with the Trial Court system starting over a Land Court case putting her in prison and incurring tens of thousands of dollars
in debt only to have all charges dismissed.
Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporter, JAldrich, ComflmRegistryNews, President, talks from her workspace
on the Open Meeting Law Constitutional crisis at the Statehouse which she claims through constant discovery and coverage of
Statehouse Committee Hearings has been the root problem of all arrogance at the statehouse. The Public simply do not understand
this and as she also did not believe it Aldrich wants to explain the need for the current CITIZEN PETITION INITIATIVE www.fixbeaco...
Hamilton Resident, J Aldrich, and Catch of the Day Reporter, testifies before Jt Legislative Committee on Labor
and Workforce Development on the bills before Committee that were relevant to her work history from 1980 to 2000. Aldrich
testifies that the AT WILL employment law in Massachusetts has had a detrimental effect on all employment and is a main culprit
in the Economic problems we now sustain. Even this very week the most important office in the Statehouse the Docket Room has
been locked...
Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting talks about the recent discharge of three employess whose job
was to inform the public of bills and help Lobbyists with copies of bills. This office was very important and the notice of
four hours was inappropriate for people who have worked there some maybe 30 years?? A great day for AT WILL employment law
in Massachusetts. And you tell me that your job is secure????? A little confused on the AT Will here Catch of the Day finally
gets it strai...
This episode of 16 minutes finishes the Public Hearing with public record testimony Please support S1458 and,
as we entertain suggestions to cover up public records such as access to birth records in these bills. If Catch of the Day
Video News was not providing a public record documentary (documents) video documents we would have no access to this information
and no record.
Catch of the Day covered this Public Hearing on Funeral issues and Birth Records . The testimony was about an hour
and is worth watching. Constitutional rights of public records remaining public since the 1600's are discussed by members
of the Geneology Associations in Massachusetts.
Senator Brian Joyce Canton leads Press Conference prior to Public Hearing on Children and Families and Persons
with Disabilities. In a two part Press Conference Catch of the Day Video News Freelance Reporting was the only Camera Press
there. The Public Hearing was covered by House Broadcast and will be shown soon on, Outside the entire
street was filled with advocates for the Disability holding a stand off to not cut funding.
In this event as I was walking past the Nurses Hall, I noticed a very interesting forum happening on the Drop out
condition of students. I looked around and saw there was no Press and decided to capture it. This is one of the reasons I
am at the Statehouse. So much is happening and who is recording it. Please support, and S1458.
Inside the Main Entrance Police were stationed and Greeters met people and checked their tickets. The film went
a little dark and then corrected itself.. I was just trying to see if I recognized people on the high roller ticket price
of $500 per head and up.. and inside later I was told they all stood for 2 hours. The President was late and maybe a good
thing as the guests would not have been able to get in easily. But I am glad I was outside as standing is just too hard for
me for 2 hours.. I...
This is the first film for the Day of President Obama's visit. Catch of the Day, decided to just cover the Copley
Square event and show the area closed down and how the Security System worked..
Catch of the Day, Video News, does documentary footage and so you will see a lot more of the happening outside
the Westin here than you will in a story form. I want you to think of yourself being at the event. I do not interact much
and find when I do it spoils it. I have a certain aspect I want to be perceived and my comments though fun disappoint me.
So enjoy the footage and pause it to see some of the rough shots . The moment to moment anxiety of when Obama was going to
drive by kind of too...
President Obama, was greeted at the Airport by Senate Pres Theresa Murray and Mayor Thomas Menino , gave a speech
at MIT but the crowds chanting got to see nothing of President Obama. Catch of the Day, arrived at the Westin Hotel around
1130AM and will give you her birds eye story of the scene at the Westin for about 3 hours. What happens to a city when it
has a President Visit is very surprising. Around town the buzz was the place will be crawling with FBI CIA and layer to layer
Cops. But Cat...
Senator Timilty Senate Chair and Rep Costello House Chair Preside over a 5 hour public hearing. Catch of the Day,
Video News, Freelance Reporting does documentary footage and does not edit. If any omissions occured it would have been while
changing tapes each hour. This was captured on a sony dvd camera in lp mode. This Hearing is one of the most compelling hearings
due to the Privacy /Camera surveilance testimony .. The bills are varied and important so stay tuned to the 17 minute upload
Resident discusses the reason why not to vote for the exclusion of wells to regulate.. states he feels this is
another Constitutional erosion of our freedom to our own land rights.
On the outside of the event was a set up of coffee and a Boy Scout Sale, but inside in the Kitchen was the surprise
of the day. Check out the display of food and listen to the explanation of a new thing in town..The Green.. love this food
and the whole idea.. Thank you for the wonderful pastries.. awesome! Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting from
the Winthrop School.
Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting attends the Hamilton Town Meeting. Of course the meeting waa
filmed by Local Cable Access but it was fun getting a few snapshots of the Town Government Process. As things progress Hamilton
will have a Town Manager and two more Selectmen. Very interesting but hot day as the doors were all kept shut to protect the
voter count although a few got in I was told.
In this video you will see the Senate Window outside the Senate Clerks office. This is where Committee Hearnings
are posted publicly. Do you see how dark this is? That is because the area is so dark my camera hardly gets it. Catch of the
Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting likes to document how the Public Hearings are posted , if in the time constraints of
public record law and advocates that our Statehouse be under the same law that Cities and Towns follow. However, this very
day I decided t...
The Jt Committee on the Judiciary in A2 heard testimony on Bills from1pm to 6pm. The House Broadcast Director is
seen here, Donald Coleman and a Intern recently hired for the project. Interns do not get paid but it is good that they have
more hands on deck. The House Broadcast video is stored on the House Broadcast website. and find the
Live Webcast link to view this. The video will be up by Wednesday I believe next week. What I am capturing here is a single
testimony by...
The Jt Committee on Transportation continues to hear testimony on bills pertaining to Traffic Light Cameras.
is the website to find the Committees, Bills, and Hearings coming up. Bills are not left up on the screen and are erased the
next day . So if you are seeing a list save to your cute pdf file for future reference. Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance
Reporting does Documentary Footage and does not edit. Occasionally the meeting start is off as this one was due t...
The Jt Committee on Transportation hears testimony on Bills pertaining to Cameras at Traffic Lights. The hearing
lasts 119 minutes and will be put up in 17 minute increments. Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting does Documentary
Footage and does not edit. The Hearing was already started when arrived so some testimony was lost at the beginning.
The full text of the Press Conference on the Economy filmed by Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting
. Did you notice the seconds of footage the networks gave to this event?
Mrs. Amy Mann Contrada, Investigative Journalist and writer testifies before Committee on her study and experience
with the Health Curriculum Frameworks content.
Jt Committee on Education hears testimony from Marie Sturgis, MCFL, Ed Neary, Teacher for years speak in favor
of opt in and age appropriate sex education as part of the health curriculum frameworks.
Jt Committee on Education hears more testimony for Parents Rights to opt in and to pursuade the Committee to curtail
sex ed to age appropriate time. On this tape Evelyn Riley MFI lobbyist, and a mother testify of the inappropriate curriculum
being introduced to young children
J Aldrich, testifies of her knowledge of a day care sex experiment in Vermont run by Welfare, U of Vermont and
Hospital in the 80's There is no age limit to the experiment with American Children. The adgenda is intended to immerge all
into the free for all sex play pen starting at the play pen. For thirty years Ms Aldrich has watched the birthing of this
sexual freedom train. Parents have no rights in Public Schools and now even the freedom to be free is being imposed on all.
Brian Camenker, MassResistance Director gives testimony before the Committee on Education on Parents Rights Bill
which he wrote and speaks on opting in as a corrective choice to the present opt out bill.
The Jt Committee on Education hears testimony from EdSaunders, of MassCatholicConference , Mother concerned for
content in Daughters 4th grade homework assignment, Teacher concerned over the lasting effects from her experience in education
with the Sex Ed Curriculum standard as it stands.
At this juncture the Jt committee on educaton will hear testimony on Parents Rights Bills. that will go on for
another 1.5 hours. The first to Testify on Parents Rights and Sex Education is Kris Mineau of Mass Family Institute
On Beacon Hill in Room A1 Education Committee heard Testimony on bills pertaining to Phys Ed, Health, and the Health
Curriculum Frameworks. On this tape we hear from the Legislators sponsoring the bills. The public hearing was 3.5 hours long.
The file will be uploaded in 17 minute increments. I have discovered how to use the Meta data and post the descriptions again.
I apologize for any inconvenience the past few weeks. Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting does documentary footage...
Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting taping the Jt Committee on Health Care Payment Reform Review
Public Hearing. At this point in the Hearing packed with too many people up the side walls and standing in the isles J aldrich
returned to find the JVC hard drive camera was off. Turning to see where the cord was and if it had been unplugged found a
stream of people including a reporter on the floor and the plug had been unplugged by a briefcase and a suited gentleman standing
Salem State College hosts Congressman Tierney in a Town Hall Forum where questions were ticketed and drawn in Lots
form from a fish bowl. Approximately 200 showed up. The crowds had what I would say 60 /40 opposed to the Health Care Plan
being discussed for various well stated reasons. Congressman Tierney was great with the crowds. Tons of Police were present.
There were no outlets in the building except the back wall. Police said the building is almost 300 years old and has no wiring
like Fan...
Catch of the Day, Video News, Captures Salem State College Town Hall Forum with Congressman Tierney , The event
was a late start and lasted longer than planned.
Catch of the Day, Video News, is having technological difficulties.. We have not been able to add any written descriptions
as the Blip TV program has changed and we were not savy enough to catch it. This hearing has only been posted half way. You
may obtain a full copy of the Hearing in 10 DVD pack for 50.00 by donating to the Coalition to Preserve the Public Record.
Please call 978 388 2457 for more information. If you order at hearing you will get a discount on pricing. The proceeds do
not c...
I was able to extract the full last testimony on the Hearing in one tape instead of splitting it up. Catch of the
Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting does documentary footage on Public Hearings, Press Conferences and Events at our Statehouse
and about town when asked.The full copy of the Public Hearing on Judiciary can be obtained by emailing A
small fee of 35.00 will be a donation to the Coalition to Preserve the Public Record. This is not a 501c3 but all funds are
non profi...
In this section of 2nd 17 minutes on the last dvd sony tape we continue to hear testimony by divorced public on
the excruciating experience they are still having with the dysfunctional marriage court system, There is one more 6 minute
tape which finishes off the last testimony. that will be 9B of 9
The Jt Committee on Judiciary heard testimony on Marriage Divorce Custody laws including Parents rights and Grandparents
rights complicated and sometimes made worse by the varied Court Justice Process. The Hearing ended at 10pm was interrupted
by many House Role Calls and in this tape we hear from Fathers who were even sent to prison for the financial burden of Alimony
advice given them by their Attorneys.This tape was videographed by Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting on a
On Tuesday on Beacon Hill September 15 2009 the First Islamic American Islamic Congress Proclamation was presented
from the Governor . The Ceremony is on two short tapes and was recorded on the JVC.
A few more Representatives who are supporting Open Meeting and the Petition Initiative Process . Catch of the Day
Video News Freelance Reporting has copyright to this footage but anyone may use this when giving proper credit.
On Tuesday September 15 2009 Representive Jennifer Callahan gives Stathouse News Reporter some reasons why she
thinks there is good support of the Initiatve Petition put out by, Catch of the Day Video News recorded
this video. Anyone may use this information as long as they give credit to Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting.
At 10 AM on September 15 2009 Chris Mc Keown of Westwood of FIXBEACHONHILL.COM held a Press event on the Statehouse
Steps to launch the Petition Initiative on Open Meeting Law changes to the Constitution. Here Chris will explain the process
and the 5 points of the bill.Catch of the Day Video News Freelance Reporting has copyright to this material and you may use
it if you give credit . Please join the drive to put our Legislature under the open meeting law. Email Chris at
Saturday September 12 2009 Tea Party Protest on the Waterfront, from 130pm to 3pm organized by Bill Hudak, Esq
running for Congressman against Tierney.Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting taped this event
Saturday Sept 12 2009 rain did not stop these Patriots from assembling and holding a Protest on the waterfront
in Gloucester.. This tape starts off with Rich Baker running for Governor in MassachusettsCatch of the Day, Video News Freelance
Reporting covered this event and holds copyright to the footage.
Approx 8 minutes of Testimony on the Waterfront at Gloucester by Citizens upset with the Obama Care Catch of the
Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting has copyright on this footage
Atty. Bill Hudak, Esq., running for Congress speaks on taxation and our conservative values. It is not a bad word
it is what founded our Country!9 minutes of the event covered here by Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting
In the worst downpour approximately 75 people gathered at Gloucester Waterfront to Protest along with other Tea
Party Groups around the Nation on September 12, 2009 the Obama Plans to change healthcare redistribution to equalize the wealth
otherwise communism and subvert Constitutional Government by the people of the people and for the people to the expense of
the Liberty we now enjoy.A rally organized in a few short weeks by Bill Hudak, Esq. Candidate for Congress astounded those
who came as ...
5 minutes reopens public hearing for a few more testimonies from Race Track officials. tape 7 of 7 Jt Committee
on Economic Development and Emerging Technologies Public Hearing
Tape 5 of 6 17 minutes of 1hour 35min of Jt Committee on Economic Development and Emerging Technologies in A1-2
hears Public Testimony. The first half of the Hearing was not taped. I started taping right at Public Comment time which is
after the testimony from Reps and Senators and other invited guests.
17 min of 1hour 35 min episode 4 the Jt Committee on Economic Development and Emerging Technologies continues to
hear testimony on dog racing in Massachusetts which was voted out by the voters.
9 10 09 17 min jvc tape 3 Jt Committee on Economic Development and Emerging Technologies continues to hear testimony
on Dog Racing which is going to be stopped unless they can convince the Committee to recommend a two year stay.
September 10 2009 The Joint Committee on Economic Development Emerging Technologies Statehouse A1-2 Boston, heard
testimony on Dog Racing. The referendum vote has terminated dog racing and the business wants a two year extension to help
the business terminate the employed less abruptly. Two Meeting rooms were opened up due to the expected crowds. Again this
is only the Public Content.Catch of the Day Video News tapes for Documentary purposes and this public hearing only taped one
half. Technic...
9 10 2009 A1-2 approximately 130pm The next 17 minutes of Public Comment in the Jt Legislative Committee on Economic
Development and Emerging Technologies on Dog Racing
The Jt Committee on Mental Health and Substance Abuse Committee hears testimony on Mental Health and treatment
17 MINUTE INCREMENTS. pLEASE ORDER A TAPE FOR A FULL RECORD. A complimentary copy of tapes recorded is given to both House
and Senate Chair . To donate to this project a check can be made out to the Coalition to Preserve the Public Record.
On my JVC Everio I was able to get a few compelling testimonies on the Health Care Bill and an Interview being
done by Fox News. I had asked Senator Brown if he would answer a few questions but he saidn after Fox so I waited but found
it was taking too long. Inside I caught another snippet of the Guards positioned like rockets around the perimiter of the
Auditorium. I never saw so many guards in one place. On the balcony you can see a tripod which I later saw on Fox news was
theirs. So the med...
Outside the Statehouse we met a group from Uxbridge Senator Moores district who were upset about S2028 and who
will be holding a rally this Saturday 9 12 09 on the town Green., Oh and can I get a commission on the ad
to sell Fox News?? to donate send check to the Coalition to Preserve the Public Record.Catch of the Day Video News holds copyright
to this news item..thanksPlease use do not abuse..copyright law.. 978 388 2457 for permission
Catch of the Day Video News Freelance Reporting stops by the Public hearing in Gardner Auditorium after finishing
up two other hearings.This video is our trailer on the public event. You will see that at 4pm the room was still pretty full
. Please note the tripod on the second floor balcony and a guard. Here you will see the full Committee in the hot seat over
the challenge to not look manipulative as Democrats and manipulate the law to do their pleasure. Of course the full public
hearing will...
TAPE 6 OF 6 Jt Committee on Education continues to hear testimony from the Secretary of Education last 7 minutes.
However the Hearing wil continue on Sony for 1 more hour of testimony.
1PM A 2 JT Committee on Education hears testimony from the Secretary of Education in MassachusettsI will be uploading
5 17 minute tapes and one 7 minute tape.92 minutes total This was done on the JVC Everio 30 g Hard Drive. The camera stopped
and I had to revert back to the Sony capture. The silouet coloring was due to poor lighting and wanting to get good audio.
There is another tape done on the Sony that will upload in a 1 hour first version and a second 1 hour of the end of the Hearing
at t...
Jt Committee on Health Care Finance hears testimony on the Pandemic FluCATCH OF THE DAY VIDEO NEWS FREELANCE REPORTING
only tape 2 of 3 Jt Committee on Health Care Finance hears testimony on Pandemic Flu. Due to the extensive interest
in these tapes I have decided to upload the full version. My DVD upload has compromised the full testimony and this will clarify
some of the 17 minute gaps. Blip however does not allow you to back roll the tape so if you need to do this you may want to
ofder the tape from Comflm at, All donations are to the Coalition to Preserve the Public Record.CATCH OF
17 MIN TAPE 2 the Jt Committee on Health Care Finance Public Hearing on Pandemic Flu will continue to hear testimony
TAPE 1 OF 7 15 MIN the Jt Committee on Health Care Finance hears testimony on Pandemic Flu This tape is being uploaded
from a dvd version and will be uploaded in 17 minute intervals. The first part of the tape is also on the second half of tape
two Barney Frank March 23 2009 . This tape will be hearing from Medical Preparedness Physicians on Disaster Emergency Preparedness.
17 MIN In this tape the Jt Committee on Health Care Financing will continue to hear testimony on patient rights
Jt Committee on Health Care Finance hears testimony on Pandemic Flu. 17 MIN of 1.5 hour tape. The footage will
be uploaded in 17 minute increments. This will help to locate important testimony. On this tape we hear from Drun companies.The
first 28 minutes are on the March 23 Tape by mistake. I will upload them last so that time is not lost today 9 2 09 the upload
date. You will find that information on blip file #2496362. Please leave any comments for the Blip Team on the comment section.
2 OF 4 17 minutes of 63 minutes Barney Frank gives a Press Conference on the Economy Bank CrisisCATCH OF THE DAY
1 OF 4 This Press Conference at Newton City Hall event lasts only 63 minutes..The tapes will be in 4 parts. Barney
explains the Bank Crisis . Earl Sholley who ran against Barney Frank tries to interject a complaint Barney will not debate
him. The blame game retort is over quick. Later in Wellesley a candidate dabate was held. CATCH OF THE DAY VIDEO NEWS FREELANCE
This tape is the final Governors statement on the outcome. This tape is about 15 minutes long.. it is a little
choppy as the crowd was thick and the view difficult but I got some great stuff here if you have the patience.CATCH OF THE
I decided to upload the next 17 minutes as the ending speaker was the AG Martha Coakley.. let's here whst she has
to say about REAL ID..I found the sound to be really poor and one must turn up the sound all the way. I will put up the full
This is the first 17 minutes of 1.5hours footage. I am uploading this as I want you to see the importance of this
Public Hearing and the equally important Marriage Vote going on the same day at the Statehouse in Boston. Having taped 4 years
of rally's etc I thought some time should be devoted to capturing this public hearing.The first person to testify is Senator
Moore. Senator Moore has an aversion to the mike. Even when he is Chair he will pull back and not use the mike. When we have
a syste...
TO THIS FOOTAGEposting august 31 2009
august 31 2009 using dvd plextor converterxquality may be affected by many things.. original great.News has it you can thank
Senator Kennedy for this win!
This footage was done on a Sony. There is more footage on the JVC Everio but this essentially is the whole event
on Sunday. The event lasted two hours. You can find more on Bill Hudak at,
William Hudak Esq. Topsfield, Ma. runs Townhall event to speak about the Health Care Reform Bill. Bill is running
for Congress against Congressmen Tierney. Mr. Tierney was invited to attend and discuss this issue. Approximately 150 people
attended in spite of weather and the Funeral Services of Senator Edward M. Kennedy the same day.There will be a second tape
on this event.Catch of the Day, covered this event along with quite a few Independant Reporters. Look for more on this topic.
13 OF 13 On this tape Catch of the Day testifies at end that the meetings should all be videotaped and posted online
for the public to see. They should be up on MassAccess the Governors TV site. Cable Access and then the public would have
a full range of community dialogue. In the morning the hearings were stopped until November.Please look for the other version
of this on Blip.. on my sony . That will not be broken up like this version. Always look for dates when hunting for a video
on this s...
The meeting ran around 3 hours in total from 4pm to 7pm. Many people came to testify and the Chairperson was a
little overwhelmed in my estimation. The next morning the Governor cancelled the public hearings scheduled until after November
2009. This camera will have 13 different short videos. The same footage is also done with a Sony and is a front view of the
panel which was two people and a back view of the public. This view shows the full Auditorium. This camera only uploads short
clips. Pl...
only 3.45 sec this tape ends with the big remark if I want to marry my giraffe.. my camera tape ended here..too
badCatch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting holds copyright to this footage . You must give credit to the author
to use this material.
Catch of the Day, Video News Freelance Reporting, holds copyright on this footage, you must credit author to use
this material.This footage has the questions from the audience to the panel
It seems the tapes will only upload 17 minutes so we will see what happens here.. we will continue to number until
we have uploaded 1.5 hoursCatchof the Day, Video News Freelance Reporting has copyrights to this footage.. you must give credit
to the author to use this material.
In Historic Old South Church Meeting House from 6pm to 8pm Gladd, Gay Lesbian Alliance Held a Forum called Sex
on the Margins. The Guests are introduced on screen. I will be uploading this in sections as for some reason there was a cut
in the upload. This section is the first 17 minutes.This Forum will outline the intended strategy to homogenize the culture
since the 70's. Stay tuned. Having trouble hearing? Try using a headphone. The echo is the old building. I did the best I
coud. At this ev...
Catch of the Day, Video News questions Christy Mihous, thinking he was ending he went on 7 more minutes. He was
very direct and a potential threat to the current Governor I would say. J Aldrich does not ask questions but this time the
opportunity among Conservatives was important as the question had not arisin from anyone . The question was addressed to the
group though aimed at Christy Mihous. Later, someone asked me his oppinion on Abortion. I did not think of that but someone
could have ask...
On Thursday evening, in West Newbury at the Mill Pond Reservation Recreation Area, Massachuestts, a wonderful picnic
occured. Town Selectman Tom Atwood and Glenn Kemper moderated a full slate of new Candidates and familiar Politians from the
North Shore.I will add the food catered by Glenn Kemper was outrageously awesome. Barbecued chicken cutlets, beef and potato
salad fruit salad and coleslaw salad plus drinks and deserts outdid any Republican ta da I have ever attended on the spur
of the mo...
Committee holds a hearing Monday morning in Boston on the lack of available credit for small and mid-size businesses in Massachusetts.
The committee is chaired by Congressman Barney Frank. Congressmen Michael Capuano and Stephen Lynch also plan to attend, according
to Frank’s office. The hearing will consist of two panels, with Frank’s stateside counterpart, Rep. Peter Koutoujian
Committee holds a hearing Monday morning in Boston on the lack of available credit for small and mid-size businesses in Massachusetts.
The committee is chaired by Congressman Barney Frank. Congressmen Michael Capuano and Stephen Lynch also plan to attend, according
to Frank’s office. The hearing will consist of two panels, with Frank’s stateside counterpart, Rep. Peter Koutoujian
On April 8 2009 the Joint Committee on Election heard testimony on Constitutional changes to the petition initiative
laws, and other serious matters. The Hearing lasted 1.5 hours. Catch of the Day, Video News, FreelanceReporting, tapes for
documentary purposes and advocates all public hearings are video recorded and archived for public viewing. As the Legislature
removed themselves from the Open Meeting Law this would need to be reversed to see our public hearings taped at the Legislative
Wellseley College Wellesley Massachusetts invites Barney Frank to debate the Financial Crisis.. thi s video is
poor in videography but excellent in sound so hang in there.. turn up the volume and take a rest.. you won't be sorry you
watched and listened..
Catch of the Day, Video News, freelance Reporting, has authorship to this footage. However, due to the problems
encountered while trying to upload this footage I have decided to put it on open usage. There will be more in the future and
this message is urgent to be utilized by media and the public. I apologize for the unedited version. The names are pretty
intact on interviews. So please feel free to use this footage. Catch of the Day, does documentary footage and likes to give
a full account ...
In front of the Congressman Tierney office today in Peabody Square and in front of the Court House.. Citizens gathered
to protest con and pro the proposed Obama Health Care Bill. Bill Hudak Esq., running against Tierney, perched himself on top
of his car and with a bull horn speaks to the issues surrounding Congressman Tierneys refusal to talk to his constituents.
In this video a pro obama bill male got in front of Atty Hudak and attempted to disrupt the event. He was not successful,
however, ...
On Monday Evening the MBTA had the first workshop public hearing on the transit fare hikes. Approximately, 200
people came to oppose the hikes. The meeting took place from 4 PM to 7 PM at Gardner Auditorium, Statehouse Boston Ma.
Gardner Auditorium wall clock states 5 10pm.. this tape is approx 1 hour 29 minutes.. and will be the public testimony
. You can purchase a full tape of the meeting by emailing, donations are to the Coalition to Preserve the
Public Record.
On Monday evening at 4PM in Gardner Auditorium, Boston Statehouse the MBTA held a Workshop/Public Hearing on the
proposed fare hikes on all public transit in Massachusetts.Only two Members of the Board actually showed up to discuss the
changes with the Public. Approximately 200 showed up to complain and state many others wanted to come but couldn't for various
reasons. They did plan to attend the other planned hearings about the state. Instead to the surprise of the public Gov Patrick
In B-2 at 130PM the Massachusetts Legislative Jt Committee on Stimulus Oversight met to hear testimony on Transportation
Infrastructure Spending. Here you will hear testimony from Transportation Secretary James Aloisi and Infrastructure Investment
Director Jeffrey Simon. The Hearing lasts roughly 1.5 hours but a few minutes are not on this tape. copies can be obtained
by emailing, or phoning 978 388 2457 Comflm Registry.Catch of the Day, videotaped this hearing and advocates
The Joint Committee on the Judiciary Public Hearing on CORI in Gardner Auditorium heard testimony from Legislators
who signed on to the bill overhauling Cori. For a list of th ebills heard go to tape 4. Please support S1458 a bill that would
bring Massachusetts Legislature under the Open Meeting Law. The Legislature exempted itself from the open meeting law statutes
way back. We now want the Legislature to come back under the Open Meeting Law. This would require all public hearings to be
The Jt Coommittee on the Judiciary Legislative Public Hearing took place on Monday July 27 2009 in Gardner Auditorium
starting around 130PM and ending around 645 PM. When changing camera tapes I do loose some testimony so I appologize if yours
got cut some. I am working on a new system camera that will go the full hearing but this is not worked out at the moment.
There is a lot to learn from the project. If you are interested in helping the Coalition to Preserve the Public Record pleeese
get i...
PUBLIC TESTIMONY on CORI Legislation in a packed Gardner Auditorium. To see the bills being heard please check
tape 4Catch of the Day is advocating all our Legislative Public Hearings be videotaped archvied and available on cable access.
Please call your Reps and Senators and let them know you support this.
In Gardner Auditorium on July 27, 2009 at 1PM the Publlic in the hundreds Gathered to tesify on Cori Legislation
for 6.5 hours they spoke on the following bills but mostly to reform cori.. very compelling case made to overhaul it. : COMMITTEE:
Joint Committee on Judiciary HEARING LOCATION: Gardner AuditoriumTIME: 1:00 p.m.LIST OF BILLS: Bill NumberSponsorTitleH625Viriato
Manuel deMacedoAn Act relative to mandatory sentences for those committing an assault on a law enforcement officer H1255Deme...
Datch of the Day, is pleased and excited about a newcomer to the political arena who is running for Congress in
Massachusetts on the Republican Ticket. Please feel free to share this video WWW.BILLHUDAKFORCONGRESS.COM,
This section of the public hearing was the public testimony. on H1728 and other bills, like animal rights, or marijuana,
or who knows what out of the 237 bills on the docket. You will see opposing testimony all throughout this video. Although
fair, it left you with an enormous headache that the argument was unpredictable. The only thing left is to assume the Committee
has the decision made up and will not even care a hoot if the testimony is reflective of the will of the people. Any comment
Senate Chair Cynthia Creem, get's testy with two public testifiers.. Senator Creem screams for her soft tones I
will shut down this hearing! I am changing tapes and decide to move to a direct shot.. removing the camera from the tripod.
and the Chair gets control of the situation and the hearing continues. Not without the clear message of intimidation to all.I
believe the Chair was astounded at the sentiment and numbers still hanging out for the great new Beacon Hill Bullies Boston
Massacre of ...
This is the last of the footage on the Sony Camera. There were a few testimonies that were not recorded. Atty Eilene
Isaacson was last and her testimony was not recorded here but it may be on the one last tape.I will comment that her testimony
was that the bathroom excuse was used each time to overt the action the GLBT want to see happen.This footage is copyright
This tape starts at 7 PM and at this point some people had to leave. A few citizens offered to comment to Catch
of the Day at this point referenced in a previous video. This tape lasts 1 hour 15 minutesIf you notice that a testimony is
missing please notify, as three cameras were rolling and at different points the footage could have been
compromised at tape change.Catch of the Day Video News has copyright on all works on this Blip TV site. If you use these videos
you are to r...
The Joint Committee on the Judiciary continues the public heering on July 14, 2009 This section will be the public
testimony by Professionals, Attorneys and others .. There is probably a total of 7 tapes in all. Putting up online is different
as the tapes split in multiple lengths . the longest tape will be 1hour and 32 minutes. This tape is 54 minutes. Some tapes
are only 1 hour some 1.5 hours. I was running two cameras to not loose testimony and so some testimony may actually go up
twice on ...
This part 2 starts off with Representatives and Senators continuing to testify on multiple billsbut will begin
the public testimony if you watch the clock on the wall around 230PM on H1728
This first tape is the privileged Representatives and Senators who are taken first in every Public Hearing. They
have submitted some of the bills that means they are the sponsors and come with people that zre directly responsible for the
intent of the bills.Representatives and Senators took up almost 2 hours of the first part of the Hearing. That meant that
the public who came in busses had to leave without being heard. this is really a crime and it could have been solved by starting
the heari...
Cynthia Creem, the new Senate Chair, replacing Senator Creedon who retired, explains the format for the Hearing and we will
be posting as much as possible of this hearing in segments. Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting, gives each
committee chair, house and senate, a pro bono dvd copy of the public hearing as a sample of what is needed to bring all Legislative
Fr. Harrington of a Braintree Catholic Church and Mrs. Sally Naumann, of Carlisle, give testimony against H1728
before the Judiciary Committee.Fr Harrington has a rather compelling argument that specifically shows the disparity of this
to the Constitution and Freedom of Religion. Catch of the Day Supports the Coalition to Preserve the Public Record. This entire
public hearing was recorded by Catch of the Day, Video News and a copy can be obtained by emailing
Brian Camenker and Pastor Scott Lively Esq, testify on Tuesday before the Jt Committee on the Judiciary on H1728
a radical Hate Crimes Bill that will revolutionize the arena for children families and churches all over the Commonwealth.
Later a Catholic Priest testifies to the same effect as part of this panel.
A wonderful courageous act of testimony and grace this post abortion woman gives credible testimony of her experience
as a young girl who was violated and given poor traumatic emotional lifelong baggage due to the lack of information she needed
at that critical time to make this lifelong decision that was the norm for clinics and assistance that the state is now still
advocating.July 14 2009 Gardner Auditorium, Boston Massachusetts
Mass Citizens for Life Director Marie Sturgis, speaks in favor of the womens right to know bill . some public health
bills and the list is horrendous that this Committee heard this day.. and the docket room does not post the bills longer than
the day of the hearing.. so call Mass Citizens for Life to find out what laws are going to affect you as a practicing Catholic
in this generation
Retired teacher who was forced to leave due to a bus scheduled ride gave testimony to Catch of the Day outside
Gardner Auditorium Catch of the Day will be including this testimony with the docket of video tape given to the Committee
on Judiciary. Catch of the Day donates a pro bono tape to each Committee to promote the Coalition of the Public Record project
in Massachusetts.
Several citizens who were forced to leave due to being part of a bus load of people transported for the hearing
in Gardner Auditorium scheduled to leave at 7pm give testimony to Catch of the Day out side of the Auditorium while assemlbling
to leave. I blieve it was later than that and that the group were unaware of the intensity of this Public Heairng and the
bills would place on them.This testimony will be included in the documentary footage given to the committee on the July 14
Public Judici...
Mr. and Mrs. Funnell testify before the Committee on Judiciary Gardner Auditorium July 14 2009 at 930PM after a
full day of testimony heard by the Committee. The hearing went until 10 30 PM thereabouts. A full copy of th e Public Hearing
may be obtained by emailing comflm@yahoo.comCatch of the Day, does documentary footage and supports the Public Affairs Coalition
to Preserve the Public Record
Late into the evening Evelyn Riley of Massachusetts Family Institure gives testimony to the Committee on Judiciary..
Catch of the Day Video News, Freelance Reporting tapes documentary footage.. a full copy can be obtained of this public hearing
by emailing, Any proceeds donations are to advance the Public Affairs work of the Coalition to Preserve the
Public Record.The Judiciary Committee unlike the Municipal Jurisdiction does not keep audio video steno records of public
Michael Hyde of Stow testifies on his experience with the Abbington Police. This was followed by testimony of UMass
Students on their concern with this wiretapping bill which is not on this tape. I am downloading 10.5 hours of footage and
wanted to get thi s up for your review. I may take it down later when a better film is found..I had three cameras going and
at this time one was down and the other is a 6 hour production tape which will take lots of editing.. As the Committee complained
of th...
Release date
15, 2009
61 of 66
Episodes of CatchoftheDayVideoNewsFreelanceReporting
Tom Duggan Editor Owner Valley Patriot Newspaper Introduces NDAA to speak ... Camera GE Camcorder did a great job
and this is a total of 1 gigabite. The event lasted from 1pm to 4pm and ended with a walk to the Senate ..
As JAldrich took the rail on Christmas afternoon a standing freezing wait on Lynn Platform was suddenly transformed
into a serious science moment. A dreary Christmas weather of thick clouds persisted most of the day. But a peek of sun poke
through the clouds and getting out a camera a JVC Camcorder she attempted to capture the happening. You will see JAldrich
is struggling as the cold was so bad her hands were just freezing off. And the shaking freezing air seemed to want to stop
the capture. ...
Mrs Kristi Devine, a resident of West Newbury, on October 19,2011 addresses the West Newbury Selectmen on a October
20 pending criminal matter before the Peabody District Court the next morning October 20, 2011. Catch of the Day, Video News,
Freelance Reporting attended the meeting and videotaped. This is 20 minutes of a 2.5 hour meeting. The next morning however,
Mrs Devine did not go to court due to an episode of severe chest pain and her family took her to the Newburyport Anna Jacques
On September 2 2010 Comflm Registry News was on Vital Concerns BNN Boston Neighborhood Network with Atty Colbe
Mazzarella who sits in for the Dr Mildred E Jefferson Community Access Show as Moderator. Colbe was excellent in her guidance
of the conversation and J Aldrich of Hamilton Founder of the CPPR Archive Project, the Coalition to Preserve the Public Record
Public Works Video Documents Media Project explained how the lack of transparency from not having public record law imposed
on our Leg...
On the 7th of December at Newburyport District Court Mrs Kristi Devine West Newbury was a Defendant in a case that
has been ongoing for 10 years with numerous accusations by her neighbor. This case was pro se on both parties. Mrs Devine
has spent thousands of dollars on Lawyers and at this point has decided to file pro se. I met Mrs Devine on Beacon Hill testifying
on public record law and her aggregious case. I am interested in following pro se cases and believe they in particular should
On the same day Mrs. Devine of West Newbury was in Newburyport District Court, Salisbury Police Chief Les'perance
was put under investigation and it was Front page of the Local Newspaper. This is the Media who were waiting outside the Station
in Salisbury to get the first news. I think at this point it is a slow burn as not much appears to be happening. According
to Mrs Devine this Police Officer was directly involved in her being falsely arrested by Officer Les'perance.
On Tuesday at Peabody District Court, Peabody Square, Central Street Peabody, Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance
Reporting covered the dual Pro Se Litigants Waring vs Devine 285 Harrassment case. This case was heard two weeks prior in
Newburyport and was moved due to Recusal by Judge . Having met Mrs Devine on Beacon Hill while taping a Public Record Hearing
this case was in my neighborhood, North Shore Pro Se and I am interested in this type of case. I Requested to tape both days,
but th...
In this last tape of about 8 minutes you will see the Lighting of the First Candle of 8 days of Chanuka by the
Lubavitch Rabbi and Theresa Murray Senate President. The 45 minute tape is broken into short segments due to the Internet
Provider package. This was captured on a JVC 30 gig Camcorder. This is the third time Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance
Reporting has attended and Documented the Event of the Lubavitch Education Center Annual Event.
In this 16 minute video we will now be hearing from Judge Roderick Ireland, who will give his personal testimony
of why he feels he is going to accept this offer as Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. Judge Ireland will be replacing Chief
Justice Margaret Marshall SJC. This is number 1 and there are approximately 2 hours of his testimony which will be broken
into 16 minute segments. This was videotaped on a Sony DVD Camcorder in sp mode. Copies of the Hearing were delivered next
day to SJC Inf...
On December 1 2010 the Governors Council heard public testimony on the appointment of Judge Roderick Ireland to
the Supreme Judicial Court to replace retiring Justice Margaret Marshall. In this 9 minute tape Joseph Urjneck of Fathers
Coalition addresses the Council to not support this appointment.
On December 1 2010 The Governors Council heard testimony from the Fathers Rights Group on the appointment of Judge
Roderick Ireland to the Supreme Judicial Court to replace retiring Justice Margaret Marshall.
December 1 2010 the Governors Council held a public hearing to appoint a new Supreme Court Justice. Brian Camenker
in this 4 minute tape addresses the Council on Justice Roderick Ireland, who is being interviewed for Supreme Court Justice
to replace retiring Judge Margaret Marshall SJC
In this 6 minute tape Brian Camenker, Mass Resistance Founder and Investigative Reporter chides Committee on Judge
Ireland, Candidate to be the SJC Supreme Court Justice to replace Justice Margaret Marshall. Mr. Camenker at the Governors
Council Public Hearing stated this appointment is a worst nightmare. Mr. Camenker, did not support the appointment for Judge
Ireland who is clearly not non partisan..
Mrs. Sally Naumann, of Carlisle, addressed the Governors Council Members in Committee on December 1, 2010. Mrs.
Naumann wanted the Committee to select a Justice that was not known to be partisan and this Judge Ireland was partial in matters
of same sex union. Mrs Naumann has spoken on many occasions on the dangers health wise in this behavior which is a grave concern
to her.
In this 9 minute compelling public testimony before the Governors Council Atty Prociotto Esq Sr. addresses his
concerns with public record law and discusses his experience with Justice Ireland the Candidate for Supreme Court Justice.
In this tape of 14 minutes you will be hearing Atty Prociotto Esq speak of his experience with Justice Ireland
in three cases. Very interesting testimony on the lack of public record law in the Judiciary.
On Dec 1 2010 the Governors Council heard testimony in a public Hearing on the Governors appointment of Justice
Ireland to the Supreme Court. On this 3minute segment you will hear a Committee woman express her dismay at the amount of
money the Picciotto's had to pay to obtain public records in their damage case of 50 thousand dollars.
On December 3 2010 at the Boston Statehouse, Justice Ireland had a Governors Council Hearing on his appointment.
In this 10 minute comment Melita Picciotto, Esq discusses her concerns about the Judge and public record law.
On the First Sunday of every month at Doyles Cafe, Jamaica Plain Steve Garfield holds a Media Meeting. It is great.
You have to go. This is a sample of what you will find. Besides the free coffee and the awesome food, great Waitresses, the
meeting is sensational. You will get your impossible Media questions answered and get to know some truly great Artists in
the Field. Catch of theDay, Video News, Freelance Reporting. sorry for the lighting problem.
On Monday Nov 1 2010, at the Quincy Elks Club, a special pre Election Day gathering for Rep Perry took place where
Governor Romney gave his personal endorsement and support of Representative Jeff Perry, of Hyannis, Massachusetts running
for Congress against Democrat Congressman James Keating. Approximately 100 people jamned into the Club for the Endorsement.
The tape lasts approximately 20 minutes. Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting taped the event.
On Tuesday, November 3 2010 noon, at Our Lady Help of Christians, Catholic Church 573 Washington St Newton Ma 02458,
a Memorial Mass was held for Dr Mildred Jefferson, MD. Dr Jefferson at 84 had been a pioneer for Black students at Harvard
University as the first woman who graduated Med Surgery and became Founder and the President of Massachusetts Citizens for
Life, MCFL where she lobbied tirelessly for rights of the unborn. This film is 45 minutes long, and is one of 3 that captured
the Celeb...
Tape 2 of 3 A Memorial Mass Service continues for Dr Mildred Jefferson MD, pioneer of MCFL Massachusetts Citizens
for Life President and Founder. The Church is in Newton. Approximately, 300 people attended the service at noon on Wednesday.
Mildred will be buried in Texas with family. Video by CatchoftheDay, VideoNews, FreelanceReporting.
On Wednesday, November 3 2010 in Newton Massachusetts, a Memorial Service was held for the late Dr. Mildred Jefferson
MD, who personally pioneered MCFL Massachusetts Citizens For Life, a non profit dedicated to stopping Adoption in our Country.
Mildred was 84 years old at her death and was every bit a spark of life to all who met and knew her. Her achievements follow
her and much has to be said. The Service Mass is approximately 1.5 hours long. This tape is 29minutes and was recorded on
a Sony...
In this tape we hear from Paul Jehle, Plymouth Pastor and Historian on the USA early American History. This tape
will include others and will last approximately 27 minutes.
In this tape we hear from Kris Mineau Assembly of God Pastor and head of MFI Woburn. The next speaker I did not
hear the name. Appologies! This tape will last approximately 20 minutes
A woman named Bethany came up to speak of the danger the church is in at this moment critical juncture in history.
We are tottering on extinction. If the Lord does not help us we have failed to perceive this radical need for a change in
heart. We need to see the truth for what it is. Excellent Bethany who is an intercessor and prophetess at JHOP Boston. Her
numbers breakdown is powerful.
On September 25 2010 in Memorial Hall, Plymouth, Massachusetts, people gathered to Repent for the sins of the generations
that have come from the Pilgrims to now. Shofar blowing would have been a part of the early Christian Pilgrims as they believed
the Jewish Traditions were never omitted from Scripture. On this day the people gathered to re covenant with God and the Mayflower
Christians who built the Monument to Religious Freedom much overlooked in American History Books. This tape is short ...
In this video we will see people worshiping and thanking God for our America. A highlight is a woman with a silver
flute. The flute actually glistened as she played. It was very special. How cool is that. This tape is about 7 minutes long
and was done on a Sony dvd camcorder in lp mode.
At the Monument in Plymouth the Christians gathered to honor the Monument and to Repent for not keeping Covenant
with the First Settlers. The group though small at first ends up to fill the Memorial Hall downtown. This portion is the first
remarks the Pledge of Allegiance and song. This tape lasts 10 minutes and was taped on a Sony dvd camcorder in lp mode.
On Saturday the Plymouth Monument to the Pilgrims was the site of the gathering of People who were committed to
the God of the Mayflower to recelebrate the Monument and for National Repentance Day. The event lasted from 930 in the Am
to 4pm ending at the Memorial Hall, downtown. Please use the pause to read the inscriptions on the monument. As the event
was starting I wanted to get a shot of the four sides . In the background was the sound of the generator for the equipment.
On Friday night , Catch of the Day, Video News took the Boston bound Rail from Hamilton . Planning an early start
to Plymouth the next day, without a car, depending on rail inconvenient schedules. The plan was to stay over with friends
to arrive in Plymouth at 9am. Thrilled to have not missed the train pulling my equipment, JAldrich sits in the car near the
door. Looking up at the yellow sign shock began to hit the Reporter. Out comes the camera and here it is. Upon leaving from
the last car, ...
On Monday September 20 2010 The Liberty Preservation Association sponsored an event in Nurses Hall, Statehouse
Boston to celebrate Constitution Day. One of the Speakers was Christen Varley, the Greater Boston Tea Party President. This
talk will last 15 minutes.
Jordan Page sings for the Massachusetts Liberty Preservation Association Constitution Day Celebration. Jordan is
touring the USA and writes his own Patriotic Liberty Music.
On September 20 2010 The Liberty Preservation Association in Nurses Hall Celebrated Constitution Day. In this tape
we hear from Emcee Tricorn Tom Moore, Patriot Pastor Garrett Lear, Sean Harrington Pledge of Allegiance, and the National
Anthem by Brad Marston, Candidate for State Rep 8th Suffolk.
On September 20, 2010 The Liberty Preservation Association held a Celebration Constitution Day event in Nurses
Hall, Statehouse, Boston. In this tape we hear from Bob Dwyer, President LPA, Ken Mandile, Organizer of the Worcester Tea
On Monday September 20 2010 in Nurses Hall Boston Statehouse the Liberty Preservation Association held a Constitution
Day Celebration. In this video we will hear from Dan Mc Gonigle, State Organizer Committees of Safety, Kamail Jain former
Candidate state Auditor
On September 10 2010 the Merrimac Valley Tea Party in Andover have a special guest Michael Graham coming to speak.
The mood is up and the general business has to be addressed. You might want to join this group!
On September 9 2010, the Merrimac Valley Tea Party met in Andover, and this tape will have a few things of interest.
How much do you know your history? Introduction of Michael Graham.
On Thursday the Merrimac Valley Tea Party in Andover heard from Michael Graham Talk Radio Host and approximately,
70 people attended. Funny stuff here, you will enjoy every minute. Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting taped
this on a Sony DVD Camcorder.
Tom Weaver for Congress and his Band get introduced first for the Merrimac Valle Tea Party Michael Graham night.
This tape is greeat.. Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting on a Sony DVD Camcorder..
On Thursday September 9, 2010 in Andover, the Merrimac Valley Tea Party invited Michael Graham to speak to the
group of 70 people. This portion is 10 minutes in length. Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting taped the event
on a Sony DVD Camcorder.
On September 9 2010 Michael Graham accepted an invitation to speak to the Merrimac Valley Tea Party. This tape
is approximately 10 minutes long and addresses Beacon Hill and how they are worried about the impact of the Tea Party on their
votes. Compelling, funny, this video will boost your spirits.
On September 9 2010 Michael Graham accepted an invitation to speak to the Merrimac Valley Tea Party. Only 5 minutes
this tape will captivate you. He spoke around one hour to the group of approximately 70 people. He praised the group for the
numbers and encouraged them to keep up the goog work. Each tape will be posted in 10 minute segments.
On Saturday and Sunday September 11,12, 2010 in Hamilton the Horse Show is going on. Catch of the Day, Video News,
Freelance Reporting decided to cruise over on her scooter and capture some footage. Using a Sony DVD Camcorder on automatic
the footage is a little dark. It is a gamble each time I tape as to what will show up. Weather, sun and so manythings affect
video quality. However, the day was gorgeous and not having gone before I was struck with the beauty of the event. What a
blessing to ...
On Thursday night in Andover, the MERRIMAC VALLEY TEA PARTY, Bob Shapiro, Republican,,
speaks to Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting about the coming race in the 5th District. Bob Graduated from
Fordham University. He has worked as a Pharmacist, a front line Corporate Manager, a Software Engineer, and a Math Teacher.
He and his wife Maria have 2 children and 5 grandchildren and he lives in Andover. This video is approximately 6 minutes long.
This is a lit...
On August 25 2010 the Merrimac Valley Tea Party held a Candidates night in Andover. Robert Finnerhan, Republican
Attorney running for Representative against Harriet Stanley.
On August 25 2010 in Andover the Merrimac Valley Tea Party held a Candidates night. Jameson Tomasek Republican
is running for Senate Susan Tuckers Seat.2nd Essex Seat.
Kevin Begley, Republican 14th District, running for Representative spoke to the Merrimac Valley Tea Party Candidates
Night event in Andover on the 25th of August.
On August 25 2010 in Andover the Merrimac Valley Tea Party held a Candidates night. Stanley Novak Republican is
running for Representative from the 14th District.
Paul Adams Republican of 17th District is running for Representative for Rep Barry Fiengolds seat. The Merrimac
Valley Tea Party on August 25 2010 held a Candidates night. Paul Adams would like to give money back to Local Aid for Cities
and Towns for Police Fire EMS.
On August 25 2010 the Merrimac Valley Tea Party held a Candidates Night. For the 17th District we here from Salim
Tabit, Esq. An Attorney running for Representative for Barry Feingolds seat. This guy is amazing and has a very down to earth
necessary platform for the Repubican ticket. A child of Cuban Immigrants he explains the situation America is in.
On August 25 2010 in Andover the Merrimac Valley Tea Party held a Candidates night. Here we listen to James Lyons
Republican of Andover who is running against Encumbent Democrat Representative Barbara L'Italien. This guy will give Barbara
a run for her money.
Tape 1 of 2 John Thorlin of the 18th District speaks to the Merrimac Valley Tea Party Candidates night in North
Andover. John Thorlin is running for Representative and was the last speaker to address the group.
In Andover on August 25 2010 the Merrimac Valley Tea Party held a Candidates night. This is the last tape and only
3minutes of questions to John Thorlin, running for Representative in the 18th District. A Graduate of Harvard he was remarkably
on target as a Republican hoping to help curb the present situation of Socialized Healthcare and Entitlement practices by
the Democratic Representatives. This guy is not going away soon. tape 2 of 2
Tape one of two, August 31 2010 the Bus Tour called Blue Green Alliance Jobs Not Done, held a public meeting to
discuss the stimulus funding for the Environment at the University of Maine Avronson Hall .
At the University of Maine in the Avronson Building the Blue Green Alliance Jobs Not Done Bus Tour held a public
meeting on the scope of the Environment Stimulus Funds. This is tape two of two total of 32 minutes. Approximately, 15 people
attended this event. The next stop is Boston Roxbury Community College at 830AM on Sept 1 2010 for a Press Conference.
The South Boston Tea Party holds an event at Castle Island and the Regional Director for the Tea Party addresses
the group of approximately 150 people in the soaking rain.
In this video the Chair of the South Boston Tea Party addesses her involvement in the Tea Party spearheaded by
her two sons deployed to Iraq. Very compelling video.
Brian Camenker, Mass Resistance speaks to the South Boston Tea Party Event first at Castle Island. Approximately,
150 people showed up in the pouring rain. I arrived a little late so the talk was already going on.
CJ Doyle Esq, Catholic Action League, speaks to the Tea Party at Castle Island, South Boston in the soaking rain.
Approximately, 150 people showed up to listen to the speakers.
On Sunday August 22 2010 the Director of Political Studies, Washington DC spoke at Castle Island Fort, South Boston
to the Tea Party on legal Immigration Issues in the soaking rain. Approximately 150 people showed up to listen to the speakers.
No Candidates were invited to speak at this Tea Party Event.
Carlos Fernandez, Tea Party Chairperson Saugus runs a Rally in Saugus for the Tea Party. Candidates will speak
and a group of approximately 100 people showed up.
June 18 2010 at the Danvers Yacht Club Republican Fundraiser, Abby Bertlesen of Hamilton Republican Town Committee
Interviews Michael Stopar, Republican of Worcester who will be running in the 6th district against Congressman Mc Govern and
Rob is a Physicist. He is another upstart that will shake you down a piece with his delivery and confidence. Abby, is a member
of Comflm Registry News, and plans to do a Cable Access show soon and will be a Talk Host interviewing Candidates and talking
Beverly City Republican Committee on the 18th of June held a fundraiser at the Danvers Yacht Club. Among the celebrated
guests was Talk Show Host Todd Fineburg, WRKO AM . Todd was given an award for his efforts to speak up for Republican ideals.
Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting Comflm, Registry News, Hamilton attended a guest of Abby Bertelson. Abby,
is a member of Comflm Registry News, and has hopes of a Cable Access Show coming soon in Beverly. The Award was presented
by Mar...
Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting captures Nikki Tsongas at the Boston Pride Parade on a Sony DVD
Camcorder. Copyright protected footage. June 12 2010
Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting, captures Michael Ross Supporting GBLSTA Saturday June 12 2010.
This was captured on a Sony DVD Camcorder. This footage is copyright protected.
Catch of theDay, Video News, Freelance Reporting captures the Supporting Schools of the Gay Straight Lesbian Transgender
Alliance at Government Center on Saturday June 12 2010. Footage is copyright protected and was taped on a Sony DVD Camcorder.
Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting copyrighted footage, at the Pride Parade Government Center end
point, captures Susan Bump, running for Auditor in Massachsusetts Democratic Ticket. Saturday June 12 2010
Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting copyright protected footage, at the Pride Parade Government Center
end point, captures Steven Grossman
Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting at the Pride Parade Boston Government Center end zone on Saturday
June 12 2010. This video is just full of groups of all kinds supporting the GBLST Alliance.. This tape is copyright protected
and is approximately 17 minutes long
Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting captures more politicians who support GBLTA Boston at Pride 2010
Parade Government Center. Copyrighted protected footage.
Catch of theDay, Video News, Freelance Reporting at the end zone of the Pride Parade at Government Center Boston
on Saturday June 12 2010. Copyright protected footage.
Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting at the Pride Parade end zone on Saturday June 12 2010. Copyright
protected. Senator Diaz replaced Diane Wilderson and supports the Pride Events.
Supporters with Governor Patrick march in the Pride Parade. The Governor was directed in a vehicle to exit at this
point. Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting, ComflmRegistryNews.
Band Cinque Warm Up before event start at City Hall Plaza. Catch of the Day, Video News, on Scooter News Vehicle
tapes the warm up of the Band on her Sony DVD Camcorder. For those who like to just watch my stuff roll.. have fun.. Copyright
protected to ComflmRegistryNews.
On Saturday June 12 2010 the Boston Pride Festivities Exhibit was captured by J Aldrich, Catch of the Day, Video
News, Freelance Reporting, and this is part two of two video's. This is a documentary piece and no interviews will be found.
This is approximately 7 minutes long. This is copyright protected footage and was taped on a Sony DVD Camcorder.
On Saturday June 12, 2010, at the Government Center City Hall Plaza the Boston Pride Festival is set up and waiting
for the Parade Participants to descend on it for an afternoon of festivities. J Aldrich, Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance
Reporting, Videographer, and President of Comflm Registry News, captures the exhibits prior to the parade. The weather was
rainy but the colors were excellent. This was captured on a Sony DVD Camcorder. The video will last approximately 17 minutes
and i...
BOSTON PRIDE PARADE captured on Saturday by Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting, Comflm Registry
News at the Government Center Parade Start.
Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting at Government Center Boston Massachusett on Saturday June 12
2001. The parade begins at Stuart and Boylston St and ends at the Government Center. The weather was drizzly but ended in
an all out downpour. J Aldrich was on a new scooter on this day. J Aldrich is a Physically Disabled Senior Citizen Journalist,
Videographer who has been capturing public events for 6 years in Boston and in Massachusetts when asked. This is a copyright
protected vid...
Downtown Crossing at Washington and Summer Street on June 10 2010 a group of youth were protesting the MBTA Youth
Rates. They had come from another location when I saw them and got out my camera. I did not interview anyone on the subject.
Catch of the Day, Video News, has a new (used) Scooter. You will be seeing her about the City from now on capturing the Daily
Catch on her Scooter News buggy. J Aldrich, a Senior Citizen Journalist has osteo problems. On many occasions it has been
a serious d...
Part 2 of the June 10 2010 Macy's Fashion show to benefit Pride Week GBLT 2010. Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance
Reporting captured the event on a Sony DVD Camcorder. This footage is copyright protected any use must be compliant with Producers
requests to use the name Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting, ComflmRegistryNews. This footage will last approximately
5 minutes.
On Thursday, June 10 2010 5pm sharp, the Macys 5th Benefit Pride Week Fashion Show for GBLT took place. Catch of
the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting, Comflm Registry News, captured the event. This will be in two parts. The event was
captured on a Sony DVD Camcorder. This material is copyright protected to Catch of the Day, Video News, and any use must give
credit to the videography Producer, J Aldrich, ComflmPress. Thank you..
on Saturday June 5 2010 a Remembrance of the life of Senator Edward Kennedy was presented by his wife Victoria
Reggie Kennedy at the DCU Worcester, Massachusetts. Mrs Kennedy was one of the Highlight Speakers at the Democratic Convention.
After her speech the final votes on Auditor and dismissal was conducted. The DCU had one videographer that worked the main
floor during the two days. He was responsible managing the videography of the event. He did a great job. Salute! Catch of
the Day, Video...
On Saturday June 5, 2010 US Senator Kerry speaks to the Democrats at the Convention about the late Senator Edward
Kennedy. This will last 17 minutes and will be continued . The site only can upload in 17 minute segments. Catch of the Day,
Video News Freelance Reporting, ComflmRegistryNews
Saturday June 5 2010 Senator Kirk continues to speak on the late Senator Edward Kennedy and his contibution to
the Democrats in Washington, DC. Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting, ComflmRegistryNews
On Saturday June 5 2010 Senator Kirk who filled Senator Edward Kennedys seat spoke of the late Senator Kennedy
in a Remembrance at the DCU Center Worcester at the Democratic Convention. This talk will last 17 minutes and will continue
to another tape. Catch of theDay, Video News, Freelance Reporting, ComflmRegistryNews
On Saturday June 5, 2010 in Worcester at the DCU the Democrats could not find a Party Candidate because all three
Candidates got enough votes to be on the ballot but none enough to get the Party endorsement. Also, the best is last as the
very end of the Convention they voted voice vote to put some Amendments on the Democratic Platform. A quick scan around the
room shows the numbers were pretty low to have the necessary 150 present to pass but this is Politics as usual. Catch of the
Day, Video ...
On Saturday, at the DCU Worcester , Catch of the Day, Video News, roaming about to find some hot breaking news,
stumbles on the Governor getting into the elevator on the first floor near the Press Room. JAldrich, asking when the Press
Conference was to be held was told it had been moved up. Two other cameras running in the elevator JAldrich put hers on as
well, but as you can see was told this was closed to Press. Then asking about the other two cameras JAldrich was told that
was the Governors...
On Friday night in Worcester at the DCU Center the Secretary of State William Galvin gave his political address
at the Democratic Convention and received their endorsement. This is a back track of the introduction on the previous welcome
tape from the Mayor but will last approximately 15 mintues. Catch of the Day, VideoNews, FreelanceReporting, ComflmRegistryNews,
On Friday Night the Democratic Convention begins at the DCU in Worcester Massachusetts. We will watch the Mayor
of Worcester welcome the Delegates to the Convention Center . this footage will run around 15 minutes and ends with Secretary
of State Galvin's speech to be continued Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting, ComflmRegistryNews, covered the
Friday Night Attorney General Martha Coakley is endorsed by the Democratic Convention for the party ticket. The
Attorney General will run unopposed.. Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting, ComflmRegistry,News.
On Friday night June 4 2010, Atty General Martha Coakley addresses the Democratic Convention. Catch of the Day,
Video News Freelance Reporting, ComflmRegistryNews, covered the event.
On Friday Night June 4, 2010 at the opening night of the Democratic Convention 2010 a tribute salute was made to
Auditor Robert DeNucci Autitor of the Commonwealth who is retiring. Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting taped
this on a Sony DVD Camcorder.
On Saturday June 5, 2010 Catch of the Day, Video News, captures the exhibit hall. Unfortunately the camera ran
out of tape and I only was able to capture the tables. But you can see these tables are purchased and are a very useful purchase
to get to speak to your Delegates and pass out literature. When I went to check on the other camera I got distracted so much
was happening.
On Saturday, at the Democratic Convention, daughter Catherine Patrick introduces her father Governor Patrick as
the next Governor of Massachusetts to a round of applause.. Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting, captures the
moment .
On Saturday at the DCU in Worcester, Massachusetts, the Democratic Convention convenes the second day. Here we
see the State Police bring in the Flags, called the Colors, a Minister say the Opening Prayer and a High School Arcopelo Choir
sing the Anthem. Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting at the Convention. A Sony DVD Camcorder was used with this
On Saturday, May 20 2010 in Boston, the Join the Impact Internet Protest group joined GBLT to hold a rally on the
Transvestite bill. The bill is held up in Judicary and is also known as the Bathroom bill. This bill will give access to both
sex bathrooms at will to the Homosexual community. The bill was sponsored by Charles Teisei and Carl Sciortino on the Judicary
Committee. The footage is captured on a JVC Camcorder as the Rally assembled and will last one hour and 5 minutes. The sections
On Saturday May 20 2010 in Boston, on the Statehouse Steps JOIN THE IMPACT AND GBLT held a Rally to Protest the
Transvestite Bill held up in Judiciary. This bill will provide at will access to both sex bathrooms and has been labeled the
Bathroom Bill by Conservatives. Catch of the Day Video News, Freelance Reporting covered this event and taped on a JVC Camcorder.
The sequels are in 4 parts 17 minutes each. This is 2 of 4. Later a tape was also made of the Marchers on Washington and Summer
On Saturday May 20 2010 Join the Impact and GBLT held a Rally on the Statehouse Steps The footage was captured
on a JVC Camcorder and will last one hour. Each section is 17 minutes and this is 3 of 4. The Rally was organized to protest
the Transvestite Bill held up in Judiciary. This bill will give these people rights to access both sex bathrooms at will.
On Saturday May 20 2010 at Noon JOIN THE IMPACT AND GBLT held a Rally at the Statehouse Steps Boston Massachusetts.
The Speakers assembled to protest the Transvestite stall on the Bathroom Bill which has been held up in Judiciary. After the
Rally the group had a March through the streets. The footage was done on a JVC Camcorder and is a little choppy. Sorry about
that. Catch of the Day, Video News Freelance Reporting captured the event and the Rally will last one hour 6 minutes. The
tapes are ...
On May 20 2010 St Marys Catholic Church Waltham, Massachusetts has an evening Pentecost Service . The Church has
just been painted and the old ancient altar has been removed. I actually loved the altar but times change and things happen
like this without any awareness. I made my First Communion in this Church. That began my personal journey into faith and this
night was a special visit for me to be in this church at 67 years of age and my First Communion was 60 years ago. I taped
some of the e...
On Saturday May 20 2010 around 2pm Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting finished covering the Rally
on the Statehouse Steps and walked to downtown crossing to meet up with some friends. On the Corner of Summer and Washington
Bath and Body Works has just moved in the new location. This is one of their first displays. Actually, it was a Pentecost
Weekend and some Catholic Evangelists were out as well on the same corner. So I made the effort to scan in what was really
happening in Bo...
Today, May 8, 2010 was Massachusetts Youth Pride on the Boston Common, sponsored by the Mass. Commission on Gay
Lesbian Bisexual Transgender Youth and "The Friends of GLBT Youth, Inc." Students come from high school GSAs (Gay
Straight Alliance clubs) around the state. The parade and Common event are followed by the Prom at Boston City Hall at 7pm
tonight, sponsored by BAGLY, the Boston Alliance of Gay Lesbian Bisexual and Transgender Youth. At approximately 11am there
was a huge downpour. The ...
CATCH OF THE DAY, VIDEO NEWS, FREELANCE REPORTING covered the John Joseph Moakley Courthouse, 1 Courthouse Way,
Boston today May 6 2010. A Hearing on DOMA Defence of Marriage Federal Law Constitutionality was argued for 16 Plaintiffs
by Atty Mary Bounato, Esq and the DOJ Atty Scott Simpson, Esq in front of Judge Joseph Tauro of District Court. Approximately
200 people attended and an overflow room was set up with video transmission. It is not clear if the hearing was recorded and
no cameras we...
10:30AM.....DOMA CHALLENGE: The U.S. District Court of Boston, John Joseph Moakley Courthouse 1 Courthouse Way,
Suite 2300 7th floor Courtroom 22, hears oral arguments in a challenge to the Federal Defense of Marriage Act brought Gay
& Lesbian Advocates and Defenders (GLAD). The Hearing challenges DOMA’s constitutionality. Judge Joseph Tauro is
expected to preside over the hearing. Mary Bonauto, Esq will Represent 16 Same Sex Couple Plaintiffs, DOMA, passed in 1996
and signed by President Bill...
Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting on April 14 2010 taping the Tea Party Express on the Boston Common.
This tape will last 17 minutes and was done on a JVC Camcorder in lp mode.
Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting, April 14 2010 on the Boston Common tapes the Tea Party Express
Rally . This tape is somewhat wably but the sound is excellent. The tape is 16 min long and was taped on a JVC Camcorder in
lp mode.
Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting on the Boston Common taping the Tea Party Express .. This tape
is 16 min long and was recorded on a JVC Camcorder in lp mode. The footage will show the gathering crowd and as I pressed
in to find the press pool was caught in a trap of people . The rest of the footage on this camera will be of the speakers
and will not be perfect as I had to use a monopod and extend it about 12 feet and sometimes did not know what I was taping.
The sound is exce...
Andy Cummings Music heard at the Fifth Amendment Tea Party GOP Pre Convention night in Worcester . This guy is
sensational.,, Thanks Fifth Amendment Pub for having us all.
The food was great the hospitality greater and the music even better than best. Visit this place before Andy goes higher and
you have to pay tons to see him. He is on the move.
Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting Worcester Hilton Garden Reception area .. the rainy night after
a long travel day deterred a plan to visit all the sites. Instead the journey started here and ended at the Tea Party GOP
Stop the Fifth Amendment.
Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting on the Boston Common with the Tea Party Express Bus Sony DVD
Camcorder 17 minutes please note.. some footage is not focused or moving on purpose with the excitement and sometimes scans
too fast. However, the sound works great so watch and enjoy or close your eyes and enjoy.. either way enjoy the free news
.. by Comflm Registry News
On Wednesday, 830 AM in Cambridge Middlesex Probate Court, Comflm Registry News Court Watched Courtroom 3 on the
4th Floor. I will be posting more detail on this event on my website. I want to put the interview up on Cambridge Court as
in Suffolk Probate Court Hector Montalvo was videotaping a Family Court Case that he had permission to tape. He had also asked
to tape today in Cambridge but the Justice was denied. This is a First Amendment Case and is very intriguing. Do you think
this person ...
On Saturday, March 20 2010 in Washington DC the Tea Party assembled to oppose the vote on National Health Care
Takeover. During the event a group of 4 male individuals penetrated the crowd with cow bells yelling and throwing water at
the families assembled to protest with the Tea Party. Please listen to the audio of a person who attended and who was not
used to things like this but was involved as many are because of fear of losing our Liberty. The video was cap'd so to not
capture the individ... Sunday, March 28, 2010
From: 12-2pm The 3 road intersection ( Rt 113/Mosley Ave/Ferry Rd) adjacent to Atkinson Common Park Newburyport, MA 01950
Many other Candidates were present at the Dedham Norfolk Suffolk Country Candidate night at the Endicott Estates..
A truy gorgeous place to hold an event. Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting captured this event.. low lighting
Senator Richard Tiesei speaks in Dedham at the Endicott Estates to the GOP on his Candidacy as Leutenant Governor.
Catch of theDay, Video News, Freelance Reporting captured the event.
Mary Connaughton speaks to the GOP in Dedham at the Endicott Estates Antique Building on her Candidacy for State
Auditor in Massachusetts.. This is a second rendition on a second camera a JVC Camcorder in lp mode.. Catch of the Day, Video
News, Freelance Reporting captured the event.
Prof. Mary Cannoughton Speaks in Dedham, at the Endicott Estates Antique Building to the GOP on her Campaign for
Auditor.. Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting captured the event. We arrived late and so the placing of the
camera was problematic. The sound is good however, and you should be able to get an idea of her experience and who she is
from this video. This was taped on a Sony dv Camcorder.. Comflm Registry News, JAldrich does not edit footage. This is for
educational purpos...
A Massachusetts Resident who chose to not put his photo up here testifies to Comflm Reporter Catch of the Day ,
Video News Freelance Reporting at the Statehouse. J Aldrich has at this point not seen the video's of the Tea Party events
and questions the Gentleman on the trip he made to Washington on March 20 2010 to attend the Protest. This person never get's
involved and so did not recognize the group known as code pink. JAldrich gets more information on the 4 individuals that tried
to instaga...
On Tuesday Kris Mineau of Massachusetts Family Institute comments to JAldrich CatchoftheDay, Videographer, Reporter
on the MFI Lobby Day on two bill and his general consensus of the results. This video will be 1.5 minutes Catch of the Day,
Video News, Freelance Reporting
On Tuesday March 23 2010 on Beacon Hill Statehouse Constituents visit Senator Cory Atkins office Co Chair of the
Rules Committee to speak to her staff about H1728 Transgender Bathroom Bill, and a Education Curriculm Frameworks Bill, currently
being considered for passage in Massachusetts. Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting captured the event.
On Tuesday March 23 2010 on Beacon Hill a group of Constituents of Senator Bruce Tarr, visit his office to speak
on the Transgender H1728 Bill now being considered being law before the Legislature. They also spoke on the Massachusetts
Curriculum Frameworks that was just taken out of study by the Education Committee.
On Tuesday March 23 2010 On Beacon Hill Statehouse Constituents speak to Senator Fargo Staff on the H1728 bill
for Transgender bathroom legislation and a bill on the Curriculum Frameworks. This video part 2 will last 5 minutes Catch
of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting captured this video
On Tuesday on Beacon Hill Statehouse, some Constituents of Senator Fargo visit her office to Lobby against the
House Bill H1728 and a Curriculum Frameworks Bill that impose unrestricted Bathroom Privileges to Transgender people in the
Commonwealth that will cause a $2000 dollar fine and jail time to occur.. This video is 9 minutes long. Catch of the Day,
Video News, Freelance Reporting captured this video .
On Tuesday March 23 2010 at the Massachusetts Statehouse on Beacon Hill in B 2 Kris Mineaw President of Mass Family
Institute gives an informational on the Transgender Lobby Day to Members of Mass Family Institute. H1728 and a bill on the
Education Committee Bill on Curriculum Frameworks recently pulled out of study are the topic of this discussion. Later we
will see some of the Concerned Citizens visit a few offices and explain their oppinion to their Representatives s and Senators.
The Proto...
16 minutes of public testimony in the Jt Committee on Public Safety and Homeland Security taped by Catch of the
Day, Video News Freelance Reporting. tape 1 of 2 a total of 22 minutes H2238 An Act relative to a report of firearms statistics.
H4401 An Act relative to elevator regulations. H4418 An Act relative to police procedures when dealing with criminal street
gangs in the city of Holyoke. H4462 An Act relative to motor vehicle police chases.
Over in 22 minutes and on two uploads the Jt Committee on Homeland Security and Public Safety heard two bills today
although 4 were on the adgenda. Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting captured the Hearing on a JVC Camcorder.
H2238 An Act relative to a report of firearms statistics. H4401 An Act relative to elevator regulations. H4418 An Act relative
to police procedures when dealing with criminal street gangs in the city of Holyoke. H4462 An Act relative to motor vehicle
police c...
On March 3 2010 the Jt Committee on Telecommunciations Utilities and Energy heard testimony in Rm A2 at 10AM on
Gas Leaks. This hearing was taped on two cameras.. this camera is a DVD Sony Camcorder in lp mode and the tape will last 17
minutes. The entire hearing will last approx 3.5 hours.
On this day the public hearings were up for March 3 to 10th. To slow down the video just pause the bar and read.
The window is very dark and I am short and so the combination makes it difficult to capture this. Sorry
Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting at the elevator on second floor notices the gorgeous chairs being
organized in Great Hall. I just could not help myself from taking a 25second shoot of the room.
On March 3 2010 in the Members Lounge a Legislative Briefing was held on Medical Marijuana. This tape is the second
tape of three tapes and will last approximately 17 minutes. The footage was captured by Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance
Reporting on a Sony DVD Camcorder in lp mode.
On March 3 2010 in the House Members Lounge a Legislative Briefing was held on the Medical effects of Marijuana.
The session lasted around one hour and I have three sessions including some questions. This tape is recorded on a Sony DVD
Camcorder in lp mode. The tape will last 17 minutes. Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting tapes documentary footage
and desires to see a Public Affairs Network in Massachusetts.
On March 3 2010 in the House Members Lounge a Legislative Briefing on legalizing marijuana took place. A doctor
gave testimony of the medical safety of marijuana and the tape is one of 3 . This was taped on a Sony DVD Camcorder in lp
On March 2 2010 in the Jt Committee on Judiciary this Lawyer spoke in favor of legalizing marijuana and represented
around 30 people who came to support this. The meeting took place in A2 and lasted 6.5 hours. There were around 160 bills.
Too many.
On Tuesday March 2 2010 in Jt Committee on Judiciary ChrisNoonanFunnell testified in behalf of Covenant Keepers
in support of Circumcision. Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting captured this public hearing on a JVC Camcorder
in lp mode.
On Tuesday in Jt Committee on Judiciary many came to speak against Circumcision. This gentleman came from Long
Island on the train and has a group that is supporting banning Circumcision across the country. Later we will post his testimony
but in this video Catch of the Day, interviews him.
On March 2 2010 many Court Reporters testified before the Jt Committee on Judiciary. Catch of the Day, Video News
Interview explains why the bill to license Court Reporters is not supported.
On Tuesday March 2 2010 many Court Reporters came to the Jt Committee on Juciciary Public Hearing to oppose a bill
that will force Court Reporters to be licensed. Catch of the Day, Video News Freelance Reporting captured the public hearing
in A2 and the two rooms were packed. At this point in the day the room was thinning out.
Senator Bruce Tarr, Gloucester, Testifies on Tuesday March 2 2010 before the Jt Committee on Judiciary in A2. The
Judiciary Committee heard about 160 bills that day and the Hearing lasted 6.5 hours. Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance
Reporting Captured the Hearing and does documentary public works footage. Senator Tarr supports a bill that will make the
public hearings by law have to be videotaped and archived. S1458 This short tape is about 45 seconds long.
Tape 2 of 2 taped on Sony DVD Camcorder in lp mode. RM B2 Statehouse Boston. Press Conference on the Bullying Bill.
ADL Alliance Defense League of Massachusetts and the Education Committee et al discuss the Bullying Bill about to be debated
on the House Floor next week according to the House Chair Rep Waltz. Questions did not include what impact Cori will have
on kids put in contact with the Juvenile Court System because of this bill.
On Thursday at the Statehouse in Boston, a Press Conference was held in RM B 2 at 1PM. Catch of the Day, Video
News, Freelance Reporting taped the event on a Sony DVD Camcorder . This will be posted in two episodes. The total event is
approximately 27 minutes. The Press Conference was of the Aliance Defense League and the Education Committee which which exec"d
out the Bullying bill which will make it a crime to subject school children to bullying of any kind. When J Aldrich asked
the regular P...
On Saturday February 27 2010 Amesbury Elementary Grade School had the Basketball Playoffs. In this video we see
the Award Ceremony. The video was recorded on a SonyDVD Camcorder in lp mode. Please feel free to use the footage for your
memorys.. Catch of the Day Video News Freelance Reporting taped the event.
Can you believe these kids were out the door before 830AM? On Saturday the playoffs for the Amesbury Basketball
Teams took place and Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting taped the event. The footage is about an hour long
in total and this tape will be 17 minutes.
On Saturday the Amesbury Elementary Basketball playoffs took place. Here are a couple of teams before the award
ceremony. Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting captured the event in a Sony DVD Camcorder in lp mode. Don't you
think all these fun games should be recorded? We do.
On Saturday February 27 2010 Amesbury Elementary held their Science Fair at the High School. This footage was captured
on a Sony DVD Camcorder in lp mode. Each tape is about 17 minutes in length due to the upload process. Catch of the Day, Video
News, Freelance Reporting captured about 50 exhibits along with Cable Access. The award Ceremony will be on it's own tape.
Please feel free to use the footage. No names will be included in this description. No names were given only the experiments
On Saturday in Amesbury Massachusetts at the High School Elementary children up to about 10 had their Science Fair.
Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting was able to capture about 50 exhibits on tape. No names will be included
in this footage but parents are allowed to upload this and use it for their family use. Make a DVD and capture this event
and have some fun looking back at real stuff your child is learning in school with your help of course! So hats off to parents
and kids f...
On Saturday February 27 2010 in Amesbury at the High School the Elementary kids have their Science Fair. Catch
of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting captured around 50 exhibits and got some great footage of the event. No names
will be included and this is a testament to the education and motivation these kids are enjoying in Amesbury. Salute! See
what happens when parents and kids work together! A lot of work went into this from both. Thank you parents for inspiring
your kids to step int...
This is the last of at least 10 video's by Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting, covering the Amesbury
Elementary School Science Fair. More than 50 exhibitors explained their genious to J Aldrich on Saturday and you will enjoy
this footage I am sure. It is a rockin testimony of the student interest in Amesbury and the parents who helped out. No names
will be identified in the footage and parents are allowed to use the footage. Catch of the Day, videotapes public events and
does do...
A volcano experiment and demonstration won First Prize on Saturday in Amesbury captured on tape by Catch of the
Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting. Channel 8 will also be showing some footage of this stupendous event. If you meet this
young man someday be sure and congradulate him!
On Saturday at Amesbury Massachusetts High School the Science Fair took place for kids up to about 10 years old.
Catch of the Day, Video News Freelance Reporting, captured many students of all ages that had really interesting topics. This
young man won first prize for his grade. How great is that! Even Grampa is excited! The names will be left out on all the
footage. Channel 8 also taped and this footage may be combined with it but please feel free to use this if you are a parent.
Catch of the Day Video News, Freelance Reporting tries to see the dark window in the hallway on Tuesday posting
the public hearings. I am not very tall and the window has to be copied with my camera up in the air and I cannot zoom it
in because it is so dark it will not focus. But the bills in Judiciary are on the window. They did not pas out bills in the
Hearing room and online I didn't remember seeing so many eminent domain. Some spoke of it however, but the Press shield bill
was the one tha...
February 23 2010 Jt committee on Judiciary Public Hearing tape 16 min lenth taped on Sony DVD Camcorder in lp mode
4.5hours 4-1hour tapes Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting on site does Documentary Footage of Beacon Hill .
Please support S1458 and the Shield Law Bill in this Hearing.
February 23 2010 jt Committee on Judiciary Public Hearing on Constitutional issues taping by Catch of the day,
video News Freelance Reporting, tape 16 minutes long, taped on Sony DVD Camcorder lp mode
February 23 2010 Jt Committee on Judiciary PUblic Hearing on Civil Rights Eminent Domain Press Shield for Journalists,
Assisted Suicide 16 min sony dvd camcorder lp mode
February 23 2010 1PM B1 Jt committee on Judiciary on first amendment , Eminent Domain, Press Shield for Journalists,
4.5 hour hearing SonyDVD Camcorder lpmode Catch of The Day Video News, Freelance Reporting
On Tuesday February 23 2010 the Jt committee on Judiciary heard testimony in B1 on Constitutional Issues. The footage
was done on a SonyDVD Camcorder in lp mode. Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting does documentary footage and
desired a CSpan Public Affairs Network in Massachusetts. This tape will be testimony from some disabled individuals who are
opposed to assisted Suicide legislation being proposed.
On Tuesday February 23 2010 Marie Sturgis Director of the MCFL Mass Citizens For Life, Testified before the Jt
Committee on the Judiciary in Opposition of Assisted Suicide, The Committee heard bills on First Amendment , Civil Rights,
Press Shield for Journalists, and other bills. Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting tapes documentary footage
and desires a C Span Public Affairs Network in Massachusetts S1458 is a bill that supports Independant Media and granting
them the same credi...
February 23 2010 Jt committee on Judiciary Public Hearing B1 1-515PM taped on a Sony DVD Camcorder lp mode. Tape
lasts 16 minutes. Catch of the Day, video News, FreelanceReporting
February 23 2010 Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting captures the Jt Committee on Judiciary Public
Hearing in B1 1-515PM The footage was captured on a Sony DVD Camcorder in lp mode. The committee heard bills on civil rights
assisted suicide, constitutional issues, press shield.
February 23 2010 Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting Captures the Jt Committee on Juciciary Public
Hearing in B1 1-515PM This footage was captured on a Sony DVD Camcorder in lp mode. This tape will have two speakers, Evelyn
Riley of Mass Family and Ed Saunders of Mass Catholic Conference. They will be speaking on the Assisted Suicide Bills and
various other civil rights bills.
February 23 2010 Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting captures the Jt Legislative Committee on Judiciary
Public Hearing in B1 This is the last of the 4 tapes and is in 2 parts 4a and 4b. The footage was captured on a Sony DVD Camcorder
in lp mode and it will last 16 minutes. This Public Hearing was on Constitutional Issues, Buffer zones, civil rights, assisted
suicide, press shield, religious freedom.
February 23 2010 the Jt Legislative Committee on Judiciary in RM B1 Statehouse Boston, heard testimony on Civil
Rights Legislation First Amendment Constitutional Issues and from the Attorney General. This footage was captured on a Sony
DVD Camcorder in lp mode. This tape will last approx 14 minutes. You will hear testimony from Attorney General Martha Coakley.
To find the list of bills you can ask the Committee. The public Hearing lasts 4.5 hours. The four one hour tapes are broken
up into 4 s...
February 23 2010, the Jt Legislative Committee on Judiciary held public hearing on Civil Rights and First Amendment
Legislation. Shield Law for Journalists drew many reporters to testify. The footage was taped on a Sony DVD Camcorder in lp
mode. House Broadcast also taped the full Hearing and you can watch in on the Live Broadcast link. Catch
of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting does documentary footage and desires that Massachusetts has a C Span Public Affairs
February 23 2010 Jt Legislative Committee on Judiciary 3c of 1 RM B1 1PM-515PM this footage is 16 minutes in duration
and is on Constitutional Issues. The footage was taped on a Sony DVD Camcorder in lp mode. Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance
Reporting does archive documentary footage. This Public Hearing was on Press Shield and various civil rights bills.
February 23, 2010 Rm B1 the Jt Committee on the Judiciary heard testimony on Constitutional Issues. Catch of the
Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting captured the Public Hearing and also the House Broadcast captured the Hearing. House
Broadcast will be available in a few days. I will be uploading the footage in 16 minute segments. The footage was captured
on a Sony DVD Camcorder in lp mode. The Public Hearing was 4.5 hours long. I am breaking the footage up to read as above 4d
of tape 1 etc. O...
February 23 2010 J Aldrich, Comflm President, Reporter, Videographer for Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance
Reporter testifies before the Jt Committee on Judicary yesterday on Civil Rights Bills and Reporter Shield Bill, before the
Committee. J Aldrich, who has compiled 450 plus Recordings of Committee Hearings complains of the Bills inadequate definition
of a Reporter. Having dealt personally with 7 years of Press Abuse in the Statehouse personally, J Aldrich defines the definition
of Pr...
Catch of the Day, Video News, FreelanceReporting, taping Gardner Auditorium the Jt Committee on Ways and Means
Budget Vetting Public Hearing. This tape will run one hour and is uploaded in 17 minute intervals. In this tape we hear from
State Auditor Joseph De Nucci and Staff and Treas Tim Cahill, will give testimony. The footage was taped on a Sony DVD Camcorder
in lp mode. The full DVD version is available by emailing
Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Recording, taping Gardner Auditorium the Jt committee on Ways and Means
Budget Vetting Public Hearing. This will last approximately 17 minutes and was recorded on a Sony DVD Camcorder in lp mode.
We are listening to Treasurer Tim Cahill give testimony to the Committee.
Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting Gardner Auditorium the Jt Committee on Ways and Means Budget
Vetting Public Hearing. This was recorded on a Sony DVD Camcorder in lp mode. We are listening to Treasurer Cahill giving
testimony approximately 17 minutes.
Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting at Gardner Auditorium the Jt Committee on Ways and Means Leglisative
Public Hearing on Budget Vetting. This tape is approximately 5 minutes and is the last of the first hour SonyDVD Camcorder
tape and will hear Treasurer Cahill answering questions to the Committee. the total hearing lasted 2.5hours. This website
only will upload in 16 minute intervals so there are approximately 10 different uploads to complete this Hearing. You may
order a full...
Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting Gardner Auditorium tape 2 1hour length of 2.5hour hearing.. Taped
on Sony DVD Camcorder in lp mode. This tape we hear Tresurer Cahill give testimony in Public Hearing on Budget Vetting.. His
testimony approx 8 minutes and Secretary Galvin is another 10 minutes of 25 total testimony by Galvin.
Catch of the Day, Video News, FreelanceReporting Gardner Auditorium taping Jt Committee on Ways and Means Public
Hearing on Budget Vetting. Taped on Sony DVD Camcorder lp mode this tape is 16 minutes and we will hear from Secretary Galvin
Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting Gardner Auditorium, February 16 2010 on Sony DVD Camcorder 5
minutes of Secretary Galvin giving testimony on the Budget Vetting
Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting on Tuesday in Gardner Auditorium captures the Jt Committee on
Ways and Means Budget Vetting Public Hearing. In this tape of 17 minutes recorded on Sony DVD Camcorder in lp mode we hear
Secretary Galvin give testimony followed by approx 8 minutes of Attorney General Martha Coakley. On the next tape I restarted
her testimony so that it would not be broken up too much.
Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting Gardner Auditorium 10AM on Tuesday February 16 2010 captures
the Jt Committee on Ways and Means Public Hearing on Budget Vetting 1 of 8 Public Hearings. On this tape we will listen to
16 minutes of testimony from Atty General Martha Coakley . The next tape will be her question and answer time to her testimony
before the Commttee. Some footage is lost in separating the tapes or duplicated. You can order a full copy by emailing
Catch of the Day, VideoNews, Freelance Reporting Gardner Auditorium captures the Jt Committee on Ways and Means
1 of 8 Budget Vetting Hearings. This tape will be less than 5 minutes and winds up the testimony by the Inspector General
Sullivan. This was taped on a Sony DVD Camcorder in lp mode..
Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting Gardner Auditorium February 16 2010 Tape of Atty General Martha
Coakley continues and is followed by Inspector General Sullivan. 1 of 8 Budget Veted Public Hearings. This tape lasts 16 minutes
and was recorded on a Sony DVD Camcorder in lp mode
Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting Gardner Auditorium 2011 Budget Hearing by the Jt Committee on
Ways and Means hears testimony from Constitutional Officers 1 of 8 Budget Vetting Hearings. Attorney General Coakley is seen
here taking questions from the Committee Members after testimony. This Tape is 16 minutes ..The Atty General is followed by
Inspector General Gregory Sullivan. This tape was recorded on a Sony DVD Camcorder in lp mode.
Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting captures the Committee on Ways and Means Public Hearing on Lawrence
Budget Crisis.on February 9 2010. Great shot of Senator Susan Tucker here in complete contemplative mood over her district's
problems. The scan will also capture the full deck of Media covering this tension packed hearing. Many other events took place
the same day and Catch of the Day, got three of them. Very active Beacon Hill Day. A JVC capture of this 2.5 hour event will
Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting setting up the JVC in Gardner Auditorium on February 9 2009 decides
to capture the full Committee with the Exception of Senator Harriet Chandler. A second clip will be up soon to capture the
full deck of Reporters on the scene. The Committee was to hear the testimony from Lawrence which is about to belly up in debt.
The House Broadcast team was also on duty one camera on the floor and several from remote locations for this one and the video
Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting, captures opponents to Gambling United to Stop Slots Press Conference
Briefing in Rm B2 Boston Statehouse. The footage is captured on a Sony DVD Camcorder. Technical difficultes occured and the
video component will stall. The audio is fine. This could be due to the Comcast mpbs upload speed they divy out to customers.
This has not happened before today. A DVD copy can be ordered by emailing, The Coalition to Preserve the
Catch of the day, Video News, Freelance 'Reporting captures United to Stop Slots Press Conference in B2 on Tuesday
February 9 2010. This Press Conference is separated into several clips as some technical difficulties kept interfering with
the video capture. The audio is fine. The footage was captured on a SonyDVD Camcorder. The project Coaltion to Preserve the
Public Record is a volunteer project and is funded by donations and advertisements on this site. In this video a testimony
of a gambler...
Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting captures opponents to Gambling United to Stop Slots in Massachusetts.
The Casino Math Workbook Handout is explained in this video. Technical Difficulties are due to upload mpbs speed that Comcast
provides and the video component is being affected today. Appologies to the audience for this interference. Funding is voluntary
in this project. Please support S1458 a bill that will require the Legislature to come back under the Open Meeting Law they...
Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting captures the opponents of Gambling Press Conference in B2. United
to Stop Slots gave a presentation and in this video take questions from the Press. The footage is complicated by some technical
difficulties but the audio will be intact. To obtain a DVD copy of this event please email This footage
was recorded on a Sony DVD Camcorder. The event will be in several parts due to the mpbs speed Comcast provides in Massachusetts
Catch of the Day Video News Freelance Reporting on February 9 2010 in Rm 437 captures the Policy update by the
Massachusetts Partnership for Responsible Gambling. This event will be in 3 parts and will run approximately 19 minutes. The
event was captured on a Sony DVD Camcorder which was set to a short speed and did not capture the entire envent. Apologies
for this as this was a mistake. The footage also had some technical problems uploading and the video portion became still.
The audio runs f...
Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting on Tuesday February 9 2010 the Partnership For Responsible Gambling
Policy Update tot he Legislature in Rm 437. This was recorded on a Sony DVD Camcorder and this is the 2nd of 3 parts. The
upload process has been a problem but my footage is intact for only 19 minutes of this hour long event. I apologize but did
not realized the Camcorder was not set properly to last one hour. Please advocate with Comflm Registry News to have a Public
Affairs N...
Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting on Tuesday February 9 2010 in Rm 437 Statehouse Boston, the Massachusetts
Partnership For Responsible Gambling Presentation on Policy to the Legislature. I was only able to capture 19 minutes of this
event as my Sony dvd camcorder somehow slipped into high quality and this shut off to my demise. Sorry as I try to capture
a full event and not my intent. A second problem occured in uploading this and it is due to my Comcast package. It just kept
Catch of the Day, Video News Freelance Reporting on February 2 2010 in A1 1-3PM on the Jt Committee on Federal
Stimulus Oversight Public Hearing. Committee Chairmen Senator Pacheco and Representative Linsky continue to hear testimony
from Administration and Finance Secretary Jay Gonzalez. This tape will be approximately 17 minutes and was recorded on a Sony
DVD Camcorder. Catch of the Day, Reporting on Tuesday February 2 2010 A1 1-3PM on the Jt Committee on Federal Stimulus Oversight
Public He...
Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting on the Jt Committee on Federal Stimulus Oversight Public Hearing
on Jobs. On this tape we continue to hear testimony from Administration and Finance Secretary Jay Gonzalez in A1 1-3PM This
tape was captured on a Sony DVD Camcorder and lasts 17 minutes
Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting on the Jt Committee on Federal Stimulus Oversight Public Hearing
A1 1-3PM Statehouse on Jobs. Committee Chairs Representative Linsky, and Senator Pacheco hear testimony on this tape from
Administration and Finance Secretary Jay Gonzalez. This footage was captured on a Sony DVD Camcorder by JAldrich videographer
who does documentary footage and does not edit. Some testimony may be lost in the separation process uploading. A full copy
may be orde...
Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting on the Jt Committee on Federal Stimulus Oversight Hearing on
February 2 2010. This is the end testimony tape of Administration and Finance Secretary Jay Gonzalez and the initiating testimony
of Director of Infrastructure Investment Jeffrey Simon to the Committee. House Chairman Representative Linsky and Senate Chairman
Pacheco RM A1 1PM-3PM On this tape the sound runs fine but while uploading the picture stalls for about 6 minutes. This does
February 2 2010 Tuesday A1 1PM the Jt Committee on Federal Stimulus Oversight Committee held a public hearing on
jobs. In this tape 1 of 3 second half of hearing you will hear from the Director of Infrastructure Investment, Jeffrey Simon
and the tape is approx 15 min long. This was taped on a Sony DVD Camcorder. Catch of the Day, Video News Freelance Reporting
videotaped this public hearing.
February 2 2010 Tuesday at 1PM the Jt Committee on Federal Stimulus Oversight held a public hearing on jobs. This
is tape 2 of 3 and is testimony from Director of Infrastructure and Investment Jeffrey Simon. This tape is approx 5 minutes
long Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting videotaped this hearing
Tuesday February 2 2010 the Jt Committee on Federal Stimulus Oversight held a Public Hearing on Jobs Chaired by
Rep Linsky and Senator Pacheco to hear testimony from Administration and Finance Secretary Jay Gonzalez and Director of Infrastructure
Jeffrey Simon. This is 3 of 3 Jeffrey Simon tapes the second half of the hearing. This footage was captured by Catch of the
Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting copies can be obtained by emailing
Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting, captures the Docket Windows of the House and Senate Clerk. These
windows should be equal. Please support S1458 Open Meeting Legislation and Press There is a missing Public Hearing on Thursday.
The Public Health Executive Hearing tomorrow will have these bills on the adgenda. Some bills may be off the list some may
come on.. this is the stats so far 2 2 10 Bills : HI028, 1116, 1148, 2034, 2038 2041, 2044, 2054, 2064, 2070, 2078, 2079,
2087, 208...
Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting, Statehouse House Speaker Deleo and Homeland Security Public
Safety Committee House Chairman Representative Costello of Newburyport comment on the 20 Year Natural Gas Shipping Contract
with Yemen to dock in Charlestown, Massachusetts, The Press Conference 330 PM today Tuesday, February 2 2010. Please note
the end of this video states February 1 2010 that is not correct it is a technical error. JAldrich Videographer.
Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting Statehouse 330PM catches Press Conference with US Coast Guard,
Speaker Deleo and Rep Costello Homeland Security Chairman, outside the House Chamber Beacon Hill. The entire footage is about
24 minutes long in two parts.
Catch of the Day, Video News Freelance Reporting catches some footage of the Brown Thank You Party and finds a
Candidate running in November.. check this out!
Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting last group of citizens who wanted to get a photo with Scott Brown..
Guess who will vote for Scott in November.. He's the guy of the day.. best photo op..
Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting, interviews Rabid Republican Blog Writer and Michael Halberg
gets asked a question! The Crowd at Linzi's Catering Thank You Party for Brown was an opportunity to meet some activists that
hailed Scott Brown.
Catch of theDay, Video News, Freelance Reporting at Linzi's Catering Thank you Party for Scott Brown gets interview
while recording the event with Chelmsford Town Official on the Seating of Scott Brown.. watch how engaging this commentary
becomes as an Attorney gets involved and another citizen.
Catch of the Day, Video News, FreelanceReporting J Aldrich captures the Brown Campaign Trail Celebration Thank
You party sponsored by LInzi's Catering of Dracut. This 5 minute of 60 minute flick will show the packed room and notice the
potential Media in the room with all the small cameras being held up. I love it. Media is smack in front of Scott and would
not step back to the platform Catch of the Day was on. I do not like to tape the close up version for the news bite. I like
to tape the do...
Catch of the Day, Video News Freelance Reporting checks on the Clerks window. January 28 2010 there were two notices
on Judiciary on the Clerks window. I asked if they could give me a copy as there were two. I was told it was online but then
the Clerk said one had been brought up today. Well that was not in 48 hour notice was it. And later found the House had added
1 bill. This is why some people go nuts that they sneak in a bill. But what I am saying is fix the public record law and this
Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting on Thursday January 28 2010 captured the Jt Committee on Judiciary
Public Hearing A1 1PM . During the Public Hearing this Father and Daughter testified on a Personal Injury Suit that has cost
the family $9 Million Dollars that has totally eaten up the settlement. The Justice granted 40% of 9 mil to the Attys plus
more. Please listen to this horror story. The Committee was moved by this testimony. The Father an Atty will undergo a 9 hour
Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting captures Senator Scott Brown signing autographs for supporters
after the Worcester Mechanics Hall Rally which by the way was filled to the rafters plus the street plus the overflow of 1000
Catch of the Day, Video News Freelance Reporting captures Earl Sholley Republican, of Wellesley speaking to the
ProLife March for Life on Washington on the 37th Aniversary of Roe vs Wade . Earl Sholley is running against Congressman Barney
Frank Democrat of Newton Massachusetts.
Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting on the 37thAniversary of Roe vs Wade Washington DC Capital March
for Life. This footage will continue the discussion on lobbying to the Citizens for Life. There are two more videos on this
discussion. You are listening to Earl Sholley of Massachusetts running for Congress against Barney Frank and the Catholic
University Law School Attorney/ Professor talking about the Buffer Zone Case. The dates at the end of the video are not correct.
Please d...
Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting finds the Senate Reading Room of the US Senate Building 3rd Floor.
A discussion is going on for the MARCH FOR LIFE Citizens who will lobby their Congressman and Senators. This video is very
rough. However, the sound is excellent and this was done on a sony dvd camcorder which cannot be altered. Please excuse this.
If I had staff to help then maybe we could do some serious editing. This footage lasts about 4 minutes. There are 3 more videos
on t...
Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting, JAldrich, captures portions of two services at the Bascilica.
The first is the Blessed Sacrament Adoration Chapel where 24 hour prayers will be offered up and the Mass for the Unborn in
the main Church. Neither are full service but will show the highlights. The Mass will be said by His Excellency Most Reverend
Timothy P. Broglio, Archbishop of Military Services, USA and four additional ConCelebrants and two Deacons. A Day of Penance
and Prayer...
Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting, Friday January 22 2010 arrives while still dark at the Basicilica
of the Immaculate Conception with a bus trip on Colonial Tours, organized by St Pauls of Harvard Square Cambridge. The trip
left Cambridge at 8pm and traveled all night then returned again at 6pm the same day. Absolutely, comfortable bus as busses
go and the driver was a great driver! This is a very awesome video of the Bascilica which had opened its doors to Pilgrims
and allowe...
Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting crowds passing the US Senate Building Washington DC on January
22 2010 the 37th Aniversay of Roe vs Wade. Picture the density of this photo and you will understand the density of this crowd
which extended from the Monument to the Supreme Court where the Walk for Life ended.
Catch of the Day, Video News Freelance Reporting in Washington DC asked Jill to pose at Scott Browns office for
fun. Senator Scott Brown will be seated this week but until that time the office remains in Sen Kirk's name. Yes he will have
that office according to Staff asked that day in DC while in DC covering the March for Life on the 37th Aniversary of Roe
vs Wade.
Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting continues to capture the march heading to the Capital. The march
will end at the Supreme Court and J Aldrich is on foot taping so forgive the movement as it was important to keep going not
to miss the event at the Senate Building area.
Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting, JAldrich continues to record the March on Washington for the
Aniversary of Roe vs Wade Supreme Court Decision 37 years ago. At this point J Aldrich attempts to turn back realizing the
walk was being assembled and marching toward the Capital on a parrellel street. It was not until the end at the Capital looking
back toward the Monument that JAldrich realized the diversion of the crowd must have been a direct assault on the liberty
to assemble a...
Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting Breaking News! JAldrich, attending the March for Life captures
the assembling groups waiting to form the huge wall of people against Abortion after 37 years of Roe vs Wade in the US. This
area is near the Rally and Speakers however, the fenced area protecting the lawns which were subject to intense trampling
in the mudd made it difficult to gain access to areas and to move the crowds with any precision. Mounted officers were used
to open blocke...
Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting, JAldrich, visits Washington DC on the 37th Aniversary of Roe
vs Wade. Walking from the Senate Building to the Monument Rally area an endless assembly of marchers were videotaped. Groups
chose colored hats and scarfs to distinguish themselves. Aldrich thought at some point the walkers would stop but it did not
and returning to the Senate Building area later will show why.
Aniversary Roe vs Wade March on Washington took place today. Catch of the Day was able to capture the event. This
is the Senate Building Senate Briefing Room where Right to Life Activists from around the Nation have a briefing on the status
of the Health Care Bill and prepare to Lobby their Senators and Representatives. The event is approximately 16 minutes long
No other Press was on site for this event. Not even C Span
Catch of the Day Video News Freelance Reporting .. this is the first of 3 opening comments by Speakers. The room
was electric and the same charge has persued us like a mighty wind and the Massachusetts Miracle. Today in Hamilton even in
the snow the voting turnout is steady. The event filled the Hall, poured into the streets and into the overflow room of 1000
people. Wherever people know of a rally hundreds show up . Catch the Fire.. well see how this turns out.
Catch of the Day, VideoNewsFreelanceReporting, JVC camera decides to put the date on this video.. sorry.. technical
problem Would you believe I hate technology! This is why. I had the best view.. my camera appeared to be rolling and then
this. So please excuse the blunder. the footage is amazing. The footage will be up in 16 min segments.. Approximately, 2 hours
in full.
Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting captures some footage of the Atty General Coakley's Newburyport
Visit and the Republican Rally on the Salisbury Bridge..
Catch of the Day, Video News Freelance Reporting captures some of the 2 hours of showing up for the Atty General
Coakley at the Salisbury Bridge, Approximately, 150 people showed up and would not leave. They were at both exits of the Restaurant
. Two cameras were used and only one has been uploaded at this point. Sony dvd camera
Catch of the Day, Video News Freelance Reporting taping the Rally for Senator Scott Brown for US Senate. Outside
of Mechanics Hall the people had already gathered to greet Scott Brown. A second overflow area was arranged and 1000 people
gathered there not being able to get in. The signs are unique and the fervor was unbelievable. No one is happy with this Administration.
I do not think the Government is ready for this at all.
Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting on Sunday afternoon videotaped the full inside of Mechanics Hall
where the 4 videos show the crowd to the rafters building with an overflow of 1000 somewhere else. If you cannot hear the
rumble revolution in the sound that was ongoing for a good 45 minutes inside you must be tone deaf. All the media were lined
across the back but the sign holders center were asked not to hold the signs for the speakers which they did. The speeches
are on anothe...
Amesbury Republicans held signs Brown for Senate. Caught on tape by Catch of the Day Video News, Freelance Reporting
. Sign holders were out from 10AM to noon on Saturday.
Catch of the Day, Video News, FreeLance Reporting, catches some more heckling of the lone star Brown Supporter
with the 4x8 sign made in America.. being heckled by the Royal Carpenter Union standing guard for Atty General Coakley.. this
one is priceless in case anyone wants to purchase this. all rights protected by copyright to Catch of the Day, Video News
Freelance Reporting
Catch of the Day, Video News, FreeLance Reporting tape 2 continues outside to cover the Atty General Martha Coakley
Campaign Trail to Lowell 43 Palmer St. Listen as the Union Guys build momentum heckling the lone Brown for Senate 4x8 sign
for Brown .. Two and at times 3 cruisers were available on scene for any problems and to keep traffic in check.
Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting on Saturday the 16th of January 2010 made it to Lowell videotaping
the Coakley Campaign Trail. It was a cobblestone street and huge signs for Coakley for Senate addorned the corner Restaurant.
As only one sign for Brown was seen in this remote spot J Aldrich decided to take some of the Speech in. However, the small
Room was standing room only and the space was about 36 inches square where she would have to tape from. Using the monopod
Aldrich r...
Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting goes to the Statehouse and checks on the docket schedules. The
Senate Window and the House Clerk windows are the first place to look. The second year of a two year log usually the bills
have had hearings already. However, some Committees will still see a few more Public Hearings. Then the next thing is the
Executive Session list. The Docket Room 428 closed down in December of 2009 so we now will have to go to the Committees and
these offices to...
CEREMONY TO IRAQ AND AFGANISTAN SUNDAY 10AM. This video is broken into 4 16 minute segments. In this opening segment National
Guard Major John Prior after the National Anthem sung by Ms. Kennedy, and the prayer Invocation by Chaplain Candidate 1st
Lt Michelle Durkee of Leominster, Major Prior introduces Gov Deval Patrick, and Senator Paul Kirk. Catch of the Day, Video
News, Freelanc...
TD BANK NORTH North Station MASSACHUSETTS NATIONAL GUARD 101ST FA, 164TH TB, AND RCAG 16 minute tape Mar John Prior,
MNG, Introduces Senator Paul G Kirk TD Bank North offers to hold th eCeremony which is the best ever and 3/4 of the Garden
is filled with Family and Friends cheering the Troops about to go to Iraq and Afganistan some a third and fourth time. Fianally
the Gov et al gets it right. We will stand with you and your families is the mantra of this event. Thank God. Thefull event
lasts ...
DESCRIBED IN THE FIRST VIDEO. The event started at 10AM and lasted about 1 hour. The video is broken into 4 16 minute sections.
TD Bank North Garden provided the space free for the best ever send off of our Massachusetts National Guard . Please
refer to the first description provided for the details of the video.
best ever send off for our Massachusetts Troops this Reporter has seen. From th e Prayer convocation to the words of each
speaker the hearts and minds were in complete harmony on this wintry day in January. The whole area covered in snow up to
1 foot in places did ...
December 14 2009 Legislators gathered to celebrate Chanukah by lighting a huge Menorah in Nurses Hall. This footage
is done on a JVC Camcorder . This has been done as a Documentary Archive Tape of our Statehouse by the Coalition to Preserve
the Public Record. J Aldrich has been documenting our Statehouse for the past 6 years. Over 450 Public Hearings Events and
Press Conferences have been archived by Catch of the Day Video News and Comflm Registry.
A 14 min tape of the December 14 2009 Menorah Lighting Service with all the Dignataries included adding remarks
on Religious Freedom and its inclusion in Politics and American History.
10 min tape 3 of 4 Catch of the Day Video News Freelance Reporting Tuesday December 14 2009 tapes for the third
consequtive year the Menorah Lighting for Chanukah.
This production of the Menorah Lighting Ceremony will be done on a JVC Camcorder. The program is somehow loading
longer and the coloring of the same event is remarkable. Please understand that the Events at the Statehouse are never recorded
for an archive purpose. Catch of the Day Video News Freelance Reporting is a Documentary Videographer JAldrich. The purpose
of this video is to show the public what is happening on Beacon Hill on any given day. Celebrating our Religious Holidays
is a part o...
Tape 1 of 4 this tape will last 6 minutes and will be the Schector School Choir from Sharon Massachusetts. The
event started approximately 430pm and the kids were practicing and entertaining the crowd a good hour. They were awesome.
This event has been happening for 20 years and Catch of the Day has taped 3 years. This was taped on a Sony DVD Camcorder.
There is another version on a JVC that will be uploaded. That will be special closeups . stay tuned. If you would like to
use this footage you...
This tapewill last 39 minutes the last half of the event. This was recorded on a Sony DVD Camcorder. Catch of the
Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting does documentary footage at the Statehouse. A C Span production and the footage is unedited.
This will be the longest portion of the event. The first couple tapes have been shortened as to capture singing while waiting
for the event to start. Catch of the Day has captured two other years of this event however, this is the first year to be
Tape 1 of 4 17 minute increments The Jt Committee on Labor and Workforce Development holds a Public Hearing . To
find the bills for this public hearing go to this link: Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance
Reporting does Documentary footage and does not edit. When transferring to the internet some testimony is lost during segments.
To order a full copy please email Until the Legislature is BACK UNDER the open meeting law S1458 all footage
Tape 2 of 4 17 min increments Jt Committee on Labor and Workforce Development
link to see the bills presented in this Public Hearing
Tape 4 of 4 17 min segments this tape about 10 minutes long to find the bills
for this Public Hearing.. Any proceeds from ads go to support the Coaltion to Preserve the Public Record
THIS IS MY BEST EVER.. I follow the Media coverage in Massachusetts. Look for my media tracking and you will see
the tripods if they are there. This is my best for students in Journalism courses.. I was so excted this shot was captured.
However, this shot is totally copyrighted. Use it with great worry if you do not give me credit as COMFLM REGISTRY President
Tape 1 of 8 the Jt Committee on Financial Services hears bills found on this site
and the Hearing will go for 2 hours. You can order a full copy of this Hearing by emailing, Catch of the
Day, Video News, does Documentary footage and does not edit but due to the uploading in segments some footage is lost. You
can fix this byordering a full copy. The meeting start is a little off . I was coming in as it started. Afterthoughts: This
public hearing...
Tape 2 of 8 17 minute intervals the Massachusetts Jt Committee on Financial Services
for the list of bills being heard on December 2 2009
Tape 3 of 8 17 min intervals the Jt Committee on Financial Services to find the
bills being heard in Committee on this day
Tape 5 of 8 17 min intervals the Jt Committee on Financial Services for the list
of bills being heard on this day Dec 2 2009
Tape 8 of 8, loading in 17 minute segements, 2hours, Jt Public Hearing, The link
has the bills heard on this day in At this point the Legislature is not retaining the bills in the online
site. They can be removed. Comflm, has saved them for you to access. Catch of the Day, Video News Freelance Reporting, does
documentary footage. J Aldrich does write oppinions. However, the footage is intact to the best possible within the program
to upload,. So...
On this video I am not sure if the footage will post without many stops. I hope you can appreciate the footage
and I will post again if I can fix the technology problem. Catch of the Day Video News Freelance Reporting
Catch of the Day, Video News Freelance Reporting covers Sen.Scott Brown win at the Marriot Hotel Newton, Massachusetts.
This footage is a little rough as something is going on with my technology. It seems that things can happen that I cannot
fathom no matter how I try. So enjoy the footage. It was a very sweet event, and the crowd loved him. I think we are in for
a good race in the coming year. I always do a documentary view and do not do interviews. I was watching the media and how
they cover...
In this video you will see the Police arrive and question the group Join the Impact . This will last only 2 minutes.
After this they returned to the Boston Common but Catch of the Day ended coverage.
At this point on the 16 minute tape the group moves to the Cemetary directly aside the Park Street Church. They
can see the group assembled inside the Church and proceed to chant loudly using the blow horn until that is not bad enough
they put it on the window itself. The shock of this event caught me off guard and I was not aiming the camera correctly but
the sound is what is important. Stay with it and it gets very interesting. Catch of the Day Video News Freelance Reporting
does Documentary...
During the Summer Join the Impact a group started on Facebook able to round up 3000 people in 4 days discovered
Park Street Church was holding a Seminar for Clergy on how to minister to Homosexuals and Lesbians. Exodus International .
Catch of the Day Video News does not edit and so this footage is what it is including a spot on my lens .. Sorry about that.
taped on 8MM Sony this came out well in spite of. The footage is broken up in 16 minute segments. Please watch for the compelling
16 min and 5 min tapes are a great testimony to the power of 1. A single man traveled 17 years ago to Arlington
Cemetary to place wreaths on the graves of fallen soldiers. Today a Nation Wide event will follow this one next weekend to
bring solidarity to the compassion for our fallen soldiers and awareness. This public ceremony is an awesome example of why
we love our Soldiers. Catch of the Day Video News does documentary footage and you are free to use this video for your pleasure
with credit...
In this video you will see the coffee spread the Town of Hamilton prepared for the event participants. From this
site they will travel to Bedford AFB . This video will be approximately 5 minutes. Catch of the Day , Video News, Freelance
Reporting does documentary footage and does not edit. Please feel free to use this footage and give credit . Comflm Registry
loves our Troops and is happy to contribute this footage to the cause. Wreaths Across America
At apporximately 529pm a male in his 40's was waiting for the 545pm train to Boston. He had just spoken to a Cab
Driver and turned to cross the first set of tracks to board the train when the Train suddenly without notice was on the first
set of tracks as he crossed. This was reported to Catch of the Day, Video News on the Newburyport Train by the only witness
to the accident after Police had him give a report and he was boarding at theRowleyStation. This gentleman refused to state
his name an...
Judges legalize over 200 Adoptions on National Adoption Day on November 20 2009 in Cambridge Juvenile Court designated
Lead Court. Gov Patrick guest speaker , tale end here, Juvenile Court Chief Justice Michael J Edgerton, Probate and Family
Court Chief Paula M Carey, Middlesex Juvenile Court First Justice Jay Blitzman, Dept Children Fam Commissioner Angelo McClain,
Secretary Health and Human Services Dr Judy Ann Bixby, Eliot Tatelman CEO Jordans Furniture, and the Sheppard Family plus
This tape starts off with Human Service Secretary Dr Judy Ann Bixby , and will last around 14 minutes. There are
three tapes to cover the full event and a few extras of special parts I wanted to allow you to watch alone. then to CEO Jordans
Furniture, Eliot Tatelman, and the Shepard Family last.
lETS DO THIS AGAIN.. THE MUSIC IS AWESOME! Catch of the Day Video News Freelance Reoporting does documentary footage
of Public Hearings, Press Conferences and Special Events like this one! 978 388 2457
This is the third tape of around 15 minutes. My computer is acting up. You will see around 7 minutes at the end
that is priceless of the music portion where aa adoptee 15 year old will shock you by the voice she commands. This section
is started off with Jordans Furniture CEO Eliot Tatelman giving remarks on the Jordan Furniture contribution to this effort
and a challenge to invite two people to adopt in the next year.
Catch of the Day, gathers a few more words on the experience these folks had giving testimony at theLegislative
public hearing on Children and Familes in A1. Interesting Fr Harrinton's Mom showed up to hear her son. Is that sweet or what!
Sally Naumann adds a comment as well.
Brian Camenker, Mass Resistance Director, Sally Naumann of Carlisle, Fr Jack Harrington, Fall River testfied to
support a bill on parenting involvement. H145 an act protecting children and parents This testimony is graffic as not all
the the publicor parents are aware the material is being taught to their children Camenker states. Sally Naumann tells of
the fact she was the one that found the famous Black Book being used in schools. Fr. Harrinton stressed the fact Virtue is
the educational mod...
Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting scans in some information boards brought by one group of the
Testifiers. The JVC 2 hour video will be posted in 17 minute increments. This information will support the testimony to provide
Social Workers to kids aging out of Foster Care, Parole Board sites. This is a description of what they hope to implement
if the bill passes.
Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting visits the House Clerks office to see if they will distribute
a copy of the bills for the day. The Clerk states we do not do this, but JAldrich knows they are setting up a system in the
Computer so she asks.. oh, so I go to the Computer? At which point the blank stare looks up and she states are you letting
the public use the computer to get a copy? The Clerk then states to turn on the computer.. so going over the screen button
would not come o...
The J@ J Show continues to discuss the Constitttion and conflict of interest in Lawyers being Elected Officials
and continuing their Practice. Comments can be sent to
The J&J Show presents a third show on Current Events.. Health Care, FixBeacon Hill, and Constitutional Issues
. . Please contact, with any comments on the Show.
This is a second show on Health Care Plan just passed by a 2 vote margin. J&J discuss the impact the change
in health care will have on Medicare Medicaid Payments. To comment please email, and specify J or Jay for
questions. If this show appeals to you please let us know ..If you would like to be on this show you can and not leave your
The next 5 shows will be a first Production of the J&J SHOW sm . This is only 9 minutes in length and can be
added to an email. This will be on the Health Care Plan that just passed the House of Representatives by only a 2 vote margin.
Please stay tuned and email comflm at, with any comments for Jan or Jay.
Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting covered this Public Hearing.. the Chairman describes the bills
and invites testimony. This public hearing will go approximately 3 hours and will be posted in 17 minute increments. J Aldrich
feels this testimony is extremely important as ti addresses the hours Medical Professionals are required to work. Testimony
will attempt to address the pro and con of diminishing the hours Doctors can work to be safe.
Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting, J Aldrich, reports on the miracle of 125 troop soldiers coming
home alive from Iraq. And the opposition Family Support gave her to codify relationships during her sons deployment to Iraq.
Aldrich, tries to show how the entire family experienes ptsd when the Military takes over your life and your family.
Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting JAldrich, reports on the experience taping the Veterans Event
at the Statehouse on Wednesday. Please understand the pattern of harrassment that is being described as an Independant Videographer
documenting Public Events at our Statehouse
Now that the Docket Room is closed.. the public has the Senate and Clerk windows to find the public hearings coming
up. Please note that the Senate Clerk window does not match the House Window and the Education Committee list has been taken
down. I read the date and Committees outloud as the script is difficult to see.
Catch of the Day, Video News taped 25 minutes of this event. Comflm Registry salutes our Veterans and the enormous
sacrifice they give to protect this great land America. This will be in two episodes.
Kristi Devine of West Newbury testifies to the Jt Legislative Committee on Judiciary of the experience she had
with the Trial Court system starting over a Land Court case putting her in prison and incurring tens of thousands of dollars
in debt only to have all charges dismissed.
Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporter, JAldrich, ComflmRegistryNews, President, talks from her workspace
on the Open Meeting Law Constitutional crisis at the Statehouse which she claims through constant discovery and coverage of
Statehouse Committee Hearings has been the root problem of all arrogance at the statehouse. The Public simply do not understand
this and as she also did not believe it Aldrich wants to explain the need for the current CITIZEN PETITION INITIATIVE www.fixbeaco...
Hamilton Resident, J Aldrich, and Catch of the Day Reporter, testifies before Jt Legislative Committee on Labor
and Workforce Development on the bills before Committee that were relevant to her work history from 1980 to 2000. Aldrich
testifies that the AT WILL employment law in Massachusetts has had a detrimental effect on all employment and is a main culprit
in the Economic problems we now sustain. Even this very week the most important office in the Statehouse the Docket Room has
been locked...
Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting talks about the recent discharge of three employess whose job
was to inform the public of bills and help Lobbyists with copies of bills. This office was very important and the notice of
four hours was inappropriate for people who have worked there some maybe 30 years?? A great day for AT WILL employment law
in Massachusetts. And you tell me that your job is secure????? A little confused on the AT Will here Catch of the Day finally
gets it strai...
This episode of 16 minutes finishes the Public Hearing with public record testimony Please support S1458 and,
as we entertain suggestions to cover up public records such as access to birth records in these bills. If Catch of the Day
Video News was not providing a public record documentary (documents) video documents we would have no access to this information
and no record.
Catch of the Day covered this Public Hearing on Funeral issues and Birth Records . The testimony was about an hour
and is worth watching. Constitutional rights of public records remaining public since the 1600's are discussed by members
of the Geneology Associations in Massachusetts.
Senator Brian Joyce Canton leads Press Conference prior to Public Hearing on Children and Families and Persons
with Disabilities. In a two part Press Conference Catch of the Day Video News Freelance Reporting was the only Camera Press
there. The Public Hearing was covered by House Broadcast and will be shown soon on, Outside the entire
street was filled with advocates for the Disability holding a stand off to not cut funding.
In this event as I was walking past the Nurses Hall, I noticed a very interesting forum happening on the Drop out
condition of students. I looked around and saw there was no Press and decided to capture it. This is one of the reasons I
am at the Statehouse. So much is happening and who is recording it. Please support, and S1458.
Inside the Main Entrance Police were stationed and Greeters met people and checked their tickets. The film went
a little dark and then corrected itself.. I was just trying to see if I recognized people on the high roller ticket price
of $500 per head and up.. and inside later I was told they all stood for 2 hours. The President was late and maybe a good
thing as the guests would not have been able to get in easily. But I am glad I was outside as standing is just too hard for
me for 2 hours.. I...
This is the first film for the Day of President Obama's visit. Catch of the Day, decided to just cover the Copley
Square event and show the area closed down and how the Security System worked..
Catch of the Day, Video News, does documentary footage and so you will see a lot more of the happening outside
the Westin here than you will in a story form. I want you to think of yourself being at the event. I do not interact much
and find when I do it spoils it. I have a certain aspect I want to be perceived and my comments though fun disappoint me.
So enjoy the footage and pause it to see some of the rough shots . The moment to moment anxiety of when Obama was going to
drive by kind of too...
President Obama, was greeted at the Airport by Senate Pres Theresa Murray and Mayor Thomas Menino , gave a speech
at MIT but the crowds chanting got to see nothing of President Obama. Catch of the Day, arrived at the Westin Hotel around
1130AM and will give you her birds eye story of the scene at the Westin for about 3 hours. What happens to a city when it
has a President Visit is very surprising. Around town the buzz was the place will be crawling with FBI CIA and layer to layer
Cops. But Cat...
Senator Timilty Senate Chair and Rep Costello House Chair Preside over a 5 hour public hearing. Catch of the Day,
Video News, Freelance Reporting does documentary footage and does not edit. If any omissions occured it would have been while
changing tapes each hour. This was captured on a sony dvd camera in lp mode. This Hearing is one of the most compelling hearings
due to the Privacy /Camera surveilance testimony .. The bills are varied and important so stay tuned to the 17 minute upload
Resident discusses the reason why not to vote for the exclusion of wells to regulate.. states he feels this is
another Constitutional erosion of our freedom to our own land rights.
On the outside of the event was a set up of coffee and a Boy Scout Sale, but inside in the Kitchen was the surprise
of the day. Check out the display of food and listen to the explanation of a new thing in town..The Green.. love this food
and the whole idea.. Thank you for the wonderful pastries.. awesome! Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting from
the Winthrop School.
Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting attends the Hamilton Town Meeting. Of course the meeting waa
filmed by Local Cable Access but it was fun getting a few snapshots of the Town Government Process. As things progress Hamilton
will have a Town Manager and two more Selectmen. Very interesting but hot day as the doors were all kept shut to protect the
voter count although a few got in I was told.
In this video you will see the Senate Window outside the Senate Clerks office. This is where Committee Hearnings
are posted publicly. Do you see how dark this is? That is because the area is so dark my camera hardly gets it. Catch of the
Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting likes to document how the Public Hearings are posted , if in the time constraints of
public record law and advocates that our Statehouse be under the same law that Cities and Towns follow. However, this very
day I decided t...
The Jt Committee on the Judiciary in A2 heard testimony on Bills from1pm to 6pm. The House Broadcast Director is
seen here, Donald Coleman and a Intern recently hired for the project. Interns do not get paid but it is good that they have
more hands on deck. The House Broadcast video is stored on the House Broadcast website. and find the
Live Webcast link to view this. The video will be up by Wednesday I believe next week. What I am capturing here is a single
testimony by...
The Jt Committee on Transportation continues to hear testimony on bills pertaining to Traffic Light Cameras.
is the website to find the Committees, Bills, and Hearings coming up. Bills are not left up on the screen and are erased the
next day . So if you are seeing a list save to your cute pdf file for future reference. Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance
Reporting does Documentary Footage and does not edit. Occasionally the meeting start is off as this one was due t...
The Jt Committee on Transportation hears testimony on Bills pertaining to Cameras at Traffic Lights. The hearing
lasts 119 minutes and will be put up in 17 minute increments. Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting does Documentary
Footage and does not edit. The Hearing was already started when arrived so some testimony was lost at the beginning.
The full text of the Press Conference on the Economy filmed by Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting
. Did you notice the seconds of footage the networks gave to this event?
Mrs. Amy Mann Contrada, Investigative Journalist and writer testifies before Committee on her study and experience
with the Health Curriculum Frameworks content.
Jt Committee on Education hears testimony from Marie Sturgis, MCFL, Ed Neary, Teacher for years speak in favor
of opt in and age appropriate sex education as part of the health curriculum frameworks.
Jt Committee on Education hears more testimony for Parents Rights to opt in and to pursuade the Committee to curtail
sex ed to age appropriate time. On this tape Evelyn Riley MFI lobbyist, and a mother testify of the inappropriate curriculum
being introduced to young children
J Aldrich, testifies of her knowledge of a day care sex experiment in Vermont run by Welfare, U of Vermont and
Hospital in the 80's There is no age limit to the experiment with American Children. The adgenda is intended to immerge all
into the free for all sex play pen starting at the play pen. For thirty years Ms Aldrich has watched the birthing of this
sexual freedom train. Parents have no rights in Public Schools and now even the freedom to be free is being imposed on all.
Brian Camenker, MassResistance Director gives testimony before the Committee on Education on Parents Rights Bill
which he wrote and speaks on opting in as a corrective choice to the present opt out bill.
The Jt Committee on Education hears testimony from EdSaunders, of MassCatholicConference , Mother concerned for
content in Daughters 4th grade homework assignment, Teacher concerned over the lasting effects from her experience in education
with the Sex Ed Curriculum standard as it stands.
At this juncture the Jt committee on educaton will hear testimony on Parents Rights Bills. that will go on for
another 1.5 hours. The first to Testify on Parents Rights and Sex Education is Kris Mineau of Mass Family Institute
On Beacon Hill in Room A1 Education Committee heard Testimony on bills pertaining to Phys Ed, Health, and the Health
Curriculum Frameworks. On this tape we hear from the Legislators sponsoring the bills. The public hearing was 3.5 hours long.
The file will be uploaded in 17 minute increments. I have discovered how to use the Meta data and post the descriptions again.
I apologize for any inconvenience the past few weeks. Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting does documentary footage...
Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting taping the Jt Committee on Health Care Payment Reform Review
Public Hearing. At this point in the Hearing packed with too many people up the side walls and standing in the isles J aldrich
returned to find the JVC hard drive camera was off. Turning to see where the cord was and if it had been unplugged found a
stream of people including a reporter on the floor and the plug had been unplugged by a briefcase and a suited gentleman standing
Salem State College hosts Congressman Tierney in a Town Hall Forum where questions were ticketed and drawn in Lots
form from a fish bowl. Approximately 200 showed up. The crowds had what I would say 60 /40 opposed to the Health Care Plan
being discussed for various well stated reasons. Congressman Tierney was great with the crowds. Tons of Police were present.
There were no outlets in the building except the back wall. Police said the building is almost 300 years old and has no wiring
like Fan...
Catch of the Day, Video News, Captures Salem State College Town Hall Forum with Congressman Tierney , The event
was a late start and lasted longer than planned.
Catch of the Day, Video News, is having technological difficulties.. We have not been able to add any written descriptions
as the Blip TV program has changed and we were not savy enough to catch it. This hearing has only been posted half way. You
may obtain a full copy of the Hearing in 10 DVD pack for 50.00 by donating to the Coalition to Preserve the Public Record.
Please call 978 388 2457 for more information. If you order at hearing you will get a discount on pricing. The proceeds do
not c...
I was able to extract the full last testimony on the Hearing in one tape instead of splitting it up. Catch of the
Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting does documentary footage on Public Hearings, Press Conferences and Events at our Statehouse
and about town when asked.The full copy of the Public Hearing on Judiciary can be obtained by emailing A
small fee of 35.00 will be a donation to the Coalition to Preserve the Public Record. This is not a 501c3 but all funds are
non profi...
In this section of 2nd 17 minutes on the last dvd sony tape we continue to hear testimony by divorced public on
the excruciating experience they are still having with the dysfunctional marriage court system, There is one more 6 minute
tape which finishes off the last testimony. that will be 9B of 9
The Jt Committee on Judiciary heard testimony on Marriage Divorce Custody laws including Parents rights and Grandparents
rights complicated and sometimes made worse by the varied Court Justice Process. The Hearing ended at 10pm was interrupted
by many House Role Calls and in this tape we hear from Fathers who were even sent to prison for the financial burden of Alimony
advice given them by their Attorneys.This tape was videographed by Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting on a
On Tuesday on Beacon Hill September 15 2009 the First Islamic American Islamic Congress Proclamation was presented
from the Governor . The Ceremony is on two short tapes and was recorded on the JVC.
A few more Representatives who are supporting Open Meeting and the Petition Initiative Process . Catch of the Day
Video News Freelance Reporting has copyright to this footage but anyone may use this when giving proper credit.
On Tuesday September 15 2009 Representive Jennifer Callahan gives Stathouse News Reporter some reasons why she
thinks there is good support of the Initiatve Petition put out by, Catch of the Day Video News recorded
this video. Anyone may use this information as long as they give credit to Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting.
At 10 AM on September 15 2009 Chris Mc Keown of Westwood of FIXBEACHONHILL.COM held a Press event on the Statehouse
Steps to launch the Petition Initiative on Open Meeting Law changes to the Constitution. Here Chris will explain the process
and the 5 points of the bill.Catch of the Day Video News Freelance Reporting has copyright to this material and you may use
it if you give credit . Please join the drive to put our Legislature under the open meeting law. Email Chris at
Saturday September 12 2009 Tea Party Protest on the Waterfront, from 130pm to 3pm organized by Bill Hudak, Esq
running for Congressman against Tierney.Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting taped this event
Saturday Sept 12 2009 rain did not stop these Patriots from assembling and holding a Protest on the waterfront
in Gloucester.. This tape starts off with Rich Baker running for Governor in MassachusettsCatch of the Day, Video News Freelance
Reporting covered this event and holds copyright to the footage.
Approx 8 minutes of Testimony on the Waterfront at Gloucester by Citizens upset with the Obama Care Catch of the
Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting has copyright on this footage
Atty. Bill Hudak, Esq., running for Congress speaks on taxation and our conservative values. It is not a bad word
it is what founded our Country!9 minutes of the event covered here by Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting
In the worst downpour approximately 75 people gathered at Gloucester Waterfront to Protest along with other Tea
Party Groups around the Nation on September 12, 2009 the Obama Plans to change healthcare redistribution to equalize the wealth
otherwise communism and subvert Constitutional Government by the people of the people and for the people to the expense of
the Liberty we now enjoy.A rally organized in a few short weeks by Bill Hudak, Esq. Candidate for Congress astounded those
who came as ...
5 minutes reopens public hearing for a few more testimonies from Race Track officials. tape 7 of 7 Jt Committee
on Economic Development and Emerging Technologies Public Hearing
Tape 5 of 6 17 minutes of 1hour 35min of Jt Committee on Economic Development and Emerging Technologies in A1-2
hears Public Testimony. The first half of the Hearing was not taped. I started taping right at Public Comment time which is
after the testimony from Reps and Senators and other invited guests.
17 min of 1hour 35 min episode 4 the Jt Committee on Economic Development and Emerging Technologies continues to
hear testimony on dog racing in Massachusetts which was voted out by the voters.
9 10 09 17 min jvc tape 3 Jt Committee on Economic Development and Emerging Technologies continues to hear testimony
on Dog Racing which is going to be stopped unless they can convince the Committee to recommend a two year stay.
September 10 2009 The Joint Committee on Economic Development Emerging Technologies Statehouse A1-2 Boston, heard
testimony on Dog Racing. The referendum vote has terminated dog racing and the business wants a two year extension to help
the business terminate the employed less abruptly. Two Meeting rooms were opened up due to the expected crowds. Again this
is only the Public Content.Catch of the Day Video News tapes for Documentary purposes and this public hearing only taped one
half. Technic...
9 10 2009 A1-2 approximately 130pm The next 17 minutes of Public Comment in the Jt Legislative Committee on Economic
Development and Emerging Technologies on Dog Racing
The Jt Committee on Mental Health and Substance Abuse Committee hears testimony on Mental Health and treatment
17 MINUTE INCREMENTS. pLEASE ORDER A TAPE FOR A FULL RECORD. A complimentary copy of tapes recorded is given to both House
and Senate Chair . To donate to this project a check can be made out to the Coalition to Preserve the Public Record.
On my JVC Everio I was able to get a few compelling testimonies on the Health Care Bill and an Interview being
done by Fox News. I had asked Senator Brown if he would answer a few questions but he saidn after Fox so I waited but found
it was taking too long. Inside I caught another snippet of the Guards positioned like rockets around the perimiter of the
Auditorium. I never saw so many guards in one place. On the balcony you can see a tripod which I later saw on Fox news was
theirs. So the med...
Outside the Statehouse we met a group from Uxbridge Senator Moores district who were upset about S2028 and who
will be holding a rally this Saturday 9 12 09 on the town Green., Oh and can I get a commission on the ad
to sell Fox News?? to donate send check to the Coalition to Preserve the Public Record.Catch of the Day Video News holds copyright
to this news item..thanksPlease use do not abuse..copyright law.. 978 388 2457 for permission
Catch of the Day Video News Freelance Reporting stops by the Public hearing in Gardner Auditorium after finishing
up two other hearings.This video is our trailer on the public event. You will see that at 4pm the room was still pretty full
. Please note the tripod on the second floor balcony and a guard. Here you will see the full Committee in the hot seat over
the challenge to not look manipulative as Democrats and manipulate the law to do their pleasure. Of course the full public
hearing will...
TAPE 6 OF 6 Jt Committee on Education continues to hear testimony from the Secretary of Education last 7 minutes.
However the Hearing wil continue on Sony for 1 more hour of testimony.
1PM A 2 JT Committee on Education hears testimony from the Secretary of Education in MassachusettsI will be uploading
5 17 minute tapes and one 7 minute tape.92 minutes total This was done on the JVC Everio 30 g Hard Drive. The camera stopped
and I had to revert back to the Sony capture. The silouet coloring was due to poor lighting and wanting to get good audio.
There is another tape done on the Sony that will upload in a 1 hour first version and a second 1 hour of the end of the Hearing
at t...
Jt Committee on Health Care Finance hears testimony on the Pandemic FluCATCH OF THE DAY VIDEO NEWS FREELANCE REPORTING
only tape 2 of 3 Jt Committee on Health Care Finance hears testimony on Pandemic Flu. Due to the extensive interest
in these tapes I have decided to upload the full version. My DVD upload has compromised the full testimony and this will clarify
some of the 17 minute gaps. Blip however does not allow you to back roll the tape so if you need to do this you may want to
ofder the tape from Comflm at, All donations are to the Coalition to Preserve the Public Record.CATCH OF
17 MIN TAPE 2 the Jt Committee on Health Care Finance Public Hearing on Pandemic Flu will continue to hear testimony
TAPE 1 OF 7 15 MIN the Jt Committee on Health Care Finance hears testimony on Pandemic Flu This tape is being uploaded
from a dvd version and will be uploaded in 17 minute intervals. The first part of the tape is also on the second half of tape
two Barney Frank March 23 2009 . This tape will be hearing from Medical Preparedness Physicians on Disaster Emergency Preparedness.
17 MIN In this tape the Jt Committee on Health Care Financing will continue to hear testimony on patient rights
Jt Committee on Health Care Finance hears testimony on Pandemic Flu. 17 MIN of 1.5 hour tape. The footage will
be uploaded in 17 minute increments. This will help to locate important testimony. On this tape we hear from Drun companies.The
first 28 minutes are on the March 23 Tape by mistake. I will upload them last so that time is not lost today 9 2 09 the upload
date. You will find that information on blip file #2496362. Please leave any comments for the Blip Team on the comment section.
2 OF 4 17 minutes of 63 minutes Barney Frank gives a Press Conference on the Economy Bank CrisisCATCH OF THE DAY
1 OF 4 This Press Conference at Newton City Hall event lasts only 63 minutes..The tapes will be in 4 parts. Barney
explains the Bank Crisis . Earl Sholley who ran against Barney Frank tries to interject a complaint Barney will not debate
him. The blame game retort is over quick. Later in Wellesley a candidate dabate was held. CATCH OF THE DAY VIDEO NEWS FREELANCE
This tape is the final Governors statement on the outcome. This tape is about 15 minutes long.. it is a little
choppy as the crowd was thick and the view difficult but I got some great stuff here if you have the patience.CATCH OF THE
I decided to upload the next 17 minutes as the ending speaker was the AG Martha Coakley.. let's here whst she has
to say about REAL ID..I found the sound to be really poor and one must turn up the sound all the way. I will put up the full
This is the first 17 minutes of 1.5hours footage. I am uploading this as I want you to see the importance of this
Public Hearing and the equally important Marriage Vote going on the same day at the Statehouse in Boston. Having taped 4 years
of rally's etc I thought some time should be devoted to capturing this public hearing.The first person to testify is Senator
Moore. Senator Moore has an aversion to the mike. Even when he is Chair he will pull back and not use the mike. When we have
a syste...
TO THIS FOOTAGEposting august 31 2009
august 31 2009 using dvd plextor converterxquality may be affected by many things.. original great.News has it you can thank
Senator Kennedy for this win!
This footage was done on a Sony. There is more footage on the JVC Everio but this essentially is the whole event
on Sunday. The event lasted two hours. You can find more on Bill Hudak at,
William Hudak Esq. Topsfield, Ma. runs Townhall event to speak about the Health Care Reform Bill. Bill is running
for Congress against Congressmen Tierney. Mr. Tierney was invited to attend and discuss this issue. Approximately 150 people
attended in spite of weather and the Funeral Services of Senator Edward M. Kennedy the same day.There will be a second tape
on this event.Catch of the Day, covered this event along with quite a few Independant Reporters. Look for more on this topic.
13 OF 13 On this tape Catch of the Day testifies at end that the meetings should all be videotaped and posted online
for the public to see. They should be up on MassAccess the Governors TV site. Cable Access and then the public would have
a full range of community dialogue. In the morning the hearings were stopped until November.Please look for the other version
of this on Blip.. on my sony . That will not be broken up like this version. Always look for dates when hunting for a video
on this s...
The meeting ran around 3 hours in total from 4pm to 7pm. Many people came to testify and the Chairperson was a
little overwhelmed in my estimation. The next morning the Governor cancelled the public hearings scheduled until after November
2009. This camera will have 13 different short videos. The same footage is also done with a Sony and is a front view of the
panel which was two people and a back view of the public. This view shows the full Auditorium. This camera only uploads short
clips. Pl...
only 3.45 sec this tape ends with the big remark if I want to marry my giraffe.. my camera tape ended here..too
badCatch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting holds copyright to this footage . You must give credit to the author
to use this material.
Catch of the Day, Video News Freelance Reporting, holds copyright on this footage, you must credit author to use
this material.This footage has the questions from the audience to the panel
It seems the tapes will only upload 17 minutes so we will see what happens here.. we will continue to number until
we have uploaded 1.5 hoursCatchof the Day, Video News Freelance Reporting has copyrights to this footage.. you must give credit
to the author to use this material.
In Historic Old South Church Meeting House from 6pm to 8pm Gladd, Gay Lesbian Alliance Held a Forum called Sex
on the Margins. The Guests are introduced on screen. I will be uploading this in sections as for some reason there was a cut
in the upload. This section is the first 17 minutes.This Forum will outline the intended strategy to homogenize the culture
since the 70's. Stay tuned. Having trouble hearing? Try using a headphone. The echo is the old building. I did the best I
coud. At this ev...
Catch of the Day, Video News questions Christy Mihous, thinking he was ending he went on 7 more minutes. He was
very direct and a potential threat to the current Governor I would say. J Aldrich does not ask questions but this time the
opportunity among Conservatives was important as the question had not arisin from anyone . The question was addressed to the
group though aimed at Christy Mihous. Later, someone asked me his oppinion on Abortion. I did not think of that but someone
could have ask...
On Thursday evening, in West Newbury at the Mill Pond Reservation Recreation Area, Massachuestts, a wonderful picnic
occured. Town Selectman Tom Atwood and Glenn Kemper moderated a full slate of new Candidates and familiar Politians from the
North Shore.I will add the food catered by Glenn Kemper was outrageously awesome. Barbecued chicken cutlets, beef and potato
salad fruit salad and coleslaw salad plus drinks and deserts outdid any Republican ta da I have ever attended on the spur
of the mo...
Committee holds a hearing Monday morning in Boston on the lack of available credit for small and mid-size businesses in Massachusetts.
The committee is chaired by Congressman Barney Frank. Congressmen Michael Capuano and Stephen Lynch also plan to attend, according
to Frank’s office. The hearing will consist of two panels, with Frank’s stateside counterpart, Rep. Peter Koutoujian
Committee holds a hearing Monday morning in Boston on the lack of available credit for small and mid-size businesses in Massachusetts.
The committee is chaired by Congressman Barney Frank. Congressmen Michael Capuano and Stephen Lynch also plan to attend, according
to Frank’s office. The hearing will consist of two panels, with Frank’s stateside counterpart, Rep. Peter Koutoujian
On April 8 2009 the Joint Committee on Election heard testimony on Constitutional changes to the petition initiative
laws, and other serious matters. The Hearing lasted 1.5 hours. Catch of the Day, Video News, FreelanceReporting, tapes for
documentary purposes and advocates all public hearings are video recorded and archived for public viewing. As the Legislature
removed themselves from the Open Meeting Law this would need to be reversed to see our public hearings taped at the Legislative
Wellseley College Wellesley Massachusetts invites Barney Frank to debate the Financial Crisis.. thi s video is
poor in videography but excellent in sound so hang in there.. turn up the volume and take a rest.. you won't be sorry you
watched and listened..
Catch of the Day, Video News, freelance Reporting, has authorship to this footage. However, due to the problems
encountered while trying to upload this footage I have decided to put it on open usage. There will be more in the future and
this message is urgent to be utilized by media and the public. I apologize for the unedited version. The names are pretty
intact on interviews. So please feel free to use this footage. Catch of the Day, does documentary footage and likes to give
a full account ...
In front of the Congressman Tierney office today in Peabody Square and in front of the Court House.. Citizens gathered
to protest con and pro the proposed Obama Health Care Bill. Bill Hudak Esq., running against Tierney, perched himself on top
of his car and with a bull horn speaks to the issues surrounding Congressman Tierneys refusal to talk to his constituents.
In this video a pro obama bill male got in front of Atty Hudak and attempted to disrupt the event. He was not successful,
however, ...
On Monday Evening the MBTA had the first workshop public hearing on the transit fare hikes. Approximately, 200
people came to oppose the hikes. The meeting took place from 4 PM to 7 PM at Gardner Auditorium, Statehouse Boston Ma.
Gardner Auditorium wall clock states 5 10pm.. this tape is approx 1 hour 29 minutes.. and will be the public testimony
. You can purchase a full tape of the meeting by emailing, donations are to the Coalition to Preserve the
Public Record.
On Monday evening at 4PM in Gardner Auditorium, Boston Statehouse the MBTA held a Workshop/Public Hearing on the
proposed fare hikes on all public transit in Massachusetts.Only two Members of the Board actually showed up to discuss the
changes with the Public. Approximately 200 showed up to complain and state many others wanted to come but couldn't for various
reasons. They did plan to attend the other planned hearings about the state. Instead to the surprise of the public Gov Patrick
In B-2 at 130PM the Massachusetts Legislative Jt Committee on Stimulus Oversight met to hear testimony on Transportation
Infrastructure Spending. Here you will hear testimony from Transportation Secretary James Aloisi and Infrastructure Investment
Director Jeffrey Simon. The Hearing lasts roughly 1.5 hours but a few minutes are not on this tape. copies can be obtained
by emailing, or phoning 978 388 2457 Comflm Registry.Catch of the Day, videotaped this hearing and advocates
The Joint Committee on the Judiciary Public Hearing on CORI in Gardner Auditorium heard testimony from Legislators
who signed on to the bill overhauling Cori. For a list of th ebills heard go to tape 4. Please support S1458 a bill that would
bring Massachusetts Legislature under the Open Meeting Law. The Legislature exempted itself from the open meeting law statutes
way back. We now want the Legislature to come back under the Open Meeting Law. This would require all public hearings to be
The Jt Coommittee on the Judiciary Legislative Public Hearing took place on Monday July 27 2009 in Gardner Auditorium
starting around 130PM and ending around 645 PM. When changing camera tapes I do loose some testimony so I appologize if yours
got cut some. I am working on a new system camera that will go the full hearing but this is not worked out at the moment.
There is a lot to learn from the project. If you are interested in helping the Coalition to Preserve the Public Record pleeese
get i...
PUBLIC TESTIMONY on CORI Legislation in a packed Gardner Auditorium. To see the bills being heard please check
tape 4Catch of the Day is advocating all our Legislative Public Hearings be videotaped archvied and available on cable access.
Please call your Reps and Senators and let them know you support this.
In Gardner Auditorium on July 27, 2009 at 1PM the Publlic in the hundreds Gathered to tesify on Cori Legislation
for 6.5 hours they spoke on the following bills but mostly to reform cori.. very compelling case made to overhaul it. : COMMITTEE:
Joint Committee on Judiciary HEARING LOCATION: Gardner AuditoriumTIME: 1:00 p.m.LIST OF BILLS: Bill NumberSponsorTitleH625Viriato
Manuel deMacedoAn Act relative to mandatory sentences for those committing an assault on a law enforcement officer H1255Deme...
Datch of the Day, is pleased and excited about a newcomer to the political arena who is running for Congress in
Massachusetts on the Republican Ticket. Please feel free to share this video WWW.BILLHUDAKFORCONGRESS.COM,
This section of the public hearing was the public testimony. on H1728 and other bills, like animal rights, or marijuana,
or who knows what out of the 237 bills on the docket. You will see opposing testimony all throughout this video. Although
fair, it left you with an enormous headache that the argument was unpredictable. The only thing left is to assume the Committee
has the decision made up and will not even care a hoot if the testimony is reflective of the will of the people. Any comment
Senate Chair Cynthia Creem, get's testy with two public testifiers.. Senator Creem screams for her soft tones I
will shut down this hearing! I am changing tapes and decide to move to a direct shot.. removing the camera from the tripod.
and the Chair gets control of the situation and the hearing continues. Not without the clear message of intimidation to all.I
believe the Chair was astounded at the sentiment and numbers still hanging out for the great new Beacon Hill Bullies Boston
Massacre of ...
This is the last of the footage on the Sony Camera. There were a few testimonies that were not recorded. Atty Eilene
Isaacson was last and her testimony was not recorded here but it may be on the one last tape.I will comment that her testimony
was that the bathroom excuse was used each time to overt the action the GLBT want to see happen.This footage is copyright
This tape starts at 7 PM and at this point some people had to leave. A few citizens offered to comment to Catch
of the Day at this point referenced in a previous video. This tape lasts 1 hour 15 minutesIf you notice that a testimony is
missing please notify, as three cameras were rolling and at different points the footage could have been
compromised at tape change.Catch of the Day Video News has copyright on all works on this Blip TV site. If you use these videos
you are to r...
The Joint Committee on the Judiciary continues the public heering on July 14, 2009 This section will be the public
testimony by Professionals, Attorneys and others .. There is probably a total of 7 tapes in all. Putting up online is different
as the tapes split in multiple lengths . the longest tape will be 1hour and 32 minutes. This tape is 54 minutes. Some tapes
are only 1 hour some 1.5 hours. I was running two cameras to not loose testimony and so some testimony may actually go up
twice on ...
This part 2 starts off with Representatives and Senators continuing to testify on multiple billsbut will begin
the public testimony if you watch the clock on the wall around 230PM on H1728
This first tape is the privileged Representatives and Senators who are taken first in every Public Hearing. They
have submitted some of the bills that means they are the sponsors and come with people that zre directly responsible for the
intent of the bills.Representatives and Senators took up almost 2 hours of the first part of the Hearing. That meant that
the public who came in busses had to leave without being heard. this is really a crime and it could have been solved by starting
the heari...
Cynthia Creem, the new Senate Chair, replacing Senator Creedon who retired, explains the format for the Hearing and we will
be posting as much as possible of this hearing in segments. Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting, gives each
committee chair, house and senate, a pro bono dvd copy of the public hearing as a sample of what is needed to bring all Legislative
Fr. Harrington of a Braintree Catholic Church and Mrs. Sally Naumann, of Carlisle, give testimony against H1728
before the Judiciary Committee.Fr Harrington has a rather compelling argument that specifically shows the disparity of this
to the Constitution and Freedom of Religion. Catch of the Day Supports the Coalition to Preserve the Public Record. This entire
public hearing was recorded by Catch of the Day, Video News and a copy can be obtained by emailing
Brian Camenker and Pastor Scott Lively Esq, testify on Tuesday before the Jt Committee on the Judiciary on H1728
a radical Hate Crimes Bill that will revolutionize the arena for children families and churches all over the Commonwealth.
Later a Catholic Priest testifies to the same effect as part of this panel.
A wonderful courageous act of testimony and grace this post abortion woman gives credible testimony of her experience
as a young girl who was violated and given poor traumatic emotional lifelong baggage due to the lack of information she needed
at that critical time to make this lifelong decision that was the norm for clinics and assistance that the state is now still
advocating.July 14 2009 Gardner Auditorium, Boston Massachusetts
Mass Citizens for Life Director Marie Sturgis, speaks in favor of the womens right to know bill . some public health
bills and the list is horrendous that this Committee heard this day.. and the docket room does not post the bills longer than
the day of the hearing.. so call Mass Citizens for Life to find out what laws are going to affect you as a practicing Catholic
in this generation
Retired teacher who was forced to leave due to a bus scheduled ride gave testimony to Catch of the Day outside
Gardner Auditorium Catch of the Day will be including this testimony with the docket of video tape given to the Committee
on Judiciary. Catch of the Day donates a pro bono tape to each Committee to promote the Coalition of the Public Record project
in Massachusetts.
Several citizens who were forced to leave due to being part of a bus load of people transported for the hearing
in Gardner Auditorium scheduled to leave at 7pm give testimony to Catch of the Day out side of the Auditorium while assemlbling
to leave. I blieve it was later than that and that the group were unaware of the intensity of this Public Heairng and the
bills would place on them.This testimony will be included in the documentary footage given to the committee on the July 14
Public Judici...
Mr. and Mrs. Funnell testify before the Committee on Judiciary Gardner Auditorium July 14 2009 at 930PM after a
full day of testimony heard by the Committee. The hearing went until 10 30 PM thereabouts. A full copy of th e Public Hearing
may be obtained by emailing comflm@yahoo.comCatch of the Day, does documentary footage and supports the Public Affairs Coalition
to Preserve the Public Record
Late into the evening Evelyn Riley of Massachusetts Family Institure gives testimony to the Committee on Judiciary..
Catch of the Day Video News, Freelance Reporting tapes documentary footage.. a full copy can be obtained of this public hearing
by emailing, Any proceeds donations are to advance the Public Affairs work of the Coalition to Preserve the
Public Record.The Judiciary Committee unlike the Municipal Jurisdiction does not keep audio video steno records of public
Michael Hyde of Stow testifies on his experience with the Abbington Police. This was followed by testimony of UMass
Students on their concern with this wiretapping bill which is not on this tape. I am downloading 10.5 hours of footage and
wanted to get thi s up for your review. I may take it down later when a better film is found..I had three cameras going and
at this time one was down and the other is a 6 hour production tape which will take lots of editing.. As the Committee complained
of th...
WGBH Reporter questions Brian Camenker President of MassResistance on his oppinion on H1728 Legislation about to
be heard in Committee on July 14 2009 . Brian Camenker has strongly opposed the movement to use Civil Rights as an opportunity
to introduce dangerous legislation into schools and try to normalize a disorder in the legal cosntititutional arena and distort
the right of citizents to speak out against bills protected by the First Amendment. Brian warns this legislation will intimidate
At the Grand Staircase of the Statehouse in Boston on Monday July 13 2009 at 11AM the Advocates for passage of
H1728/S1687 An Act Relative to Gender Based Discrimination and Hate Crimes held a Press Conference. On Tuesday at 230PM the
bill will be heard in the Judiciary Committee on Beacon Hill.. The Hearing will have a total of 237 bills to be heard on that
day.Mass.NOW, jane Doe Inc, Massachusetts Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children, City of Boston Womens Commission,
City of Ca...
This Public Hearing will be broken up in parts. I had a lot of trouble uploading this hearing yesterday. I may
only upload the first 30 minutes but full copies are available to order at of the Day, Video News,
Freelance Reporting does documentary footage. No edits are allowed. This hearing is really important. There were around 45
bills being heard. There are some really weird bills where foreign companies want to put the US under their law.This first
tape is mostly Repr...
The Committee on Telecommunication Utilites and Energy celebrate one year passage of the GREEN COMMUNITIES ACT.
Catch of the Day, Video News, provides documentary footage of archive historical events hearings and press conferences at
the Boston Statehouse for the past 6 years.
P Adams was Crewing with Catch of the Day and Comflm Registry News, on that famous day. This is the only known photo by PAdams.
THIS IS COPYRIGHT PROTECTED. If you would like to purchaae a copy please email AS all Crew for Catch of the
Day operate as volunteers for the Coalition to Preserve the Public Record.. this copy is priceless. You can help raise money
for the Coaliti...
On Wednesday July 8 2009 at 11am in the Statehouse Rm 222 ACT!! Coalition held a press conference. For more information
please contact Susan Curry ACT!! Coalition Coordinator 617 276 2977.Commonwealth Care enables Massachusetts residents to get
the care they need in a cost efficient setting. Please restore CommCare eligibility for 30,000 legal, tax-paying immigrants
in the FY10 budget. That was the theme of the Press Conference..Catch of the Day, Video News, does documentary footage and
does n...
ComFlm, Anchorwoman, Talk Show Host Abby Bertelson, of Hamilton, interviews Atty. William J Hudak, Jr. Esq in his
home in Boxford about his car! Bill Hudak painted his car as a statement on how he feels.. Not with erasable paint or by hand
even. He had his car [professionally painted to show his absolute disdain for the current Administration and it's policies.For
a few minutes of your time listen to what this Atty says and maybe it will inspire you to take some Constitutional steps yourself.
On Wednesday December 3 2009 in A2 at 330PM a special forum to examine the public records law Headed by the Patrick
administration’s chief legal counsel Ben Clements, the governor’s ethics task force holds a public hearing. The
task force, is expected to release recommendations at the beginning of January, with legislation for consideration during
the 2009-2010 session. Patrick has called for the legislation to be passed within 30 days of being filed, and also proposed
giving municipalities mo...
Jul 7, 2009
62 of 66
Episodes of CatchoftheDayVideoNewsFreelanceReporting
Tom Duggan Editor Owner Valley Patriot Newspaper Introduces NDAA to speak ... Camera GE Camcorder did a great job
and this is a total of 1 gigabite. The event lasted from 1pm to 4pm and ended with a walk to the Senate ..
As JAldrich took the rail on Christmas afternoon a standing freezing wait on Lynn Platform was suddenly transformed
into a serious science moment. A dreary Christmas weather of thick clouds persisted most of the day. But a peek of sun poke
through the clouds and getting out a camera a JVC Camcorder she attempted to capture the happening. You will see JAldrich
is struggling as the cold was so bad her hands were just freezing off. And the shaking freezing air seemed to want to stop
the capture. ...
Mrs Kristi Devine, a resident of West Newbury, on October 19,2011 addresses the West Newbury Selectmen on a October
20 pending criminal matter before the Peabody District Court the next morning October 20, 2011. Catch of the Day, Video News,
Freelance Reporting attended the meeting and videotaped. This is 20 minutes of a 2.5 hour meeting. The next morning however,
Mrs Devine did not go to court due to an episode of severe chest pain and her family took her to the Newburyport Anna Jacques
On September 2 2010 Comflm Registry News was on Vital Concerns BNN Boston Neighborhood Network with Atty Colbe
Mazzarella who sits in for the Dr Mildred E Jefferson Community Access Show as Moderator. Colbe was excellent in her guidance
of the conversation and J Aldrich of Hamilton Founder of the CPPR Archive Project, the Coalition to Preserve the Public Record
Public Works Video Documents Media Project explained how the lack of transparency from not having public record law imposed
on our Leg...
On the 7th of December at Newburyport District Court Mrs Kristi Devine West Newbury was a Defendant in a case that
has been ongoing for 10 years with numerous accusations by her neighbor. This case was pro se on both parties. Mrs Devine
has spent thousands of dollars on Lawyers and at this point has decided to file pro se. I met Mrs Devine on Beacon Hill testifying
on public record law and her aggregious case. I am interested in following pro se cases and believe they in particular should
On the same day Mrs. Devine of West Newbury was in Newburyport District Court, Salisbury Police Chief Les'perance
was put under investigation and it was Front page of the Local Newspaper. This is the Media who were waiting outside the Station
in Salisbury to get the first news. I think at this point it is a slow burn as not much appears to be happening. According
to Mrs Devine this Police Officer was directly involved in her being falsely arrested by Officer Les'perance.
On Tuesday at Peabody District Court, Peabody Square, Central Street Peabody, Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance
Reporting covered the dual Pro Se Litigants Waring vs Devine 285 Harrassment case. This case was heard two weeks prior in
Newburyport and was moved due to Recusal by Judge . Having met Mrs Devine on Beacon Hill while taping a Public Record Hearing
this case was in my neighborhood, North Shore Pro Se and I am interested in this type of case. I Requested to tape both days,
but th...
In this last tape of about 8 minutes you will see the Lighting of the First Candle of 8 days of Chanuka by the
Lubavitch Rabbi and Theresa Murray Senate President. The 45 minute tape is broken into short segments due to the Internet
Provider package. This was captured on a JVC 30 gig Camcorder. This is the third time Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance
Reporting has attended and Documented the Event of the Lubavitch Education Center Annual Event.
In this 16 minute video we will now be hearing from Judge Roderick Ireland, who will give his personal testimony
of why he feels he is going to accept this offer as Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. Judge Ireland will be replacing Chief
Justice Margaret Marshall SJC. This is number 1 and there are approximately 2 hours of his testimony which will be broken
into 16 minute segments. This was videotaped on a Sony DVD Camcorder in sp mode. Copies of the Hearing were delivered next
day to SJC Inf...
On December 1 2010 the Governors Council heard public testimony on the appointment of Judge Roderick Ireland to
the Supreme Judicial Court to replace retiring Justice Margaret Marshall. In this 9 minute tape Joseph Urjneck of Fathers
Coalition addresses the Council to not support this appointment.
On December 1 2010 The Governors Council heard testimony from the Fathers Rights Group on the appointment of Judge
Roderick Ireland to the Supreme Judicial Court to replace retiring Justice Margaret Marshall.
December 1 2010 the Governors Council held a public hearing to appoint a new Supreme Court Justice. Brian Camenker
in this 4 minute tape addresses the Council on Justice Roderick Ireland, who is being interviewed for Supreme Court Justice
to replace retiring Judge Margaret Marshall SJC
In this 6 minute tape Brian Camenker, Mass Resistance Founder and Investigative Reporter chides Committee on Judge
Ireland, Candidate to be the SJC Supreme Court Justice to replace Justice Margaret Marshall. Mr. Camenker at the Governors
Council Public Hearing stated this appointment is a worst nightmare. Mr. Camenker, did not support the appointment for Judge
Ireland who is clearly not non partisan..
Mrs. Sally Naumann, of Carlisle, addressed the Governors Council Members in Committee on December 1, 2010. Mrs.
Naumann wanted the Committee to select a Justice that was not known to be partisan and this Judge Ireland was partial in matters
of same sex union. Mrs Naumann has spoken on many occasions on the dangers health wise in this behavior which is a grave concern
to her.
In this 9 minute compelling public testimony before the Governors Council Atty Prociotto Esq Sr. addresses his
concerns with public record law and discusses his experience with Justice Ireland the Candidate for Supreme Court Justice.
In this tape of 14 minutes you will be hearing Atty Prociotto Esq speak of his experience with Justice Ireland
in three cases. Very interesting testimony on the lack of public record law in the Judiciary.
On Dec 1 2010 the Governors Council heard testimony in a public Hearing on the Governors appointment of Justice
Ireland to the Supreme Court. On this 3minute segment you will hear a Committee woman express her dismay at the amount of
money the Picciotto's had to pay to obtain public records in their damage case of 50 thousand dollars.
On December 3 2010 at the Boston Statehouse, Justice Ireland had a Governors Council Hearing on his appointment.
In this 10 minute comment Melita Picciotto, Esq discusses her concerns about the Judge and public record law.
On the First Sunday of every month at Doyles Cafe, Jamaica Plain Steve Garfield holds a Media Meeting. It is great.
You have to go. This is a sample of what you will find. Besides the free coffee and the awesome food, great Waitresses, the
meeting is sensational. You will get your impossible Media questions answered and get to know some truly great Artists in
the Field. Catch of theDay, Video News, Freelance Reporting. sorry for the lighting problem.
On Monday Nov 1 2010, at the Quincy Elks Club, a special pre Election Day gathering for Rep Perry took place where
Governor Romney gave his personal endorsement and support of Representative Jeff Perry, of Hyannis, Massachusetts running
for Congress against Democrat Congressman James Keating. Approximately 100 people jamned into the Club for the Endorsement.
The tape lasts approximately 20 minutes. Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting taped the event.
On Tuesday, November 3 2010 noon, at Our Lady Help of Christians, Catholic Church 573 Washington St Newton Ma 02458,
a Memorial Mass was held for Dr Mildred Jefferson, MD. Dr Jefferson at 84 had been a pioneer for Black students at Harvard
University as the first woman who graduated Med Surgery and became Founder and the President of Massachusetts Citizens for
Life, MCFL where she lobbied tirelessly for rights of the unborn. This film is 45 minutes long, and is one of 3 that captured
the Celeb...
Tape 2 of 3 A Memorial Mass Service continues for Dr Mildred Jefferson MD, pioneer of MCFL Massachusetts Citizens
for Life President and Founder. The Church is in Newton. Approximately, 300 people attended the service at noon on Wednesday.
Mildred will be buried in Texas with family. Video by CatchoftheDay, VideoNews, FreelanceReporting.
On Wednesday, November 3 2010 in Newton Massachusetts, a Memorial Service was held for the late Dr. Mildred Jefferson
MD, who personally pioneered MCFL Massachusetts Citizens For Life, a non profit dedicated to stopping Adoption in our Country.
Mildred was 84 years old at her death and was every bit a spark of life to all who met and knew her. Her achievements follow
her and much has to be said. The Service Mass is approximately 1.5 hours long. This tape is 29minutes and was recorded on
a Sony...
In this tape we hear from Paul Jehle, Plymouth Pastor and Historian on the USA early American History. This tape
will include others and will last approximately 27 minutes.
In this tape we hear from Kris Mineau Assembly of God Pastor and head of MFI Woburn. The next speaker I did not
hear the name. Appologies! This tape will last approximately 20 minutes
A woman named Bethany came up to speak of the danger the church is in at this moment critical juncture in history.
We are tottering on extinction. If the Lord does not help us we have failed to perceive this radical need for a change in
heart. We need to see the truth for what it is. Excellent Bethany who is an intercessor and prophetess at JHOP Boston. Her
numbers breakdown is powerful.
On September 25 2010 in Memorial Hall, Plymouth, Massachusetts, people gathered to Repent for the sins of the generations
that have come from the Pilgrims to now. Shofar blowing would have been a part of the early Christian Pilgrims as they believed
the Jewish Traditions were never omitted from Scripture. On this day the people gathered to re covenant with God and the Mayflower
Christians who built the Monument to Religious Freedom much overlooked in American History Books. This tape is short ...
In this video we will see people worshiping and thanking God for our America. A highlight is a woman with a silver
flute. The flute actually glistened as she played. It was very special. How cool is that. This tape is about 7 minutes long
and was done on a Sony dvd camcorder in lp mode.
At the Monument in Plymouth the Christians gathered to honor the Monument and to Repent for not keeping Covenant
with the First Settlers. The group though small at first ends up to fill the Memorial Hall downtown. This portion is the first
remarks the Pledge of Allegiance and song. This tape lasts 10 minutes and was taped on a Sony dvd camcorder in lp mode.
On Saturday the Plymouth Monument to the Pilgrims was the site of the gathering of People who were committed to
the God of the Mayflower to recelebrate the Monument and for National Repentance Day. The event lasted from 930 in the Am
to 4pm ending at the Memorial Hall, downtown. Please use the pause to read the inscriptions on the monument. As the event
was starting I wanted to get a shot of the four sides . In the background was the sound of the generator for the equipment.
On Friday night , Catch of the Day, Video News took the Boston bound Rail from Hamilton . Planning an early start
to Plymouth the next day, without a car, depending on rail inconvenient schedules. The plan was to stay over with friends
to arrive in Plymouth at 9am. Thrilled to have not missed the train pulling my equipment, JAldrich sits in the car near the
door. Looking up at the yellow sign shock began to hit the Reporter. Out comes the camera and here it is. Upon leaving from
the last car, ...
On Monday September 20 2010 The Liberty Preservation Association sponsored an event in Nurses Hall, Statehouse
Boston to celebrate Constitution Day. One of the Speakers was Christen Varley, the Greater Boston Tea Party President. This
talk will last 15 minutes.
Jordan Page sings for the Massachusetts Liberty Preservation Association Constitution Day Celebration. Jordan is
touring the USA and writes his own Patriotic Liberty Music.
On September 20 2010 The Liberty Preservation Association in Nurses Hall Celebrated Constitution Day. In this tape
we hear from Emcee Tricorn Tom Moore, Patriot Pastor Garrett Lear, Sean Harrington Pledge of Allegiance, and the National
Anthem by Brad Marston, Candidate for State Rep 8th Suffolk.
On September 20, 2010 The Liberty Preservation Association held a Celebration Constitution Day event in Nurses
Hall, Statehouse, Boston. In this tape we hear from Bob Dwyer, President LPA, Ken Mandile, Organizer of the Worcester Tea
On Monday September 20 2010 in Nurses Hall Boston Statehouse the Liberty Preservation Association held a Constitution
Day Celebration. In this video we will hear from Dan Mc Gonigle, State Organizer Committees of Safety, Kamail Jain former
Candidate state Auditor
On September 10 2010 the Merrimac Valley Tea Party in Andover have a special guest Michael Graham coming to speak.
The mood is up and the general business has to be addressed. You might want to join this group!
On September 9 2010, the Merrimac Valley Tea Party met in Andover, and this tape will have a few things of interest.
How much do you know your history? Introduction of Michael Graham.
On Thursday the Merrimac Valley Tea Party in Andover heard from Michael Graham Talk Radio Host and approximately,
70 people attended. Funny stuff here, you will enjoy every minute. Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting taped
this on a Sony DVD Camcorder.
Tom Weaver for Congress and his Band get introduced first for the Merrimac Valle Tea Party Michael Graham night.
This tape is greeat.. Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting on a Sony DVD Camcorder..
On Thursday September 9, 2010 in Andover, the Merrimac Valley Tea Party invited Michael Graham to speak to the
group of 70 people. This portion is 10 minutes in length. Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting taped the event
on a Sony DVD Camcorder.
On September 9 2010 Michael Graham accepted an invitation to speak to the Merrimac Valley Tea Party. This tape
is approximately 10 minutes long and addresses Beacon Hill and how they are worried about the impact of the Tea Party on their
votes. Compelling, funny, this video will boost your spirits.
On September 9 2010 Michael Graham accepted an invitation to speak to the Merrimac Valley Tea Party. Only 5 minutes
this tape will captivate you. He spoke around one hour to the group of approximately 70 people. He praised the group for the
numbers and encouraged them to keep up the goog work. Each tape will be posted in 10 minute segments.
On Saturday and Sunday September 11,12, 2010 in Hamilton the Horse Show is going on. Catch of the Day, Video News,
Freelance Reporting decided to cruise over on her scooter and capture some footage. Using a Sony DVD Camcorder on automatic
the footage is a little dark. It is a gamble each time I tape as to what will show up. Weather, sun and so manythings affect
video quality. However, the day was gorgeous and not having gone before I was struck with the beauty of the event. What a
blessing to ...
On Thursday night in Andover, the MERRIMAC VALLEY TEA PARTY, Bob Shapiro, Republican,,
speaks to Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting about the coming race in the 5th District. Bob Graduated from
Fordham University. He has worked as a Pharmacist, a front line Corporate Manager, a Software Engineer, and a Math Teacher.
He and his wife Maria have 2 children and 5 grandchildren and he lives in Andover. This video is approximately 6 minutes long.
This is a lit...
On August 25 2010 the Merrimac Valley Tea Party held a Candidates night in Andover. Robert Finnerhan, Republican
Attorney running for Representative against Harriet Stanley.
On August 25 2010 in Andover the Merrimac Valley Tea Party held a Candidates night. Jameson Tomasek Republican
is running for Senate Susan Tuckers Seat.2nd Essex Seat.
Kevin Begley, Republican 14th District, running for Representative spoke to the Merrimac Valley Tea Party Candidates
Night event in Andover on the 25th of August.
On August 25 2010 in Andover the Merrimac Valley Tea Party held a Candidates night. Stanley Novak Republican is
running for Representative from the 14th District.
Paul Adams Republican of 17th District is running for Representative for Rep Barry Fiengolds seat. The Merrimac
Valley Tea Party on August 25 2010 held a Candidates night. Paul Adams would like to give money back to Local Aid for Cities
and Towns for Police Fire EMS.
On August 25 2010 the Merrimac Valley Tea Party held a Candidates Night. For the 17th District we here from Salim
Tabit, Esq. An Attorney running for Representative for Barry Feingolds seat. This guy is amazing and has a very down to earth
necessary platform for the Repubican ticket. A child of Cuban Immigrants he explains the situation America is in.
On August 25 2010 in Andover the Merrimac Valley Tea Party held a Candidates night. Here we listen to James Lyons
Republican of Andover who is running against Encumbent Democrat Representative Barbara L'Italien. This guy will give Barbara
a run for her money.
Tape 1 of 2 John Thorlin of the 18th District speaks to the Merrimac Valley Tea Party Candidates night in North
Andover. John Thorlin is running for Representative and was the last speaker to address the group.
In Andover on August 25 2010 the Merrimac Valley Tea Party held a Candidates night. This is the last tape and only
3minutes of questions to John Thorlin, running for Representative in the 18th District. A Graduate of Harvard he was remarkably
on target as a Republican hoping to help curb the present situation of Socialized Healthcare and Entitlement practices by
the Democratic Representatives. This guy is not going away soon. tape 2 of 2
Tape one of two, August 31 2010 the Bus Tour called Blue Green Alliance Jobs Not Done, held a public meeting to
discuss the stimulus funding for the Environment at the University of Maine Avronson Hall .
At the University of Maine in the Avronson Building the Blue Green Alliance Jobs Not Done Bus Tour held a public
meeting on the scope of the Environment Stimulus Funds. This is tape two of two total of 32 minutes. Approximately, 15 people
attended this event. The next stop is Boston Roxbury Community College at 830AM on Sept 1 2010 for a Press Conference.
The South Boston Tea Party holds an event at Castle Island and the Regional Director for the Tea Party addresses
the group of approximately 150 people in the soaking rain.
In this video the Chair of the South Boston Tea Party addesses her involvement in the Tea Party spearheaded by
her two sons deployed to Iraq. Very compelling video.
Brian Camenker, Mass Resistance speaks to the South Boston Tea Party Event first at Castle Island. Approximately,
150 people showed up in the pouring rain. I arrived a little late so the talk was already going on.
CJ Doyle Esq, Catholic Action League, speaks to the Tea Party at Castle Island, South Boston in the soaking rain.
Approximately, 150 people showed up to listen to the speakers.
On Sunday August 22 2010 the Director of Political Studies, Washington DC spoke at Castle Island Fort, South Boston
to the Tea Party on legal Immigration Issues in the soaking rain. Approximately 150 people showed up to listen to the speakers.
No Candidates were invited to speak at this Tea Party Event.
Carlos Fernandez, Tea Party Chairperson Saugus runs a Rally in Saugus for the Tea Party. Candidates will speak
and a group of approximately 100 people showed up.
June 18 2010 at the Danvers Yacht Club Republican Fundraiser, Abby Bertlesen of Hamilton Republican Town Committee
Interviews Michael Stopar, Republican of Worcester who will be running in the 6th district against Congressman Mc Govern and
Rob is a Physicist. He is another upstart that will shake you down a piece with his delivery and confidence. Abby, is a member
of Comflm Registry News, and plans to do a Cable Access show soon and will be a Talk Host interviewing Candidates and talking
Beverly City Republican Committee on the 18th of June held a fundraiser at the Danvers Yacht Club. Among the celebrated
guests was Talk Show Host Todd Fineburg, WRKO AM . Todd was given an award for his efforts to speak up for Republican ideals.
Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting Comflm, Registry News, Hamilton attended a guest of Abby Bertelson. Abby,
is a member of Comflm Registry News, and has hopes of a Cable Access Show coming soon in Beverly. The Award was presented
by Mar...
Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting captures Nikki Tsongas at the Boston Pride Parade on a Sony DVD
Camcorder. Copyright protected footage. June 12 2010
Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting, captures Michael Ross Supporting GBLSTA Saturday June 12 2010.
This was captured on a Sony DVD Camcorder. This footage is copyright protected.
Catch of theDay, Video News, Freelance Reporting captures the Supporting Schools of the Gay Straight Lesbian Transgender
Alliance at Government Center on Saturday June 12 2010. Footage is copyright protected and was taped on a Sony DVD Camcorder.
Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting copyrighted footage, at the Pride Parade Government Center end
point, captures Susan Bump, running for Auditor in Massachsusetts Democratic Ticket. Saturday June 12 2010
Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting copyright protected footage, at the Pride Parade Government Center
end point, captures Steven Grossman
Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting at the Pride Parade Boston Government Center end zone on Saturday
June 12 2010. This video is just full of groups of all kinds supporting the GBLST Alliance.. This tape is copyright protected
and is approximately 17 minutes long
Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting captures more politicians who support GBLTA Boston at Pride 2010
Parade Government Center. Copyrighted protected footage.
Catch of theDay, Video News, Freelance Reporting at the end zone of the Pride Parade at Government Center Boston
on Saturday June 12 2010. Copyright protected footage.
Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting at the Pride Parade end zone on Saturday June 12 2010. Copyright
protected. Senator Diaz replaced Diane Wilderson and supports the Pride Events.
Supporters with Governor Patrick march in the Pride Parade. The Governor was directed in a vehicle to exit at this
point. Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting, ComflmRegistryNews.
Band Cinque Warm Up before event start at City Hall Plaza. Catch of the Day, Video News, on Scooter News Vehicle
tapes the warm up of the Band on her Sony DVD Camcorder. For those who like to just watch my stuff roll.. have fun.. Copyright
protected to ComflmRegistryNews.
On Saturday June 12 2010 the Boston Pride Festivities Exhibit was captured by J Aldrich, Catch of the Day, Video
News, Freelance Reporting, and this is part two of two video's. This is a documentary piece and no interviews will be found.
This is approximately 7 minutes long. This is copyright protected footage and was taped on a Sony DVD Camcorder.
On Saturday June 12, 2010, at the Government Center City Hall Plaza the Boston Pride Festival is set up and waiting
for the Parade Participants to descend on it for an afternoon of festivities. J Aldrich, Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance
Reporting, Videographer, and President of Comflm Registry News, captures the exhibits prior to the parade. The weather was
rainy but the colors were excellent. This was captured on a Sony DVD Camcorder. The video will last approximately 17 minutes
and i...
BOSTON PRIDE PARADE captured on Saturday by Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting, Comflm Registry
News at the Government Center Parade Start.
Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting at Government Center Boston Massachusett on Saturday June 12
2001. The parade begins at Stuart and Boylston St and ends at the Government Center. The weather was drizzly but ended in
an all out downpour. J Aldrich was on a new scooter on this day. J Aldrich is a Physically Disabled Senior Citizen Journalist,
Videographer who has been capturing public events for 6 years in Boston and in Massachusetts when asked. This is a copyright
protected vid...
Downtown Crossing at Washington and Summer Street on June 10 2010 a group of youth were protesting the MBTA Youth
Rates. They had come from another location when I saw them and got out my camera. I did not interview anyone on the subject.
Catch of the Day, Video News, has a new (used) Scooter. You will be seeing her about the City from now on capturing the Daily
Catch on her Scooter News buggy. J Aldrich, a Senior Citizen Journalist has osteo problems. On many occasions it has been
a serious d...
Part 2 of the June 10 2010 Macy's Fashion show to benefit Pride Week GBLT 2010. Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance
Reporting captured the event on a Sony DVD Camcorder. This footage is copyright protected any use must be compliant with Producers
requests to use the name Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting, ComflmRegistryNews. This footage will last approximately
5 minutes.
On Thursday, June 10 2010 5pm sharp, the Macys 5th Benefit Pride Week Fashion Show for GBLT took place. Catch of
the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting, Comflm Registry News, captured the event. This will be in two parts. The event was
captured on a Sony DVD Camcorder. This material is copyright protected to Catch of the Day, Video News, and any use must give
credit to the videography Producer, J Aldrich, ComflmPress. Thank you..
on Saturday June 5 2010 a Remembrance of the life of Senator Edward Kennedy was presented by his wife Victoria
Reggie Kennedy at the DCU Worcester, Massachusetts. Mrs Kennedy was one of the Highlight Speakers at the Democratic Convention.
After her speech the final votes on Auditor and dismissal was conducted. The DCU had one videographer that worked the main
floor during the two days. He was responsible managing the videography of the event. He did a great job. Salute! Catch of
the Day, Video...
On Saturday June 5, 2010 US Senator Kerry speaks to the Democrats at the Convention about the late Senator Edward
Kennedy. This will last 17 minutes and will be continued . The site only can upload in 17 minute segments. Catch of the Day,
Video News Freelance Reporting, ComflmRegistryNews
Saturday June 5 2010 Senator Kirk continues to speak on the late Senator Edward Kennedy and his contibution to
the Democrats in Washington, DC. Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting, ComflmRegistryNews
On Saturday June 5 2010 Senator Kirk who filled Senator Edward Kennedys seat spoke of the late Senator Kennedy
in a Remembrance at the DCU Center Worcester at the Democratic Convention. This talk will last 17 minutes and will continue
to another tape. Catch of theDay, Video News, Freelance Reporting, ComflmRegistryNews
On Saturday June 5, 2010 in Worcester at the DCU the Democrats could not find a Party Candidate because all three
Candidates got enough votes to be on the ballot but none enough to get the Party endorsement. Also, the best is last as the
very end of the Convention they voted voice vote to put some Amendments on the Democratic Platform. A quick scan around the
room shows the numbers were pretty low to have the necessary 150 present to pass but this is Politics as usual. Catch of the
Day, Video ...
On Saturday, at the DCU Worcester , Catch of the Day, Video News, roaming about to find some hot breaking news,
stumbles on the Governor getting into the elevator on the first floor near the Press Room. JAldrich, asking when the Press
Conference was to be held was told it had been moved up. Two other cameras running in the elevator JAldrich put hers on as
well, but as you can see was told this was closed to Press. Then asking about the other two cameras JAldrich was told that
was the Governors...
On Friday night in Worcester at the DCU Center the Secretary of State William Galvin gave his political address
at the Democratic Convention and received their endorsement. This is a back track of the introduction on the previous welcome
tape from the Mayor but will last approximately 15 mintues. Catch of the Day, VideoNews, FreelanceReporting, ComflmRegistryNews,
On Friday Night the Democratic Convention begins at the DCU in Worcester Massachusetts. We will watch the Mayor
of Worcester welcome the Delegates to the Convention Center . this footage will run around 15 minutes and ends with Secretary
of State Galvin's speech to be continued Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting, ComflmRegistryNews, covered the
Friday Night Attorney General Martha Coakley is endorsed by the Democratic Convention for the party ticket. The
Attorney General will run unopposed.. Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting, ComflmRegistry,News.
On Friday night June 4 2010, Atty General Martha Coakley addresses the Democratic Convention. Catch of the Day,
Video News Freelance Reporting, ComflmRegistryNews, covered the event.
On Friday Night June 4, 2010 at the opening night of the Democratic Convention 2010 a tribute salute was made to
Auditor Robert DeNucci Autitor of the Commonwealth who is retiring. Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting taped
this on a Sony DVD Camcorder.
On Saturday June 5, 2010 Catch of the Day, Video News, captures the exhibit hall. Unfortunately the camera ran
out of tape and I only was able to capture the tables. But you can see these tables are purchased and are a very useful purchase
to get to speak to your Delegates and pass out literature. When I went to check on the other camera I got distracted so much
was happening.
On Saturday, at the Democratic Convention, daughter Catherine Patrick introduces her father Governor Patrick as
the next Governor of Massachusetts to a round of applause.. Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting, captures the
moment .
On Saturday at the DCU in Worcester, Massachusetts, the Democratic Convention convenes the second day. Here we
see the State Police bring in the Flags, called the Colors, a Minister say the Opening Prayer and a High School Arcopelo Choir
sing the Anthem. Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting at the Convention. A Sony DVD Camcorder was used with this
On Saturday, May 20 2010 in Boston, the Join the Impact Internet Protest group joined GBLT to hold a rally on the
Transvestite bill. The bill is held up in Judicary and is also known as the Bathroom bill. This bill will give access to both
sex bathrooms at will to the Homosexual community. The bill was sponsored by Charles Teisei and Carl Sciortino on the Judicary
Committee. The footage is captured on a JVC Camcorder as the Rally assembled and will last one hour and 5 minutes. The sections
On Saturday May 20 2010 in Boston, on the Statehouse Steps JOIN THE IMPACT AND GBLT held a Rally to Protest the
Transvestite Bill held up in Judiciary. This bill will provide at will access to both sex bathrooms and has been labeled the
Bathroom Bill by Conservatives. Catch of the Day Video News, Freelance Reporting covered this event and taped on a JVC Camcorder.
The sequels are in 4 parts 17 minutes each. This is 2 of 4. Later a tape was also made of the Marchers on Washington and Summer
On Saturday May 20 2010 Join the Impact and GBLT held a Rally on the Statehouse Steps The footage was captured
on a JVC Camcorder and will last one hour. Each section is 17 minutes and this is 3 of 4. The Rally was organized to protest
the Transvestite Bill held up in Judiciary. This bill will give these people rights to access both sex bathrooms at will.
On Saturday May 20 2010 at Noon JOIN THE IMPACT AND GBLT held a Rally at the Statehouse Steps Boston Massachusetts.
The Speakers assembled to protest the Transvestite stall on the Bathroom Bill which has been held up in Judiciary. After the
Rally the group had a March through the streets. The footage was done on a JVC Camcorder and is a little choppy. Sorry about
that. Catch of the Day, Video News Freelance Reporting captured the event and the Rally will last one hour 6 minutes. The
tapes are ...
On May 20 2010 St Marys Catholic Church Waltham, Massachusetts has an evening Pentecost Service . The Church has
just been painted and the old ancient altar has been removed. I actually loved the altar but times change and things happen
like this without any awareness. I made my First Communion in this Church. That began my personal journey into faith and this
night was a special visit for me to be in this church at 67 years of age and my First Communion was 60 years ago. I taped
some of the e...
On Saturday May 20 2010 around 2pm Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting finished covering the Rally
on the Statehouse Steps and walked to downtown crossing to meet up with some friends. On the Corner of Summer and Washington
Bath and Body Works has just moved in the new location. This is one of their first displays. Actually, it was a Pentecost
Weekend and some Catholic Evangelists were out as well on the same corner. So I made the effort to scan in what was really
happening in Bo...
Today, May 8, 2010 was Massachusetts Youth Pride on the Boston Common, sponsored by the Mass. Commission on Gay
Lesbian Bisexual Transgender Youth and "The Friends of GLBT Youth, Inc." Students come from high school GSAs (Gay
Straight Alliance clubs) around the state. The parade and Common event are followed by the Prom at Boston City Hall at 7pm
tonight, sponsored by BAGLY, the Boston Alliance of Gay Lesbian Bisexual and Transgender Youth. At approximately 11am there
was a huge downpour. The ...
CATCH OF THE DAY, VIDEO NEWS, FREELANCE REPORTING covered the John Joseph Moakley Courthouse, 1 Courthouse Way,
Boston today May 6 2010. A Hearing on DOMA Defence of Marriage Federal Law Constitutionality was argued for 16 Plaintiffs
by Atty Mary Bounato, Esq and the DOJ Atty Scott Simpson, Esq in front of Judge Joseph Tauro of District Court. Approximately
200 people attended and an overflow room was set up with video transmission. It is not clear if the hearing was recorded and
no cameras we...
10:30AM.....DOMA CHALLENGE: The U.S. District Court of Boston, John Joseph Moakley Courthouse 1 Courthouse Way,
Suite 2300 7th floor Courtroom 22, hears oral arguments in a challenge to the Federal Defense of Marriage Act brought Gay
& Lesbian Advocates and Defenders (GLAD). The Hearing challenges DOMA’s constitutionality. Judge Joseph Tauro is
expected to preside over the hearing. Mary Bonauto, Esq will Represent 16 Same Sex Couple Plaintiffs, DOMA, passed in 1996
and signed by President Bill...
Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting on April 14 2010 taping the Tea Party Express on the Boston Common.
This tape will last 17 minutes and was done on a JVC Camcorder in lp mode.
Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting, April 14 2010 on the Boston Common tapes the Tea Party Express
Rally . This tape is somewhat wably but the sound is excellent. The tape is 16 min long and was taped on a JVC Camcorder in
lp mode.
Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting on the Boston Common taping the Tea Party Express .. This tape
is 16 min long and was recorded on a JVC Camcorder in lp mode. The footage will show the gathering crowd and as I pressed
in to find the press pool was caught in a trap of people . The rest of the footage on this camera will be of the speakers
and will not be perfect as I had to use a monopod and extend it about 12 feet and sometimes did not know what I was taping.
The sound is exce...
Andy Cummings Music heard at the Fifth Amendment Tea Party GOP Pre Convention night in Worcester . This guy is
sensational.,, Thanks Fifth Amendment Pub for having us all.
The food was great the hospitality greater and the music even better than best. Visit this place before Andy goes higher and
you have to pay tons to see him. He is on the move.
Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting Worcester Hilton Garden Reception area .. the rainy night after
a long travel day deterred a plan to visit all the sites. Instead the journey started here and ended at the Tea Party GOP
Stop the Fifth Amendment.
Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting on the Boston Common with the Tea Party Express Bus Sony DVD
Camcorder 17 minutes please note.. some footage is not focused or moving on purpose with the excitement and sometimes scans
too fast. However, the sound works great so watch and enjoy or close your eyes and enjoy.. either way enjoy the free news
.. by Comflm Registry News
On Wednesday, 830 AM in Cambridge Middlesex Probate Court, Comflm Registry News Court Watched Courtroom 3 on the
4th Floor. I will be posting more detail on this event on my website. I want to put the interview up on Cambridge Court as
in Suffolk Probate Court Hector Montalvo was videotaping a Family Court Case that he had permission to tape. He had also asked
to tape today in Cambridge but the Justice was denied. This is a First Amendment Case and is very intriguing. Do you think
this person ...
On Saturday, March 20 2010 in Washington DC the Tea Party assembled to oppose the vote on National Health Care
Takeover. During the event a group of 4 male individuals penetrated the crowd with cow bells yelling and throwing water at
the families assembled to protest with the Tea Party. Please listen to the audio of a person who attended and who was not
used to things like this but was involved as many are because of fear of losing our Liberty. The video was cap'd so to not
capture the individ... Sunday, March 28, 2010
From: 12-2pm The 3 road intersection ( Rt 113/Mosley Ave/Ferry Rd) adjacent to Atkinson Common Park Newburyport, MA 01950
Many other Candidates were present at the Dedham Norfolk Suffolk Country Candidate night at the Endicott Estates..
A truy gorgeous place to hold an event. Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting captured this event.. low lighting
Senator Richard Tiesei speaks in Dedham at the Endicott Estates to the GOP on his Candidacy as Leutenant Governor.
Catch of theDay, Video News, Freelance Reporting captured the event.
Mary Connaughton speaks to the GOP in Dedham at the Endicott Estates Antique Building on her Candidacy for State
Auditor in Massachusetts.. This is a second rendition on a second camera a JVC Camcorder in lp mode.. Catch of the Day, Video
News, Freelance Reporting captured the event.
Prof. Mary Cannoughton Speaks in Dedham, at the Endicott Estates Antique Building to the GOP on her Campaign for
Auditor.. Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting captured the event. We arrived late and so the placing of the
camera was problematic. The sound is good however, and you should be able to get an idea of her experience and who she is
from this video. This was taped on a Sony dv Camcorder.. Comflm Registry News, JAldrich does not edit footage. This is for
educational purpos...
A Massachusetts Resident who chose to not put his photo up here testifies to Comflm Reporter Catch of the Day ,
Video News Freelance Reporting at the Statehouse. J Aldrich has at this point not seen the video's of the Tea Party events
and questions the Gentleman on the trip he made to Washington on March 20 2010 to attend the Protest. This person never get's
involved and so did not recognize the group known as code pink. JAldrich gets more information on the 4 individuals that tried
to instaga...
On Tuesday Kris Mineau of Massachusetts Family Institute comments to JAldrich CatchoftheDay, Videographer, Reporter
on the MFI Lobby Day on two bill and his general consensus of the results. This video will be 1.5 minutes Catch of the Day,
Video News, Freelance Reporting
On Tuesday March 23 2010 on Beacon Hill Statehouse Constituents visit Senator Cory Atkins office Co Chair of the
Rules Committee to speak to her staff about H1728 Transgender Bathroom Bill, and a Education Curriculm Frameworks Bill, currently
being considered for passage in Massachusetts. Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting captured the event.
On Tuesday March 23 2010 on Beacon Hill a group of Constituents of Senator Bruce Tarr, visit his office to speak
on the Transgender H1728 Bill now being considered being law before the Legislature. They also spoke on the Massachusetts
Curriculum Frameworks that was just taken out of study by the Education Committee.
On Tuesday March 23 2010 On Beacon Hill Statehouse Constituents speak to Senator Fargo Staff on the H1728 bill
for Transgender bathroom legislation and a bill on the Curriculum Frameworks. This video part 2 will last 5 minutes Catch
of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting captured this video
On Tuesday on Beacon Hill Statehouse, some Constituents of Senator Fargo visit her office to Lobby against the
House Bill H1728 and a Curriculum Frameworks Bill that impose unrestricted Bathroom Privileges to Transgender people in the
Commonwealth that will cause a $2000 dollar fine and jail time to occur.. This video is 9 minutes long. Catch of the Day,
Video News, Freelance Reporting captured this video .
On Tuesday March 23 2010 at the Massachusetts Statehouse on Beacon Hill in B 2 Kris Mineaw President of Mass Family
Institute gives an informational on the Transgender Lobby Day to Members of Mass Family Institute. H1728 and a bill on the
Education Committee Bill on Curriculum Frameworks recently pulled out of study are the topic of this discussion. Later we
will see some of the Concerned Citizens visit a few offices and explain their oppinion to their Representatives s and Senators.
The Proto...
16 minutes of public testimony in the Jt Committee on Public Safety and Homeland Security taped by Catch of the
Day, Video News Freelance Reporting. tape 1 of 2 a total of 22 minutes H2238 An Act relative to a report of firearms statistics.
H4401 An Act relative to elevator regulations. H4418 An Act relative to police procedures when dealing with criminal street
gangs in the city of Holyoke. H4462 An Act relative to motor vehicle police chases.
Over in 22 minutes and on two uploads the Jt Committee on Homeland Security and Public Safety heard two bills today
although 4 were on the adgenda. Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting captured the Hearing on a JVC Camcorder.
H2238 An Act relative to a report of firearms statistics. H4401 An Act relative to elevator regulations. H4418 An Act relative
to police procedures when dealing with criminal street gangs in the city of Holyoke. H4462 An Act relative to motor vehicle
police c...
On March 3 2010 the Jt Committee on Telecommunciations Utilities and Energy heard testimony in Rm A2 at 10AM on
Gas Leaks. This hearing was taped on two cameras.. this camera is a DVD Sony Camcorder in lp mode and the tape will last 17
minutes. The entire hearing will last approx 3.5 hours.
On this day the public hearings were up for March 3 to 10th. To slow down the video just pause the bar and read.
The window is very dark and I am short and so the combination makes it difficult to capture this. Sorry
Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting at the elevator on second floor notices the gorgeous chairs being
organized in Great Hall. I just could not help myself from taking a 25second shoot of the room.
On March 3 2010 in the Members Lounge a Legislative Briefing was held on Medical Marijuana. This tape is the second
tape of three tapes and will last approximately 17 minutes. The footage was captured by Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance
Reporting on a Sony DVD Camcorder in lp mode.
On March 3 2010 in the House Members Lounge a Legislative Briefing was held on the Medical effects of Marijuana.
The session lasted around one hour and I have three sessions including some questions. This tape is recorded on a Sony DVD
Camcorder in lp mode. The tape will last 17 minutes. Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting tapes documentary footage
and desires to see a Public Affairs Network in Massachusetts.
On March 3 2010 in the House Members Lounge a Legislative Briefing on legalizing marijuana took place. A doctor
gave testimony of the medical safety of marijuana and the tape is one of 3 . This was taped on a Sony DVD Camcorder in lp
On March 2 2010 in the Jt Committee on Judiciary this Lawyer spoke in favor of legalizing marijuana and represented
around 30 people who came to support this. The meeting took place in A2 and lasted 6.5 hours. There were around 160 bills.
Too many.
On Tuesday March 2 2010 in Jt Committee on Judiciary ChrisNoonanFunnell testified in behalf of Covenant Keepers
in support of Circumcision. Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting captured this public hearing on a JVC Camcorder
in lp mode.
On Tuesday in Jt Committee on Judiciary many came to speak against Circumcision. This gentleman came from Long
Island on the train and has a group that is supporting banning Circumcision across the country. Later we will post his testimony
but in this video Catch of the Day, interviews him.
On March 2 2010 many Court Reporters testified before the Jt Committee on Judiciary. Catch of the Day, Video News
Interview explains why the bill to license Court Reporters is not supported.
On Tuesday March 2 2010 many Court Reporters came to the Jt Committee on Juciciary Public Hearing to oppose a bill
that will force Court Reporters to be licensed. Catch of the Day, Video News Freelance Reporting captured the public hearing
in A2 and the two rooms were packed. At this point in the day the room was thinning out.
Senator Bruce Tarr, Gloucester, Testifies on Tuesday March 2 2010 before the Jt Committee on Judiciary in A2. The
Judiciary Committee heard about 160 bills that day and the Hearing lasted 6.5 hours. Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance
Reporting Captured the Hearing and does documentary public works footage. Senator Tarr supports a bill that will make the
public hearings by law have to be videotaped and archived. S1458 This short tape is about 45 seconds long.
Tape 2 of 2 taped on Sony DVD Camcorder in lp mode. RM B2 Statehouse Boston. Press Conference on the Bullying Bill.
ADL Alliance Defense League of Massachusetts and the Education Committee et al discuss the Bullying Bill about to be debated
on the House Floor next week according to the House Chair Rep Waltz. Questions did not include what impact Cori will have
on kids put in contact with the Juvenile Court System because of this bill.
On Thursday at the Statehouse in Boston, a Press Conference was held in RM B 2 at 1PM. Catch of the Day, Video
News, Freelance Reporting taped the event on a Sony DVD Camcorder . This will be posted in two episodes. The total event is
approximately 27 minutes. The Press Conference was of the Aliance Defense League and the Education Committee which which exec"d
out the Bullying bill which will make it a crime to subject school children to bullying of any kind. When J Aldrich asked
the regular P...
On Saturday February 27 2010 Amesbury Elementary Grade School had the Basketball Playoffs. In this video we see
the Award Ceremony. The video was recorded on a SonyDVD Camcorder in lp mode. Please feel free to use the footage for your
memorys.. Catch of the Day Video News Freelance Reporting taped the event.
Can you believe these kids were out the door before 830AM? On Saturday the playoffs for the Amesbury Basketball
Teams took place and Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting taped the event. The footage is about an hour long
in total and this tape will be 17 minutes.
On Saturday the Amesbury Elementary Basketball playoffs took place. Here are a couple of teams before the award
ceremony. Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting captured the event in a Sony DVD Camcorder in lp mode. Don't you
think all these fun games should be recorded? We do.
On Saturday February 27 2010 Amesbury Elementary held their Science Fair at the High School. This footage was captured
on a Sony DVD Camcorder in lp mode. Each tape is about 17 minutes in length due to the upload process. Catch of the Day, Video
News, Freelance Reporting captured about 50 exhibits along with Cable Access. The award Ceremony will be on it's own tape.
Please feel free to use the footage. No names will be included in this description. No names were given only the experiments
On Saturday in Amesbury Massachusetts at the High School Elementary children up to about 10 had their Science Fair.
Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting was able to capture about 50 exhibits on tape. No names will be included
in this footage but parents are allowed to upload this and use it for their family use. Make a DVD and capture this event
and have some fun looking back at real stuff your child is learning in school with your help of course! So hats off to parents
and kids f...
On Saturday February 27 2010 in Amesbury at the High School the Elementary kids have their Science Fair. Catch
of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting captured around 50 exhibits and got some great footage of the event. No names
will be included and this is a testament to the education and motivation these kids are enjoying in Amesbury. Salute! See
what happens when parents and kids work together! A lot of work went into this from both. Thank you parents for inspiring
your kids to step int...
This is the last of at least 10 video's by Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting, covering the Amesbury
Elementary School Science Fair. More than 50 exhibitors explained their genious to J Aldrich on Saturday and you will enjoy
this footage I am sure. It is a rockin testimony of the student interest in Amesbury and the parents who helped out. No names
will be identified in the footage and parents are allowed to use the footage. Catch of the Day, videotapes public events and
does do...
A volcano experiment and demonstration won First Prize on Saturday in Amesbury captured on tape by Catch of the
Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting. Channel 8 will also be showing some footage of this stupendous event. If you meet this
young man someday be sure and congradulate him!
On Saturday at Amesbury Massachusetts High School the Science Fair took place for kids up to about 10 years old.
Catch of the Day, Video News Freelance Reporting, captured many students of all ages that had really interesting topics. This
young man won first prize for his grade. How great is that! Even Grampa is excited! The names will be left out on all the
footage. Channel 8 also taped and this footage may be combined with it but please feel free to use this if you are a parent.
Catch of the Day Video News, Freelance Reporting tries to see the dark window in the hallway on Tuesday posting
the public hearings. I am not very tall and the window has to be copied with my camera up in the air and I cannot zoom it
in because it is so dark it will not focus. But the bills in Judiciary are on the window. They did not pas out bills in the
Hearing room and online I didn't remember seeing so many eminent domain. Some spoke of it however, but the Press shield bill
was the one tha...
February 23 2010 Jt committee on Judiciary Public Hearing tape 16 min lenth taped on Sony DVD Camcorder in lp mode
4.5hours 4-1hour tapes Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting on site does Documentary Footage of Beacon Hill .
Please support S1458 and the Shield Law Bill in this Hearing.
February 23 2010 jt Committee on Judiciary Public Hearing on Constitutional issues taping by Catch of the day,
video News Freelance Reporting, tape 16 minutes long, taped on Sony DVD Camcorder lp mode
February 23 2010 Jt Committee on Judiciary PUblic Hearing on Civil Rights Eminent Domain Press Shield for Journalists,
Assisted Suicide 16 min sony dvd camcorder lp mode
February 23 2010 1PM B1 Jt committee on Judiciary on first amendment , Eminent Domain, Press Shield for Journalists,
4.5 hour hearing SonyDVD Camcorder lpmode Catch of The Day Video News, Freelance Reporting
On Tuesday February 23 2010 the Jt committee on Judiciary heard testimony in B1 on Constitutional Issues. The footage
was done on a SonyDVD Camcorder in lp mode. Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting does documentary footage and
desired a CSpan Public Affairs Network in Massachusetts. This tape will be testimony from some disabled individuals who are
opposed to assisted Suicide legislation being proposed.
On Tuesday February 23 2010 Marie Sturgis Director of the MCFL Mass Citizens For Life, Testified before the Jt
Committee on the Judiciary in Opposition of Assisted Suicide, The Committee heard bills on First Amendment , Civil Rights,
Press Shield for Journalists, and other bills. Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting tapes documentary footage
and desires a C Span Public Affairs Network in Massachusetts S1458 is a bill that supports Independant Media and granting
them the same credi...
February 23 2010 Jt committee on Judiciary Public Hearing B1 1-515PM taped on a Sony DVD Camcorder lp mode. Tape
lasts 16 minutes. Catch of the Day, video News, FreelanceReporting
February 23 2010 Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting captures the Jt Committee on Judiciary Public
Hearing in B1 1-515PM The footage was captured on a Sony DVD Camcorder in lp mode. The committee heard bills on civil rights
assisted suicide, constitutional issues, press shield.
February 23 2010 Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting Captures the Jt Committee on Juciciary Public
Hearing in B1 1-515PM This footage was captured on a Sony DVD Camcorder in lp mode. This tape will have two speakers, Evelyn
Riley of Mass Family and Ed Saunders of Mass Catholic Conference. They will be speaking on the Assisted Suicide Bills and
various other civil rights bills.
February 23 2010 Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting captures the Jt Legislative Committee on Judiciary
Public Hearing in B1 This is the last of the 4 tapes and is in 2 parts 4a and 4b. The footage was captured on a Sony DVD Camcorder
in lp mode and it will last 16 minutes. This Public Hearing was on Constitutional Issues, Buffer zones, civil rights, assisted
suicide, press shield, religious freedom.
February 23 2010 the Jt Legislative Committee on Judiciary in RM B1 Statehouse Boston, heard testimony on Civil
Rights Legislation First Amendment Constitutional Issues and from the Attorney General. This footage was captured on a Sony
DVD Camcorder in lp mode. This tape will last approx 14 minutes. You will hear testimony from Attorney General Martha Coakley.
To find the list of bills you can ask the Committee. The public Hearing lasts 4.5 hours. The four one hour tapes are broken
up into 4 s...
February 23 2010, the Jt Legislative Committee on Judiciary held public hearing on Civil Rights and First Amendment
Legislation. Shield Law for Journalists drew many reporters to testify. The footage was taped on a Sony DVD Camcorder in lp
mode. House Broadcast also taped the full Hearing and you can watch in on the Live Broadcast link. Catch
of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting does documentary footage and desires that Massachusetts has a C Span Public Affairs
February 23 2010 Jt Legislative Committee on Judiciary 3c of 1 RM B1 1PM-515PM this footage is 16 minutes in duration
and is on Constitutional Issues. The footage was taped on a Sony DVD Camcorder in lp mode. Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance
Reporting does archive documentary footage. This Public Hearing was on Press Shield and various civil rights bills.
February 23, 2010 Rm B1 the Jt Committee on the Judiciary heard testimony on Constitutional Issues. Catch of the
Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting captured the Public Hearing and also the House Broadcast captured the Hearing. House
Broadcast will be available in a few days. I will be uploading the footage in 16 minute segments. The footage was captured
on a Sony DVD Camcorder in lp mode. The Public Hearing was 4.5 hours long. I am breaking the footage up to read as above 4d
of tape 1 etc. O...
February 23 2010 J Aldrich, Comflm President, Reporter, Videographer for Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance
Reporter testifies before the Jt Committee on Judicary yesterday on Civil Rights Bills and Reporter Shield Bill, before the
Committee. J Aldrich, who has compiled 450 plus Recordings of Committee Hearings complains of the Bills inadequate definition
of a Reporter. Having dealt personally with 7 years of Press Abuse in the Statehouse personally, J Aldrich defines the definition
of Pr...
Catch of the Day, Video News, FreelanceReporting, taping Gardner Auditorium the Jt Committee on Ways and Means
Budget Vetting Public Hearing. This tape will run one hour and is uploaded in 17 minute intervals. In this tape we hear from
State Auditor Joseph De Nucci and Staff and Treas Tim Cahill, will give testimony. The footage was taped on a Sony DVD Camcorder
in lp mode. The full DVD version is available by emailing
Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Recording, taping Gardner Auditorium the Jt committee on Ways and Means
Budget Vetting Public Hearing. This will last approximately 17 minutes and was recorded on a Sony DVD Camcorder in lp mode.
We are listening to Treasurer Tim Cahill give testimony to the Committee.
Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting Gardner Auditorium the Jt Committee on Ways and Means Budget
Vetting Public Hearing. This was recorded on a Sony DVD Camcorder in lp mode. We are listening to Treasurer Cahill giving
testimony approximately 17 minutes.
Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting at Gardner Auditorium the Jt Committee on Ways and Means Leglisative
Public Hearing on Budget Vetting. This tape is approximately 5 minutes and is the last of the first hour SonyDVD Camcorder
tape and will hear Treasurer Cahill answering questions to the Committee. the total hearing lasted 2.5hours. This website
only will upload in 16 minute intervals so there are approximately 10 different uploads to complete this Hearing. You may
order a full...
Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting Gardner Auditorium tape 2 1hour length of 2.5hour hearing.. Taped
on Sony DVD Camcorder in lp mode. This tape we hear Tresurer Cahill give testimony in Public Hearing on Budget Vetting.. His
testimony approx 8 minutes and Secretary Galvin is another 10 minutes of 25 total testimony by Galvin.
Catch of the Day, Video News, FreelanceReporting Gardner Auditorium taping Jt Committee on Ways and Means Public
Hearing on Budget Vetting. Taped on Sony DVD Camcorder lp mode this tape is 16 minutes and we will hear from Secretary Galvin
Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting Gardner Auditorium, February 16 2010 on Sony DVD Camcorder 5
minutes of Secretary Galvin giving testimony on the Budget Vetting
Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting on Tuesday in Gardner Auditorium captures the Jt Committee on
Ways and Means Budget Vetting Public Hearing. In this tape of 17 minutes recorded on Sony DVD Camcorder in lp mode we hear
Secretary Galvin give testimony followed by approx 8 minutes of Attorney General Martha Coakley. On the next tape I restarted
her testimony so that it would not be broken up too much.
Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting Gardner Auditorium 10AM on Tuesday February 16 2010 captures
the Jt Committee on Ways and Means Public Hearing on Budget Vetting 1 of 8 Public Hearings. On this tape we will listen to
16 minutes of testimony from Atty General Martha Coakley . The next tape will be her question and answer time to her testimony
before the Commttee. Some footage is lost in separating the tapes or duplicated. You can order a full copy by emailing
Catch of the Day, VideoNews, Freelance Reporting Gardner Auditorium captures the Jt Committee on Ways and Means
1 of 8 Budget Vetting Hearings. This tape will be less than 5 minutes and winds up the testimony by the Inspector General
Sullivan. This was taped on a Sony DVD Camcorder in lp mode..
Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting Gardner Auditorium February 16 2010 Tape of Atty General Martha
Coakley continues and is followed by Inspector General Sullivan. 1 of 8 Budget Veted Public Hearings. This tape lasts 16 minutes
and was recorded on a Sony DVD Camcorder in lp mode
Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting Gardner Auditorium 2011 Budget Hearing by the Jt Committee on
Ways and Means hears testimony from Constitutional Officers 1 of 8 Budget Vetting Hearings. Attorney General Coakley is seen
here taking questions from the Committee Members after testimony. This Tape is 16 minutes ..The Atty General is followed by
Inspector General Gregory Sullivan. This tape was recorded on a Sony DVD Camcorder in lp mode.
Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting captures the Committee on Ways and Means Public Hearing on Lawrence
Budget Crisis.on February 9 2010. Great shot of Senator Susan Tucker here in complete contemplative mood over her district's
problems. The scan will also capture the full deck of Media covering this tension packed hearing. Many other events took place
the same day and Catch of the Day, got three of them. Very active Beacon Hill Day. A JVC capture of this 2.5 hour event will
Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting setting up the JVC in Gardner Auditorium on February 9 2009 decides
to capture the full Committee with the Exception of Senator Harriet Chandler. A second clip will be up soon to capture the
full deck of Reporters on the scene. The Committee was to hear the testimony from Lawrence which is about to belly up in debt.
The House Broadcast team was also on duty one camera on the floor and several from remote locations for this one and the video
Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting, captures opponents to Gambling United to Stop Slots Press Conference
Briefing in Rm B2 Boston Statehouse. The footage is captured on a Sony DVD Camcorder. Technical difficultes occured and the
video component will stall. The audio is fine. This could be due to the Comcast mpbs upload speed they divy out to customers.
This has not happened before today. A DVD copy can be ordered by emailing, The Coalition to Preserve the
Catch of the day, Video News, Freelance 'Reporting captures United to Stop Slots Press Conference in B2 on Tuesday
February 9 2010. This Press Conference is separated into several clips as some technical difficulties kept interfering with
the video capture. The audio is fine. The footage was captured on a SonyDVD Camcorder. The project Coaltion to Preserve the
Public Record is a volunteer project and is funded by donations and advertisements on this site. In this video a testimony
of a gambler...
Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting captures opponents to Gambling United to Stop Slots in Massachusetts.
The Casino Math Workbook Handout is explained in this video. Technical Difficulties are due to upload mpbs speed that Comcast
provides and the video component is being affected today. Appologies to the audience for this interference. Funding is voluntary
in this project. Please support S1458 a bill that will require the Legislature to come back under the Open Meeting Law they...
Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting captures the opponents of Gambling Press Conference in B2. United
to Stop Slots gave a presentation and in this video take questions from the Press. The footage is complicated by some technical
difficulties but the audio will be intact. To obtain a DVD copy of this event please email This footage
was recorded on a Sony DVD Camcorder. The event will be in several parts due to the mpbs speed Comcast provides in Massachusetts
Catch of the Day Video News Freelance Reporting on February 9 2010 in Rm 437 captures the Policy update by the
Massachusetts Partnership for Responsible Gambling. This event will be in 3 parts and will run approximately 19 minutes. The
event was captured on a Sony DVD Camcorder which was set to a short speed and did not capture the entire envent. Apologies
for this as this was a mistake. The footage also had some technical problems uploading and the video portion became still.
The audio runs f...
Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting on Tuesday February 9 2010 the Partnership For Responsible Gambling
Policy Update tot he Legislature in Rm 437. This was recorded on a Sony DVD Camcorder and this is the 2nd of 3 parts. The
upload process has been a problem but my footage is intact for only 19 minutes of this hour long event. I apologize but did
not realized the Camcorder was not set properly to last one hour. Please advocate with Comflm Registry News to have a Public
Affairs N...
Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting on Tuesday February 9 2010 in Rm 437 Statehouse Boston, the Massachusetts
Partnership For Responsible Gambling Presentation on Policy to the Legislature. I was only able to capture 19 minutes of this
event as my Sony dvd camcorder somehow slipped into high quality and this shut off to my demise. Sorry as I try to capture
a full event and not my intent. A second problem occured in uploading this and it is due to my Comcast package. It just kept
Catch of the Day, Video News Freelance Reporting on February 2 2010 in A1 1-3PM on the Jt Committee on Federal
Stimulus Oversight Public Hearing. Committee Chairmen Senator Pacheco and Representative Linsky continue to hear testimony
from Administration and Finance Secretary Jay Gonzalez. This tape will be approximately 17 minutes and was recorded on a Sony
DVD Camcorder. Catch of the Day, Reporting on Tuesday February 2 2010 A1 1-3PM on the Jt Committee on Federal Stimulus Oversight
Public He...
Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting on the Jt Committee on Federal Stimulus Oversight Public Hearing
on Jobs. On this tape we continue to hear testimony from Administration and Finance Secretary Jay Gonzalez in A1 1-3PM This
tape was captured on a Sony DVD Camcorder and lasts 17 minutes
Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting on the Jt Committee on Federal Stimulus Oversight Public Hearing
A1 1-3PM Statehouse on Jobs. Committee Chairs Representative Linsky, and Senator Pacheco hear testimony on this tape from
Administration and Finance Secretary Jay Gonzalez. This footage was captured on a Sony DVD Camcorder by JAldrich videographer
who does documentary footage and does not edit. Some testimony may be lost in the separation process uploading. A full copy
may be orde...
Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting on the Jt Committee on Federal Stimulus Oversight Hearing on
February 2 2010. This is the end testimony tape of Administration and Finance Secretary Jay Gonzalez and the initiating testimony
of Director of Infrastructure Investment Jeffrey Simon to the Committee. House Chairman Representative Linsky and Senate Chairman
Pacheco RM A1 1PM-3PM On this tape the sound runs fine but while uploading the picture stalls for about 6 minutes. This does
February 2 2010 Tuesday A1 1PM the Jt Committee on Federal Stimulus Oversight Committee held a public hearing on
jobs. In this tape 1 of 3 second half of hearing you will hear from the Director of Infrastructure Investment, Jeffrey Simon
and the tape is approx 15 min long. This was taped on a Sony DVD Camcorder. Catch of the Day, Video News Freelance Reporting
videotaped this public hearing.
February 2 2010 Tuesday at 1PM the Jt Committee on Federal Stimulus Oversight held a public hearing on jobs. This
is tape 2 of 3 and is testimony from Director of Infrastructure and Investment Jeffrey Simon. This tape is approx 5 minutes
long Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting videotaped this hearing
Tuesday February 2 2010 the Jt Committee on Federal Stimulus Oversight held a Public Hearing on Jobs Chaired by
Rep Linsky and Senator Pacheco to hear testimony from Administration and Finance Secretary Jay Gonzalez and Director of Infrastructure
Jeffrey Simon. This is 3 of 3 Jeffrey Simon tapes the second half of the hearing. This footage was captured by Catch of the
Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting copies can be obtained by emailing
Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting, captures the Docket Windows of the House and Senate Clerk. These
windows should be equal. Please support S1458 Open Meeting Legislation and Press There is a missing Public Hearing on Thursday.
The Public Health Executive Hearing tomorrow will have these bills on the adgenda. Some bills may be off the list some may
come on.. this is the stats so far 2 2 10 Bills : HI028, 1116, 1148, 2034, 2038 2041, 2044, 2054, 2064, 2070, 2078, 2079,
2087, 208...
Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting, Statehouse House Speaker Deleo and Homeland Security Public
Safety Committee House Chairman Representative Costello of Newburyport comment on the 20 Year Natural Gas Shipping Contract
with Yemen to dock in Charlestown, Massachusetts, The Press Conference 330 PM today Tuesday, February 2 2010. Please note
the end of this video states February 1 2010 that is not correct it is a technical error. JAldrich Videographer.
Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting Statehouse 330PM catches Press Conference with US Coast Guard,
Speaker Deleo and Rep Costello Homeland Security Chairman, outside the House Chamber Beacon Hill. The entire footage is about
24 minutes long in two parts.
Catch of the Day, Video News Freelance Reporting catches some footage of the Brown Thank You Party and finds a
Candidate running in November.. check this out!
Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting last group of citizens who wanted to get a photo with Scott Brown..
Guess who will vote for Scott in November.. He's the guy of the day.. best photo op..
Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting, interviews Rabid Republican Blog Writer and Michael Halberg
gets asked a question! The Crowd at Linzi's Catering Thank You Party for Brown was an opportunity to meet some activists that
hailed Scott Brown.
Catch of theDay, Video News, Freelance Reporting at Linzi's Catering Thank you Party for Scott Brown gets interview
while recording the event with Chelmsford Town Official on the Seating of Scott Brown.. watch how engaging this commentary
becomes as an Attorney gets involved and another citizen.
Catch of the Day, Video News, FreelanceReporting J Aldrich captures the Brown Campaign Trail Celebration Thank
You party sponsored by LInzi's Catering of Dracut. This 5 minute of 60 minute flick will show the packed room and notice the
potential Media in the room with all the small cameras being held up. I love it. Media is smack in front of Scott and would
not step back to the platform Catch of the Day was on. I do not like to tape the close up version for the news bite. I like
to tape the do...
Catch of the Day, Video News Freelance Reporting checks on the Clerks window. January 28 2010 there were two notices
on Judiciary on the Clerks window. I asked if they could give me a copy as there were two. I was told it was online but then
the Clerk said one had been brought up today. Well that was not in 48 hour notice was it. And later found the House had added
1 bill. This is why some people go nuts that they sneak in a bill. But what I am saying is fix the public record law and this
Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting on Thursday January 28 2010 captured the Jt Committee on Judiciary
Public Hearing A1 1PM . During the Public Hearing this Father and Daughter testified on a Personal Injury Suit that has cost
the family $9 Million Dollars that has totally eaten up the settlement. The Justice granted 40% of 9 mil to the Attys plus
more. Please listen to this horror story. The Committee was moved by this testimony. The Father an Atty will undergo a 9 hour
Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting captures Senator Scott Brown signing autographs for supporters
after the Worcester Mechanics Hall Rally which by the way was filled to the rafters plus the street plus the overflow of 1000
Catch of the Day, Video News Freelance Reporting captures Earl Sholley Republican, of Wellesley speaking to the
ProLife March for Life on Washington on the 37th Aniversary of Roe vs Wade . Earl Sholley is running against Congressman Barney
Frank Democrat of Newton Massachusetts.
Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting on the 37thAniversary of Roe vs Wade Washington DC Capital March
for Life. This footage will continue the discussion on lobbying to the Citizens for Life. There are two more videos on this
discussion. You are listening to Earl Sholley of Massachusetts running for Congress against Barney Frank and the Catholic
University Law School Attorney/ Professor talking about the Buffer Zone Case. The dates at the end of the video are not correct.
Please d...
Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting finds the Senate Reading Room of the US Senate Building 3rd Floor.
A discussion is going on for the MARCH FOR LIFE Citizens who will lobby their Congressman and Senators. This video is very
rough. However, the sound is excellent and this was done on a sony dvd camcorder which cannot be altered. Please excuse this.
If I had staff to help then maybe we could do some serious editing. This footage lasts about 4 minutes. There are 3 more videos
on t...
Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting, JAldrich, captures portions of two services at the Bascilica.
The first is the Blessed Sacrament Adoration Chapel where 24 hour prayers will be offered up and the Mass for the Unborn in
the main Church. Neither are full service but will show the highlights. The Mass will be said by His Excellency Most Reverend
Timothy P. Broglio, Archbishop of Military Services, USA and four additional ConCelebrants and two Deacons. A Day of Penance
and Prayer...
Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting, Friday January 22 2010 arrives while still dark at the Basicilica
of the Immaculate Conception with a bus trip on Colonial Tours, organized by St Pauls of Harvard Square Cambridge. The trip
left Cambridge at 8pm and traveled all night then returned again at 6pm the same day. Absolutely, comfortable bus as busses
go and the driver was a great driver! This is a very awesome video of the Bascilica which had opened its doors to Pilgrims
and allowe...
Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting crowds passing the US Senate Building Washington DC on January
22 2010 the 37th Aniversay of Roe vs Wade. Picture the density of this photo and you will understand the density of this crowd
which extended from the Monument to the Supreme Court where the Walk for Life ended.
Catch of the Day, Video News Freelance Reporting in Washington DC asked Jill to pose at Scott Browns office for
fun. Senator Scott Brown will be seated this week but until that time the office remains in Sen Kirk's name. Yes he will have
that office according to Staff asked that day in DC while in DC covering the March for Life on the 37th Aniversary of Roe
vs Wade.
Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting continues to capture the march heading to the Capital. The march
will end at the Supreme Court and J Aldrich is on foot taping so forgive the movement as it was important to keep going not
to miss the event at the Senate Building area.
Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting, JAldrich continues to record the March on Washington for the
Aniversary of Roe vs Wade Supreme Court Decision 37 years ago. At this point J Aldrich attempts to turn back realizing the
walk was being assembled and marching toward the Capital on a parrellel street. It was not until the end at the Capital looking
back toward the Monument that JAldrich realized the diversion of the crowd must have been a direct assault on the liberty
to assemble a...
Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting Breaking News! JAldrich, attending the March for Life captures
the assembling groups waiting to form the huge wall of people against Abortion after 37 years of Roe vs Wade in the US. This
area is near the Rally and Speakers however, the fenced area protecting the lawns which were subject to intense trampling
in the mudd made it difficult to gain access to areas and to move the crowds with any precision. Mounted officers were used
to open blocke...
Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting, JAldrich, visits Washington DC on the 37th Aniversary of Roe
vs Wade. Walking from the Senate Building to the Monument Rally area an endless assembly of marchers were videotaped. Groups
chose colored hats and scarfs to distinguish themselves. Aldrich thought at some point the walkers would stop but it did not
and returning to the Senate Building area later will show why.
Aniversary Roe vs Wade March on Washington took place today. Catch of the Day was able to capture the event. This
is the Senate Building Senate Briefing Room where Right to Life Activists from around the Nation have a briefing on the status
of the Health Care Bill and prepare to Lobby their Senators and Representatives. The event is approximately 16 minutes long
No other Press was on site for this event. Not even C Span
Catch of the Day Video News Freelance Reporting .. this is the first of 3 opening comments by Speakers. The room
was electric and the same charge has persued us like a mighty wind and the Massachusetts Miracle. Today in Hamilton even in
the snow the voting turnout is steady. The event filled the Hall, poured into the streets and into the overflow room of 1000
people. Wherever people know of a rally hundreds show up . Catch the Fire.. well see how this turns out.
Catch of the Day, VideoNewsFreelanceReporting, JVC camera decides to put the date on this video.. sorry.. technical
problem Would you believe I hate technology! This is why. I had the best view.. my camera appeared to be rolling and then
this. So please excuse the blunder. the footage is amazing. The footage will be up in 16 min segments.. Approximately, 2 hours
in full.
Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting captures some footage of the Atty General Coakley's Newburyport
Visit and the Republican Rally on the Salisbury Bridge..
Catch of the Day, Video News Freelance Reporting captures some of the 2 hours of showing up for the Atty General
Coakley at the Salisbury Bridge, Approximately, 150 people showed up and would not leave. They were at both exits of the Restaurant
. Two cameras were used and only one has been uploaded at this point. Sony dvd camera
Catch of the Day, Video News Freelance Reporting taping the Rally for Senator Scott Brown for US Senate. Outside
of Mechanics Hall the people had already gathered to greet Scott Brown. A second overflow area was arranged and 1000 people
gathered there not being able to get in. The signs are unique and the fervor was unbelievable. No one is happy with this Administration.
I do not think the Government is ready for this at all.
Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting on Sunday afternoon videotaped the full inside of Mechanics Hall
where the 4 videos show the crowd to the rafters building with an overflow of 1000 somewhere else. If you cannot hear the
rumble revolution in the sound that was ongoing for a good 45 minutes inside you must be tone deaf. All the media were lined
across the back but the sign holders center were asked not to hold the signs for the speakers which they did. The speeches
are on anothe...
Amesbury Republicans held signs Brown for Senate. Caught on tape by Catch of the Day Video News, Freelance Reporting
. Sign holders were out from 10AM to noon on Saturday.
Catch of the Day, Video News, FreeLance Reporting, catches some more heckling of the lone star Brown Supporter
with the 4x8 sign made in America.. being heckled by the Royal Carpenter Union standing guard for Atty General Coakley.. this
one is priceless in case anyone wants to purchase this. all rights protected by copyright to Catch of the Day, Video News
Freelance Reporting
Catch of the Day, Video News, FreeLance Reporting tape 2 continues outside to cover the Atty General Martha Coakley
Campaign Trail to Lowell 43 Palmer St. Listen as the Union Guys build momentum heckling the lone Brown for Senate 4x8 sign
for Brown .. Two and at times 3 cruisers were available on scene for any problems and to keep traffic in check.
Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting on Saturday the 16th of January 2010 made it to Lowell videotaping
the Coakley Campaign Trail. It was a cobblestone street and huge signs for Coakley for Senate addorned the corner Restaurant.
As only one sign for Brown was seen in this remote spot J Aldrich decided to take some of the Speech in. However, the small
Room was standing room only and the space was about 36 inches square where she would have to tape from. Using the monopod
Aldrich r...
Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting goes to the Statehouse and checks on the docket schedules. The
Senate Window and the House Clerk windows are the first place to look. The second year of a two year log usually the bills
have had hearings already. However, some Committees will still see a few more Public Hearings. Then the next thing is the
Executive Session list. The Docket Room 428 closed down in December of 2009 so we now will have to go to the Committees and
these offices to...
CEREMONY TO IRAQ AND AFGANISTAN SUNDAY 10AM. This video is broken into 4 16 minute segments. In this opening segment National
Guard Major John Prior after the National Anthem sung by Ms. Kennedy, and the prayer Invocation by Chaplain Candidate 1st
Lt Michelle Durkee of Leominster, Major Prior introduces Gov Deval Patrick, and Senator Paul Kirk. Catch of the Day, Video
News, Freelanc...
TD BANK NORTH North Station MASSACHUSETTS NATIONAL GUARD 101ST FA, 164TH TB, AND RCAG 16 minute tape Mar John Prior,
MNG, Introduces Senator Paul G Kirk TD Bank North offers to hold th eCeremony which is the best ever and 3/4 of the Garden
is filled with Family and Friends cheering the Troops about to go to Iraq and Afganistan some a third and fourth time. Fianally
the Gov et al gets it right. We will stand with you and your families is the mantra of this event. Thank God. Thefull event
lasts ...
DESCRIBED IN THE FIRST VIDEO. The event started at 10AM and lasted about 1 hour. The video is broken into 4 16 minute sections.
TD Bank North Garden provided the space free for the best ever send off of our Massachusetts National Guard . Please
refer to the first description provided for the details of the video.
best ever send off for our Massachusetts Troops this Reporter has seen. From th e Prayer convocation to the words of each
speaker the hearts and minds were in complete harmony on this wintry day in January. The whole area covered in snow up to
1 foot in places did ...
December 14 2009 Legislators gathered to celebrate Chanukah by lighting a huge Menorah in Nurses Hall. This footage
is done on a JVC Camcorder . This has been done as a Documentary Archive Tape of our Statehouse by the Coalition to Preserve
the Public Record. J Aldrich has been documenting our Statehouse for the past 6 years. Over 450 Public Hearings Events and
Press Conferences have been archived by Catch of the Day Video News and Comflm Registry.
A 14 min tape of the December 14 2009 Menorah Lighting Service with all the Dignataries included adding remarks
on Religious Freedom and its inclusion in Politics and American History.
10 min tape 3 of 4 Catch of the Day Video News Freelance Reporting Tuesday December 14 2009 tapes for the third
consequtive year the Menorah Lighting for Chanukah.
This production of the Menorah Lighting Ceremony will be done on a JVC Camcorder. The program is somehow loading
longer and the coloring of the same event is remarkable. Please understand that the Events at the Statehouse are never recorded
for an archive purpose. Catch of the Day Video News Freelance Reporting is a Documentary Videographer JAldrich. The purpose
of this video is to show the public what is happening on Beacon Hill on any given day. Celebrating our Religious Holidays
is a part o...
Tape 1 of 4 this tape will last 6 minutes and will be the Schector School Choir from Sharon Massachusetts. The
event started approximately 430pm and the kids were practicing and entertaining the crowd a good hour. They were awesome.
This event has been happening for 20 years and Catch of the Day has taped 3 years. This was taped on a Sony DVD Camcorder.
There is another version on a JVC that will be uploaded. That will be special closeups . stay tuned. If you would like to
use this footage you...
This tapewill last 39 minutes the last half of the event. This was recorded on a Sony DVD Camcorder. Catch of the
Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting does documentary footage at the Statehouse. A C Span production and the footage is unedited.
This will be the longest portion of the event. The first couple tapes have been shortened as to capture singing while waiting
for the event to start. Catch of the Day has captured two other years of this event however, this is the first year to be
Tape 1 of 4 17 minute increments The Jt Committee on Labor and Workforce Development holds a Public Hearing . To
find the bills for this public hearing go to this link: Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance
Reporting does Documentary footage and does not edit. When transferring to the internet some testimony is lost during segments.
To order a full copy please email Until the Legislature is BACK UNDER the open meeting law S1458 all footage
Tape 2 of 4 17 min increments Jt Committee on Labor and Workforce Development
link to see the bills presented in this Public Hearing
Tape 4 of 4 17 min segments this tape about 10 minutes long to find the bills
for this Public Hearing.. Any proceeds from ads go to support the Coaltion to Preserve the Public Record
THIS IS MY BEST EVER.. I follow the Media coverage in Massachusetts. Look for my media tracking and you will see
the tripods if they are there. This is my best for students in Journalism courses.. I was so excted this shot was captured.
However, this shot is totally copyrighted. Use it with great worry if you do not give me credit as COMFLM REGISTRY President
Tape 1 of 8 the Jt Committee on Financial Services hears bills found on this site
and the Hearing will go for 2 hours. You can order a full copy of this Hearing by emailing, Catch of the
Day, Video News, does Documentary footage and does not edit but due to the uploading in segments some footage is lost. You
can fix this byordering a full copy. The meeting start is a little off . I was coming in as it started. Afterthoughts: This
public hearing...
Tape 2 of 8 17 minute intervals the Massachusetts Jt Committee on Financial Services
for the list of bills being heard on December 2 2009
Tape 3 of 8 17 min intervals the Jt Committee on Financial Services to find the
bills being heard in Committee on this day
Tape 5 of 8 17 min intervals the Jt Committee on Financial Services for the list
of bills being heard on this day Dec 2 2009
Tape 8 of 8, loading in 17 minute segements, 2hours, Jt Public Hearing, The link
has the bills heard on this day in At this point the Legislature is not retaining the bills in the online
site. They can be removed. Comflm, has saved them for you to access. Catch of the Day, Video News Freelance Reporting, does
documentary footage. J Aldrich does write oppinions. However, the footage is intact to the best possible within the program
to upload,. So...
On this video I am not sure if the footage will post without many stops. I hope you can appreciate the footage
and I will post again if I can fix the technology problem. Catch of the Day Video News Freelance Reporting
Catch of the Day, Video News Freelance Reporting covers Sen.Scott Brown win at the Marriot Hotel Newton, Massachusetts.
This footage is a little rough as something is going on with my technology. It seems that things can happen that I cannot
fathom no matter how I try. So enjoy the footage. It was a very sweet event, and the crowd loved him. I think we are in for
a good race in the coming year. I always do a documentary view and do not do interviews. I was watching the media and how
they cover...
In this video you will see the Police arrive and question the group Join the Impact . This will last only 2 minutes.
After this they returned to the Boston Common but Catch of the Day ended coverage.
At this point on the 16 minute tape the group moves to the Cemetary directly aside the Park Street Church. They
can see the group assembled inside the Church and proceed to chant loudly using the blow horn until that is not bad enough
they put it on the window itself. The shock of this event caught me off guard and I was not aiming the camera correctly but
the sound is what is important. Stay with it and it gets very interesting. Catch of the Day Video News Freelance Reporting
does Documentary...
During the Summer Join the Impact a group started on Facebook able to round up 3000 people in 4 days discovered
Park Street Church was holding a Seminar for Clergy on how to minister to Homosexuals and Lesbians. Exodus International .
Catch of the Day Video News does not edit and so this footage is what it is including a spot on my lens .. Sorry about that.
taped on 8MM Sony this came out well in spite of. The footage is broken up in 16 minute segments. Please watch for the compelling
16 min and 5 min tapes are a great testimony to the power of 1. A single man traveled 17 years ago to Arlington
Cemetary to place wreaths on the graves of fallen soldiers. Today a Nation Wide event will follow this one next weekend to
bring solidarity to the compassion for our fallen soldiers and awareness. This public ceremony is an awesome example of why
we love our Soldiers. Catch of the Day Video News does documentary footage and you are free to use this video for your pleasure
with credit...
In this video you will see the coffee spread the Town of Hamilton prepared for the event participants. From this
site they will travel to Bedford AFB . This video will be approximately 5 minutes. Catch of the Day , Video News, Freelance
Reporting does documentary footage and does not edit. Please feel free to use this footage and give credit . Comflm Registry
loves our Troops and is happy to contribute this footage to the cause. Wreaths Across America
At apporximately 529pm a male in his 40's was waiting for the 545pm train to Boston. He had just spoken to a Cab
Driver and turned to cross the first set of tracks to board the train when the Train suddenly without notice was on the first
set of tracks as he crossed. This was reported to Catch of the Day, Video News on the Newburyport Train by the only witness
to the accident after Police had him give a report and he was boarding at theRowleyStation. This gentleman refused to state
his name an...
Judges legalize over 200 Adoptions on National Adoption Day on November 20 2009 in Cambridge Juvenile Court designated
Lead Court. Gov Patrick guest speaker , tale end here, Juvenile Court Chief Justice Michael J Edgerton, Probate and Family
Court Chief Paula M Carey, Middlesex Juvenile Court First Justice Jay Blitzman, Dept Children Fam Commissioner Angelo McClain,
Secretary Health and Human Services Dr Judy Ann Bixby, Eliot Tatelman CEO Jordans Furniture, and the Sheppard Family plus
This tape starts off with Human Service Secretary Dr Judy Ann Bixby , and will last around 14 minutes. There are
three tapes to cover the full event and a few extras of special parts I wanted to allow you to watch alone. then to CEO Jordans
Furniture, Eliot Tatelman, and the Shepard Family last.
lETS DO THIS AGAIN.. THE MUSIC IS AWESOME! Catch of the Day Video News Freelance Reoporting does documentary footage
of Public Hearings, Press Conferences and Special Events like this one! 978 388 2457
This is the third tape of around 15 minutes. My computer is acting up. You will see around 7 minutes at the end
that is priceless of the music portion where aa adoptee 15 year old will shock you by the voice she commands. This section
is started off with Jordans Furniture CEO Eliot Tatelman giving remarks on the Jordan Furniture contribution to this effort
and a challenge to invite two people to adopt in the next year.
Catch of the Day, gathers a few more words on the experience these folks had giving testimony at theLegislative
public hearing on Children and Familes in A1. Interesting Fr Harrinton's Mom showed up to hear her son. Is that sweet or what!
Sally Naumann adds a comment as well.
Brian Camenker, Mass Resistance Director, Sally Naumann of Carlisle, Fr Jack Harrington, Fall River testfied to
support a bill on parenting involvement. H145 an act protecting children and parents This testimony is graffic as not all
the the publicor parents are aware the material is being taught to their children Camenker states. Sally Naumann tells of
the fact she was the one that found the famous Black Book being used in schools. Fr. Harrinton stressed the fact Virtue is
the educational mod...
Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting scans in some information boards brought by one group of the
Testifiers. The JVC 2 hour video will be posted in 17 minute increments. This information will support the testimony to provide
Social Workers to kids aging out of Foster Care, Parole Board sites. This is a description of what they hope to implement
if the bill passes.
Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting visits the House Clerks office to see if they will distribute
a copy of the bills for the day. The Clerk states we do not do this, but JAldrich knows they are setting up a system in the
Computer so she asks.. oh, so I go to the Computer? At which point the blank stare looks up and she states are you letting
the public use the computer to get a copy? The Clerk then states to turn on the computer.. so going over the screen button
would not come o...
The J@ J Show continues to discuss the Constitttion and conflict of interest in Lawyers being Elected Officials
and continuing their Practice. Comments can be sent to
The J&J Show presents a third show on Current Events.. Health Care, FixBeacon Hill, and Constitutional Issues
. . Please contact, with any comments on the Show.
This is a second show on Health Care Plan just passed by a 2 vote margin. J&J discuss the impact the change
in health care will have on Medicare Medicaid Payments. To comment please email, and specify J or Jay for
questions. If this show appeals to you please let us know ..If you would like to be on this show you can and not leave your
The next 5 shows will be a first Production of the J&J SHOW sm . This is only 9 minutes in length and can be
added to an email. This will be on the Health Care Plan that just passed the House of Representatives by only a 2 vote margin.
Please stay tuned and email comflm at, with any comments for Jan or Jay.
Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting covered this Public Hearing.. the Chairman describes the bills
and invites testimony. This public hearing will go approximately 3 hours and will be posted in 17 minute increments. J Aldrich
feels this testimony is extremely important as ti addresses the hours Medical Professionals are required to work. Testimony
will attempt to address the pro and con of diminishing the hours Doctors can work to be safe.
Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting, J Aldrich, reports on the miracle of 125 troop soldiers coming
home alive from Iraq. And the opposition Family Support gave her to codify relationships during her sons deployment to Iraq.
Aldrich, tries to show how the entire family experienes ptsd when the Military takes over your life and your family.
Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting JAldrich, reports on the experience taping the Veterans Event
at the Statehouse on Wednesday. Please understand the pattern of harrassment that is being described as an Independant Videographer
documenting Public Events at our Statehouse
Now that the Docket Room is closed.. the public has the Senate and Clerk windows to find the public hearings coming
up. Please note that the Senate Clerk window does not match the House Window and the Education Committee list has been taken
down. I read the date and Committees outloud as the script is difficult to see.
Catch of the Day, Video News taped 25 minutes of this event. Comflm Registry salutes our Veterans and the enormous
sacrifice they give to protect this great land America. This will be in two episodes.
Kristi Devine of West Newbury testifies to the Jt Legislative Committee on Judiciary of the experience she had
with the Trial Court system starting over a Land Court case putting her in prison and incurring tens of thousands of dollars
in debt only to have all charges dismissed.
Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporter, JAldrich, ComflmRegistryNews, President, talks from her workspace
on the Open Meeting Law Constitutional crisis at the Statehouse which she claims through constant discovery and coverage of
Statehouse Committee Hearings has been the root problem of all arrogance at the statehouse. The Public simply do not understand
this and as she also did not believe it Aldrich wants to explain the need for the current CITIZEN PETITION INITIATIVE www.fixbeaco...
Hamilton Resident, J Aldrich, and Catch of the Day Reporter, testifies before Jt Legislative Committee on Labor
and Workforce Development on the bills before Committee that were relevant to her work history from 1980 to 2000. Aldrich
testifies that the AT WILL employment law in Massachusetts has had a detrimental effect on all employment and is a main culprit
in the Economic problems we now sustain. Even this very week the most important office in the Statehouse the Docket Room has
been locked...
Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting talks about the recent discharge of three employess whose job
was to inform the public of bills and help Lobbyists with copies of bills. This office was very important and the notice of
four hours was inappropriate for people who have worked there some maybe 30 years?? A great day for AT WILL employment law
in Massachusetts. And you tell me that your job is secure????? A little confused on the AT Will here Catch of the Day finally
gets it strai...
This episode of 16 minutes finishes the Public Hearing with public record testimony Please support S1458 and,
as we entertain suggestions to cover up public records such as access to birth records in these bills. If Catch of the Day
Video News was not providing a public record documentary (documents) video documents we would have no access to this information
and no record.
Catch of the Day covered this Public Hearing on Funeral issues and Birth Records . The testimony was about an hour
and is worth watching. Constitutional rights of public records remaining public since the 1600's are discussed by members
of the Geneology Associations in Massachusetts.
Senator Brian Joyce Canton leads Press Conference prior to Public Hearing on Children and Families and Persons
with Disabilities. In a two part Press Conference Catch of the Day Video News Freelance Reporting was the only Camera Press
there. The Public Hearing was covered by House Broadcast and will be shown soon on, Outside the entire
street was filled with advocates for the Disability holding a stand off to not cut funding.
In this event as I was walking past the Nurses Hall, I noticed a very interesting forum happening on the Drop out
condition of students. I looked around and saw there was no Press and decided to capture it. This is one of the reasons I
am at the Statehouse. So much is happening and who is recording it. Please support, and S1458.
Inside the Main Entrance Police were stationed and Greeters met people and checked their tickets. The film went
a little dark and then corrected itself.. I was just trying to see if I recognized people on the high roller ticket price
of $500 per head and up.. and inside later I was told they all stood for 2 hours. The President was late and maybe a good
thing as the guests would not have been able to get in easily. But I am glad I was outside as standing is just too hard for
me for 2 hours.. I...
This is the first film for the Day of President Obama's visit. Catch of the Day, decided to just cover the Copley
Square event and show the area closed down and how the Security System worked..
Catch of the Day, Video News, does documentary footage and so you will see a lot more of the happening outside
the Westin here than you will in a story form. I want you to think of yourself being at the event. I do not interact much
and find when I do it spoils it. I have a certain aspect I want to be perceived and my comments though fun disappoint me.
So enjoy the footage and pause it to see some of the rough shots . The moment to moment anxiety of when Obama was going to
drive by kind of too...
President Obama, was greeted at the Airport by Senate Pres Theresa Murray and Mayor Thomas Menino , gave a speech
at MIT but the crowds chanting got to see nothing of President Obama. Catch of the Day, arrived at the Westin Hotel around
1130AM and will give you her birds eye story of the scene at the Westin for about 3 hours. What happens to a city when it
has a President Visit is very surprising. Around town the buzz was the place will be crawling with FBI CIA and layer to layer
Cops. But Cat...
Senator Timilty Senate Chair and Rep Costello House Chair Preside over a 5 hour public hearing. Catch of the Day,
Video News, Freelance Reporting does documentary footage and does not edit. If any omissions occured it would have been while
changing tapes each hour. This was captured on a sony dvd camera in lp mode. This Hearing is one of the most compelling hearings
due to the Privacy /Camera surveilance testimony .. The bills are varied and important so stay tuned to the 17 minute upload
Resident discusses the reason why not to vote for the exclusion of wells to regulate.. states he feels this is
another Constitutional erosion of our freedom to our own land rights.
On the outside of the event was a set up of coffee and a Boy Scout Sale, but inside in the Kitchen was the surprise
of the day. Check out the display of food and listen to the explanation of a new thing in town..The Green.. love this food
and the whole idea.. Thank you for the wonderful pastries.. awesome! Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting from
the Winthrop School.
Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting attends the Hamilton Town Meeting. Of course the meeting waa
filmed by Local Cable Access but it was fun getting a few snapshots of the Town Government Process. As things progress Hamilton
will have a Town Manager and two more Selectmen. Very interesting but hot day as the doors were all kept shut to protect the
voter count although a few got in I was told.
In this video you will see the Senate Window outside the Senate Clerks office. This is where Committee Hearnings
are posted publicly. Do you see how dark this is? That is because the area is so dark my camera hardly gets it. Catch of the
Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting likes to document how the Public Hearings are posted , if in the time constraints of
public record law and advocates that our Statehouse be under the same law that Cities and Towns follow. However, this very
day I decided t...
The Jt Committee on the Judiciary in A2 heard testimony on Bills from1pm to 6pm. The House Broadcast Director is
seen here, Donald Coleman and a Intern recently hired for the project. Interns do not get paid but it is good that they have
more hands on deck. The House Broadcast video is stored on the House Broadcast website. and find the
Live Webcast link to view this. The video will be up by Wednesday I believe next week. What I am capturing here is a single
testimony by...
The Jt Committee on Transportation continues to hear testimony on bills pertaining to Traffic Light Cameras.
is the website to find the Committees, Bills, and Hearings coming up. Bills are not left up on the screen and are erased the
next day . So if you are seeing a list save to your cute pdf file for future reference. Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance
Reporting does Documentary Footage and does not edit. Occasionally the meeting start is off as this one was due t...
The Jt Committee on Transportation hears testimony on Bills pertaining to Cameras at Traffic Lights. The hearing
lasts 119 minutes and will be put up in 17 minute increments. Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting does Documentary
Footage and does not edit. The Hearing was already started when arrived so some testimony was lost at the beginning.
The full text of the Press Conference on the Economy filmed by Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting
. Did you notice the seconds of footage the networks gave to this event?
Mrs. Amy Mann Contrada, Investigative Journalist and writer testifies before Committee on her study and experience
with the Health Curriculum Frameworks content.
Jt Committee on Education hears testimony from Marie Sturgis, MCFL, Ed Neary, Teacher for years speak in favor
of opt in and age appropriate sex education as part of the health curriculum frameworks.
Jt Committee on Education hears more testimony for Parents Rights to opt in and to pursuade the Committee to curtail
sex ed to age appropriate time. On this tape Evelyn Riley MFI lobbyist, and a mother testify of the inappropriate curriculum
being introduced to young children
J Aldrich, testifies of her knowledge of a day care sex experiment in Vermont run by Welfare, U of Vermont and
Hospital in the 80's There is no age limit to the experiment with American Children. The adgenda is intended to immerge all
into the free for all sex play pen starting at the play pen. For thirty years Ms Aldrich has watched the birthing of this
sexual freedom train. Parents have no rights in Public Schools and now even the freedom to be free is being imposed on all.
Brian Camenker, MassResistance Director gives testimony before the Committee on Education on Parents Rights Bill
which he wrote and speaks on opting in as a corrective choice to the present opt out bill.
The Jt Committee on Education hears testimony from EdSaunders, of MassCatholicConference , Mother concerned for
content in Daughters 4th grade homework assignment, Teacher concerned over the lasting effects from her experience in education
with the Sex Ed Curriculum standard as it stands.
At this juncture the Jt committee on educaton will hear testimony on Parents Rights Bills. that will go on for
another 1.5 hours. The first to Testify on Parents Rights and Sex Education is Kris Mineau of Mass Family Institute
On Beacon Hill in Room A1 Education Committee heard Testimony on bills pertaining to Phys Ed, Health, and the Health
Curriculum Frameworks. On this tape we hear from the Legislators sponsoring the bills. The public hearing was 3.5 hours long.
The file will be uploaded in 17 minute increments. I have discovered how to use the Meta data and post the descriptions again.
I apologize for any inconvenience the past few weeks. Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting does documentary footage...
Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting taping the Jt Committee on Health Care Payment Reform Review
Public Hearing. At this point in the Hearing packed with too many people up the side walls and standing in the isles J aldrich
returned to find the JVC hard drive camera was off. Turning to see where the cord was and if it had been unplugged found a
stream of people including a reporter on the floor and the plug had been unplugged by a briefcase and a suited gentleman standing
Salem State College hosts Congressman Tierney in a Town Hall Forum where questions were ticketed and drawn in Lots
form from a fish bowl. Approximately 200 showed up. The crowds had what I would say 60 /40 opposed to the Health Care Plan
being discussed for various well stated reasons. Congressman Tierney was great with the crowds. Tons of Police were present.
There were no outlets in the building except the back wall. Police said the building is almost 300 years old and has no wiring
like Fan...
Catch of the Day, Video News, Captures Salem State College Town Hall Forum with Congressman Tierney , The event
was a late start and lasted longer than planned.
Catch of the Day, Video News, is having technological difficulties.. We have not been able to add any written descriptions
as the Blip TV program has changed and we were not savy enough to catch it. This hearing has only been posted half way. You
may obtain a full copy of the Hearing in 10 DVD pack for 50.00 by donating to the Coalition to Preserve the Public Record.
Please call 978 388 2457 for more information. If you order at hearing you will get a discount on pricing. The proceeds do
not c...
I was able to extract the full last testimony on the Hearing in one tape instead of splitting it up. Catch of the
Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting does documentary footage on Public Hearings, Press Conferences and Events at our Statehouse
and about town when asked.The full copy of the Public Hearing on Judiciary can be obtained by emailing A
small fee of 35.00 will be a donation to the Coalition to Preserve the Public Record. This is not a 501c3 but all funds are
non profi...
In this section of 2nd 17 minutes on the last dvd sony tape we continue to hear testimony by divorced public on
the excruciating experience they are still having with the dysfunctional marriage court system, There is one more 6 minute
tape which finishes off the last testimony. that will be 9B of 9
The Jt Committee on Judiciary heard testimony on Marriage Divorce Custody laws including Parents rights and Grandparents
rights complicated and sometimes made worse by the varied Court Justice Process. The Hearing ended at 10pm was interrupted
by many House Role Calls and in this tape we hear from Fathers who were even sent to prison for the financial burden of Alimony
advice given them by their Attorneys.This tape was videographed by Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting on a
On Tuesday on Beacon Hill September 15 2009 the First Islamic American Islamic Congress Proclamation was presented
from the Governor . The Ceremony is on two short tapes and was recorded on the JVC.
A few more Representatives who are supporting Open Meeting and the Petition Initiative Process . Catch of the Day
Video News Freelance Reporting has copyright to this footage but anyone may use this when giving proper credit.
On Tuesday September 15 2009 Representive Jennifer Callahan gives Stathouse News Reporter some reasons why she
thinks there is good support of the Initiatve Petition put out by, Catch of the Day Video News recorded
this video. Anyone may use this information as long as they give credit to Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting.
At 10 AM on September 15 2009 Chris Mc Keown of Westwood of FIXBEACHONHILL.COM held a Press event on the Statehouse
Steps to launch the Petition Initiative on Open Meeting Law changes to the Constitution. Here Chris will explain the process
and the 5 points of the bill.Catch of the Day Video News Freelance Reporting has copyright to this material and you may use
it if you give credit . Please join the drive to put our Legislature under the open meeting law. Email Chris at
Saturday September 12 2009 Tea Party Protest on the Waterfront, from 130pm to 3pm organized by Bill Hudak, Esq
running for Congressman against Tierney.Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting taped this event
Saturday Sept 12 2009 rain did not stop these Patriots from assembling and holding a Protest on the waterfront
in Gloucester.. This tape starts off with Rich Baker running for Governor in MassachusettsCatch of the Day, Video News Freelance
Reporting covered this event and holds copyright to the footage.
Approx 8 minutes of Testimony on the Waterfront at Gloucester by Citizens upset with the Obama Care Catch of the
Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting has copyright on this footage
Atty. Bill Hudak, Esq., running for Congress speaks on taxation and our conservative values. It is not a bad word
it is what founded our Country!9 minutes of the event covered here by Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting
In the worst downpour approximately 75 people gathered at Gloucester Waterfront to Protest along with other Tea
Party Groups around the Nation on September 12, 2009 the Obama Plans to change healthcare redistribution to equalize the wealth
otherwise communism and subvert Constitutional Government by the people of the people and for the people to the expense of
the Liberty we now enjoy.A rally organized in a few short weeks by Bill Hudak, Esq. Candidate for Congress astounded those
who came as ...
5 minutes reopens public hearing for a few more testimonies from Race Track officials. tape 7 of 7 Jt Committee
on Economic Development and Emerging Technologies Public Hearing
Tape 5 of 6 17 minutes of 1hour 35min of Jt Committee on Economic Development and Emerging Technologies in A1-2
hears Public Testimony. The first half of the Hearing was not taped. I started taping right at Public Comment time which is
after the testimony from Reps and Senators and other invited guests.
17 min of 1hour 35 min episode 4 the Jt Committee on Economic Development and Emerging Technologies continues to
hear testimony on dog racing in Massachusetts which was voted out by the voters.
9 10 09 17 min jvc tape 3 Jt Committee on Economic Development and Emerging Technologies continues to hear testimony
on Dog Racing which is going to be stopped unless they can convince the Committee to recommend a two year stay.
September 10 2009 The Joint Committee on Economic Development Emerging Technologies Statehouse A1-2 Boston, heard
testimony on Dog Racing. The referendum vote has terminated dog racing and the business wants a two year extension to help
the business terminate the employed less abruptly. Two Meeting rooms were opened up due to the expected crowds. Again this
is only the Public Content.Catch of the Day Video News tapes for Documentary purposes and this public hearing only taped one
half. Technic...
9 10 2009 A1-2 approximately 130pm The next 17 minutes of Public Comment in the Jt Legislative Committee on Economic
Development and Emerging Technologies on Dog Racing
The Jt Committee on Mental Health and Substance Abuse Committee hears testimony on Mental Health and treatment
17 MINUTE INCREMENTS. pLEASE ORDER A TAPE FOR A FULL RECORD. A complimentary copy of tapes recorded is given to both House
and Senate Chair . To donate to this project a check can be made out to the Coalition to Preserve the Public Record.
On my JVC Everio I was able to get a few compelling testimonies on the Health Care Bill and an Interview being
done by Fox News. I had asked Senator Brown if he would answer a few questions but he saidn after Fox so I waited but found
it was taking too long. Inside I caught another snippet of the Guards positioned like rockets around the perimiter of the
Auditorium. I never saw so many guards in one place. On the balcony you can see a tripod which I later saw on Fox news was
theirs. So the med...
Outside the Statehouse we met a group from Uxbridge Senator Moores district who were upset about S2028 and who
will be holding a rally this Saturday 9 12 09 on the town Green., Oh and can I get a commission on the ad
to sell Fox News?? to donate send check to the Coalition to Preserve the Public Record.Catch of the Day Video News holds copyright
to this news item..thanksPlease use do not abuse..copyright law.. 978 388 2457 for permission
Catch of the Day Video News Freelance Reporting stops by the Public hearing in Gardner Auditorium after finishing
up two other hearings.This video is our trailer on the public event. You will see that at 4pm the room was still pretty full
. Please note the tripod on the second floor balcony and a guard. Here you will see the full Committee in the hot seat over
the challenge to not look manipulative as Democrats and manipulate the law to do their pleasure. Of course the full public
hearing will...
TAPE 6 OF 6 Jt Committee on Education continues to hear testimony from the Secretary of Education last 7 minutes.
However the Hearing wil continue on Sony for 1 more hour of testimony.
1PM A 2 JT Committee on Education hears testimony from the Secretary of Education in MassachusettsI will be uploading
5 17 minute tapes and one 7 minute tape.92 minutes total This was done on the JVC Everio 30 g Hard Drive. The camera stopped
and I had to revert back to the Sony capture. The silouet coloring was due to poor lighting and wanting to get good audio.
There is another tape done on the Sony that will upload in a 1 hour first version and a second 1 hour of the end of the Hearing
at t...
Jt Committee on Health Care Finance hears testimony on the Pandemic FluCATCH OF THE DAY VIDEO NEWS FREELANCE REPORTING
only tape 2 of 3 Jt Committee on Health Care Finance hears testimony on Pandemic Flu. Due to the extensive interest
in these tapes I have decided to upload the full version. My DVD upload has compromised the full testimony and this will clarify
some of the 17 minute gaps. Blip however does not allow you to back roll the tape so if you need to do this you may want to
ofder the tape from Comflm at, All donations are to the Coalition to Preserve the Public Record.CATCH OF
17 MIN TAPE 2 the Jt Committee on Health Care Finance Public Hearing on Pandemic Flu will continue to hear testimony
TAPE 1 OF 7 15 MIN the Jt Committee on Health Care Finance hears testimony on Pandemic Flu This tape is being uploaded
from a dvd version and will be uploaded in 17 minute intervals. The first part of the tape is also on the second half of tape
two Barney Frank March 23 2009 . This tape will be hearing from Medical Preparedness Physicians on Disaster Emergency Preparedness.
17 MIN In this tape the Jt Committee on Health Care Financing will continue to hear testimony on patient rights
Jt Committee on Health Care Finance hears testimony on Pandemic Flu. 17 MIN of 1.5 hour tape. The footage will
be uploaded in 17 minute increments. This will help to locate important testimony. On this tape we hear from Drun companies.The
first 28 minutes are on the March 23 Tape by mistake. I will upload them last so that time is not lost today 9 2 09 the upload
date. You will find that information on blip file #2496362. Please leave any comments for the Blip Team on the comment section.
2 OF 4 17 minutes of 63 minutes Barney Frank gives a Press Conference on the Economy Bank CrisisCATCH OF THE DAY
1 OF 4 This Press Conference at Newton City Hall event lasts only 63 minutes..The tapes will be in 4 parts. Barney
explains the Bank Crisis . Earl Sholley who ran against Barney Frank tries to interject a complaint Barney will not debate
him. The blame game retort is over quick. Later in Wellesley a candidate dabate was held. CATCH OF THE DAY VIDEO NEWS FREELANCE
This tape is the final Governors statement on the outcome. This tape is about 15 minutes long.. it is a little
choppy as the crowd was thick and the view difficult but I got some great stuff here if you have the patience.CATCH OF THE
I decided to upload the next 17 minutes as the ending speaker was the AG Martha Coakley.. let's here whst she has
to say about REAL ID..I found the sound to be really poor and one must turn up the sound all the way. I will put up the full
This is the first 17 minutes of 1.5hours footage. I am uploading this as I want you to see the importance of this
Public Hearing and the equally important Marriage Vote going on the same day at the Statehouse in Boston. Having taped 4 years
of rally's etc I thought some time should be devoted to capturing this public hearing.The first person to testify is Senator
Moore. Senator Moore has an aversion to the mike. Even when he is Chair he will pull back and not use the mike. When we have
a syste...
TO THIS FOOTAGEposting august 31 2009
august 31 2009 using dvd plextor converterxquality may be affected by many things.. original great.News has it you can thank
Senator Kennedy for this win!
This footage was done on a Sony. There is more footage on the JVC Everio but this essentially is the whole event
on Sunday. The event lasted two hours. You can find more on Bill Hudak at,
William Hudak Esq. Topsfield, Ma. runs Townhall event to speak about the Health Care Reform Bill. Bill is running
for Congress against Congressmen Tierney. Mr. Tierney was invited to attend and discuss this issue. Approximately 150 people
attended in spite of weather and the Funeral Services of Senator Edward M. Kennedy the same day.There will be a second tape
on this event.Catch of the Day, covered this event along with quite a few Independant Reporters. Look for more on this topic.
13 OF 13 On this tape Catch of the Day testifies at end that the meetings should all be videotaped and posted online
for the public to see. They should be up on MassAccess the Governors TV site. Cable Access and then the public would have
a full range of community dialogue. In the morning the hearings were stopped until November.Please look for the other version
of this on Blip.. on my sony . That will not be broken up like this version. Always look for dates when hunting for a video
on this s...
The meeting ran around 3 hours in total from 4pm to 7pm. Many people came to testify and the Chairperson was a
little overwhelmed in my estimation. The next morning the Governor cancelled the public hearings scheduled until after November
2009. This camera will have 13 different short videos. The same footage is also done with a Sony and is a front view of the
panel which was two people and a back view of the public. This view shows the full Auditorium. This camera only uploads short
clips. Pl...
only 3.45 sec this tape ends with the big remark if I want to marry my giraffe.. my camera tape ended here..too
badCatch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting holds copyright to this footage . You must give credit to the author
to use this material.
Catch of the Day, Video News Freelance Reporting, holds copyright on this footage, you must credit author to use
this material.This footage has the questions from the audience to the panel
It seems the tapes will only upload 17 minutes so we will see what happens here.. we will continue to number until
we have uploaded 1.5 hoursCatchof the Day, Video News Freelance Reporting has copyrights to this footage.. you must give credit
to the author to use this material.
In Historic Old South Church Meeting House from 6pm to 8pm Gladd, Gay Lesbian Alliance Held a Forum called Sex
on the Margins. The Guests are introduced on screen. I will be uploading this in sections as for some reason there was a cut
in the upload. This section is the first 17 minutes.This Forum will outline the intended strategy to homogenize the culture
since the 70's. Stay tuned. Having trouble hearing? Try using a headphone. The echo is the old building. I did the best I
coud. At this ev...
Catch of the Day, Video News questions Christy Mihous, thinking he was ending he went on 7 more minutes. He was
very direct and a potential threat to the current Governor I would say. J Aldrich does not ask questions but this time the
opportunity among Conservatives was important as the question had not arisin from anyone . The question was addressed to the
group though aimed at Christy Mihous. Later, someone asked me his oppinion on Abortion. I did not think of that but someone
could have ask...
On Thursday evening, in West Newbury at the Mill Pond Reservation Recreation Area, Massachuestts, a wonderful picnic
occured. Town Selectman Tom Atwood and Glenn Kemper moderated a full slate of new Candidates and familiar Politians from the
North Shore.I will add the food catered by Glenn Kemper was outrageously awesome. Barbecued chicken cutlets, beef and potato
salad fruit salad and coleslaw salad plus drinks and deserts outdid any Republican ta da I have ever attended on the spur
of the mo...
Committee holds a hearing Monday morning in Boston on the lack of available credit for small and mid-size businesses in Massachusetts.
The committee is chaired by Congressman Barney Frank. Congressmen Michael Capuano and Stephen Lynch also plan to attend, according
to Frank’s office. The hearing will consist of two panels, with Frank’s stateside counterpart, Rep. Peter Koutoujian
Committee holds a hearing Monday morning in Boston on the lack of available credit for small and mid-size businesses in Massachusetts.
The committee is chaired by Congressman Barney Frank. Congressmen Michael Capuano and Stephen Lynch also plan to attend, according
to Frank’s office. The hearing will consist of two panels, with Frank’s stateside counterpart, Rep. Peter Koutoujian
On April 8 2009 the Joint Committee on Election heard testimony on Constitutional changes to the petition initiative
laws, and other serious matters. The Hearing lasted 1.5 hours. Catch of the Day, Video News, FreelanceReporting, tapes for
documentary purposes and advocates all public hearings are video recorded and archived for public viewing. As the Legislature
removed themselves from the Open Meeting Law this would need to be reversed to see our public hearings taped at the Legislative
Wellseley College Wellesley Massachusetts invites Barney Frank to debate the Financial Crisis.. thi s video is
poor in videography but excellent in sound so hang in there.. turn up the volume and take a rest.. you won't be sorry you
watched and listened..
Catch of the Day, Video News, freelance Reporting, has authorship to this footage. However, due to the problems
encountered while trying to upload this footage I have decided to put it on open usage. There will be more in the future and
this message is urgent to be utilized by media and the public. I apologize for the unedited version. The names are pretty
intact on interviews. So please feel free to use this footage. Catch of the Day, does documentary footage and likes to give
a full account ...
In front of the Congressman Tierney office today in Peabody Square and in front of the Court House.. Citizens gathered
to protest con and pro the proposed Obama Health Care Bill. Bill Hudak Esq., running against Tierney, perched himself on top
of his car and with a bull horn speaks to the issues surrounding Congressman Tierneys refusal to talk to his constituents.
In this video a pro obama bill male got in front of Atty Hudak and attempted to disrupt the event. He was not successful,
however, ...
On Monday Evening the MBTA had the first workshop public hearing on the transit fare hikes. Approximately, 200
people came to oppose the hikes. The meeting took place from 4 PM to 7 PM at Gardner Auditorium, Statehouse Boston Ma.
Gardner Auditorium wall clock states 5 10pm.. this tape is approx 1 hour 29 minutes.. and will be the public testimony
. You can purchase a full tape of the meeting by emailing, donations are to the Coalition to Preserve the
Public Record.
On Monday evening at 4PM in Gardner Auditorium, Boston Statehouse the MBTA held a Workshop/Public Hearing on the
proposed fare hikes on all public transit in Massachusetts.Only two Members of the Board actually showed up to discuss the
changes with the Public. Approximately 200 showed up to complain and state many others wanted to come but couldn't for various
reasons. They did plan to attend the other planned hearings about the state. Instead to the surprise of the public Gov Patrick
In B-2 at 130PM the Massachusetts Legislative Jt Committee on Stimulus Oversight met to hear testimony on Transportation
Infrastructure Spending. Here you will hear testimony from Transportation Secretary James Aloisi and Infrastructure Investment
Director Jeffrey Simon. The Hearing lasts roughly 1.5 hours but a few minutes are not on this tape. copies can be obtained
by emailing, or phoning 978 388 2457 Comflm Registry.Catch of the Day, videotaped this hearing and advocates
The Joint Committee on the Judiciary Public Hearing on CORI in Gardner Auditorium heard testimony from Legislators
who signed on to the bill overhauling Cori. For a list of th ebills heard go to tape 4. Please support S1458 a bill that would
bring Massachusetts Legislature under the Open Meeting Law. The Legislature exempted itself from the open meeting law statutes
way back. We now want the Legislature to come back under the Open Meeting Law. This would require all public hearings to be
The Jt Coommittee on the Judiciary Legislative Public Hearing took place on Monday July 27 2009 in Gardner Auditorium
starting around 130PM and ending around 645 PM. When changing camera tapes I do loose some testimony so I appologize if yours
got cut some. I am working on a new system camera that will go the full hearing but this is not worked out at the moment.
There is a lot to learn from the project. If you are interested in helping the Coalition to Preserve the Public Record pleeese
get i...
PUBLIC TESTIMONY on CORI Legislation in a packed Gardner Auditorium. To see the bills being heard please check
tape 4Catch of the Day is advocating all our Legislative Public Hearings be videotaped archvied and available on cable access.
Please call your Reps and Senators and let them know you support this.
In Gardner Auditorium on July 27, 2009 at 1PM the Publlic in the hundreds Gathered to tesify on Cori Legislation
for 6.5 hours they spoke on the following bills but mostly to reform cori.. very compelling case made to overhaul it. : COMMITTEE:
Joint Committee on Judiciary HEARING LOCATION: Gardner AuditoriumTIME: 1:00 p.m.LIST OF BILLS: Bill NumberSponsorTitleH625Viriato
Manuel deMacedoAn Act relative to mandatory sentences for those committing an assault on a law enforcement officer H1255Deme...
Datch of the Day, is pleased and excited about a newcomer to the political arena who is running for Congress in
Massachusetts on the Republican Ticket. Please feel free to share this video WWW.BILLHUDAKFORCONGRESS.COM,
This section of the public hearing was the public testimony. on H1728 and other bills, like animal rights, or marijuana,
or who knows what out of the 237 bills on the docket. You will see opposing testimony all throughout this video. Although
fair, it left you with an enormous headache that the argument was unpredictable. The only thing left is to assume the Committee
has the decision made up and will not even care a hoot if the testimony is reflective of the will of the people. Any comment
Senate Chair Cynthia Creem, get's testy with two public testifiers.. Senator Creem screams for her soft tones I
will shut down this hearing! I am changing tapes and decide to move to a direct shot.. removing the camera from the tripod.
and the Chair gets control of the situation and the hearing continues. Not without the clear message of intimidation to all.I
believe the Chair was astounded at the sentiment and numbers still hanging out for the great new Beacon Hill Bullies Boston
Massacre of ...
This is the last of the footage on the Sony Camera. There were a few testimonies that were not recorded. Atty Eilene
Isaacson was last and her testimony was not recorded here but it may be on the one last tape.I will comment that her testimony
was that the bathroom excuse was used each time to overt the action the GLBT want to see happen.This footage is copyright
This tape starts at 7 PM and at this point some people had to leave. A few citizens offered to comment to Catch
of the Day at this point referenced in a previous video. This tape lasts 1 hour 15 minutesIf you notice that a testimony is
missing please notify, as three cameras were rolling and at different points the footage could have been
compromised at tape change.Catch of the Day Video News has copyright on all works on this Blip TV site. If you use these videos
you are to r...
The Joint Committee on the Judiciary continues the public heering on July 14, 2009 This section will be the public
testimony by Professionals, Attorneys and others .. There is probably a total of 7 tapes in all. Putting up online is different
as the tapes split in multiple lengths . the longest tape will be 1hour and 32 minutes. This tape is 54 minutes. Some tapes
are only 1 hour some 1.5 hours. I was running two cameras to not loose testimony and so some testimony may actually go up
twice on ...
This part 2 starts off with Representatives and Senators continuing to testify on multiple billsbut will begin
the public testimony if you watch the clock on the wall around 230PM on H1728
This first tape is the privileged Representatives and Senators who are taken first in every Public Hearing. They
have submitted some of the bills that means they are the sponsors and come with people that zre directly responsible for the
intent of the bills.Representatives and Senators took up almost 2 hours of the first part of the Hearing. That meant that
the public who came in busses had to leave without being heard. this is really a crime and it could have been solved by starting
the heari...
Cynthia Creem, the new Senate Chair, replacing Senator Creedon who retired, explains the format for the Hearing and we will
be posting as much as possible of this hearing in segments. Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting, gives each
committee chair, house and senate, a pro bono dvd copy of the public hearing as a sample of what is needed to bring all Legislative
Fr. Harrington of a Braintree Catholic Church and Mrs. Sally Naumann, of Carlisle, give testimony against H1728
before the Judiciary Committee.Fr Harrington has a rather compelling argument that specifically shows the disparity of this
to the Constitution and Freedom of Religion. Catch of the Day Supports the Coalition to Preserve the Public Record. This entire
public hearing was recorded by Catch of the Day, Video News and a copy can be obtained by emailing
Brian Camenker and Pastor Scott Lively Esq, testify on Tuesday before the Jt Committee on the Judiciary on H1728
a radical Hate Crimes Bill that will revolutionize the arena for children families and churches all over the Commonwealth.
Later a Catholic Priest testifies to the same effect as part of this panel.
A wonderful courageous act of testimony and grace this post abortion woman gives credible testimony of her experience
as a young girl who was violated and given poor traumatic emotional lifelong baggage due to the lack of information she needed
at that critical time to make this lifelong decision that was the norm for clinics and assistance that the state is now still
advocating.July 14 2009 Gardner Auditorium, Boston Massachusetts
Mass Citizens for Life Director Marie Sturgis, speaks in favor of the womens right to know bill . some public health
bills and the list is horrendous that this Committee heard this day.. and the docket room does not post the bills longer than
the day of the hearing.. so call Mass Citizens for Life to find out what laws are going to affect you as a practicing Catholic
in this generation
Retired teacher who was forced to leave due to a bus scheduled ride gave testimony to Catch of the Day outside
Gardner Auditorium Catch of the Day will be including this testimony with the docket of video tape given to the Committee
on Judiciary. Catch of the Day donates a pro bono tape to each Committee to promote the Coalition of the Public Record project
in Massachusetts.
Several citizens who were forced to leave due to being part of a bus load of people transported for the hearing
in Gardner Auditorium scheduled to leave at 7pm give testimony to Catch of the Day out side of the Auditorium while assemlbling
to leave. I blieve it was later than that and that the group were unaware of the intensity of this Public Heairng and the
bills would place on them.This testimony will be included in the documentary footage given to the committee on the July 14
Public Judici...
Mr. and Mrs. Funnell testify before the Committee on Judiciary Gardner Auditorium July 14 2009 at 930PM after a
full day of testimony heard by the Committee. The hearing went until 10 30 PM thereabouts. A full copy of th e Public Hearing
may be obtained by emailing comflm@yahoo.comCatch of the Day, does documentary footage and supports the Public Affairs Coalition
to Preserve the Public Record
Late into the evening Evelyn Riley of Massachusetts Family Institure gives testimony to the Committee on Judiciary..
Catch of the Day Video News, Freelance Reporting tapes documentary footage.. a full copy can be obtained of this public hearing
by emailing, Any proceeds donations are to advance the Public Affairs work of the Coalition to Preserve the
Public Record.The Judiciary Committee unlike the Municipal Jurisdiction does not keep audio video steno records of public
Michael Hyde of Stow testifies on his experience with the Abbington Police. This was followed by testimony of UMass
Students on their concern with this wiretapping bill which is not on this tape. I am downloading 10.5 hours of footage and
wanted to get thi s up for your review. I may take it down later when a better film is found..I had three cameras going and
at this time one was down and the other is a 6 hour production tape which will take lots of editing.. As the Committee complained
of th...
WGBH Reporter questions Brian Camenker President of MassResistance on his oppinion on H1728 Legislation about to
be heard in Committee on July 14 2009 . Brian Camenker has strongly opposed the movement to use Civil Rights as an opportunity
to introduce dangerous legislation into schools and try to normalize a disorder in the legal cosntititutional arena and distort
the right of citizents to speak out against bills protected by the First Amendment. Brian warns this legislation will intimidate
At the Grand Staircase of the Statehouse in Boston on Monday July 13 2009 at 11AM the Advocates for passage of
H1728/S1687 An Act Relative to Gender Based Discrimination and Hate Crimes held a Press Conference. On Tuesday at 230PM the
bill will be heard in the Judiciary Committee on Beacon Hill.. The Hearing will have a total of 237 bills to be heard on that
day.Mass.NOW, jane Doe Inc, Massachusetts Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children, City of Boston Womens Commission,
City of Ca...
This Public Hearing will be broken up in parts. I had a lot of trouble uploading this hearing yesterday. I may
only upload the first 30 minutes but full copies are available to order at of the Day, Video News,
Freelance Reporting does documentary footage. No edits are allowed. This hearing is really important. There were around 45
bills being heard. There are some really weird bills where foreign companies want to put the US under their law.This first
tape is mostly Repr...
The Committee on Telecommunication Utilites and Energy celebrate one year passage of the GREEN COMMUNITIES ACT.
Catch of the Day, Video News, provides documentary footage of archive historical events hearings and press conferences at
the Boston Statehouse for the past 6 years.
P Adams was Crewing with Catch of the Day and Comflm Registry News, on that famous day. This is the only known photo by PAdams.
THIS IS COPYRIGHT PROTECTED. If you would like to purchaae a copy please email AS all Crew for Catch of the
Day operate as volunteers for the Coalition to Preserve the Public Record.. this copy is priceless. You can help raise money
for the Coaliti...
On Wednesday July 8 2009 at 11am in the Statehouse Rm 222 ACT!! Coalition held a press conference. For more information
please contact Susan Curry ACT!! Coalition Coordinator 617 276 2977.Commonwealth Care enables Massachusetts residents to get
the care they need in a cost efficient setting. Please restore CommCare eligibility for 30,000 legal, tax-paying immigrants
in the FY10 budget. That was the theme of the Press Conference..Catch of the Day, Video News, does documentary footage and
does n...
ComFlm, Anchorwoman, Talk Show Host Abby Bertelson, of Hamilton, interviews Atty. William J Hudak, Jr. Esq in his
home in Boxford about his car! Bill Hudak painted his car as a statement on how he feels.. Not with erasable paint or by hand
even. He had his car [professionally painted to show his absolute disdain for the current Administration and it's policies.For
a few minutes of your time listen to what this Atty says and maybe it will inspire you to take some Constitutional steps yourself.
On Wednesday December 3 2009 in A2 at 330PM a special forum to examine the public records law Headed by the Patrick
administration’s chief legal counsel Ben Clements, the governor’s ethics task force holds a public hearing. The
task force, is expected to release recommendations at the beginning of January, with legislation for consideration during
the 2009-2010 session. Patrick has called for the legislation to be passed within 30 days of being filed, and also proposed
giving municipalities mo...
On April 27, 2009 Republicans meet outside House Chamber to discuss the Sales Tax Hike proposed. 28 minutes allowed
both the Media and the Republican Leader to explain their utter disdain of this proposal.Catch of the Day, does documentary
footage. This is not edited and Catch of the Day is advocating all Events Press Conferences and Public Meetings be videoarchived
at the Boston Statehouse.You can support this effort by supporting the Coalition to Preserve the Public Record.
The Jt Committee on Children and Families heard testimony on June 18 2009 on the ;unmet needs of persons with disabilities.
This hearing lasts only 26 minutes .Catch of the Day Video News Freelance Reporting does documentary footage and no edits
are allowed. You may purchase a copy of the Hearings by emailing All proceeds ar e to support the Coalition
to Preserve the Public Record Project started by J Aldrich..
This public Hearing on Children and Families and Persons with Diaabilities was focused on Human Trafficing and
a second tape will be on Interstate Compact. The hearing was divided up and this part will be on the above two topics. Catch
iof the Day, VideoNews,Freelance Reporting does documentary footage and no edits are made unless a serious problem occurs.
Any footage left out is noted at time of taping and will be documented in description. The testimony of Senator Montigny on
Human Trafficin...
A total 1 hour 45 minute public hearing on CONDO LAW is conducted on Tuesday June 2 2009 16 bills. Compelling testimony
grieves over the evidence submitted of Association problems, and what seems like a general misunderstanding of the concept
presented by CONDO ownership.Very interesting Hearing. I will say this tape has missing content in the beginning and I am
not sure if I was late or that it is on another tape. This is 1 hour and 32 minutes in lp speed. I tape this way as I cannot
affort 3...
The Joint Committee on Transportation in Rm222 of the Massachusetts Statehouse yesterday heard bills on retesting
seniors . As there have been a number of serious calamaties wth Senior Driver this past year the attention is on what age
is it appropriate to retest Seniors. This is a first for Catch of the day to upload the Hearings the same night next day within
24 hours of the actual Hearing.Please be patient. This step has taken me 6 years to accomplish. As I have told many. I got
my computer...
Jt. Committee on Transportation General Court PUblic Hearing Boston Statehouse, hears bills on age requirements
to be retested for a drivers license. Rm 222 was packed as Senator Brian Joyce led statements to force a retest after 85.
I think he is being too reasonable. 70 seems like a good age to start retesting.
6-8PM June 30, 2009 at the foot of the Grand Staircase in the Statehouse Boston, Governor Romney was celebrated
with the Unveiling of his portrait. This is a first Breaking News story for Catch of the Day, thanks to and the ability
to upload coverage. Thank you! This was a lovely celebration with wine and soft drinks and you will see a spread just
before the film ends. Catch of the Day, Video News, does documentary footage. There are no interviews and no edits. You get
what you...
On the Statehouse Steps, the Arc of Massachusetts rallied to increase revenue and stop the budget cuts for the
Disabled. This was a phenomenal experience. Pete Seger and Paul of Peter Paul and Mary came and filled the place with the
great loving soul they seem to manufacture. They still have it and it was caught like wild fire that day. I know my camera
seems out of control but I wsa so excited to see them and the mustered crowds I didn't care who saw me acting like a fool.
God Bless them for ...
Boston Protesters, and the Raging Grannies protest Rent increases due to financial stresses..job losses etc. later
the Arc event takes place around the corner.. with Peter Seger..All in a day at the Statehouse with Catch of the Day!
Release date
Jun 29, 2009
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