Brian Camenker, of Newton, CEO of Mass Resistance and Investigative Journalist updates
May 23, 2011 12:34 PM To: update@massresistance.org Message contains attachments May 24, 2011 MassResistance Update Pro-family activism
"In a time of universal deceit telling the truth is a
revolutionary act." - George Orwell | |
| 1. Great News: Obama's "Safe Schools Czar" Kevin Jennings to leave U.S.
Dept. of Education in July! MassResistance kept the pressure on and led the research effort.
2. Jennings'
new job: Running a 21st-century Saul Alinksy-type community organizing operation based in Massachusetts. The gay
agenda on grassroots level?
3. Yes, we are indoctrinating children, says New York homosexual magazine.
4. Updates . . . | 1. Great News: Obama's "Safe Schools Czar" Kevin Jennings to leave
U.S. Dept. of Education in July! MassResistance kept the pressure on and led the research effort.
His upcoming departure was announced on Thursday!
Jennings was perhaps the most outrageous government
appointee in memory. He is a long-time homosexual activist who began his career in Massachusetts, and founded GLSEN, the national
homosexual group that targets children in schools. Jennings' depraved record of pushing homosexuality and transgenderism to
kids goes back decades.
 | Kevin Jennings, well-known homosexual activist and Obama's "Safe Schools Czar" |
Jennings' Dept. of Education office received $410 million in FY 2011. Among other efforts, last year, Jennings helped introduce Bill 4530 in Congress that would require normalization of homosexuality, transgenderism, cross-dressing, etc., in America's public schools. He
also set up an "anti-bullying" conference at the White House in March, part of the larger pro-homosexual propaganda effort.
On July 25 Jennings will be starting
his new job in Cambridge, Massachusetts running Be the Change, a high-powered non-profit that "creates national issue based campaigns." (See Item #2 below.) Be the
Change was founded by Alan Khazei, a well-known liberal who recently announced he will run against US Sen. Scott Brown
in 2012. See their Jennings press release here.
Culmination of an 18-month battle
Over the past
eighteen months MassResistance has waged a battle in get Congress either to have Jennings' office defunded, or have
him removed. We compiled and posted a large report of Jennings' activities going back decades-- most of which MassResistance uncovered. In addition we've gathered over ten thousand
signatures from across America on our online petition. And we've been communicating with various key Congressmen
and their staffs, as well as other Washington DC insiders, to push this as hard as possible.
Last year 53 Congressmen sent a letter to Obama asking that Jennings be
removed. You can read that letter here.
In addition, Rep. Michael Burgess (R-TX) submitted a resolution in the US House to have Jennings removed.
Plus, the Washington Times, Fox News and other media across the country
called for Jennings' removal in editorials and TV reports.
All of those -- the letter, the resolution, and the news outlets -- used material from MassResistance.
Jennings' allies attacked MassResistance
In December, 2009,
the Washington DC homosexual magazine MetroWeekly complained that MassResistance was behind much of the Jennings "smear" from conservatives.
Later that month, the George Soros-funded attack site Media Matters began to target MassResistance as the "source for right-wing media attacks on Jennings" with a number of vitriolic postings.
In August, 2010, Jennings addressed a meeting in Washington, DC, about the conservatives' "extensive attacks" on him and how he thus felt constrained to openly push his agenda in Congress. He thanked Media Matters for "debunking
the lies" (i.e., the truths!) about him.
This week the national homosexual magazine The Advocate acknowledged that Jennings was "The target of social conservatives during his Education Department tenure."
Why did Jennings leave his post now?
It's likely
that Jennings was "encouraged" to be out of his Dept. of Education post before this summer's 2012 budget fight began
in full. MassResistance has been communicating with a number of Congressional offices for several months about adding language
to de-fund Jennings' office in the 2012 budget. Jennings is by now fairly well-known among the Republican leadership and a
growing number of congressmen are outraged about him.
Some possible factors in Jennings' timely departure: (1)
With the Republicans controlling the US House, it's extremely likely that the pressure to have Jennings' office de-funded
in the FY 2012 federal budget would be successful, especially with thousands of petition signers and others ready
to lobby their Senators and Congressmen very hard.
(2) If the Democrats contested those cuts, the disgusting
material in our report about Jennings would have likely been brought out publicly by various Congressmen and others,
which the Obama administration probably would have rather avoided.
(3) The public debate about Jennings' unsavory
activities could have lingered and possibly dogged the Obama administration into the 2012 election.
the end, we think that even Obama had had enough of Jennings at the DOE.
THANK YOU to everyone across the
country who signed our petition and who helped get the word out. Getting Kevin Jennings out of the Dept. of Education
is a great victory for all Americans!
2. Jennings'
new job: Running a 21st-century Saul Alinksy-type community organizing operation based in Massachusetts. The gay
agenda on grassroots level? As Kevin Jennings comes back to Massachusetts we don't think that his basic
mission is going to change. Unfortunately, we think it will expand, especially with his new connections in the federal government.
Kevin Jennings' obsession over the last twenty years has been pushing the homosexual and transgender agenda to kids.
In 1993, Jennings designed the model for the Massachusetts Dept. of Education to push homosexuality in schools, which has
spread across the country. (See our newly releaased report on that.) As a teacher in Concord, Massachusetts, Jennings started the one of the first school "gay straight alliance" (GSA)
clubs and parlayed his network of homosexual teachers into the powerful, well-funded national organization GLSEN. He continued
that focus in the US Department of Education.
On July 25, Kevin Jennings starts his new job in
Cambridge, Massachusetts running Be the Change, a turbo-charged community-organizing organization founded by well-known Massachusetts liberal activist Alan Khazei.
Khazei is the current president, but is leaving that post to run for US Senate against Scott Brown in 2012.

Be the Change, founded in 2007, is the latest generation of Khazei's community organizing enterprises.
In 1998, Khazei founded City Year, a service organizing for youth to "put their idealism to work" through "community transformation,"
which now has 22 offices across the US and also in London and South Africa, and has a number of high-profile corporate sponsors.
Be the Change is a step up, and includes adults as well as youth, and seems to be designed to
fill a void in the left's arsenal: to take on cutting-edge issues on the grass-roots level -- to "be the change"
to America.
Be the Change's website describes itself as: Be the
Change, Inc. is a nonprofit that creates national issue based campaigns by organizing coalitions of non-profits, social entrepreneurs,
policymakers, private sector and civic leaders, academics, and citizens. Vibrant coalitions, collaborative policymaking, bipartisan
advocacy, and galvanizing events and online outreach are hallmarks of Be the Change, Inc. campaigns. Our combined grasstops
and grassroots approach engages well-known voices in entertainment, retail, government, and philanthropy-and, through their
megaphones, Americans of all ages and backgrounds.
Bland but to the point, it appears to be of like
a turbo-charged 21st century version of Saul Alinsky's Industrial Areas Foundation, which he first organized in 1940 and grew
Like Alinsky, they have already begun establishing front groups. As the website describes: ServiceNation, the first campaign launched from Be the Change, Inc.'s platform with over 270 organizations in its
coalition, helped to achieve the strongly bi-partisan Kennedy Serve America Act -- the greatest expansion of national service
in our country in 60 years. ServiceNation also helped to inspire new service commitments from the entertainment industry,
Mayors through Cities of Service, and a breakthrough partnership between the military and civilian service communities called
Mission Serve. OpportunityNation, our second campaign, launching in 2011, will promote thoughtful, practical and bi-partisan solutions
to increase opportunity and economic mobility in America.
as Be the Change's new president: More GLBT radicalism?
Kevin Jennings' skills in organization
and propaganda, which propelled GLSEN into a national homosexual youth powerhouse, can make Be the Change into a
national nightmare for pro-family activists. Pro-family groups, often centered around churches, have so far been able to stop
many pro-gay bills in state legislatures win every gay-marriage referendum, often through being to mobilize greater numbers
of people. Labor unions and political organizations have generally not been as effective in this arena. That advantage could
now be in serious jeopardy.
This new model also provides an vehicle for massive doses of corporate and
government money to go seamlessly toward directly organizing on the ground where needed, for the homosexual agenda.
Thus, a probable goal is for Be the Change to be the Planned Parenthood of community activism.
It's hard for us to believe that
a person with Jennings' horrific background regarding homosexuality and children would be attractive to anyone. But the Left
doesn't see it that way.
The Chairman of the Board of Be the Change is Josh Bekenstein, who is also Managing Director
of Bain Capital (Mitt Romney's old company). Bekenstein had this to say:
We are delighted
to draw a leader of Kevin's caliber to succeed Alan [Khazei]. His experience both leading a national nonprofit as well as
working in the federal government makes him the ideal leader to take the reigns as Alan takes on new challenges.
said: I'm excited to turn over the leadership of Be the Change to Kevin. Given the
extraordinary depth and breadth of success he has had in his previous roles, I am confident Kevin will lead Be the Change
and our programs to new heights.
New heights? We will continue to monitor this.
3. Yes, we are indoctrinating children,
says New York homosexual magazine. As the battle over same-sex "marriage"
in New York heats up, many of the horror stories from Massachusetts regarding the homosexual indoctrination in the schools
have been brought up by pro-family conservatives. The reaction by homosexual activists, as usual, has been to deny them and
call us extremists (and worse) for even bringing it up.
But this past week, as a startling but refreshingly honest
response to that, a prominent New York homosexual blog has posted this article on their website. They basically reiterate
in public what we've heard homosexual activists say in private for years: That it's all true -- they are targeting,
recruiting, and indoctrinating kids. And the "tolerance" and "safety" arguments are basically just a front.
And like everything else, they say it in crude, vulgar terms, exposing the inner trauma and anger that is part
of the homosexual condition.
Can We Please Just Start Admitting That We Do
Actually Want To Indoctrinate Kids? Queerty.com May 12, 2011
They accuse us of exploiting children and in response we say, "NOOO! We're not gonna make
kids learn about homosexuality, we swear! It's not like we're trying to recruit your children or anything." But let's
face it-that's a lie. We want educators to teach future generations of children to accept queer sexuality. In fact, our very
future depends on it.
. . . Why would we push anti-bullying programs or social studies classes that teach kids
about the historical contributions of famous queers unless we wanted to deliberately educate children to accept queer sexuality
as normal? . . . And I would very much like for many of these young boys to grow up and start f---ing men
. . .
I and a lot of other people want to indoctrinate, recruit, teach, and expose children to queer sexuality AND THERE'S NOTHING
Read the entire article HERE (Note: The full article contains gross profanity, which is common in homosexual publications.)
we said, the interesting thing about this article is that it's honest. But it's been the worst kept secret in the world. Of
course, everything the homosexual movement does with kids points to that same conclusion. It takes a true Orwellian "double-think"
to observe what they do with children and deny their obvious intentions -- which is a good description of so many of our politicians
and school officials in this regard.
4. Updates . . . Youth Pride 2011
We don't think we are exaggerating when
we say that what we saw at the May 14 homosexual "Youth Pride" on the Boston Common is probably worse than anything
we've seen so far. Maybe even worse that "Fistgate" and the "Little Black Book." We'll be starting our
multi-part series this week.
Fundraising update THANK
YOU to everyone who has donated. If you haven't recently donated please consider it. WE REALLY NEED YOUR
DONATE HERE - Please help us keep going and reach our goal! Donations can also be mailed to: MassResistance, PO Box 1612,
Waltham, MA 02454
| Support our work . . . Donate to MassResistance! Better yet - become a monthly donor (email us back to get set up)! Donations can also be mailed to: MassResistance, PO Box 1612, Waltham, MA 02454 ALL
donations are confidential. MassResistance does not sell or lend any of its lists. Contact us if you want to get involved. Also, check out the MassResistance blog (for even more in-depth coverage)! [If you are on this list by mistake, or do not want to get our email
information alerts, please accept our apologies. Please call us at MassResistance at 781-890-6001 or email us back, and we'll
immediately take you off the list. We've tried to only include people who've contacted us at some point or otherwise indicated
they would like to hear from us.]
Also, if this is being forwarded to you and you want to be on our primary
list, please let us know! |
Feb. 21, 2011 MassResistance
Update Pro-family
"In a time of universal deceit telling the truth is a revolutionary act." - George
Orwell | |
| 1. Mass. Governor issues Executive Order mandating acceptance of transgenderism
by all state agencies, employees, contractors. Requires affirmative action for cross-dressers and immediate diversity training!
2. Maryland activists lose first found of "gay marriage" battle. But big showdown in General Assembly still
coming up!
3. Updates . . . | 1. Mass. Governor issues Executive Order mandating acceptance of transgenderism
by all state agencies, employees, contractors. Requires affirmative action for cross-dressers and immediate diversity training!
Late Wednesday afternoon, without advance notice and without fanfare, Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick signed an Executive
Order mandating the acceptance of "gender identity and expression" -- including transsexuality, cross-dressing,
and related behaviors - throughout state government. The order also requires affirmative action in the hiring of transsexuals
and diversity training for all state employees.
 | Radical from the start. During his campaign for Governor, Deval Patrick
(right) participated in this homosexual and transgender forum at Harvard University. |
We believe it's the most extreme executive order ever issued in the U.S. Among the provisions of the executive order:
- The
order affects all state agencies and employees, and also contractors and sub-contractors doing business with the
state. However, it will technically only apply to contractors when new contracts containing this requirement are signed.
- "Gender identity or expression" will now cover a protected class of people similar
to race, religion, sex, etc. However, that new term is not defined, which will likely lead to more abuse of the system by
- Affirmative action for cross-dressers, etc. The order directs all state agencies
to "develop and implement affirmative action and diversity plans" to "identify, recruit, hire, develop, promote
and retain" cross-dressers and other members of "under-represented" groups.
- Mandatory
diversity training on transgenderism, etc. The order states that "all agency heads, managers, supervisors, and
employees shall attend mandatory diversity training within one year of the effective date of this Order. For future hires,
such training shall be part of the standardized orientation provided to new employees."
ABOVE: Likely transgender "diversity training" instructors. From
left: "Ms." Lee Swislow, transgender specialist and Executive Director at Gay Lesbian Advocates and Defenders (GLAD);
Jennifer Levi, transgender legal counsel at GLAD; Gunner Scott, head of Mass. Transgender Political Caucus.
- Tribunals to enforce the order. The order outlines various Orwellian-sounding tribunals set up to
take an active role in enforcing the order and punishing those who don't go along. These include an Office of Diversity
and Equal Opportunity, the Massachusetts Commission against Discrimination, the Massachusetts Office on
Disability, as well as the Governor's Non-discrimination, Diversity and Equal Opportunity Advisory Council.
In addition, the order states that each Secretariat shall have a "Diversity Director" and each agency shall have
a "Diversity Officer" to interact with the tribunals.
- Illegal attempts to include public
schools, other businesses. The order states at the beginning that it only affects state employees and contractors.
But one section (Section IV) goes on to state that all programs, activities, and services which are licensed, chartered, funded,
or regulated by the state, including public schools, are also covered by to this order. This would affect businesses licensed
or regulated by the state, or activities that get state funding, such as schools and institutions, and including state-funded
activities run by religious organizations.
However, the Massachusetts Constitution only gives the Governor direct power over state agencies and employees (and contractors via the contracts they sign with
the state). Only the Legislature can exert control beyond that, particularly regarding requirements attached to funding. (That's
why they are gearing up to pass the Transgender Rights bill again this year.) We suspect that this clause was put in by an
over-zealous staffer and that the state would not attempt to enforce it to that extent . . . yet.
See text of the Governor's Executive Order here.
Signed quietly by Governor, without notice
Governor's move appears to have been closely coordinated with the homosexual and transgender lobby to coincide with the recent
re-filing of a Transgender Rights and Hate Crimes bill in the Legislature. But it was also done without public notice, apparently
keep photos and video of the event and those in attendance from circulating.
According to the Boston Globe,
Patrick signed the order in a private ceremony "in his office attended by advocates and several transgender state employees."
He did not list the event on his public schedule nor send out a press release afterwards. State House News reported
that after the signing "advocates for gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender rights roamed the capitol hallways hailing
the decision, saying it would lay the groundwork for adopting legislation to expand protections for all transgender residents
of Massachusetts." Patrick told the Globe that he signed the order "after being asked to do so by advocates."
Almost immediately, the Mass. Gay and Lesbian Political Caucus, MassEquality, and the ACLU blasted
out emails to their lists celebrating their "victory."
This problem started
with Mitt Romney in 2003
It was former Gov. Mitt Romney who opened the door to this madness.
In 1970, Gov. Francis Sargent issued an Executive Order with provisions to create equal opportunity in state jobs
on the basis of race, color, creed, national origin, age, and sex. It was then updated several times by Gov.
Michael Dukakis, including the addition of veterans and disabled people.
Then in 2003, just months
after taking office, Gov. Mitt Romney shocked the pro-family community by issuing Executive Order #452, which added "sexual
orientation" to the list of protected classes in state employment. Ths officially elevated homosexuality to
a "protected class." It was apparently done as a reward for the support he got in his election from major homosexual
In the order, Romney also created the Governor's Diversity and Equal Opportunity Council
as a tribunal to enforce his order more effectively. That council was chaired by the state's "Chief Diversity Officer"
and included "members of public and private organizations" - presumably includng homosexual activist groups.
Read Romney's Executive Order #452 here
See all Mass. governors' Executive Orders here
Once the door was opened to including the behaviors associated with homosexuality in
the state's official "protected classes," it was only a matter of time before it got to this point. And despite
the fact that "gender identity disorder" continues to be recognized by the nation's mental health profession as
disordered and possibly destructive behavior -- and not a "civil right" -- the politicians will continue to ignore
that and submit to the homosexual/transgender lobby unless there is sufficient pubic outrage.
to newly re-filed Transgender Bill
This is unabashedly a prelude to passing the new version of
the new Transgender Rights and Hate Crimes bill, which has just been introduced in the Legislature and is extremely radical.
(Watch for our analysis of that bill, coming up.) It's a strategic move to begin slowly immersing us into the transgender/cross-dressing
culture. The homosexual and transgender lobby has made it their top priority to push this agenda into the force of law this
session. We've beat this the last two times, and it's going to be another big fight this time. (And if you don't live in Massachusetts,
it will be coming to your state soon.)
The madness that state operations have become
Even in the context of current "political correctness" dogma, the Governor's Executive Order makes for a
frightening read.
(Warning: Don't read it after eating or before going to sleep.) Between the weird, bizarre employment
rules, diversity training, and requirements that contractors do business with politically-correct vendors, the document is
a virtual house of mirrors of what's happened to our government. No serious business could operate that way. And beyond that,
it's a zealous totalitarian-like attempt to force citizens to abandon their religious and moral beliefs in favor of the liberal
secular creed. This is what our (newly raised) taxes will pay for.
IRONIC NOTE: At the bottom
of all executive orders is the phrase "God Save the Commonwealth of Massachusetts." We couldn't agree more
with that plea.
What can you do now?
It's necessary
now more than ever to stand up and be counted. If you want to volunteer to help confront the Legislature to stop
the Transgender Bill (and pass good bills), contact us right away.
View our video [bathroom at Marriott] and report [Capone's] on recent events in Massachusetts illustrating the reality of transgender behaviors in public places.
2. Maryland activists lose first found of "gay
marriage" battle. But big showdown in General Assembly still coming up. The
"gay marriage" bill in the Maryland legislature passed in the Senate committee on Thursday by a 7-4 vote
despite passionate testimony and lobbying by pro-family forces. As we've reported, MassResistance has been working with activists
with the statewide group ProtectMarriageMaryland to help.
The full Maryland Senate could vote
on the bill as early as Tuesday. On Friday there will be another public hearing on the bill, this time before the House committee.
If it passes that committee it goes before the full House. The Democratic legislative leadership is trying
to fast-track the bill to be on the Governor's desk by the end of next week.
(One thing to note: the Republicans
in the Maryland General Assembly are for real, not like the limp-wristed moderates in the Massachusetts Legislature.
Recently the Republican Senate Minority Leader was forced to resign his position because he suggested that he would support civil unions! They're willing to fight for what's right.)
past Friday MassResistance hosted a conference call with pro-marriage activists across the State to strategize on
what to do this week. Some good courses of action came out of that. We are also mobilizing over a hundred MassResistance activists
in Maryland, besides the ones involved with the statewide group.
In particular, we are making sure they have access
to our materials on the effects and horror of "gay marriage" on Massachusetts, especially how it affected the public
schools. The David Parker case has been a real eye-opener, and also the deluge of hard-core homosexual materials that appeared
in our schools after the court ruling opened the floodgates. One Maryland activist that at least one Senator has been brought
to our side recently after seeing our materials.
 |  |
Massachusetts connection. A pastor testifies before Maryland Senate committee
holding up copy of King and King, homosexual book for children from the David Parker case in Massachusetts. Although
most of the mainstream media has been aggressively pro-"gay marriage," as usual, talk radio seems to be
a holdout. Brian Camenker of MassResistance will be featured on a major Maryland drive-time morning talk show
on Wednesday.
And added to that, the vitriol, profanity, and hatred from the homosexual community in Maryland
directed at anything pro-family or pro-traditional has been quite vicious. Then there is the twisted propaganda that it's
the pro-family side that's causing all the discord. All of this has had an effect on our side.
Unfortunately, too
many politicians have also been propagandized by the emotional but illogical message that "gay marriage" is part
of a glorious new civil rights movement and that homosexuality represents a class of people similar to race. Our experience
has been that the politicians need to be confronted with the cold hard truths about how this behavior (and its activists)
affect regular people.
Some of the Maryland activists are particulary articulate and unwilling
to succumb to pressure to moderate their views. Here is one of the activists who's been on our MassResistance conference
call: Maryland pro-marriage activist Robert Braudus tells it exactly like it is!
See video HERE
(NOTE the vicious comments below the video by homosexual activists.) | 
Here's a letter to the editor that the Washington Post published
that says a lot about the sleazy tactics going on. We're surprised they published it.
Who's demonizing who? Letter to the Editor - Washington Post
When I devoted an entire day to come to Annapolis and engage in a civil debate on the same-sex
marriage bill on Feb. 8, I never envisioned receiving such an insensitive and denigrating response from any elected official
as the one I received from Sen. James Brochin. Brochin mischaracterized everyone who spoke in opposition to the bill by saying,
“witness after witness demonized homosexuals, vilified the gay community, and described gays and lesbians as pedophiles,”
a quote The Post has now repeated in its Feb. 17 editorial, “Make Maryland a Free State.”
What I saw,
however, were people from various walks of life showing compassion for the children of Maryland and defending the faith tradition
of marriage that has built our society. I heard from people who have done extensive research in marriage make convincing arguments
that the traditional family is the best environment for nurturing our next generation. I witnessed those in the African American
community taking offense at the use of the term “civil rights” in reference to this bill, as they had endured
severe oppression that gay men and lesbians have never experienced.
It is unfortunate that The Post has spread
inflammatory rhetoric against opponents. This is serving to agitate many Maryland citizens who may already feel that their
elected officials are not listening to them. In more than 30 states where there has been a vote on same-sex marriage, the
people have consistently rejected it. These Maryland citizens are more than ready to sign a petition to get this issue on
the ballot.
Robert Nelson, Gaithersburg
This fight can
still be won. You can take action . .
We believe that "gay marriage" can still be stopped
in Maryland.. It's still very close and our side is picking up some steam. We'll keep you informed.
In the
meantime, here are some Maryland Senators who need to be persuaded right away to do the right thing - NOT the wrong thing
in this vote Tuesday or Wednesday. Remember, everybody can make a difference. TAKE
1. Call the main phone number to Maryland General Assembly: 301-970-5000
Ask for the office(s) of:
Sen. Karen Klausmeier (D-MD-8th) Sen. Jim Rosapepe
(D-MD-21st) Sen. John Astle (D-MD 30th) Sen. Joan Conway (D-MD 43th - Baltimore)
3. Let them know that "gay marriage" is NOT part of any civil rights movement, and that you do NOT want
that agenda brought into the public schools and throughout society.
3. Updates . . . - Powerful new book!
MassResistance's Amy Contrada has just published a blockbuster book that could have national implications. Watch for our announcement
about it in our next email.
- GOProud booted from CPAC by Board.
As we reported recently, several major pro-family groups boycotted this year's Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) over the inclusion
of a radical homosexual so-called "conservative" group, GOProud. We've now been told by several sources that CPAC's
Board of Directors has voted not to allow GOProud back next year, though, they're not officially announcing it right now.
We should all consider this a victory!
A good perspective is in this commentary by Star Parker in WorldNetDaily:
"Gay conservative is an oxymoron." - MassResistance bills before the Legislature. The House
and Senate clerk's offices are still plodding along getting bill numbers for the new bills and gradually posting them on the
website. We've never seen it go this slow. We'll have a full report as soon as we can. The good news: The Legislature can't
do any damage right now, either!
- Fundraising update. In
our Feb. 9 email we announced our goal to raise $14,000 to keep this operation afloat. Many of you have donated
-- THANK YOU! We were able to dodge a serious bullet last week.
We still have
a lot to go. If you are concerned about what's happening in society, this is a way you can
help do something about it.
Donations can also be mailed to: MassResistance, PO Box 1612, Waltham,
MA 02454 | 
To: update@massresistance.org Message contains attachments Jan. 21, 2011 MassResistance Update Pro-family activism
"In a time of universal deceit telling the truth is a revolutionary
act." - George Orwell | |
| 1. MassResistance working with Orthodox Jewish groups in New Jersey to
stop pro-homosexual "anti-bullying" bill signed by GOP Governor.
2. Pravda USA: Vicious campaign
continues in Springfield against pro-family pastor Scott Lively and his Bible-centered coffee house.
3. Springfield
City Councilor calls Scott Lively an anti-Semite in TV interview! Says he must be kept from "vulnerable" kids!
4. Fighting back: Scott Lively's hard-hitting letter of rebuttal published in Boston Globe.
5. Transgender agenda in Cambridge -- politicians working with activists to require "gender
neutral" restrooms in all public buildings! | 1. MassResistance working with Orthodox Jewish groups
in New Jersey to stop pro-homosexual "anti-bullying" bill signed by GOP Governor.
On January 5 "conservative" New Jersey GOP Governor Chris Christie shocked the pro-family movement by signing
a far-reaching pro-homosexual public school "anti-bullying" bill despite passionate objections from parents and
religious leaders.
Over the last several weeks, MassResistance has been working with Rabbi Noson Leiter of Garden
State Parents for Moral Values, which has has been coordinating an effort across New Jersey to confront this.
MassResistance was contacted by Leiter's group for help after the anti-bullying bill, Bill S2392, was passed by the New Jersey Legislature and went to Governor Christie's desk. Rabbi Noson's group has been using
space on the MassResistance website for their press releases and announcements. We also worked with them on media promotion
and strategy.
The new New Jersey anti-bullying law is touted by its supporters as the "toughest of
its kind in the nation." It was largely written -- and tirelessly lobbied for -- by New Jersey Equality,
the state's major homosexual lobbying group. Similar to the recent Massachusetts anti-bullying law, the supporters
used recent teen suicides as a springboard to intimidate lawmakers into rushing it through the legislature without
much challenge, using hysterical news coverage by a compliant mainstream press. And in the end, it got passed easily and signed
by a so-called "conservative" GOP governor.
Lifesite News: "New Jersey Lawmakers whisk through far-reaching 'gay bullying' legislation."
ABC News: "Gov. Christie signs anti-bullying bill"
Pro-family groups outraged
Despite discussions
with the Governor's staff about the dangers of this bill to religious freedom, the Governor decided not to go against the
wave of hysteria or offend the homosexual lobby, and signed the bill. Pro-family groups are outraged, and have been
very direct in their criticism.
As Rabbi Leiter's Januray 11 press release described the bill: S2392 establishes state-sponsored LGBT -indoctrination of public
school children. The new educational requirement (section 26, referring back to an LGBT provision in the cross-reference)
would expand pre-existing law, and thereby mandate teaching the acceptance and respect of sinful homosexual conduct, in K-
12. It subjects children, teachers, and staff to radical LGBT ideology . . . Thereby, the law threatens the religious liberties,
as well as the parental and educational rights, of Bible believers within the public school system.  | Members of Rabbi Noson's group outside of NJ State House during "gay marriage"
debate. |
Rabbi Yehuda Levin of the Rabbinical Alliance of America (which includes Orthodox rabbis across New Jersey) said:
This bill, written
by LGBT radicals, is not truly about protecting children from bullying or anything else. It's about advancing the LGBT agenda
in schools -- K-12.  | Rabbi Levin outside of state capitol. |
Rabbi Levin's January 5 press release HERE
Greg Quinlan, an ex-gay, of the New Jersey Family Policy Council, released the following statement when was signed: Governor Chris Christie has
signed the "Anti-Bullying Bill Rights." This legislation is very bad. It really is the LGBTIQ indoctrination and
protection act.
It will not stop a single act of bullying nor would it have prevented the tragic suicide of Rutgers's'
University student Tyler Clementi.
In a rapid two weeks this bill was introduced, heard in committees of both chambers
and then passed by both houses. The governor waited 45 days and then signed the bill. 80% of the legislation is an unfunded
mandate. The rest is nothing more than protection for sexual deviance. However obesity, ectomorphism (very skinny), etc.,
is not covered. The governor was presented with many legal opinions that demonstrated the unconstitutionality of the bill
in both US and NJ constitutions respectively.
This legislation is been touted as a model for legislation in other
And the pro-family movement in New Jersey isn't giving up. They are continuing to join
with other conservative and religious groups and are publicizing the dangers of the bill as much as possible. And MassResistance
is continuing to help them any way we can. We'll keep you informed on this.
2. Pravda USA: Vicious campaign continues in Springfield against pro-family
pastor Scott Lively and his Bible-centered coffee house. NOTE: We are continuing
to cover this story. A terrible injustice is being done to Scott Lively, a respected pro-family pastor, attorney,
writer, and activist who gave up his law career to set up a Christian mission in the most horrible, drug-infested neighborhood
of Springfield, Massachusetts. Scott Lively has broken no laws. On the contrary, he is trying to help by bringing down-and-out
people to God. But the political and media establishment in that run-down city is so obsessively hostile to traditional values
and morality that they are determined to humiliate him, marginalize him, and drive him out. Just as important,
this is a prelude of will happen to the rest of us before too long.
Media erupts
after police arrest "unregistered sex offender" in coffee house
Just days after the first
salvo in the media against Scott Lively, Springfield Police burst into the coffee house and arrested a volunteer manager and
coffee server, charged him with being an unregistered sex offender (though he HAD in fact registered),
and immediately threw him in jail.
The media was quickly notified, and another series of articles about the "controversial
anti-gay pastor" were published.
Attempt to generate hysteria over inner-city
Christian mission
The Springfield Police Department (which has a "gay and lesbian" employee
group) had apparently been working overtime to investigate the coffee house, and they acted swiftly.
But it turns
out that Michael Frediani, also known as Michael Free, actually had registered properly and legally. He had only committed
a minor technicality which in no way deserved the aggressive police action and jail situation. The judge let him go almost
But there's a larger point here. The very reason that Scott Lively set up his Christian
coffee house in that horrible neighborhood (instead of, say, in Wellesley) was to attract people like Michael Free, who might
have criminal pasts or whatever, and bring them closer to God. And by doing that the entire neighborhood and city is improved.
That's his mission. That part of town is certainly full of people like Michael Free. Scott Lively's coffee house is the last
place the police should be "investigating." They should be praising him.
 | Scott Lively (left) with Pastor C. S. Cooley, a Board member of the coffee house, at an
evening event in the coffee house last summer. [MassResistance photo] |
And interestingly,
the coffee house does not attempt to attract kids (as the homosexual groups do). However, if a few do come in and
play the guitar, etc. (as they said they do) since it's monitored by at least two adult staff members, it's clearly better
than any other place in that area of town for kids to be.
Here is Scott Lively's statement on
the Michael Frediani situation: Michael is a genuine born-again Christian who is one
of the most spiritual, Jesus-centered men I have ever met. I "hired" him to be our volunteer coffee house manager
and he served in that role for about a month. He unfortunately did not disclose the specific nature of his past, though he
said it was very rough and he had served time in prison. The newspaper made it seem as though he was in hiding or something,
but he had been registered as a sex offender at his prior residence and had filled out the paperwork to transfer his case
to Springfield (they moved just two weeks ago). When his lawyer produced that paperwork in court the judge released him on
his own recognizance, though he was still technically in violation of the registration law because he did not make a personal
appearance at the Springfield PD after he moved. He resigned the next day and we accepted it though the entire board stands
behind his claim to be a changed man and we do not believe he is a threat to anyone.
It has been 15 years since
his conviction and he is now married to a very supportive wife who is due to have their second baby in about five weeks.
His job with us was really not much different than a barista at Starbucks, except that he prayed with people. He had
no contact with children, except for some high-school students who always came in packs and there is almost always a steady
stream of patrons through our door, and other volunteer staff there as well. Our policy is to always have two people on staff
when possible.
Singled out by authorities for harassment
The nearby high school has an enormous truancy rate -- over 25% by some estimates. On any given school day there are
large numbers of kids all over the area, in stores, restaurants, coffee shops, and in the streets. But according to investigations
by Lively and others in the neighborhood, Lively's coffee house is the ONLY business that's ever been descended upon by school
officials and police in this manner to deal with truants. It's unquestionably because of his views on morality.
Absurd, slanted press coverage
Scott Lively is a man who has devoted his
adult life to telling the truth and doing good works. But here's how the local newspaper, the left-wing Springfield Republican,
covered it. They attempted to portray him in the worst possible light, filter his rebuttal through their own prism, and, of
course, got the main facts wrong. (Notice there was no article about the false charges of being "unregistered".)
MassResistance report of original Boston Globe and Springfield Republican articles.
Here are the Springfield Republican articles on the incident. Note the inflammatory
headlines: January 7: "Springfield officials worry Holy Grounds coffee shop run by anti-gay pastor
Scott Lively attracts truants" The original article, Jan. 7
January 10: "Controversial pastor Scott Lively says students no longer can visit Holy
Grounds Coffee House in Springfield during school hours" Pressure by city officials, Lively agreed to this. But it begs the question, in that neighborhood, where would
they rather kids go?
January 13: "Police arrest manager of Holy Grounds Coffee House -- operated by anti-gay pastor Scott Lively
-- as unregistered sex offender" Presented in a pretty hysterical manner. They print cherry-picked quotes from a general interview with Frediani
such as: "I talk to all the kids," "We have a place that is safe." "The presence of God is
here right now." "I invite God to touch them and he does." You can bet that if it were a homosexual-oriented
venue, the article would be entirely different - if it appeared at all.
January 13: "Pastor Scott Lively of Holy Grounds Coffee House says he did not know his manager is a
convicted sex offender" Followup later that day. More of the same.
January 13: "Interview: Controversial pastor Scott Lively responds to learning his Holy Grounds Coffee
House employee was sex offender" Additional followup Jan. 13. This absurd article includes "direct quotes in quote marks and some paraphrased quotes
by Lively, who has generated controversy for his anti-gay statements." It's basically just rambling notes a reporter
wrote down while talking to Lively, presented in a semi-comprehensible way.
Anyone who's been to Scott
Lively's Holy Grounds coffee house (as we have) can attest that it is a truly Godly place. It is an oasis in a spiritual desert
and dangerous neighborhood. Scott's coffee house is the only place there where anyone would want kids to hang out. And of course, the homosexual newspaper Bay Windows had a front-page article on all this, which quoted Springfield
City Councilor Timothy Rooke (see #3 below). |  |
3. Springfield City Councilor calls Scott Lively an anti-Semite
in TV interview! Says he must be kept from "vulnerable" kids! The homosexual activists and
their friends in high places are relentless about destroying those who disagree with them.
Springfield City Councilor
Tim Rooke intensified his attacks on Rev. Scott Lively last week with a libelous outburst on the local Fox TV station WGGB. Rook has been the public face of Springfield's political establishment, attempting to slander and marginalize Lively since
the original Springfield Republican article on January 7.
Most of Rooke's attacks have been prompted
by Rev. Lively's opposition to the homosexual agenda targeting children -- which Rooke apparently feels is a good influence
for kids rather than destructive.
But now he is making the absurd and libelous charge that Lively is anti-Semitic.
It's an unbelievably sleazy thing for an elected official to say.
Rooke told the Fox TV station:
"I don't think we need anybody exposing any anti-gay messages
or anti-Semitic messages to students who may or may not agree with him."
"My concern was are they interacting
with a gentleman who has a very different viewpoint I think than most of the people in Springfield."
at a vulnerable age, and some of the students that were going into the coffee shop who are gay weren't aware of his past.
So the benefit is that at least now they have become a little more educated. "
is particularly ironic -- and outrageous -- because Lively's famous book, The Pink Swastika, is just the opposite
of anything anti-Semitic and was co-authored by an Orthodox Jew. It is a disgusting way for any politician to behave.
In the same TV piece, they use clips obviously given to them by homosexual activists and tell the views: "He [Lively] also spoke to the [Uganda's] Parliament which later passed a law making it a crime to be
That's a blatantly false statement. The bill was never passed. And it did not make it
a crime to "be gay". It made it a crime to commit certain homosexual-related crimes of assault or coercion on minors.
Lively has said that he has no intention of suing Rooke for his obviously actionable libel, and has attempted to talk
with him about it. He's finally gotten an appointment, and the two are scheduled to meet on Monday. (Interestingly, the Superintendent
of Schools told Lively that his schedule "has no openings for several weeks.") Had enough of these kind of politicians fighting against you and your children?
You can contact Timothy Rooke HERE.
We've noticed that many Fox local stations around the country are actually more aggressively pro-homosexual
than their "liberal" local competitors. This is obviously no exception.  | Pro-gay Springfield City Counsilor Timothy Rooke wants to make sure nobody gives any kids
in schools a different opinion. |
Fighting back: Scott Lively's hard-hitting letter of rebuttal published in Boston Globe. Scott
Lively is fighting back.
To their credit, after their outrageous article, the Boston Globe was willing
to let Scott Lively publish a letter in rebuttal. (He had wanted to write an op-ed column, but they turned that down.) The
letters editor even worked with him on it to make it as good as possible. It doesn't undo the damage , but it's something.
Here's the letter that the Globe published:
to the Editor January 15, 2011 (See letter on Globe's website)
RE “SHIFT in mission for religious firebrand: Antigay pastor refocuses on aiding Springfield’’
(Page A1, Jan. 5): It isn’t fair of the Globe to limit my rebuttal to about 250 words after attacking me on the front
page, but here goes.
First, the Globe is taking sides to call me “antigay’’ if it defines “gay’’
as an unchangeable state of being. The pro-family side defines homosexuality as a form of voluntary conduct that violates
God’s design for sex and family. We are against behavior, not people.
Second, I have never advocated or condoned
violence against others, either in Uganda or any of the other 30 countries in which I have lectured. The deviously edited
videos and print articles produced by my pro-“gay’’ enemies in the media do not accurately represent my
Third, neither I nor my Orthodox Jewish co-author of “The Pink Swastika’’ are Holocaust
deniers. That reference was removed by its author from a blog months ago under threat of a lawsuit, a fact I would have shared
with the reporter had he asked during our two hours of interviews. By the way, our book boasts quotations from dozens of mainstream
historians and scholars.
Finally, these accusations are not new. I have prepared thorough responses to each at
my group’s website, www.defendthefamily.com. I’m also willing to debate these issues in any neutral venue where I can explain pro-family reasoning directly to
the audience without the filter of hostile journalists.
Scott Lively President Abiding Truth Ministries Springfield
5. Transgender agenda
in Cambridge -- politicians working with activists to require "gender neutral" restrooms in all public buildings! While the Transgender Rights and Hate Crimes Bill percolates in the State House, the battle takes on another front.
The Boston Herald has reported that the City of Cambridge is working on a plan to require "gender neutral"
bathrooms in all city buildings, restaurants and bars and other public-use buildings.
The "transgender lobby"
appears to be the force behind this. As the Herald quoted in their article:
"A bunch of people feel uncomfortable going to a men's or a women's room,"
said John Gintell, co-chairman of Cambridge's Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgendered Commission, and a key advocate of the
city's push for restrooms that are open to people of all genders.
But, he added, "transgendered people wouldn't
be the only clients" of the gender-free restrooms.
Other users could be elderly people who rely on opposite
gender aides and parents of young children who need assistance.
. . . Earlier this week, by a nearly unanimous
vote, the council instructed the city manager to explore the possibility of requiring gender-neutral bathrooms with members
of the city's GLBT commission. . . . If the new research takes root, the city could require city buildings, restaurants
and bars and public-use buildings to have gender-neutral single- or multiuser bathrooms.
Supporters say that simply
switching signs on the front of restroom doors could make life safer for transgendered people who are now forced to decide
between men's and women's lavs.
This is a classic example of how the homosexual movement operates.
They work tirelessly to change the laws to force all of society to accommodate and accept their agenda, no matter what the
consequences or cost.
Conspicuously ignored, of course, it the fact that the liberal mental health community officially
considers transgenderism - known scientifically as "gender identity disorder" - as a disorder requiring treatment,
not accommodation by society.
Although Cambridge is considered a fringe liberal area, this is a warning of things
to come unless people are vigilant. We are waiting to see the new "Transgender rights and hate crimes" bill that
the homosexual lobby has likely filed again this year in the Legislature. We'll keep you informed on developments. | Support
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