COMFLM.COM 2011,12,13

Open Meeting Law updates 2011
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1D. All meetings of joint standing committees, and special joint committees of the Senate and House of Representatives, shall be open to the public, and any person shall be permitted to attend any such meeting unless such committee convenes in executive session, as provided herein. All joint standing committees shall determine a schedule for committee hearings to be held from the beginning of the first annual session through the fourth Wednesday in June in said session. These committee schedules shall be submitted to the Clerk of the House who shall cause them to be published on the official website for the General Court. Establishment of such schedules shall not preclude joint standing committees from scheduling additional hearings or meetings as needed. No executive session shall be held except upon extraordinary circumstances and only after the committee has first convened in an open session for which notice has been given, the presiding officer has stated the purpose of the executive session, a majority of the committee members present has voted to go into executive session, the vote of each member has been recorded on a roll call vote, and the presiding officer has stated before the executive session if the committee will reconvene after the executive session. The records of all such roll calls shall be kept in the offices of the committee for the duration of the General Court during which said vote was recorded, and shall be available for public inspection upon reasonable notice and during regular office hours.

All joint standing committees, and special joint committees of the Senate and House of Representatives, shall notify the Sergeant-at-Arms of the time, place and agenda of all public hearings and executive sessions not less than 48 hours prior to the time of such meetings. The Sergeant-at-Arms shall notify the clerk, who shall inform all members electronically and publish such information on the official website of the General Court whenever practicable. (my note this is incredible.. the sergeant at arms is key to why the hearings are not posted? )

Nothing contained in this rule shall prohibit a joint standing committee or special joint committee of the Senate and the House of Representatives from taking appropriate action including, but not limited to, the exclusion of a person from a committee meeting in order to prevent the disruption of or interference with committee proceedings.

The 48 hour requirement shall be suspended in an emergency only after all reasonable efforts have been made to contact all committee members and upon a recorded vote of at least a majority of the members of each branch appointed to the committee, but not less than two-thirds of the members of each branch voting.

A meeting of a committee may be recorded by a person in attendance by means of a recorder or any other means of audio/visual reproduction except when a meeting is held in executive session; provided, that a person seeking to record a meeting of a committee notifies the Chairs of the committee prior to commencing such recording; and provided further that during such recording there is no interference with the conduct of the meeting. [Adopted June 3, 1985. Amended June 12, 1995; Feb. 20, 2007.]

Sunshine Week March 14-19

Red Mass Group sent me a note on Facebook about this.

A number of local papers are taking part in SUNSHINE WEEK, a national initiative to encourage open government and freedom of information, which kicked off yesterday:

The Springfield Republican reports that A.G. Martha Coakley is investigating the UMass board

While the T&G looks at how Coakley is handling the open meeting law.

The CC Times watches government gatekeepers

Sentinel & Enterprise reporters find cooperation from local officials

The AP sheds some light on the Legislature’s immunity from the open meeting law

The Lowell Sun investigates quasi-public agencies

The Daily News takes on public employees using taxpayer-owned cars

Interesting reading all around.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

AG Begins Posting Rulings under Open Meeting Law

Ever since Attorney General Martha Coakley's office took over exclusive responsibility for enforcement of the open meeting law last July, a goal of the office has been to begin posting its rulings online. Beginning today, that goal is now a reality.

This afternoon, the AG's Division of Open Government posted all the determination letters it has issued to date under the new law -- 29 in total. These are the letters that the AG issues after investigating a complaint and deciding whether there has been a violation of the open meeting law.

"The determination letters are intended to be a resource and provide helpful guidance on the requirements of the Open Meeting Law," the AG's website says. "We intend to periodically update this section with newly issued determination letters, so please check back frequently."

These determination letters are part of a broader section of the AG's website devoted to the open meeting law. It includes the text of the law and regulations, a guide to the law, and a variety of materials, forms and resources related to the law.
Best regards,
Kristi L. Devine
Thursday, March 10, 2011

AG Begins Posting Rulings under Open Meeting Law

Ever since Attorney General Martha Coakley's office took over exclusive responsibility for enforcement of the open meeting law last July, a goal of the office has been to begin posting its rulings online. Beginning today, that goal is now a reality.

This afternoon, the AG's Division of Open Government posted all the determination letters it has issued to date under the new law -- 29 in total. These are the letters that the AG issues after investigating a complaint and deciding whether there has been a violation of the open meeting law.

"The determination letters are intended to be a resource and provide helpful guidance on the requirements of the Open Meeting Law," the AG's website says. "We intend to periodically update this section with newly issued determination letters, so please check back frequently."

These determination letters are part of a broader section of the AG's website devoted to the open meeting law. It includes the text of the law and regulations, a guide to the law, and a variety of materials, forms and resources related to the law.
Best regards,
Kristi L. Devine












Thursday, March 10, 2011

AG Begins Posting Rulings under Open Meeting Law

Ever since Attorney General Martha Coakley's office took over exclusive responsibility for enforcement of the open meeting law last July, a goal of the office has been to begin posting its rulings online. Beginning today, that goal is now a reality.

This afternoon, the AG's Division of Open Government posted all the determination letters it has issued to date under the new law -- 29 in total. These are the letters that the AG issues after investigating a complaint and deciding whether there has been a violation of the open meeting law.

"The determination letters are intended to be a resource and provide helpful guidance on the requirements of the Open Meeting Law," the AG's website says. "We intend to periodically update this section with newly issued determination letters, so please check back frequently."

These determination letters are part of a broader section of the AG's website devoted to the open meeting law. It includes the text of the law and regulations, a guide to the law, and a variety of materials, forms and resources related to the law.
Best regards,
Kristi L. Devine

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