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March 2011 Newsletter

MassGOP Newsletter
March 11, 2011

As Attorney General Martha Coakley looks into the actions of the Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts board of directors, she's investigating a group of people responsible for at least $65,000 dumped into her campaign accounts. This cozy connection between Coakley and the BCBS board raises questions about the appearance of a conflict of interest and whether ratepayers would be better served by the appointment of a special prosecutor.

Massachusetts Republican Party Chairman Jennifer Nassour stated: "The number of donations from Blue Cross board members to Attorney General Coakley demonstrates there are longstanding political relationships that raise questions about her ability to conduct an impartial review of their actions. Surely Attorney General Coakley can see that $65,000 in donations could lead a reasonable person to conclude there is a conflict of interest, and she should recuse herself from this case."

According to a review of campaign records:

  • $12,600 was donated by five board members to Coakley’s failed U.S. Senate campaign.
  • $5,500 was donated by seven board members to Coakley’s state campaign account.
  • $41,500 was channeled into Coakley's state and federal accounts by various AFL-CIO organizations, and board member Robert Haynes is president of the Massachusetts AFL-CIO.
  • $5,000 went from various Blue Cross PACs to Coakley’s state and federal accounts.
  • $1,500 was given by former Blue Cross CEO Cleve Killingsworth

(Source: FEC and Massachusetts OCPF)

Full house for newly elected GOP officials event

Chairman Nassour, Republican House Leader Brad Jones, and Bristol County Sheriff Thomas Hodgson led a discussion with the party’s newest elected officials last night in Boston. Chairman Nassour highlighted GOP opportunities leading up to the 2012 election season and detailed how the party can assist future candidates and current office holders. Sheriff Hodgson and Rep. Jones offered  advice and assistance to the new officials as they look forward to running for re-election in a higher-turnout presidential year and uncertaintly surrounding the ongoing redistricting effort.

Chairman Nassour noted: “2012 offers serious potential for even greater gains in the House” when examining the electoral map. “We saw so many great candidates not only win open seats and defeat incumbents, but we had a number of Republican candidates come very close to victory with their first campaigns for public office.”         


Scott Brown Book Signing Saturday

The Belmont, Cambridge, Lexington, Watertown and Winchester RTCs are joining forces to host a book signing with Senator Scott Brown this Saturday.  Senator Brown will be signing copies of his new book, AGAINST ALL ODDS: My Life of Hardship, Fast Breaks and Second Chances.

When: Saturday, March 12 9:30-10:30 AM

Where:  BELMONT MEDIA CENTER (Waverley Square)

9 Lexington Street in Belmont

You can pick up a signed copy of Senator Brown's book for a donation of $25 (all proceeds going to support the host Republican Town Committees).  Email to reserve a copy.

Suffolk/Norfolk District GOP Meeting
with special guest Rep. Brad Jones

When: Monday March 21st 7PM

Where: Westwood Municipal Office Building
50 Carby Street, Westwood

Hosted by the Westwood RTC, Representative Jones will discuss the legislative priorities of the House Republican Caucus for the 2011-2012, and the day’s headlines in state news. Email for more info.  

Spring Training for RTCs
Sign Up Now!
BOSTON – Boot camps for RTCs are scheduled for this spring to provide a one-day, crash course in building an effective town committee. Topics for RTC members and prospective members will include:
- Hosting winning fundraisers
- Getting press releases published
- Building membership and interest
- Finding and supporting local candidates
- And much more!
The boot camp schedule is:
- Sunday, March 27, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., at the office of Senator Richard Ross, 93 Commonwealth Ave., North Attleboro.
- Saturday, April 9, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., Riverdale Mill, 130 Riverdale St., Northbridge.
- Saturday, May 21, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., West Springfield Town Hall, 26 Central St., West Springfield.
Participants will receive handouts and a reference booklet, with the option of purchasing a CD with sample materials for $10. The program will include a light lunch, snacks, drinks, and dress is casual.
To sign up to attend a boot camp, email

Celebrate St. Patrick's Day with YRs

Celebrate St. Patrick's Day with the Young Republicans on March 14, 6-8 p.m., at Howl At The Moon, 184 High St., Boston.  The cost is $75 per person and includes food and drink tickets.  RSVP to or 617-523-5005 ext. 260.



The Massachusetts Republican Party
85 Merrimac St., Suite 400
Boston, MA 02114
(617) 523-5005
The Honorable Jennifer A. Nassour, Esq., Chairman -


Executive Director Nathan Little -
Political Director Anthony Ferrucci -
Finance Director Magan Munson -
Special Assistant to the Chairman Kaitlyn Greeley -
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MassGOP Newsletter
January 21, 2011
Mass. Republicans Congratulate
New RNC Chairman

BOSTON - Massachusetts Republican Party Chairman Jennifer Nassour and Republican National Committee Members Ron Kaufman and Jody Dow congratulated the new chairman of the Republican National Committee who was elected last Friday.  Reince Priebus, the former chairman of the Wisconsin Republican Party, ran for chairman pledging to defeat President Obama and regain the majority in the Senate in 2012.

"I congratulate Reince on winning the RNC chairmanship, and I look forward to working with him to regain Republican control of the White House and the U.S. Senate.  I also look forward to his leadership on two areas of critical importance, activating the grassroots and restoring our financial strength," Nassour said.
Kaufman stated: "At a time when the national party must come together, to build on the enthusiasm of the grass roots victories we had last November, Reince is a proven political leader, who has demonstrated in Wisconsin his abilities to do just that."
Stead: MassGOP Needs to Focus on Gradual Gains
Cynthia Stead, a Republican State Committee Member, writes a regular column for the Cape Cod Times.  Here is an excerpt from her latest column:

One year ago, Scott Brown was elected as the first Massachusetts Republican senator since Edward Brooke. His election was a catalyst for the national gains, inspiring Republicans nationwide with his man-bites-dog election, as unexpected as the Arizona Cardinals going to the Super Bowl.

Local Democrats complain that Brown thinks he's the bride at every wedding, but they are the ones who keep playing "Lohengrin" for him with their focus on his every vote.

Just like the Pats need to accept that this was a rebuilding year despite a great season, so does the Mass. GOP need to focus on making more gradual gains in local and legislative races — and training camp is only a couple of weeks away for us.

Read the full column here. 

Grassroots Conference; Register today!

Don't miss out on great workshops, programs and breakout sessions hosted by some of our most seasoned and respected GOP officials:


Full agenda, travel information and registration are available online at

For questions, please contact Kaitlyn Greeley at or 617.523.5005 Ext.248

In Case You Missed It
Executive Director Calls on Dem Advisor to Give Some Answers
Nate Little, Executive Director of the MassGOP, used a letter to the editor in yesterday's Herald to ask pointed questions of Doug Rubin, Governor Patrick's political consultant and former chief of staff:
Thank you to Doug Rubin for his thoughts on the Republican Party in Massachusetts (Bay State needs a stronger GOP, January 17).  In the spirit of bipartisan civility re-emerging across our nation, I will not suggest that Mr. Rubin, a political consultant to Democratic Gov. Deval Patrick, had ulterior motives in writing this column or his last on Senator Scott Brown.

However, if Mr. Rubin, the governor's former chief of staff, is going to continue to write columns for the Herald, I think readers would be more interested in hearing from him on these topics:

1. Now that Evergreen Solar is laying off 800 workers, closing its factory and moving the jobs to China, Mr. Rubin should explain why, under his leadership, $58 million in taxpayer money went to a single company.  How was Evergreen Solar selected and why did the Patrick Administration fail to write provisions in the grants to the company that called for greater repayment upon closure of the plant?  Evergreen has said publicly it owes only up to $4 million to the state.

2. What role did Mr. Rubin play in the appointment of the governor's campaign driver, Mark A. Conrad, as chairman of the state Parole Board? Given the criminal justice priority for this administration has been aiding ex-cons, did Mr. Rubin or anyone in the administration consider the consequences of early release for violent offenders?

3. Why did Mr. Rubin attempt to orchestrate the appointment of then-State Senator Marion Walsh to a $175,000 job that had been vacant for a decade?  Why did the Patrick Administration put considerable effort into finding a job for Ms. Walsh when next to nothing has been successfully accomplished to keep its promise of creating 100,000 new jobs.

When Mr. Rubin has written about these topics, I'd be pleased to suggest some more.

Nathan Little
Executive Director
Massachusetts Republican Party

Judge to Rule Next Week on 6th Worcester Court Challenge
Lawyers for Republican Rep.-Elect Peter J. Durant and defeated Democrat Rep. Geraldo Alicea grilled witnesses in court this week as Alicea attempted to get a judge to rule the election was tied instead of conceding defeat to Durant by one vote.  Closing arguments were Thursday and the judge promised to issue a decision next week, according to published reports.

The Committee to Elect Peter J. Durant is seeking donations to offset legal bills.  The MassGOP donated the maximum $3,000 last week, as well as urging donors to contribute directly to the committee.  Donations can be made online.




The Massachusetts Republican Party
85 Merrimac St., Suite 400
Boston, MA 02114
(617) 523-5005
The Honorable Jennifer A. Nassour, Esq., Chairman -


Executive Director Nathan Little -
Political Director Michael Rigas -
Deputy Finance Director Magan Munson -
Special Assistant to the Chairman Kaitlyn Greeley -
Operations Director Anthony Ferrucci -
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