Tom Duggan Editor Owner Valley Patriot Newspaper Introduces NDAA to speak ... Camera GE Camcorder did a great job
and this is a total of 1 gigabite. The event lasted from 1pm to 4pm and ended with a walk to the Senate ..
As JAldrich took the rail on Christmas afternoon a standing freezing wait on Lynn Platform was suddenly transformed
into a serious science moment. A dreary Christmas weather of thick clouds persisted most of the day. But a peek of sun poke
through the clouds and getting out a camera a JVC Camcorder she attempted to capture the happening. You will see JAldrich
is struggling as the cold was so bad her hands were just freezing off. And the shaking freezing air seemed to want to stop
the capture. ...
Mrs Kristi Devine, a resident of West Newbury, on October 19,2011 addresses the West Newbury Selectmen on a October
20 pending criminal matter before the Peabody District Court the next morning October 20, 2011. Catch of the Day, Video News,
Freelance Reporting attended the meeting and videotaped. This is 20 minutes of a 2.5 hour meeting. The next morning however,
Mrs Devine did not go to court due to an episode of severe chest pain and her family took her to the Newburyport Anna Jacques
On September 2 2010 Comflm Registry News was on Vital Concerns BNN Boston Neighborhood Network with Atty Colbe
Mazzarella who sits in for the Dr Mildred E Jefferson Community Access Show as Moderator. Colbe was excellent in her guidance
of the conversation and J Aldrich of Hamilton Founder of the CPPR Archive Project, the Coalition to Preserve the Public Record
Public Works Video Documents Media Project explained how the lack of transparency from not having public record law imposed
on our Leg...
On the 7th of December at Newburyport District Court Mrs Kristi Devine West Newbury was a Defendant in a case that
has been ongoing for 10 years with numerous accusations by her neighbor. This case was pro se on both parties. Mrs Devine
has spent thousands of dollars on Lawyers and at this point has decided to file pro se. I met Mrs Devine on Beacon Hill testifying
on public record law and her aggregious case. I am interested in following pro se cases and believe they in particular should
On the same day Mrs. Devine of West Newbury was in Newburyport District Court, Salisbury Police Chief Les'perance
was put under investigation and it was Front page of the Local Newspaper. This is the Media who were waiting outside the Station
in Salisbury to get the first news. I think at this point it is a slow burn as not much appears to be happening. According
to Mrs Devine this Police Officer was directly involved in her being falsely arrested by Officer Les'perance.
On Tuesday at Peabody District Court, Peabody Square, Central Street Peabody, Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance
Reporting covered the dual Pro Se Litigants Waring vs Devine 285 Harrassment case. This case was heard two weeks prior in
Newburyport and was moved due to Recusal by Judge . Having met Mrs Devine on Beacon Hill while taping a Public Record Hearing
this case was in my neighborhood, North Shore Pro Se and I am interested in this type of case. I Requested to tape both days,
but th...
In this last tape of about 8 minutes you will see the Lighting of the First Candle of 8 days of Chanuka by the
Lubavitch Rabbi and Theresa Murray Senate President. The 45 minute tape is broken into short segments due to the Internet
Provider package. This was captured on a JVC 30 gig Camcorder. This is the third time Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance
Reporting has attended and Documented the Event of the Lubavitch Education Center Annual Event.
In this 16 minute video we will now be hearing from Judge Roderick Ireland, who will give his personal testimony
of why he feels he is going to accept this offer as Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. Judge Ireland will be replacing Chief
Justice Margaret Marshall SJC. This is number 1 and there are approximately 2 hours of his testimony which will be broken
into 16 minute segments. This was videotaped on a Sony DVD Camcorder in sp mode. Copies of the Hearing were delivered next
day to SJC Inf...
On December 1 2010 the Governors Council heard public testimony on the appointment of Judge Roderick Ireland to
the Supreme Judicial Court to replace retiring Justice Margaret Marshall. In this 9 minute tape Joseph Urjneck of Fathers
Coalition addresses the Council to not support this appointment.
On December 1 2010 The Governors Council heard testimony from the Fathers Rights Group on the appointment of Judge
Roderick Ireland to the Supreme Judicial Court to replace retiring Justice Margaret Marshall.
December 1 2010 the Governors Council held a public hearing to appoint a new Supreme Court Justice. Brian Camenker
in this 4 minute tape addresses the Council on Justice Roderick Ireland, who is being interviewed for Supreme Court Justice
to replace retiring Judge Margaret Marshall SJC
In this 6 minute tape Brian Camenker, Mass Resistance Founder and Investigative Reporter chides Committee on Judge
Ireland, Candidate to be the SJC Supreme Court Justice to replace Justice Margaret Marshall. Mr. Camenker at the Governors
Council Public Hearing stated this appointment is a worst nightmare. Mr. Camenker, did not support the appointment for Judge
Ireland who is clearly not non partisan..
Mrs. Sally Naumann, of Carlisle, addressed the Governors Council Members in Committee on December 1, 2010. Mrs.
Naumann wanted the Committee to select a Justice that was not known to be partisan and this Judge Ireland was partial in matters
of same sex union. Mrs Naumann has spoken on many occasions on the dangers health wise in this behavior which is a grave concern
to her.
In this 9 minute compelling public testimony before the Governors Council Atty Prociotto Esq Sr. addresses his
concerns with public record law and discusses his experience with Justice Ireland the Candidate for Supreme Court Justice.
In this tape of 14 minutes you will be hearing Atty Prociotto Esq speak of his experience with Justice Ireland
in three cases. Very interesting testimony on the lack of public record law in the Judiciary.
On Dec 1 2010 the Governors Council heard testimony in a public Hearing on the Governors appointment of Justice
Ireland to the Supreme Court. On this 3minute segment you will hear a Committee woman express her dismay at the amount of
money the Picciotto's had to pay to obtain public records in their damage case of 50 thousand dollars.
On December 3 2010 at the Boston Statehouse, Justice Ireland had a Governors Council Hearing on his appointment.
In this 10 minute comment Melita Picciotto, Esq discusses her concerns about the Judge and public record law.
On the First Sunday of every month at Doyles Cafe, Jamaica Plain Steve Garfield holds a Media Meeting. It is great.
You have to go. This is a sample of what you will find. Besides the free coffee and the awesome food, great Waitresses, the
meeting is sensational. You will get your impossible Media questions answered and get to know some truly great Artists in
the Field. Catch of theDay, Video News, Freelance Reporting. sorry for the lighting problem.
On Monday Nov 1 2010, at the Quincy Elks Club, a special pre Election Day gathering for Rep Perry took place where
Governor Romney gave his personal endorsement and support of Representative Jeff Perry, of Hyannis, Massachusetts running
for Congress against Democrat Congressman James Keating. Approximately 100 people jamned into the Club for the Endorsement.
The tape lasts approximately 20 minutes. Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting taped the event.
On Tuesday, November 3 2010 noon, at Our Lady Help of Christians, Catholic Church 573 Washington St Newton Ma 02458,
a Memorial Mass was held for Dr Mildred Jefferson, MD. Dr Jefferson at 84 had been a pioneer for Black students at Harvard
University as the first woman who graduated Med Surgery and became Founder and the President of Massachusetts Citizens for
Life, MCFL where she lobbied tirelessly for rights of the unborn. This film is 45 minutes long, and is one of 3 that captured
the Celeb...
Tape 2 of 3 A Memorial Mass Service continues for Dr Mildred Jefferson MD, pioneer of MCFL Massachusetts Citizens
for Life President and Founder. The Church is in Newton. Approximately, 300 people attended the service at noon on Wednesday.
Mildred will be buried in Texas with family. Video by CatchoftheDay, VideoNews, FreelanceReporting.
On Wednesday, November 3 2010 in Newton Massachusetts, a Memorial Service was held for the late Dr. Mildred Jefferson
MD, who personally pioneered MCFL Massachusetts Citizens For Life, a non profit dedicated to stopping Adoption in our Country.
Mildred was 84 years old at her death and was every bit a spark of life to all who met and knew her. Her achievements follow
her and much has to be said. The Service Mass is approximately 1.5 hours long. This tape is 29minutes and was recorded on
a Sony...
In this tape we hear from Paul Jehle, Plymouth Pastor and Historian on the USA early American History. This tape
will include others and will last approximately 27 minutes.
In this tape we hear from Kris Mineau Assembly of God Pastor and head of MFI Woburn. The next speaker I did not
hear the name. Appologies! This tape will last approximately 20 minutes
A woman named Bethany came up to speak of the danger the church is in at this moment critical juncture in history.
We are tottering on extinction. If the Lord does not help us we have failed to perceive this radical need for a change in
heart. We need to see the truth for what it is. Excellent Bethany who is an intercessor and prophetess at JHOP Boston. Her
numbers breakdown is powerful.
On September 25 2010 in Memorial Hall, Plymouth, Massachusetts, people gathered to Repent for the sins of the generations
that have come from the Pilgrims to now. Shofar blowing would have been a part of the early Christian Pilgrims as they believed
the Jewish Traditions were never omitted from Scripture. On this day the people gathered to re covenant with God and the Mayflower
Christians who built the Monument to Religious Freedom much overlooked in American History Books. This tape is short ...
In this video we will see people worshiping and thanking God for our America. A highlight is a woman with a silver
flute. The flute actually glistened as she played. It was very special. How cool is that. This tape is about 7 minutes long
and was done on a Sony dvd camcorder in lp mode.
At the Monument in Plymouth the Christians gathered to honor the Monument and to Repent for not keeping Covenant
with the First Settlers. The group though small at first ends up to fill the Memorial Hall downtown. This portion is the first
remarks the Pledge of Allegiance and song. This tape lasts 10 minutes and was taped on a Sony dvd camcorder in lp mode.
On Saturday the Plymouth Monument to the Pilgrims was the site of the gathering of People who were committed to
the God of the Mayflower to recelebrate the Monument and for National Repentance Day. The event lasted from 930 in the Am
to 4pm ending at the Memorial Hall, downtown. Please use the pause to read the inscriptions on the monument. As the event
was starting I wanted to get a shot of the four sides . In the background was the sound of the generator for the equipment.
On Friday night , Catch of the Day, Video News took the Boston bound Rail from Hamilton . Planning an early start
to Plymouth the next day, without a car, depending on rail inconvenient schedules. The plan was to stay over with friends
to arrive in Plymouth at 9am. Thrilled to have not missed the train pulling my equipment, JAldrich sits in the car near the
door. Looking up at the yellow sign shock began to hit the Reporter. Out comes the camera and here it is. Upon leaving from
the last car, ...
On Monday September 20 2010 The Liberty Preservation Association sponsored an event in Nurses Hall, Statehouse
Boston to celebrate Constitution Day. One of the Speakers was Christen Varley, the Greater Boston Tea Party President. This
talk will last 15 minutes.
Jordan Page sings for the Massachusetts Liberty Preservation Association Constitution Day Celebration. Jordan is
touring the USA and writes his own Patriotic Liberty Music.
On September 20 2010 The Liberty Preservation Association in Nurses Hall Celebrated Constitution Day. In this tape
we hear from Emcee Tricorn Tom Moore, Patriot Pastor Garrett Lear, Sean Harrington Pledge of Allegiance, and the National
Anthem by Brad Marston, Candidate for State Rep 8th Suffolk.
On September 20, 2010 The Liberty Preservation Association held a Celebration Constitution Day event in Nurses
Hall, Statehouse, Boston. In this tape we hear from Bob Dwyer, President LPA, Ken Mandile, Organizer of the Worcester Tea
On Monday September 20 2010 in Nurses Hall Boston Statehouse the Liberty Preservation Association held a Constitution
Day Celebration. In this video we will hear from Dan Mc Gonigle, State Organizer Committees of Safety, Kamail Jain former
Candidate state Auditor
On September 10 2010 the Merrimac Valley Tea Party in Andover have a special guest Michael Graham coming to speak.
The mood is up and the general business has to be addressed. You might want to join this group!
On September 9 2010, the Merrimac Valley Tea Party met in Andover, and this tape will have a few things of interest.
How much do you know your history? Introduction of Michael Graham.
On Thursday the Merrimac Valley Tea Party in Andover heard from Michael Graham Talk Radio Host and approximately,
70 people attended. Funny stuff here, you will enjoy every minute. Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting taped
this on a Sony DVD Camcorder.
Tom Weaver for Congress and his Band get introduced first for the Merrimac Valle Tea Party Michael Graham night.
This tape is greeat.. Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting on a Sony DVD Camcorder..
On Thursday September 9, 2010 in Andover, the Merrimac Valley Tea Party invited Michael Graham to speak to the
group of 70 people. This portion is 10 minutes in length. Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting taped the event
on a Sony DVD Camcorder.
On September 9 2010 Michael Graham accepted an invitation to speak to the Merrimac Valley Tea Party. This tape
is approximately 10 minutes long and addresses Beacon Hill and how they are worried about the impact of the Tea Party on their
votes. Compelling, funny, this video will boost your spirits.
On September 9 2010 Michael Graham accepted an invitation to speak to the Merrimac Valley Tea Party. Only 5 minutes
this tape will captivate you. He spoke around one hour to the group of approximately 70 people. He praised the group for the
numbers and encouraged them to keep up the goog work. Each tape will be posted in 10 minute segments.
On Saturday and Sunday September 11,12, 2010 in Hamilton the Horse Show is going on. Catch of the Day, Video News,
Freelance Reporting decided to cruise over on her scooter and capture some footage. Using a Sony DVD Camcorder on automatic
the footage is a little dark. It is a gamble each time I tape as to what will show up. Weather, sun and so manythings affect
video quality. However, the day was gorgeous and not having gone before I was struck with the beauty of the event. What a
blessing to ...
On Thursday night in Andover, the MERRIMAC VALLEY TEA PARTY, Bob Shapiro, Republican,,
speaks to Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting about the coming race in the 5th District. Bob Graduated from
Fordham University. He has worked as a Pharmacist, a front line Corporate Manager, a Software Engineer, and a Math Teacher.
He and his wife Maria have 2 children and 5 grandchildren and he lives in Andover. This video is approximately 6 minutes long.
This is a lit...
On August 25 2010 the Merrimac Valley Tea Party held a Candidates night in Andover. Robert Finnerhan, Republican
Attorney running for Representative against Harriet Stanley.
On August 25 2010 in Andover the Merrimac Valley Tea Party held a Candidates night. Jameson Tomasek Republican
is running for Senate Susan Tuckers Seat.2nd Essex Seat.
Kevin Begley, Republican 14th District, running for Representative spoke to the Merrimac Valley Tea Party Candidates
Night event in Andover on the 25th of August.
On August 25 2010 in Andover the Merrimac Valley Tea Party held a Candidates night. Stanley Novak Republican is
running for Representative from the 14th District.
Paul Adams Republican of 17th District is running for Representative for Rep Barry Fiengolds seat. The Merrimac
Valley Tea Party on August 25 2010 held a Candidates night. Paul Adams would like to give money back to Local Aid for Cities
and Towns for Police Fire EMS.
On August 25 2010 the Merrimac Valley Tea Party held a Candidates Night. For the 17th District we here from Salim
Tabit, Esq. An Attorney running for Representative for Barry Feingolds seat. This guy is amazing and has a very down to earth
necessary platform for the Repubican ticket. A child of Cuban Immigrants he explains the situation America is in.
On August 25 2010 in Andover the Merrimac Valley Tea Party held a Candidates night. Here we listen to James Lyons
Republican of Andover who is running against Encumbent Democrat Representative Barbara L'Italien. This guy will give Barbara
a run for her money.
Tape 1 of 2 John Thorlin of the 18th District speaks to the Merrimac Valley Tea Party Candidates night in North
Andover. John Thorlin is running for Representative and was the last speaker to address the group.
In Andover on August 25 2010 the Merrimac Valley Tea Party held a Candidates night. This is the last tape and only
3minutes of questions to John Thorlin, running for Representative in the 18th District. A Graduate of Harvard he was remarkably
on target as a Republican hoping to help curb the present situation of Socialized Healthcare and Entitlement practices by
the Democratic Representatives. This guy is not going away soon. tape 2 of 2
Tape one of two, August 31 2010 the Bus Tour called Blue Green Alliance Jobs Not Done, held a public meeting to
discuss the stimulus funding for the Environment at the University of Maine Avronson Hall .
At the University of Maine in the Avronson Building the Blue Green Alliance Jobs Not Done Bus Tour held a public
meeting on the scope of the Environment Stimulus Funds. This is tape two of two total of 32 minutes. Approximately, 15 people
attended this event. The next stop is Boston Roxbury Community College at 830AM on Sept 1 2010 for a Press Conference.
The South Boston Tea Party holds an event at Castle Island and the Regional Director for the Tea Party addresses
the group of approximately 150 people in the soaking rain.
In this video the Chair of the South Boston Tea Party addesses her involvement in the Tea Party spearheaded by
her two sons deployed to Iraq. Very compelling video.
Brian Camenker, Mass Resistance speaks to the South Boston Tea Party Event first at Castle Island. Approximately,
150 people showed up in the pouring rain. I arrived a little late so the talk was already going on.
CJ Doyle Esq, Catholic Action League, speaks to the Tea Party at Castle Island, South Boston in the soaking rain.
Approximately, 150 people showed up to listen to the speakers.
On Sunday August 22 2010 the Director of Political Studies, Washington DC spoke at Castle Island Fort, South Boston
to the Tea Party on legal Immigration Issues in the soaking rain. Approximately 150 people showed up to listen to the speakers.
No Candidates were invited to speak at this Tea Party Event.
Carlos Fernandez, Tea Party Chairperson Saugus runs a Rally in Saugus for the Tea Party. Candidates will speak
and a group of approximately 100 people showed up.
Tom Duggan Editor Owner Valley Patriot Newspaper Introduces NDAA to speak ... Camera GE Camcorder did a great job
and this is a total of 1 gigabite. The event lasted from 1pm to 4pm and ended with a walk to the Senate ..
As JAldrich took the rail on Christmas afternoon a standing freezing wait on Lynn Platform was suddenly transformed
into a serious science moment. A dreary Christmas weather of thick clouds persisted most of the day. But a peek of sun poke
through the clouds and getting out a camera a JVC Camcorder she attempted to capture the happening. You will see JAldrich
is struggling as the cold was so bad her hands were just freezing off. And the shaking freezing air seemed to want to stop
the capture. ...
Mrs Kristi Devine, a resident of West Newbury, on October 19,2011 addresses the West Newbury Selectmen on a October
20 pending criminal matter before the Peabody District Court the next morning October 20, 2011. Catch of the Day, Video News,
Freelance Reporting attended the meeting and videotaped. This is 20 minutes of a 2.5 hour meeting. The next morning however,
Mrs Devine did not go to court due to an episode of severe chest pain and her family took her to the Newburyport Anna Jacques
On September 2 2010 Comflm Registry News was on Vital Concerns BNN Boston Neighborhood Network with Atty Colbe
Mazzarella who sits in for the Dr Mildred E Jefferson Community Access Show as Moderator. Colbe was excellent in her guidance
of the conversation and J Aldrich of Hamilton Founder of the CPPR Archive Project, the Coalition to Preserve the Public Record
Public Works Video Documents Media Project explained how the lack of transparency from not having public record law imposed
on our Leg...
On the 7th of December at Newburyport District Court Mrs Kristi Devine West Newbury was a Defendant in a case that
has been ongoing for 10 years with numerous accusations by her neighbor. This case was pro se on both parties. Mrs Devine
has spent thousands of dollars on Lawyers and at this point has decided to file pro se. I met Mrs Devine on Beacon Hill testifying
on public record law and her aggregious case. I am interested in following pro se cases and believe they in particular should
On the same day Mrs. Devine of West Newbury was in Newburyport District Court, Salisbury Police Chief Les'perance
was put under investigation and it was Front page of the Local Newspaper. This is the Media who were waiting outside the Station
in Salisbury to get the first news. I think at this point it is a slow burn as not much appears to be happening. According
to Mrs Devine this Police Officer was directly involved in her being falsely arrested by Officer Les'perance.
On Tuesday at Peabody District Court, Peabody Square, Central Street Peabody, Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance
Reporting covered the dual Pro Se Litigants Waring vs Devine 285 Harrassment case. This case was heard two weeks prior in
Newburyport and was moved due to Recusal by Judge . Having met Mrs Devine on Beacon Hill while taping a Public Record Hearing
this case was in my neighborhood, North Shore Pro Se and I am interested in this type of case. I Requested to tape both days,
but th...
In this last tape of about 8 minutes you will see the Lighting of the First Candle of 8 days of Chanuka by the
Lubavitch Rabbi and Theresa Murray Senate President. The 45 minute tape is broken into short segments due to the Internet
Provider package. This was captured on a JVC 30 gig Camcorder. This is the third time Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance
Reporting has attended and Documented the Event of the Lubavitch Education Center Annual Event.
In this 16 minute video we will now be hearing from Judge Roderick Ireland, who will give his personal testimony
of why he feels he is going to accept this offer as Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. Judge Ireland will be replacing Chief
Justice Margaret Marshall SJC. This is number 1 and there are approximately 2 hours of his testimony which will be broken
into 16 minute segments. This was videotaped on a Sony DVD Camcorder in sp mode. Copies of the Hearing were delivered next
day to SJC Inf...
On December 1 2010 the Governors Council heard public testimony on the appointment of Judge Roderick Ireland to
the Supreme Judicial Court to replace retiring Justice Margaret Marshall. In this 9 minute tape Joseph Urjneck of Fathers
Coalition addresses the Council to not support this appointment.
On December 1 2010 The Governors Council heard testimony from the Fathers Rights Group on the appointment of Judge
Roderick Ireland to the Supreme Judicial Court to replace retiring Justice Margaret Marshall.
December 1 2010 the Governors Council held a public hearing to appoint a new Supreme Court Justice. Brian Camenker
in this 4 minute tape addresses the Council on Justice Roderick Ireland, who is being interviewed for Supreme Court Justice
to replace retiring Judge Margaret Marshall SJC
In this 6 minute tape Brian Camenker, Mass Resistance Founder and Investigative Reporter chides Committee on Judge
Ireland, Candidate to be the SJC Supreme Court Justice to replace Justice Margaret Marshall. Mr. Camenker at the Governors
Council Public Hearing stated this appointment is a worst nightmare. Mr. Camenker, did not support the appointment for Judge
Ireland who is clearly not non partisan..
Mrs. Sally Naumann, of Carlisle, addressed the Governors Council Members in Committee on December 1, 2010. Mrs.
Naumann wanted the Committee to select a Justice that was not known to be partisan and this Judge Ireland was partial in matters
of same sex union. Mrs Naumann has spoken on many occasions on the dangers health wise in this behavior which is a grave concern
to her.
In this 9 minute compelling public testimony before the Governors Council Atty Prociotto Esq Sr. addresses his
concerns with public record law and discusses his experience with Justice Ireland the Candidate for Supreme Court Justice.
In this tape of 14 minutes you will be hearing Atty Prociotto Esq speak of his experience with Justice Ireland
in three cases. Very interesting testimony on the lack of public record law in the Judiciary.
On Dec 1 2010 the Governors Council heard testimony in a public Hearing on the Governors appointment of Justice
Ireland to the Supreme Court. On this 3minute segment you will hear a Committee woman express her dismay at the amount of
money the Picciotto's had to pay to obtain public records in their damage case of 50 thousand dollars.
On December 3 2010 at the Boston Statehouse, Justice Ireland had a Governors Council Hearing on his appointment.
In this 10 minute comment Melita Picciotto, Esq discusses her concerns about the Judge and public record law.
On the First Sunday of every month at Doyles Cafe, Jamaica Plain Steve Garfield holds a Media Meeting. It is great.
You have to go. This is a sample of what you will find. Besides the free coffee and the awesome food, great Waitresses, the
meeting is sensational. You will get your impossible Media questions answered and get to know some truly great Artists in
the Field. Catch of theDay, Video News, Freelance Reporting. sorry for the lighting problem.
On Monday Nov 1 2010, at the Quincy Elks Club, a special pre Election Day gathering for Rep Perry took place where
Governor Romney gave his personal endorsement and support of Representative Jeff Perry, of Hyannis, Massachusetts running
for Congress against Democrat Congressman James Keating. Approximately 100 people jamned into the Club for the Endorsement.
The tape lasts approximately 20 minutes. Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting taped the event.
On Tuesday, November 3 2010 noon, at Our Lady Help of Christians, Catholic Church 573 Washington St Newton Ma 02458,
a Memorial Mass was held for Dr Mildred Jefferson, MD. Dr Jefferson at 84 had been a pioneer for Black students at Harvard
University as the first woman who graduated Med Surgery and became Founder and the President of Massachusetts Citizens for
Life, MCFL where she lobbied tirelessly for rights of the unborn. This film is 45 minutes long, and is one of 3 that captured
the Celeb...
Tape 2 of 3 A Memorial Mass Service continues for Dr Mildred Jefferson MD, pioneer of MCFL Massachusetts Citizens
for Life President and Founder. The Church is in Newton. Approximately, 300 people attended the service at noon on Wednesday.
Mildred will be buried in Texas with family. Video by CatchoftheDay, VideoNews, FreelanceReporting.
On Wednesday, November 3 2010 in Newton Massachusetts, a Memorial Service was held for the late Dr. Mildred Jefferson
MD, who personally pioneered MCFL Massachusetts Citizens For Life, a non profit dedicated to stopping Adoption in our Country.
Mildred was 84 years old at her death and was every bit a spark of life to all who met and knew her. Her achievements follow
her and much has to be said. The Service Mass is approximately 1.5 hours long. This tape is 29minutes and was recorded on
a Sony...
In this tape we hear from Paul Jehle, Plymouth Pastor and Historian on the USA early American History. This tape
will include others and will last approximately 27 minutes.
In this tape we hear from Kris Mineau Assembly of God Pastor and head of MFI Woburn. The next speaker I did not
hear the name. Appologies! This tape will last approximately 20 minutes
A woman named Bethany came up to speak of the danger the church is in at this moment critical juncture in history.
We are tottering on extinction. If the Lord does not help us we have failed to perceive this radical need for a change in
heart. We need to see the truth for what it is. Excellent Bethany who is an intercessor and prophetess at JHOP Boston. Her
numbers breakdown is powerful.
On September 25 2010 in Memorial Hall, Plymouth, Massachusetts, people gathered to Repent for the sins of the generations
that have come from the Pilgrims to now. Shofar blowing would have been a part of the early Christian Pilgrims as they believed
the Jewish Traditions were never omitted from Scripture. On this day the people gathered to re covenant with God and the Mayflower
Christians who built the Monument to Religious Freedom much overlooked in American History Books. This tape is short ...
In this video we will see people worshiping and thanking God for our America. A highlight is a woman with a silver
flute. The flute actually glistened as she played. It was very special. How cool is that. This tape is about 7 minutes long
and was done on a Sony dvd camcorder in lp mode.
At the Monument in Plymouth the Christians gathered to honor the Monument and to Repent for not keeping Covenant
with the First Settlers. The group though small at first ends up to fill the Memorial Hall downtown. This portion is the first
remarks the Pledge of Allegiance and song. This tape lasts 10 minutes and was taped on a Sony dvd camcorder in lp mode.
On Saturday the Plymouth Monument to the Pilgrims was the site of the gathering of People who were committed to
the God of the Mayflower to recelebrate the Monument and for National Repentance Day. The event lasted from 930 in the Am
to 4pm ending at the Memorial Hall, downtown. Please use the pause to read the inscriptions on the monument. As the event
was starting I wanted to get a shot of the four sides . In the background was the sound of the generator for the equipment.
On Friday night , Catch of the Day, Video News took the Boston bound Rail from Hamilton . Planning an early start
to Plymouth the next day, without a car, depending on rail inconvenient schedules. The plan was to stay over with friends
to arrive in Plymouth at 9am. Thrilled to have not missed the train pulling my equipment, JAldrich sits in the car near the
door. Looking up at the yellow sign shock began to hit the Reporter. Out comes the camera and here it is. Upon leaving from
the last car, ...
On Monday September 20 2010 The Liberty Preservation Association sponsored an event in Nurses Hall, Statehouse
Boston to celebrate Constitution Day. One of the Speakers was Christen Varley, the Greater Boston Tea Party President. This
talk will last 15 minutes.
Jordan Page sings for the Massachusetts Liberty Preservation Association Constitution Day Celebration. Jordan is
touring the USA and writes his own Patriotic Liberty Music.
On September 20 2010 The Liberty Preservation Association in Nurses Hall Celebrated Constitution Day. In this tape
we hear from Emcee Tricorn Tom Moore, Patriot Pastor Garrett Lear, Sean Harrington Pledge of Allegiance, and the National
Anthem by Brad Marston, Candidate for State Rep 8th Suffolk.
On September 20, 2010 The Liberty Preservation Association held a Celebration Constitution Day event in Nurses
Hall, Statehouse, Boston. In this tape we hear from Bob Dwyer, President LPA, Ken Mandile, Organizer of the Worcester Tea
On Monday September 20 2010 in Nurses Hall Boston Statehouse the Liberty Preservation Association held a Constitution
Day Celebration. In this video we will hear from Dan Mc Gonigle, State Organizer Committees of Safety, Kamail Jain former
Candidate state Auditor
On September 10 2010 the Merrimac Valley Tea Party in Andover have a special guest Michael Graham coming to speak.
The mood is up and the general business has to be addressed. You might want to join this group!
On September 9 2010, the Merrimac Valley Tea Party met in Andover, and this tape will have a few things of interest.
How much do you know your history? Introduction of Michael Graham.
On Thursday the Merrimac Valley Tea Party in Andover heard from Michael Graham Talk Radio Host and approximately,
70 people attended. Funny stuff here, you will enjoy every minute. Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting taped
this on a Sony DVD Camcorder.
Tom Weaver for Congress and his Band get introduced first for the Merrimac Valle Tea Party Michael Graham night.
This tape is greeat.. Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting on a Sony DVD Camcorder..
On Thursday September 9, 2010 in Andover, the Merrimac Valley Tea Party invited Michael Graham to speak to the
group of 70 people. This portion is 10 minutes in length. Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting taped the event
on a Sony DVD Camcorder.
On September 9 2010 Michael Graham accepted an invitation to speak to the Merrimac Valley Tea Party. This tape
is approximately 10 minutes long and addresses Beacon Hill and how they are worried about the impact of the Tea Party on their
votes. Compelling, funny, this video will boost your spirits.
On September 9 2010 Michael Graham accepted an invitation to speak to the Merrimac Valley Tea Party. Only 5 minutes
this tape will captivate you. He spoke around one hour to the group of approximately 70 people. He praised the group for the
numbers and encouraged them to keep up the goog work. Each tape will be posted in 10 minute segments.
On Saturday and Sunday September 11,12, 2010 in Hamilton the Horse Show is going on. Catch of the Day, Video News,
Freelance Reporting decided to cruise over on her scooter and capture some footage. Using a Sony DVD Camcorder on automatic
the footage is a little dark. It is a gamble each time I tape as to what will show up. Weather, sun and so manythings affect
video quality. However, the day was gorgeous and not having gone before I was struck with the beauty of the event. What a
blessing to ...
On Thursday night in Andover, the MERRIMAC VALLEY TEA PARTY, Bob Shapiro, Republican,,
speaks to Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting about the coming race in the 5th District. Bob Graduated from
Fordham University. He has worked as a Pharmacist, a front line Corporate Manager, a Software Engineer, and a Math Teacher.
He and his wife Maria have 2 children and 5 grandchildren and he lives in Andover. This video is approximately 6 minutes long.
This is a lit...
On August 25 2010 the Merrimac Valley Tea Party held a Candidates night in Andover. Robert Finnerhan, Republican
Attorney running for Representative against Harriet Stanley.
On August 25 2010 in Andover the Merrimac Valley Tea Party held a Candidates night. Jameson Tomasek Republican
is running for Senate Susan Tuckers Seat.2nd Essex Seat.
Kevin Begley, Republican 14th District, running for Representative spoke to the Merrimac Valley Tea Party Candidates
Night event in Andover on the 25th of August.
On August 25 2010 in Andover the Merrimac Valley Tea Party held a Candidates night. Stanley Novak Republican is
running for Representative from the 14th District.
Paul Adams Republican of 17th District is running for Representative for Rep Barry Fiengolds seat. The Merrimac
Valley Tea Party on August 25 2010 held a Candidates night. Paul Adams would like to give money back to Local Aid for Cities
and Towns for Police Fire EMS.
On August 25 2010 the Merrimac Valley Tea Party held a Candidates Night. For the 17th District we here from Salim
Tabit, Esq. An Attorney running for Representative for Barry Feingolds seat. This guy is amazing and has a very down to earth
necessary platform for the Repubican ticket. A child of Cuban Immigrants he explains the situation America is in.
On August 25 2010 in Andover the Merrimac Valley Tea Party held a Candidates night. Here we listen to James Lyons
Republican of Andover who is running against Encumbent Democrat Representative Barbara L'Italien. This guy will give Barbara
a run for her money.
Tape 1 of 2 John Thorlin of the 18th District speaks to the Merrimac Valley Tea Party Candidates night in North
Andover. John Thorlin is running for Representative and was the last speaker to address the group.
In Andover on August 25 2010 the Merrimac Valley Tea Party held a Candidates night. This is the last tape and only
3minutes of questions to John Thorlin, running for Representative in the 18th District. A Graduate of Harvard he was remarkably
on target as a Republican hoping to help curb the present situation of Socialized Healthcare and Entitlement practices by
the Democratic Representatives. This guy is not going away soon. tape 2 of 2
Tape one of two, August 31 2010 the Bus Tour called Blue Green Alliance Jobs Not Done, held a public meeting to
discuss the stimulus funding for the Environment at the University of Maine Avronson Hall .
At the University of Maine in the Avronson Building the Blue Green Alliance Jobs Not Done Bus Tour held a public
meeting on the scope of the Environment Stimulus Funds. This is tape two of two total of 32 minutes. Approximately, 15 people
attended this event. The next stop is Boston Roxbury Community College at 830AM on Sept 1 2010 for a Press Conference.
The South Boston Tea Party holds an event at Castle Island and the Regional Director for the Tea Party addresses
the group of approximately 150 people in the soaking rain.
In this video the Chair of the South Boston Tea Party addesses her involvement in the Tea Party spearheaded by
her two sons deployed to Iraq. Very compelling video.
Brian Camenker, Mass Resistance speaks to the South Boston Tea Party Event first at Castle Island. Approximately,
150 people showed up in the pouring rain. I arrived a little late so the talk was already going on.
CJ Doyle Esq, Catholic Action League, speaks to the Tea Party at Castle Island, South Boston in the soaking rain.
Approximately, 150 people showed up to listen to the speakers.
On Sunday August 22 2010 the Director of Political Studies, Washington DC spoke at Castle Island Fort, South Boston
to the Tea Party on legal Immigration Issues in the soaking rain. Approximately 150 people showed up to listen to the speakers.
No Candidates were invited to speak at this Tea Party Event.
Carlos Fernandez, Tea Party Chairperson Saugus runs a Rally in Saugus for the Tea Party. Candidates will speak
and a group of approximately 100 people showed up.
June 18 2010 at the Danvers Yacht Club Republican Fundraiser, Abby Bertlesen of Hamilton Republican Town Committee
Interviews Michael Stopar, Republican of Worcester who will be running in the 6th district against Congressman Mc Govern and
Rob is a Physicist. He is another upstart that will shake you down a piece with his delivery and confidence. Abby, is a member
of Comflm Registry News, and plans to do a Cable Access show soon and will be a Talk Host interviewing Candidates and talking
Beverly City Republican Committee on the 18th of June held a fundraiser at the Danvers Yacht Club. Among the celebrated
guests was Talk Show Host Todd Fineburg, WRKO AM . Todd was given an award for his efforts to speak up for Republican ideals.
Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting Comflm, Registry News, Hamilton attended a guest of Abby Bertelson. Abby,
is a member of Comflm Registry News, and has hopes of a Cable Access Show coming soon in Beverly. The Award was presented
by Mar...
Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting captures Nikki Tsongas at the Boston Pride Parade on a Sony DVD
Camcorder. Copyright protected footage. June 12 2010
Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting, captures Michael Ross Supporting GBLSTA Saturday June 12 2010.
This was captured on a Sony DVD Camcorder. This footage is copyright protected.
Catch of theDay, Video News, Freelance Reporting captures the Supporting Schools of the Gay Straight Lesbian Transgender
Alliance at Government Center on Saturday June 12 2010. Footage is copyright protected and was taped on a Sony DVD Camcorder.
Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting copyrighted footage, at the Pride Parade Government Center end
point, captures Susan Bump, running for Auditor in Massachsusetts Democratic Ticket. Saturday June 12 2010
Release date
Jun 14, 2010
8 of 66
Episodes of CatchoftheDayVideoNewsFreelanceReporting
Tom Duggan Editor Owner Valley Patriot Newspaper Introduces NDAA to speak ... Camera GE Camcorder did a great job
and this is a total of 1 gigabite. The event lasted from 1pm to 4pm and ended with a walk to the Senate ..
As JAldrich took the rail on Christmas afternoon a standing freezing wait on Lynn Platform was suddenly transformed
into a serious science moment. A dreary Christmas weather of thick clouds persisted most of the day. But a peek of sun poke
through the clouds and getting out a camera a JVC Camcorder she attempted to capture the happening. You will see JAldrich
is struggling as the cold was so bad her hands were just freezing off. And the shaking freezing air seemed to want to stop
the capture. ...
Mrs Kristi Devine, a resident of West Newbury, on October 19,2011 addresses the West Newbury Selectmen on a October
20 pending criminal matter before the Peabody District Court the next morning October 20, 2011. Catch of the Day, Video News,
Freelance Reporting attended the meeting and videotaped. This is 20 minutes of a 2.5 hour meeting. The next morning however,
Mrs Devine did not go to court due to an episode of severe chest pain and her family took her to the Newburyport Anna Jacques
On September 2 2010 Comflm Registry News was on Vital Concerns BNN Boston Neighborhood Network with Atty Colbe
Mazzarella who sits in for the Dr Mildred E Jefferson Community Access Show as Moderator. Colbe was excellent in her guidance
of the conversation and J Aldrich of Hamilton Founder of the CPPR Archive Project, the Coalition to Preserve the Public Record
Public Works Video Documents Media Project explained how the lack of transparency from not having public record law imposed
on our Leg...
On the 7th of December at Newburyport District Court Mrs Kristi Devine West Newbury was a Defendant in a case that
has been ongoing for 10 years with numerous accusations by her neighbor. This case was pro se on both parties. Mrs Devine
has spent thousands of dollars on Lawyers and at this point has decided to file pro se. I met Mrs Devine on Beacon Hill testifying
on public record law and her aggregious case. I am interested in following pro se cases and believe they in particular should
On the same day Mrs. Devine of West Newbury was in Newburyport District Court, Salisbury Police Chief Les'perance
was put under investigation and it was Front page of the Local Newspaper. This is the Media who were waiting outside the Station
in Salisbury to get the first news. I think at this point it is a slow burn as not much appears to be happening. According
to Mrs Devine this Police Officer was directly involved in her being falsely arrested by Officer Les'perance.
On Tuesday at Peabody District Court, Peabody Square, Central Street Peabody, Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance
Reporting covered the dual Pro Se Litigants Waring vs Devine 285 Harrassment case. This case was heard two weeks prior in
Newburyport and was moved due to Recusal by Judge . Having met Mrs Devine on Beacon Hill while taping a Public Record Hearing
this case was in my neighborhood, North Shore Pro Se and I am interested in this type of case. I Requested to tape both days,
but th...
In this last tape of about 8 minutes you will see the Lighting of the First Candle of 8 days of Chanuka by the
Lubavitch Rabbi and Theresa Murray Senate President. The 45 minute tape is broken into short segments due to the Internet
Provider package. This was captured on a JVC 30 gig Camcorder. This is the third time Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance
Reporting has attended and Documented the Event of the Lubavitch Education Center Annual Event.
In this 16 minute video we will now be hearing from Judge Roderick Ireland, who will give his personal testimony
of why he feels he is going to accept this offer as Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. Judge Ireland will be replacing Chief
Justice Margaret Marshall SJC. This is number 1 and there are approximately 2 hours of his testimony which will be broken
into 16 minute segments. This was videotaped on a Sony DVD Camcorder in sp mode. Copies of the Hearing were delivered next
day to SJC Inf...
On December 1 2010 the Governors Council heard public testimony on the appointment of Judge Roderick Ireland to
the Supreme Judicial Court to replace retiring Justice Margaret Marshall. In this 9 minute tape Joseph Urjneck of Fathers
Coalition addresses the Council to not support this appointment.
On December 1 2010 The Governors Council heard testimony from the Fathers Rights Group on the appointment of Judge
Roderick Ireland to the Supreme Judicial Court to replace retiring Justice Margaret Marshall.
December 1 2010 the Governors Council held a public hearing to appoint a new Supreme Court Justice. Brian Camenker
in this 4 minute tape addresses the Council on Justice Roderick Ireland, who is being interviewed for Supreme Court Justice
to replace retiring Judge Margaret Marshall SJC
In this 6 minute tape Brian Camenker, Mass Resistance Founder and Investigative Reporter chides Committee on Judge
Ireland, Candidate to be the SJC Supreme Court Justice to replace Justice Margaret Marshall. Mr. Camenker at the Governors
Council Public Hearing stated this appointment is a worst nightmare. Mr. Camenker, did not support the appointment for Judge
Ireland who is clearly not non partisan..
Mrs. Sally Naumann, of Carlisle, addressed the Governors Council Members in Committee on December 1, 2010. Mrs.
Naumann wanted the Committee to select a Justice that was not known to be partisan and this Judge Ireland was partial in matters
of same sex union. Mrs Naumann has spoken on many occasions on the dangers health wise in this behavior which is a grave concern
to her.
In this 9 minute compelling public testimony before the Governors Council Atty Prociotto Esq Sr. addresses his
concerns with public record law and discusses his experience with Justice Ireland the Candidate for Supreme Court Justice.
In this tape of 14 minutes you will be hearing Atty Prociotto Esq speak of his experience with Justice Ireland
in three cases. Very interesting testimony on the lack of public record law in the Judiciary.
On Dec 1 2010 the Governors Council heard testimony in a public Hearing on the Governors appointment of Justice
Ireland to the Supreme Court. On this 3minute segment you will hear a Committee woman express her dismay at the amount of
money the Picciotto's had to pay to obtain public records in their damage case of 50 thousand dollars.
On December 3 2010 at the Boston Statehouse, Justice Ireland had a Governors Council Hearing on his appointment.
In this 10 minute comment Melita Picciotto, Esq discusses her concerns about the Judge and public record law.
On the First Sunday of every month at Doyles Cafe, Jamaica Plain Steve Garfield holds a Media Meeting. It is great.
You have to go. This is a sample of what you will find. Besides the free coffee and the awesome food, great Waitresses, the
meeting is sensational. You will get your impossible Media questions answered and get to know some truly great Artists in
the Field. Catch of theDay, Video News, Freelance Reporting. sorry for the lighting problem.
On Monday Nov 1 2010, at the Quincy Elks Club, a special pre Election Day gathering for Rep Perry took place where
Governor Romney gave his personal endorsement and support of Representative Jeff Perry, of Hyannis, Massachusetts running
for Congress against Democrat Congressman James Keating. Approximately 100 people jamned into the Club for the Endorsement.
The tape lasts approximately 20 minutes. Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting taped the event.
On Tuesday, November 3 2010 noon, at Our Lady Help of Christians, Catholic Church 573 Washington St Newton Ma 02458,
a Memorial Mass was held for Dr Mildred Jefferson, MD. Dr Jefferson at 84 had been a pioneer for Black students at Harvard
University as the first woman who graduated Med Surgery and became Founder and the President of Massachusetts Citizens for
Life, MCFL where she lobbied tirelessly for rights of the unborn. This film is 45 minutes long, and is one of 3 that captured
the Celeb...
Tape 2 of 3 A Memorial Mass Service continues for Dr Mildred Jefferson MD, pioneer of MCFL Massachusetts Citizens
for Life President and Founder. The Church is in Newton. Approximately, 300 people attended the service at noon on Wednesday.
Mildred will be buried in Texas with family. Video by CatchoftheDay, VideoNews, FreelanceReporting.
On Wednesday, November 3 2010 in Newton Massachusetts, a Memorial Service was held for the late Dr. Mildred Jefferson
MD, who personally pioneered MCFL Massachusetts Citizens For Life, a non profit dedicated to stopping Adoption in our Country.
Mildred was 84 years old at her death and was every bit a spark of life to all who met and knew her. Her achievements follow
her and much has to be said. The Service Mass is approximately 1.5 hours long. This tape is 29minutes and was recorded on
a Sony...
In this tape we hear from Paul Jehle, Plymouth Pastor and Historian on the USA early American History. This tape
will include others and will last approximately 27 minutes.
In this tape we hear from Kris Mineau Assembly of God Pastor and head of MFI Woburn. The next speaker I did not
hear the name. Appologies! This tape will last approximately 20 minutes
A woman named Bethany came up to speak of the danger the church is in at this moment critical juncture in history.
We are tottering on extinction. If the Lord does not help us we have failed to perceive this radical need for a change in
heart. We need to see the truth for what it is. Excellent Bethany who is an intercessor and prophetess at JHOP Boston. Her
numbers breakdown is powerful.
On September 25 2010 in Memorial Hall, Plymouth, Massachusetts, people gathered to Repent for the sins of the generations
that have come from the Pilgrims to now. Shofar blowing would have been a part of the early Christian Pilgrims as they believed
the Jewish Traditions were never omitted from Scripture. On this day the people gathered to re covenant with God and the Mayflower
Christians who built the Monument to Religious Freedom much overlooked in American History Books. This tape is short ...
In this video we will see people worshiping and thanking God for our America. A highlight is a woman with a silver
flute. The flute actually glistened as she played. It was very special. How cool is that. This tape is about 7 minutes long
and was done on a Sony dvd camcorder in lp mode.
At the Monument in Plymouth the Christians gathered to honor the Monument and to Repent for not keeping Covenant
with the First Settlers. The group though small at first ends up to fill the Memorial Hall downtown. This portion is the first
remarks the Pledge of Allegiance and song. This tape lasts 10 minutes and was taped on a Sony dvd camcorder in lp mode.
On Saturday the Plymouth Monument to the Pilgrims was the site of the gathering of People who were committed to
the God of the Mayflower to recelebrate the Monument and for National Repentance Day. The event lasted from 930 in the Am
to 4pm ending at the Memorial Hall, downtown. Please use the pause to read the inscriptions on the monument. As the event
was starting I wanted to get a shot of the four sides . In the background was the sound of the generator for the equipment.
On Friday night , Catch of the Day, Video News took the Boston bound Rail from Hamilton . Planning an early start
to Plymouth the next day, without a car, depending on rail inconvenient schedules. The plan was to stay over with friends
to arrive in Plymouth at 9am. Thrilled to have not missed the train pulling my equipment, JAldrich sits in the car near the
door. Looking up at the yellow sign shock began to hit the Reporter. Out comes the camera and here it is. Upon leaving from
the last car, ...
On Monday September 20 2010 The Liberty Preservation Association sponsored an event in Nurses Hall, Statehouse
Boston to celebrate Constitution Day. One of the Speakers was Christen Varley, the Greater Boston Tea Party President. This
talk will last 15 minutes.
Jordan Page sings for the Massachusetts Liberty Preservation Association Constitution Day Celebration. Jordan is
touring the USA and writes his own Patriotic Liberty Music.
On September 20 2010 The Liberty Preservation Association in Nurses Hall Celebrated Constitution Day. In this tape
we hear from Emcee Tricorn Tom Moore, Patriot Pastor Garrett Lear, Sean Harrington Pledge of Allegiance, and the National
Anthem by Brad Marston, Candidate for State Rep 8th Suffolk.
On September 20, 2010 The Liberty Preservation Association held a Celebration Constitution Day event in Nurses
Hall, Statehouse, Boston. In this tape we hear from Bob Dwyer, President LPA, Ken Mandile, Organizer of the Worcester Tea
On Monday September 20 2010 in Nurses Hall Boston Statehouse the Liberty Preservation Association held a Constitution
Day Celebration. In this video we will hear from Dan Mc Gonigle, State Organizer Committees of Safety, Kamail Jain former
Candidate state Auditor
On September 10 2010 the Merrimac Valley Tea Party in Andover have a special guest Michael Graham coming to speak.
The mood is up and the general business has to be addressed. You might want to join this group!
On September 9 2010, the Merrimac Valley Tea Party met in Andover, and this tape will have a few things of interest.
How much do you know your history? Introduction of Michael Graham.
On Thursday the Merrimac Valley Tea Party in Andover heard from Michael Graham Talk Radio Host and approximately,
70 people attended. Funny stuff here, you will enjoy every minute. Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting taped
this on a Sony DVD Camcorder.
Tom Weaver for Congress and his Band get introduced first for the Merrimac Valle Tea Party Michael Graham night.
This tape is greeat.. Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting on a Sony DVD Camcorder..
On Thursday September 9, 2010 in Andover, the Merrimac Valley Tea Party invited Michael Graham to speak to the
group of 70 people. This portion is 10 minutes in length. Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting taped the event
on a Sony DVD Camcorder.
On September 9 2010 Michael Graham accepted an invitation to speak to the Merrimac Valley Tea Party. This tape
is approximately 10 minutes long and addresses Beacon Hill and how they are worried about the impact of the Tea Party on their
votes. Compelling, funny, this video will boost your spirits.
On September 9 2010 Michael Graham accepted an invitation to speak to the Merrimac Valley Tea Party. Only 5 minutes
this tape will captivate you. He spoke around one hour to the group of approximately 70 people. He praised the group for the
numbers and encouraged them to keep up the goog work. Each tape will be posted in 10 minute segments.
On Saturday and Sunday September 11,12, 2010 in Hamilton the Horse Show is going on. Catch of the Day, Video News,
Freelance Reporting decided to cruise over on her scooter and capture some footage. Using a Sony DVD Camcorder on automatic
the footage is a little dark. It is a gamble each time I tape as to what will show up. Weather, sun and so manythings affect
video quality. However, the day was gorgeous and not having gone before I was struck with the beauty of the event. What a
blessing to ...
On Thursday night in Andover, the MERRIMAC VALLEY TEA PARTY, Bob Shapiro, Republican,,
speaks to Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting about the coming race in the 5th District. Bob Graduated from
Fordham University. He has worked as a Pharmacist, a front line Corporate Manager, a Software Engineer, and a Math Teacher.
He and his wife Maria have 2 children and 5 grandchildren and he lives in Andover. This video is approximately 6 minutes long.
This is a lit...
On August 25 2010 the Merrimac Valley Tea Party held a Candidates night in Andover. Robert Finnerhan, Republican
Attorney running for Representative against Harriet Stanley.
On August 25 2010 in Andover the Merrimac Valley Tea Party held a Candidates night. Jameson Tomasek Republican
is running for Senate Susan Tuckers Seat.2nd Essex Seat.
Kevin Begley, Republican 14th District, running for Representative spoke to the Merrimac Valley Tea Party Candidates
Night event in Andover on the 25th of August.
On August 25 2010 in Andover the Merrimac Valley Tea Party held a Candidates night. Stanley Novak Republican is
running for Representative from the 14th District.
Paul Adams Republican of 17th District is running for Representative for Rep Barry Fiengolds seat. The Merrimac
Valley Tea Party on August 25 2010 held a Candidates night. Paul Adams would like to give money back to Local Aid for Cities
and Towns for Police Fire EMS.
On August 25 2010 the Merrimac Valley Tea Party held a Candidates Night. For the 17th District we here from Salim
Tabit, Esq. An Attorney running for Representative for Barry Feingolds seat. This guy is amazing and has a very down to earth
necessary platform for the Repubican ticket. A child of Cuban Immigrants he explains the situation America is in.
On August 25 2010 in Andover the Merrimac Valley Tea Party held a Candidates night. Here we listen to James Lyons
Republican of Andover who is running against Encumbent Democrat Representative Barbara L'Italien. This guy will give Barbara
a run for her money.
Tape 1 of 2 John Thorlin of the 18th District speaks to the Merrimac Valley Tea Party Candidates night in North
Andover. John Thorlin is running for Representative and was the last speaker to address the group.
In Andover on August 25 2010 the Merrimac Valley Tea Party held a Candidates night. This is the last tape and only
3minutes of questions to John Thorlin, running for Representative in the 18th District. A Graduate of Harvard he was remarkably
on target as a Republican hoping to help curb the present situation of Socialized Healthcare and Entitlement practices by
the Democratic Representatives. This guy is not going away soon. tape 2 of 2
Tape one of two, August 31 2010 the Bus Tour called Blue Green Alliance Jobs Not Done, held a public meeting to
discuss the stimulus funding for the Environment at the University of Maine Avronson Hall .
At the University of Maine in the Avronson Building the Blue Green Alliance Jobs Not Done Bus Tour held a public
meeting on the scope of the Environment Stimulus Funds. This is tape two of two total of 32 minutes. Approximately, 15 people
attended this event. The next stop is Boston Roxbury Community College at 830AM on Sept 1 2010 for a Press Conference.
The South Boston Tea Party holds an event at Castle Island and the Regional Director for the Tea Party addresses
the group of approximately 150 people in the soaking rain.
In this video the Chair of the South Boston Tea Party addesses her involvement in the Tea Party spearheaded by
her two sons deployed to Iraq. Very compelling video.
Brian Camenker, Mass Resistance speaks to the South Boston Tea Party Event first at Castle Island. Approximately,
150 people showed up in the pouring rain. I arrived a little late so the talk was already going on.
CJ Doyle Esq, Catholic Action League, speaks to the Tea Party at Castle Island, South Boston in the soaking rain.
Approximately, 150 people showed up to listen to the speakers.
On Sunday August 22 2010 the Director of Political Studies, Washington DC spoke at Castle Island Fort, South Boston
to the Tea Party on legal Immigration Issues in the soaking rain. Approximately 150 people showed up to listen to the speakers.
No Candidates were invited to speak at this Tea Party Event.
Carlos Fernandez, Tea Party Chairperson Saugus runs a Rally in Saugus for the Tea Party. Candidates will speak
and a group of approximately 100 people showed up.
June 18 2010 at the Danvers Yacht Club Republican Fundraiser, Abby Bertlesen of Hamilton Republican Town Committee
Interviews Michael Stopar, Republican of Worcester who will be running in the 6th district against Congressman Mc Govern and
Rob is a Physicist. He is another upstart that will shake you down a piece with his delivery and confidence. Abby, is a member
of Comflm Registry News, and plans to do a Cable Access show soon and will be a Talk Host interviewing Candidates and talking
Beverly City Republican Committee on the 18th of June held a fundraiser at the Danvers Yacht Club. Among the celebrated
guests was Talk Show Host Todd Fineburg, WRKO AM . Todd was given an award for his efforts to speak up for Republican ideals.
Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting Comflm, Registry News, Hamilton attended a guest of Abby Bertelson. Abby,
is a member of Comflm Registry News, and has hopes of a Cable Access Show coming soon in Beverly. The Award was presented
by Mar...
Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting captures Nikki Tsongas at the Boston Pride Parade on a Sony DVD
Camcorder. Copyright protected footage. June 12 2010
Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting, captures Michael Ross Supporting GBLSTA Saturday June 12 2010.
This was captured on a Sony DVD Camcorder. This footage is copyright protected.
Catch of theDay, Video News, Freelance Reporting captures the Supporting Schools of the Gay Straight Lesbian Transgender
Alliance at Government Center on Saturday June 12 2010. Footage is copyright protected and was taped on a Sony DVD Camcorder.
Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting copyrighted footage, at the Pride Parade Government Center end
point, captures Susan Bump, running for Auditor in Massachsusetts Democratic Ticket. Saturday June 12 2010
Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting copyright protected footage, at the Pride Parade Government Center
end point, captures Steven Grossman
Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting at the Pride Parade Boston Government Center end zone on Saturday
June 12 2010. This video is just full of groups of all kinds supporting the GBLST Alliance.. This tape is copyright protected
and is approximately 17 minutes long
Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting captures more politicians who support GBLTA Boston at Pride 2010
Parade Government Center. Copyrighted protected footage.
Tom Duggan Editor Owner Valley Patriot Newspaper Introduces NDAA to speak ... Camera GE Camcorder did a great job
and this is a total of 1 gigabite. The event lasted from 1pm to 4pm and ended with a walk to the Senate ..
As JAldrich took the rail on Christmas afternoon a standing freezing wait on Lynn Platform was suddenly transformed
into a serious science moment. A dreary Christmas weather of thick clouds persisted most of the day. But a peek of sun poke
through the clouds and getting out a camera a JVC Camcorder she attempted to capture the happening. You will see JAldrich
is struggling as the cold was so bad her hands were just freezing off. And the shaking freezing air seemed to want to stop
the capture. ...
Mrs Kristi Devine, a resident of West Newbury, on October 19,2011 addresses the West Newbury Selectmen on a October
20 pending criminal matter before the Peabody District Court the next morning October 20, 2011. Catch of the Day, Video News,
Freelance Reporting attended the meeting and videotaped. This is 20 minutes of a 2.5 hour meeting. The next morning however,
Mrs Devine did not go to court due to an episode of severe chest pain and her family took her to the Newburyport Anna Jacques
On September 2 2010 Comflm Registry News was on Vital Concerns BNN Boston Neighborhood Network with Atty Colbe
Mazzarella who sits in for the Dr Mildred E Jefferson Community Access Show as Moderator. Colbe was excellent in her guidance
of the conversation and J Aldrich of Hamilton Founder of the CPPR Archive Project, the Coalition to Preserve the Public Record
Public Works Video Documents Media Project explained how the lack of transparency from not having public record law imposed
on our Leg...
On the 7th of December at Newburyport District Court Mrs Kristi Devine West Newbury was a Defendant in a case that
has been ongoing for 10 years with numerous accusations by her neighbor. This case was pro se on both parties. Mrs Devine
has spent thousands of dollars on Lawyers and at this point has decided to file pro se. I met Mrs Devine on Beacon Hill testifying
on public record law and her aggregious case. I am interested in following pro se cases and believe they in particular should
On the same day Mrs. Devine of West Newbury was in Newburyport District Court, Salisbury Police Chief Les'perance
was put under investigation and it was Front page of the Local Newspaper. This is the Media who were waiting outside the Station
in Salisbury to get the first news. I think at this point it is a slow burn as not much appears to be happening. According
to Mrs Devine this Police Officer was directly involved in her being falsely arrested by Officer Les'perance.
On Tuesday at Peabody District Court, Peabody Square, Central Street Peabody, Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance
Reporting covered the dual Pro Se Litigants Waring vs Devine 285 Harrassment case. This case was heard two weeks prior in
Newburyport and was moved due to Recusal by Judge . Having met Mrs Devine on Beacon Hill while taping a Public Record Hearing
this case was in my neighborhood, North Shore Pro Se and I am interested in this type of case. I Requested to tape both days,
but th...
In this last tape of about 8 minutes you will see the Lighting of the First Candle of 8 days of Chanuka by the
Lubavitch Rabbi and Theresa Murray Senate President. The 45 minute tape is broken into short segments due to the Internet
Provider package. This was captured on a JVC 30 gig Camcorder. This is the third time Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance
Reporting has attended and Documented the Event of the Lubavitch Education Center Annual Event.
In this 16 minute video we will now be hearing from Judge Roderick Ireland, who will give his personal testimony
of why he feels he is going to accept this offer as Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. Judge Ireland will be replacing Chief
Justice Margaret Marshall SJC. This is number 1 and there are approximately 2 hours of his testimony which will be broken
into 16 minute segments. This was videotaped on a Sony DVD Camcorder in sp mode. Copies of the Hearing were delivered next
day to SJC Inf...
On December 1 2010 the Governors Council heard public testimony on the appointment of Judge Roderick Ireland to
the Supreme Judicial Court to replace retiring Justice Margaret Marshall. In this 9 minute tape Joseph Urjneck of Fathers
Coalition addresses the Council to not support this appointment.
On December 1 2010 The Governors Council heard testimony from the Fathers Rights Group on the appointment of Judge
Roderick Ireland to the Supreme Judicial Court to replace retiring Justice Margaret Marshall.
December 1 2010 the Governors Council held a public hearing to appoint a new Supreme Court Justice. Brian Camenker
in this 4 minute tape addresses the Council on Justice Roderick Ireland, who is being interviewed for Supreme Court Justice
to replace retiring Judge Margaret Marshall SJC
In this 6 minute tape Brian Camenker, Mass Resistance Founder and Investigative Reporter chides Committee on Judge
Ireland, Candidate to be the SJC Supreme Court Justice to replace Justice Margaret Marshall. Mr. Camenker at the Governors
Council Public Hearing stated this appointment is a worst nightmare. Mr. Camenker, did not support the appointment for Judge
Ireland who is clearly not non partisan..
Mrs. Sally Naumann, of Carlisle, addressed the Governors Council Members in Committee on December 1, 2010. Mrs.
Naumann wanted the Committee to select a Justice that was not known to be partisan and this Judge Ireland was partial in matters
of same sex union. Mrs Naumann has spoken on many occasions on the dangers health wise in this behavior which is a grave concern
to her.
In this 9 minute compelling public testimony before the Governors Council Atty Prociotto Esq Sr. addresses his
concerns with public record law and discusses his experience with Justice Ireland the Candidate for Supreme Court Justice.
In this tape of 14 minutes you will be hearing Atty Prociotto Esq speak of his experience with Justice Ireland
in three cases. Very interesting testimony on the lack of public record law in the Judiciary.
On Dec 1 2010 the Governors Council heard testimony in a public Hearing on the Governors appointment of Justice
Ireland to the Supreme Court. On this 3minute segment you will hear a Committee woman express her dismay at the amount of
money the Picciotto's had to pay to obtain public records in their damage case of 50 thousand dollars.
On December 3 2010 at the Boston Statehouse, Justice Ireland had a Governors Council Hearing on his appointment.
In this 10 minute comment Melita Picciotto, Esq discusses her concerns about the Judge and public record law.
On the First Sunday of every month at Doyles Cafe, Jamaica Plain Steve Garfield holds a Media Meeting. It is great.
You have to go. This is a sample of what you will find. Besides the free coffee and the awesome food, great Waitresses, the
meeting is sensational. You will get your impossible Media questions answered and get to know some truly great Artists in
the Field. Catch of theDay, Video News, Freelance Reporting. sorry for the lighting problem.
On Monday Nov 1 2010, at the Quincy Elks Club, a special pre Election Day gathering for Rep Perry took place where
Governor Romney gave his personal endorsement and support of Representative Jeff Perry, of Hyannis, Massachusetts running
for Congress against Democrat Congressman James Keating. Approximately 100 people jamned into the Club for the Endorsement.
The tape lasts approximately 20 minutes. Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting taped the event.
On Tuesday, November 3 2010 noon, at Our Lady Help of Christians, Catholic Church 573 Washington St Newton Ma 02458,
a Memorial Mass was held for Dr Mildred Jefferson, MD. Dr Jefferson at 84 had been a pioneer for Black students at Harvard
University as the first woman who graduated Med Surgery and became Founder and the President of Massachusetts Citizens for
Life, MCFL where she lobbied tirelessly for rights of the unborn. This film is 45 minutes long, and is one of 3 that captured
the Celeb...
Tape 2 of 3 A Memorial Mass Service continues for Dr Mildred Jefferson MD, pioneer of MCFL Massachusetts Citizens
for Life President and Founder. The Church is in Newton. Approximately, 300 people attended the service at noon on Wednesday.
Mildred will be buried in Texas with family. Video by CatchoftheDay, VideoNews, FreelanceReporting.
On Wednesday, November 3 2010 in Newton Massachusetts, a Memorial Service was held for the late Dr. Mildred Jefferson
MD, who personally pioneered MCFL Massachusetts Citizens For Life, a non profit dedicated to stopping Adoption in our Country.
Mildred was 84 years old at her death and was every bit a spark of life to all who met and knew her. Her achievements follow
her and much has to be said. The Service Mass is approximately 1.5 hours long. This tape is 29minutes and was recorded on
a Sony...
In this tape we hear from Paul Jehle, Plymouth Pastor and Historian on the USA early American History. This tape
will include others and will last approximately 27 minutes.
In this tape we hear from Kris Mineau Assembly of God Pastor and head of MFI Woburn. The next speaker I did not
hear the name. Appologies! This tape will last approximately 20 minutes
A woman named Bethany came up to speak of the danger the church is in at this moment critical juncture in history.
We are tottering on extinction. If the Lord does not help us we have failed to perceive this radical need for a change in
heart. We need to see the truth for what it is. Excellent Bethany who is an intercessor and prophetess at JHOP Boston. Her
numbers breakdown is powerful.
On September 25 2010 in Memorial Hall, Plymouth, Massachusetts, people gathered to Repent for the sins of the generations
that have come from the Pilgrims to now. Shofar blowing would have been a part of the early Christian Pilgrims as they believed
the Jewish Traditions were never omitted from Scripture. On this day the people gathered to re covenant with God and the Mayflower
Christians who built the Monument to Religious Freedom much overlooked in American History Books. This tape is short ...
In this video we will see people worshiping and thanking God for our America. A highlight is a woman with a silver
flute. The flute actually glistened as she played. It was very special. How cool is that. This tape is about 7 minutes long
and was done on a Sony dvd camcorder in lp mode.
At the Monument in Plymouth the Christians gathered to honor the Monument and to Repent for not keeping Covenant
with the First Settlers. The group though small at first ends up to fill the Memorial Hall downtown. This portion is the first
remarks the Pledge of Allegiance and song. This tape lasts 10 minutes and was taped on a Sony dvd camcorder in lp mode.
On Saturday the Plymouth Monument to the Pilgrims was the site of the gathering of People who were committed to
the God of the Mayflower to recelebrate the Monument and for National Repentance Day. The event lasted from 930 in the Am
to 4pm ending at the Memorial Hall, downtown. Please use the pause to read the inscriptions on the monument. As the event
was starting I wanted to get a shot of the four sides . In the background was the sound of the generator for the equipment.
On Friday night , Catch of the Day, Video News took the Boston bound Rail from Hamilton . Planning an early start
to Plymouth the next day, without a car, depending on rail inconvenient schedules. The plan was to stay over with friends
to arrive in Plymouth at 9am. Thrilled to have not missed the train pulling my equipment, JAldrich sits in the car near the
door. Looking up at the yellow sign shock began to hit the Reporter. Out comes the camera and here it is. Upon leaving from
the last car, ...
On Monday September 20 2010 The Liberty Preservation Association sponsored an event in Nurses Hall, Statehouse
Boston to celebrate Constitution Day. One of the Speakers was Christen Varley, the Greater Boston Tea Party President. This
talk will last 15 minutes.
Jordan Page sings for the Massachusetts Liberty Preservation Association Constitution Day Celebration. Jordan is
touring the USA and writes his own Patriotic Liberty Music.
On September 20 2010 The Liberty Preservation Association in Nurses Hall Celebrated Constitution Day. In this tape
we hear from Emcee Tricorn Tom Moore, Patriot Pastor Garrett Lear, Sean Harrington Pledge of Allegiance, and the National
Anthem by Brad Marston, Candidate for State Rep 8th Suffolk.
On September 20, 2010 The Liberty Preservation Association held a Celebration Constitution Day event in Nurses
Hall, Statehouse, Boston. In this tape we hear from Bob Dwyer, President LPA, Ken Mandile, Organizer of the Worcester Tea
On Monday September 20 2010 in Nurses Hall Boston Statehouse the Liberty Preservation Association held a Constitution
Day Celebration. In this video we will hear from Dan Mc Gonigle, State Organizer Committees of Safety, Kamail Jain former
Candidate state Auditor
On September 10 2010 the Merrimac Valley Tea Party in Andover have a special guest Michael Graham coming to speak.
The mood is up and the general business has to be addressed. You might want to join this group!
On September 9 2010, the Merrimac Valley Tea Party met in Andover, and this tape will have a few things of interest.
How much do you know your history? Introduction of Michael Graham.
On Thursday the Merrimac Valley Tea Party in Andover heard from Michael Graham Talk Radio Host and approximately,
70 people attended. Funny stuff here, you will enjoy every minute. Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting taped
this on a Sony DVD Camcorder.
Tom Weaver for Congress and his Band get introduced first for the Merrimac Valle Tea Party Michael Graham night.
This tape is greeat.. Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting on a Sony DVD Camcorder..
On Thursday September 9, 2010 in Andover, the Merrimac Valley Tea Party invited Michael Graham to speak to the
group of 70 people. This portion is 10 minutes in length. Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting taped the event
on a Sony DVD Camcorder.
On September 9 2010 Michael Graham accepted an invitation to speak to the Merrimac Valley Tea Party. This tape
is approximately 10 minutes long and addresses Beacon Hill and how they are worried about the impact of the Tea Party on their
votes. Compelling, funny, this video will boost your spirits.
On September 9 2010 Michael Graham accepted an invitation to speak to the Merrimac Valley Tea Party. Only 5 minutes
this tape will captivate you. He spoke around one hour to the group of approximately 70 people. He praised the group for the
numbers and encouraged them to keep up the goog work. Each tape will be posted in 10 minute segments.
On Saturday and Sunday September 11,12, 2010 in Hamilton the Horse Show is going on. Catch of the Day, Video News,
Freelance Reporting decided to cruise over on her scooter and capture some footage. Using a Sony DVD Camcorder on automatic
the footage is a little dark. It is a gamble each time I tape as to what will show up. Weather, sun and so manythings affect
video quality. However, the day was gorgeous and not having gone before I was struck with the beauty of the event. What a
blessing to ...
On Thursday night in Andover, the MERRIMAC VALLEY TEA PARTY, Bob Shapiro, Republican,,
speaks to Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting about the coming race in the 5th District. Bob Graduated from
Fordham University. He has worked as a Pharmacist, a front line Corporate Manager, a Software Engineer, and a Math Teacher.
He and his wife Maria have 2 children and 5 grandchildren and he lives in Andover. This video is approximately 6 minutes long.
This is a lit...
On August 25 2010 the Merrimac Valley Tea Party held a Candidates night in Andover. Robert Finnerhan, Republican
Attorney running for Representative against Harriet Stanley.
On August 25 2010 in Andover the Merrimac Valley Tea Party held a Candidates night. Jameson Tomasek Republican
is running for Senate Susan Tuckers Seat.2nd Essex Seat.
Kevin Begley, Republican 14th District, running for Representative spoke to the Merrimac Valley Tea Party Candidates
Night event in Andover on the 25th of August.
On August 25 2010 in Andover the Merrimac Valley Tea Party held a Candidates night. Stanley Novak Republican is
running for Representative from the 14th District.
Paul Adams Republican of 17th District is running for Representative for Rep Barry Fiengolds seat. The Merrimac
Valley Tea Party on August 25 2010 held a Candidates night. Paul Adams would like to give money back to Local Aid for Cities
and Towns for Police Fire EMS.
On August 25 2010 the Merrimac Valley Tea Party held a Candidates Night. For the 17th District we here from Salim
Tabit, Esq. An Attorney running for Representative for Barry Feingolds seat. This guy is amazing and has a very down to earth
necessary platform for the Repubican ticket. A child of Cuban Immigrants he explains the situation America is in.
On August 25 2010 in Andover the Merrimac Valley Tea Party held a Candidates night. Here we listen to James Lyons
Republican of Andover who is running against Encumbent Democrat Representative Barbara L'Italien. This guy will give Barbara
a run for her money.
Tape 1 of 2 John Thorlin of the 18th District speaks to the Merrimac Valley Tea Party Candidates night in North
Andover. John Thorlin is running for Representative and was the last speaker to address the group.
In Andover on August 25 2010 the Merrimac Valley Tea Party held a Candidates night. This is the last tape and only
3minutes of questions to John Thorlin, running for Representative in the 18th District. A Graduate of Harvard he was remarkably
on target as a Republican hoping to help curb the present situation of Socialized Healthcare and Entitlement practices by
the Democratic Representatives. This guy is not going away soon. tape 2 of 2
Tape one of two, August 31 2010 the Bus Tour called Blue Green Alliance Jobs Not Done, held a public meeting to
discuss the stimulus funding for the Environment at the University of Maine Avronson Hall .
At the University of Maine in the Avronson Building the Blue Green Alliance Jobs Not Done Bus Tour held a public
meeting on the scope of the Environment Stimulus Funds. This is tape two of two total of 32 minutes. Approximately, 15 people
attended this event. The next stop is Boston Roxbury Community College at 830AM on Sept 1 2010 for a Press Conference.
The South Boston Tea Party holds an event at Castle Island and the Regional Director for the Tea Party addresses
the group of approximately 150 people in the soaking rain.
In this video the Chair of the South Boston Tea Party addesses her involvement in the Tea Party spearheaded by
her two sons deployed to Iraq. Very compelling video.
Brian Camenker, Mass Resistance speaks to the South Boston Tea Party Event first at Castle Island. Approximately,
150 people showed up in the pouring rain. I arrived a little late so the talk was already going on.
CJ Doyle Esq, Catholic Action League, speaks to the Tea Party at Castle Island, South Boston in the soaking rain.
Approximately, 150 people showed up to listen to the speakers.
On Sunday August 22 2010 the Director of Political Studies, Washington DC spoke at Castle Island Fort, South Boston
to the Tea Party on legal Immigration Issues in the soaking rain. Approximately 150 people showed up to listen to the speakers.
No Candidates were invited to speak at this Tea Party Event.
Carlos Fernandez, Tea Party Chairperson Saugus runs a Rally in Saugus for the Tea Party. Candidates will speak
and a group of approximately 100 people showed up.
June 18 2010 at the Danvers Yacht Club Republican Fundraiser, Abby Bertlesen of Hamilton Republican Town Committee
Interviews Michael Stopar, Republican of Worcester who will be running in the 6th district against Congressman Mc Govern and
Rob is a Physicist. He is another upstart that will shake you down a piece with his delivery and confidence. Abby, is a member
of Comflm Registry News, and plans to do a Cable Access show soon and will be a Talk Host interviewing Candidates and talking
Beverly City Republican Committee on the 18th of June held a fundraiser at the Danvers Yacht Club. Among the celebrated
guests was Talk Show Host Todd Fineburg, WRKO AM . Todd was given an award for his efforts to speak up for Republican ideals.
Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting Comflm, Registry News, Hamilton attended a guest of Abby Bertelson. Abby,
is a member of Comflm Registry News, and has hopes of a Cable Access Show coming soon in Beverly. The Award was presented
by Mar...
Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting captures Nikki Tsongas at the Boston Pride Parade on a Sony DVD
Camcorder. Copyright protected footage. June 12 2010
Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting, captures Michael Ross Supporting GBLSTA Saturday June 12 2010.
This was captured on a Sony DVD Camcorder. This footage is copyright protected.
Catch of theDay, Video News, Freelance Reporting captures the Supporting Schools of the Gay Straight Lesbian Transgender
Alliance at Government Center on Saturday June 12 2010. Footage is copyright protected and was taped on a Sony DVD Camcorder.
Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting copyrighted footage, at the Pride Parade Government Center end
point, captures Susan Bump, running for Auditor in Massachsusetts Democratic Ticket. Saturday June 12 2010
Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting copyright protected footage, at the Pride Parade Government Center
end point, captures Steven Grossman
Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting at the Pride Parade Boston Government Center end zone on Saturday
June 12 2010. This video is just full of groups of all kinds supporting the GBLST Alliance.. This tape is copyright protected
and is approximately 17 minutes long
Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting captures more politicians who support GBLTA Boston at Pride 2010
Parade Government Center. Copyrighted protected footage.
Catch of theDay, Video News, Freelance Reporting at the end zone of the Pride Parade at Government Center Boston
on Saturday June 12 2010. Copyright protected footage.
Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting at the Pride Parade end zone on Saturday June 12 2010. Copyright
protected. Senator Diaz replaced Diane Wilderson and supports the Pride Events.
Supporters with Governor Patrick march in the Pride Parade. The Governor was directed in a vehicle to exit at this
point. Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting, ComflmRegistryNews.
Band Cinque Warm Up before event start at City Hall Plaza. Catch of the Day, Video News, on Scooter News Vehicle
tapes the warm up of the Band on her Sony DVD Camcorder. For those who like to just watch my stuff roll.. have fun.. Copyright
protected to ComflmRegistryNews.
On Saturday June 12 2010 the Boston Pride Festivities Exhibit was captured by J Aldrich, Catch of the Day, Video
News, Freelance Reporting, and this is part two of two video's. This is a documentary piece and no interviews will be found.
This is approximately 7 minutes long. This is copyright protected footage and was taped on a Sony DVD Camcorder.
On Saturday June 12, 2010, at the Government Center City Hall Plaza the Boston Pride Festival is set up and waiting
for the Parade Participants to descend on it for an afternoon of festivities. J Aldrich, Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance
Reporting, Videographer, and President of Comflm Registry News, captures the exhibits prior to the parade. The weather was
rainy but the colors were excellent. This was captured on a Sony DVD Camcorder. The video will last approximately 17 minutes
and i...
BOSTON PRIDE PARADE captured on Saturday by Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting, Comflm Registry
News at the Government Center Parade Start.
Jun 14, 2010
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