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Before you leave the page check out Jody Miller and the laugh last center.  We need to laugh people or pass out from battle fatigue.  LAUGH last!

http://www.nysun.com/news/, New York Sun online newspaper that wants a monthly subscription rate of min 25.00.  Not so Newt  William Jefferson Gingrich has lots to say on Newt.  So I guess I will just check in here and there. 

http://www.newt.org/news/new-rasmussen-poll-romney-30-gingrich-27, post N Carolina Newt catches up. 

http://www.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fyoutu.be%2FoLrG6VBzpwg&h=CAQFOAwVGAQF5CU0yinoJx8I5-qmE4HYE_xgzS-EoHoGYUw, Dr Michael Youssof endorses Newt Gingrich

http://www.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fyoutu.be%2FI21nT87s_Jk&h=XAQEpZLVgAQFow93b-8zdmqYj2kKapW61lvGxgDYr8mgW0g, Rick Perry endorses Newt Gingrich

http://www.youtube.com/watch?NR=1&feature=endscreen&v=idnT2liydv8, youtube has the Debates in 15min segments.  This link will get you there.  You might want to watch so you can use as reference later for Elections.

Facebook will add a former online strategist for the Republican National Committee to its campaign team. Do you think Facebook is going to start getting more into politics?
George Alafoginis will join Facebook next month to work on its campaign 2012 efforts.

View Rescue efforts continue in collapsed Rio buildings pictures on Yahoo! News. See Rescue efforts continue in collapsed Rio buildings photos and find more pictures in our photo galleries.

Photos: 35  you need a facebook account to see these

CNN now says that Rick Perry is being invited to their debate in South Carolina on January 19, two days before the big primary in which he hopes to make his last stand. But has he in fact met the official criteria?,

Rachel Maddow questions CNN's decision to let Rick Perry into the South Carolina debate just before the primary when Perry meets none of CNN's published requ...

Chairman Bob Maginnand theMassachusetts Republican Partycordially invite youto a receptionwith special guestCongressman Frank GuintaWednesday, February 22, 20125:30 PM - New Majority Project Reception$1,000 Paul Revere level$2,500 Susan B. Anthony level$5,000 Sam Adams level

6:00 PM - General Reception
$50 in advance, $75 at door
The Hampshire House
84 Beacon Street
Boston, Massachusetts

For questions call Amanda Cody acody@massgop.com at 617-523-5005 ext. 260

Members of the Party’s New Majority Project contribute annually to the Party at different levels starting at $1,000.

Personal Information5:30 PM - New Majority Project Reception
$1,000 Paul Revere level
$2,500 Susan B. Anthony level
$5,000 Sam Adams level

The Essex Club's "Year of the GOP Elephant" Event @ Kowloon Restaurant

Wednesday, February 2, 2011 3:19 PM
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The Year of the GOP Elephant

The Essex Club invites you

To celebrate a Republican New Year

Tuesday, February 15, 6:30 pm

Kowloon Restaurant

948 Broadway (Route 1 North), Saugus, MA

Featuring a special roundtable panel to welcome and meet

Essex County’s newest Republican State Representatives.

Rep. Paul Adams,

Rep. Jim Lyons,

and our host Rep. Donald Wong

Get to know our Party’s new rising stars,

what made them successful and their legislative priorities.

$20/person check payable to the “Essex Club PAC”

RSVP by February 12 to gopbythesea@hotmail.com

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