God Created Every Soul
God has created every soul, every
man and woman since the fall.
And just as with Adam and Eve, all men were created
to believe,
To believe in The God above, who has created all men out of love.
And a love that from the start, gave us a different mind and heart.
God’s the Creator of every kind, and every human heart and mind.
Of all the creatures great and small, indeed man is above them all.
Of all the creatures God chose one, made in the image of His Son.
All the rest are mere creatures, made with many different features.
Many features reflect His Design, living proof that creation’s divine.
God’s awesome Eternal Design, has remained through all of time.
And nothing has changed at all,
from the time of man’s original fall.
All attacks against God’s
Design, have withstood the tests of time.
Even though the plan was tainted,
by all the wicked work of Satan,
That’s when The Divine Creator, called upon The
Lord and Savior.
With the world so loved by God, He sent Christ with
Staff and Rod.
To guide all men who were lost, to God’s Salvation upon the cross,
Where fellowship was restored, with God, through Christ our Lord.
Christ was the part of God’s plan, to redeem the lives of fallen man.
Through Christ, God’s Eternal Plan, will continue on for every man.
Christ’s Rod will smite the nations, who reject The Lord’s Salvation.
And as Satan comes to his demise, all believers will enter Paradise.
(Copyright ©09/2005 Bob Gotti)
Changing Hearts
Hard hearts of the human race, desperately in need of God’s Grace,
Not compelled by God’s Truth at all, from being tainted by man’s fall.
The natural mind cannot conceive, Truths from God that we believe,
They don’t look beyond the earth, never experiencing a spiritual birth.
It’s Christ’s Spirit who opens eyes, of those men believed to be wise,
Spiritually blinded by God’s enemy, who preys on hearts relentlessly.
Causing those who are spiritually blind, to close both heart and mind,
To the Eternal things of God above, causing them to refuse His Love.
The Spirit sheds light upon the
dark, opening up their mind and heart,
God frees men from earthly creeds,
directing hearts to eternal needs.
Through the Spirit of Jesus Christ, some begin reflecting
on their life,
Where they will be when life is done, if they finish without God’s
The Christ who came to earth to die, to give life meaning to you and I,
And give a Hope to all who believe; lead by The Spirit they do receive.
Christ leaves it up to men to herald, The Eternal Truth to all the world,
With The Holy Spirit far in the lead, helping many to hear and to heed.
The Holy Spirit truly changes men, in ways that we can’t comprehend,
Even the most darkened of hearts, is moved by Truth that He imparts.
They believe and become born again, to live their lives as Godly men,
Being born anew, from God above,
they spiritually grow in God’s Love.
(Copyright ©12/2006 Bob Gotti)
Then God said, “Let us make man in our image, in our likeness,
and let them rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the
over the livestock, over all the earth, and over all the creatures
that move along the ground.”
So God created man in his own image,
in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.
God blessed them
and said to them, “Be fruitful and increase in number;
fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish of the sea and
the birds of the air
and over every living creature that moves on the ground.” (Genesis 1:26-28)
And for your lifeblood I will surely demand an accounting. I will
demand an accounting
from every animal. And from each man,
too, I will demand an accounting for the life of his fellow man.
“Whoever sheds the blood of man, by man shall his blood be shed;
for in the image
of God has God made man. (Genesis 9:5-6)
In Christ’s
\\\|/// Service, with Love,
(o o)
--oOO-(_)-OOo--- Bob Gotti