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Senator Ted Cruz visits New England Labor Day Weekend. 


Sunday, August 30th

House Party at the Home of Lydia & The Honorable David Scott
9:00 - 10:30 AM
Doors open at 8:00 AM
220 Back Road
Dover, NH 03280

Meet & Greet at Brown’s Lobster Pound
1:30 PM
407 New Hampshire 286
Seabrook, NH 03874
Please RSVP for free tickets here.

New Boston Town Hall
3:30 PM
15 Central School Road
New Boston, NH 03070
Please RSVP for free tickets here.

House Party at the Home of Mar-Mar & Mike Rogers
6:00 - 8:00 PM
Doors open at 5:00 PM
76 Dow Road
Hollis, NH 03049
Please RSVP for free tickets here.

Monday, August 31st

Veterans & Military Town Hall
9:00 AM
Doors open at 8:00 AM
Milford Town Hall
1 Union Square
Milford, NH 03055
Please RSVP for free tickets here.

New Hampshire Headquarters Grand Opening
2:30 PM
Doors open at 1:30 PM
531 Front St
Manchester, NH 03101
Please RSVP for free tickets here.

Team Santorum ENDORSEMENT - Leading Florida conservative and State Representative Scott Plakon has endorsed Rick Santorum for President. Scott Plakon said: "Rick Santorum is a man who has consistently shown that he can be trusted to stand by his deeply held conservative principles regardless of the way the political winds blow and will be a steady, even hand in leading America towards prosperity and liberty again." http://RickSantorum.com/
Sarasota, FL - The Rick Santorum for President campaign is proud to announce that leading Florida conservative and State Representative Scott Plakon has endorsed Rick Santorum for President.

Brent Budowsky thinks Ron Paul will win the Virginia primary and become a frontrunner in the GOP primary.
In a dramatic head-to-head contest that will win huge attention throughout the political world, I now believe that Ron Paul will defeat Mitt Romney in the Virginia primary. The implications could be enormous.

Two important Developments occurred this week in Florida. The Florida House's Reapportionment Committe's, controlled by an all-white group of GOP good-old-boys, is succeeding so far in its efforts to oust conservative Congressman Allen West.

This is the game we all have seen before. The old angst among us routine but Santorum put that lion to sleep didn't he!

MYRTLE BEACH, S.C. -- It's conventional wisdom in Republican circles here in South Carolina that if Mitt Romney wins the state's primary this Saturday -- having already won in Iowa and New Hampshire -- he'll be the GOP presidential nominee.

Ron Paul wins straw poll at CPAC 2 12 11

2 16 11
Worcester Ma
We continue to keep voter fraud on the agenda with the follow up work. The next meeting of the Worcester Election Commission is Thursday, Feb. 17th at 5pm in the Levi Lincoln Chamber at Worcester City Hall.
The Commission agenda is below.

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