Political Ticker
http://www.thestatecolumn.com/articles/donald-trump-slams-president-obamas-sotu-speech/, Donald Trump slams President Obama's Speech Jan 25 2012 The State Column
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OcnX9Q_l4yM&feature=youtu.be, Newt Sets the Record Straight on Hannity
http://nj1015.com/christie-wants-gay-marriage-issue-on-november-ballot-audio/, Christie Wants Gay Marriage Issue On November Ballot [POLL]
http://txlady706.wordpress.com/2011/01/15/nj-chris-christie-appoints-sohail-mohammed-a-muslim-to-the-states-supreme-court-cair-approved/, txlady706.wordpress.com WHAT?
Who got to him? What is this? Why is he doing this? This guy was, in my mind, the genuine article. Now he's just another one
of the feeble minded dolts. Corruption ...
Top Romney Advisers Lobbied For Freddie Mac dailycaller.com
How could the Constitution be dissolved. This is upsetting footage but important to know,