Robert Cappucio and Mac Wheeler shared this on my facebook
page As much as I despise the words and actions of Obama there's one I still hold in
higher contempt. William Jefferson Clinton. Mr. first in American history retro tax. Mr. first ELECTED to be impeached. Mr.
11th hour pardons. Mr. stole furniture on his way out the door. Mr. felacio. Mr. largest advance on a book deal because of
his felacio. Mr. Clinton the political whore!!!! While much attention has been given to
the fact that President Ronald Reagan granted amnesty to illegal aliens in 1986, none is ever given to the multitude of
And Hillary Clinton The
Obama administration is open to dialogue with the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said
Thursday about the Islamist group."We believe, given the changing... What
it does: The Employee Rights Act requires that every unionized workplace have a supervised secret ballot election every three
years to determine whether employees want to continue to be represented by any incumbent union., big story on Muslims Dearborn Heights Breaking News, Listen To This You Floor
Flushers In Media Obama Name Will Not Appear On Georgia Ballot EXCLUSIVE! BREAKING NEWS!...JUDGE WILL ENTER DEFAULT J...
- Monday, December 5, 2011 Wayne Perryman, a black minister, and community activist, has filed a legal brief for a class action
lawsuit, against one of the two major political parties in the United ... Churches — not the federal government
— retain the right to determine for themselves who qualifies as a “minister,” under a landmark, unanimous
ruling delivered by the U.S. Supreme Court today. Hosanna-Tabor Evangelical Lutheran Church v. Equal Employment Opportunity
Commission involved a former tea... It
has been said that children are our future, and right now the vast majority of our children are being educated in public schools
that are rapidly being The
Progressive Hunter
Who is watching this one? The high court's ruling was a defeat for
the Obama administration, which defended the use of global positioning system devices without a warrant and without..., National Journal Boehner Blasts Pres.. this link taken down but the following link is a great asset as it is a storm watch for internet hacks, don't you love
WEST NEWBURY SAGA UPDATES 01272012,, KNOW SAUL ALINSKY AND YOU KNOW BARACK OBAMA, red alert story on twitter This story is so aggregious, it should wake up every reporter in America. Will it? Will people listen?
doubt it. This is about American Freedom 101 and is a peril that we all shall cry out to heaven for if we see
this lost. But, will HEAVEN listen? We need a summer of repentance like we have never seen. But, will that
happen? Our liberty is being hacked as we see the internet a scapegoat of infringement on feelings of hate groups annonymous
who make someone feel badly by posting a story on the internet. You got it. Is that you??? Plan to be taken to
jail as the Legislature of Nazi's in Tennesee just passed a law that will make this a criminal offense and you could go to
jail not pass go and no one would defend you I can assure. posted 6 11 11 JAldrich, that's me and if you find I am missing ask about me will you?, join the fray for limited taxation 4 5 11, Just found the live link again after a long while. 4 5 11, Seems the story on Obama happened before.. check out the two stories posted
today 3 25 11
2 16 11 On an aside, Newt Gingrich is scheduled to
speak at Salem State University on March 30th. Order tickets online at the link at the page below. Newt was
great at CPAC and is always great everywhere he speaks. He's coming to Salem, Massachusetts. Valentines Day Protest Vigil in front of Every Planned Parenthood location in USA Noonday hour. Can you video?
Are you attending?
Power outages.. be careful not to overload the system while
the snow is falling. Unplug all your important technical stuff. Sometimes a spark will set off a blowout.
Not just a circuit board will fix that one. You could loose your camera, your computer, and start a fire. Get
some candles ready and have some good drinks to use. Take a shower before going to bed when you know the water is hot.
Be ready to go to a family members if you are going to be cold. Have a plan in case the public transportation goes down
also. Some people are not afraid of driving. Keep a shovel in your car in the trunk in case the doors freeze you
should be able to get into a trunk faster. You can even put a tarp on the car and that will keep the windows from freezing
and causing a lot of trouble digging ice off them. You can shut it into a door so it does not blow off. And if
you are feeling really stuck, try using peapod. I set my peapod up one night and spent 2 hours creating a grocery list.
I printed it out and now can order from them. Now that is a good old fashioned way to shop for food. It saves
gas money and saves a lot of accidents. A truck has a lot of traction a car doesn't. I went green
5 years ago and gave up my car. I am learning to do things simpler and spending less money. It is amazing how
much you save without a car. I fund this project because I save gas money, insurance money. repair money, payment money,
tax money, you name it. And I don't have some insurance company making money on me while they do drive by accidents
to up my policy. I don't like the auto industry at all. I am suspicious of the cops, the insurance companies,
and those who want to mess with you if you have a brain and want to get involved in some project. We have enemies.
Not too far if we want to check.
February 2 2011 SNOW
SNOW SNOW.. tip for those who have roofs that are looking pretty high with snow. Please shovel the edge near the gutters
up one foot. Make sure ice is not building up. That will prevent water damage inside on walls down petitions ruining
everything. If you do that one thing you will save yourself a lot of trouble. You will know that there is ice
building and you will give the snow a space to melt and slide off. You need to also watch shrubs below and not let them
get huge piles of snow on the branches. Kids can knock that off for you and will have fun getting all snowy. Be
careful on ladders and wear spongy boot bottom boots. Leather and hard materials will act slippery. Be aware that
gloves are going to pack up with snow and be sure to use warm water tight gloves. You can stand on roofs some
in this stuff as the snow is sticky but sometimes there is a layer of ice next to the roof so don't try that without checking.
throwing a rope over the roof and tieing it to a tree on the other side is a good way to stay connected but remember
a slip is faster than a speedy bullet and your on the ground below. Fortunately the snow will keep that soft but who
will find you if your alone and you go in some deep ravine? How will you get back up? Please do these things with
a buddy team. Do not do these things without a nervous watching partner., Obama birth certificate New Bully Commission holds public hearings, TEA PARTY STOMPS ON GOP SPENDING BILL CUTTING IT 100 BILLION EVEN MORE THANKS TO GUTZY NEW ELECTED FRESHMEN REPUBLICANS
posting Feb 11 2011
GOP had a Candidates Training Conference in Milford, Ma.
Over 450 people attended. An openly Gay Guy moderated the whole day. Now that was a statement of intolerance by the
GOP don't you say? They make an un a bash ed statement to the Conservative members of the Republican Party when they
made their choice already and are supporting that platform not a true Conservative platform. Head
of Patriots wears pink tie to show his allegiance to the Proud connection. House
Speaker Boehnner wears pink/purple tie to Swearing in Ceremony of New Legislators. I guess pink is the color of statement
choice for Republicans choosing to follow the Pink Pack. I thought pink was Code Pink that was allignment with
Anti-War Protestors. Oh well, se la vie. What do I know? I thought
Republicans wore Brown and Red ties like the Red Mass Group, or Blue Mass Group is Democrat.
Arrogantly thumbing nose at pro-family fansto find photo go to, I could not get the thing to post, sorry! 
Patriots owner Robert Kraft in pink tie. [Boston Herald photo] ----- Recent
News ----- click on the link.. for pro life Roe vs Wade FRC Family Research Center in Washington DC at the March
January 24 2011 <object width="320" height="260"><embed src="" width="320" height="260" bgcolor="000000" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true"
Monday January 10 2011, lots of news on yahoo to check out., Thank you FOX NEWS for the intensive research you conducted to come up with
this nut hole. It is micky the dunse obvious this is where mr assassin hung is hat.. Forget the case on
free speech, let's do something to expose this nightmare that was available to mr. assassin himself. And when the College
of Brains saw this occuring where is their responisibility to thought check this individual to a counselor/security
person. Instead of letting him be I'm ok your ok and kill people, why is media taking a hit. SALUTE to FOX
NEWS JAldrich, writer videographer founder CRNewsTeam, Massachusetts
Reposted from January 10 2011 Stories order is top recent.
Sunday January 9 2011. We have seen a sorry terrible
incident in Arizona, the hotbed of the angst of the American Public. I see this as a pivotal point in our history.
The lines drawn and the truth being displayed on all forms of media will forever change the playing field for the powers that
be. We will all need to be involved in the discourse. If you are afraid to speak out now you are already gone.
Media is in it's new day. Cut loose from the general strata the TV no longer has control. Internet is the forefront
of the conversation. Check your sources. Take it away TMZ, Slate, Drudge, Politico, you have the ball.
Your on go internet get the facts just the facts and make history. JAldrich, Newsmeat Sunday posts Romney the
supercapitalist looking at running in 2012 seeing Palin's comments are trashing her bids to run in such a heated atmosphere. Michelle Mawlkin posted a live link for the event on Twitter. shooters my space photo page
Cong Rep was not fatally shot, she is in critical condition.. updated
Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords/Arizona shot In
Tuscon Arizona breaking news 5 minutes ago 156pm. She was holding an event. Others shot also.
Police have shooter in custody. Sat Jan 7 2011 Representative
Giffords was shot in the head.
Twitter demanded to hand over it's account on wiki leaks to US Gov just released story 1 07 11 J Aldrich, is recovering from a fall in Peabody and will not be on Beacon Hill site until February.
Please remember bill closing date it January 20 or will
be a late file. In the 60's I had health insurance
at Raytheon but I made under 5.00 an hour. When I stopped working in 95 I made less than 15.00 an hour and had no insurance.
What progress has America had to bring decent pay to the Country? The same job 2010 gets 17/hr but health care
is still optional. People have to understand insurance costs a lot of money. The option to have money in your
pocket was given to people who had insurance somewhere. Companies didn't even care. Sending jobs overseas
is what wrecked the American job scene. Period. As for me and my HOUSE we shall serve the Lord, dust to dust Boehner
proudly proclaims common sense and faith in his first speech. As for DADT say repeal repeal that non people's repeal
and we all can start off on the Right foot. Mr. Speaker.
In order to perserve my own autonomy I had 3 jobs at once and part time with all. I was totally in charge
of my schedule that way. I worked in the health care field. I had an EMT license and worked in hands on care jobs., Watching health care repeal hearing. Now the rubber meets the road. Now we really see the resistance
take place to the Obamacare Hyjack of America. Will Republicans dig in and hold the reigns of the run away debt train?
Please stay tuned. Anyone want to send me to Washington? 10711 There are some who think the Republicans cannot muster the strength
to fight this. I know the intensity of the battle first hand in Massachusetts. This is the beginning of a huge
problem. Be ready to stand your ground in the Supermarket, in the Community and in every place there is need. Gideon's
army needed a few good men. Abraham stopped asking at 10 to quell judgement. If Sodom was one state we have at least
10 don't you say per state? Start Praying.§ion=2808950&playlist=2808979, Can you believe the Athiests are
still trying to take God out of our world. Get over it you loose loosers., Drudge Report on Twitter, reports
on Legal Immigration Press Conference disrupted by illegal immigrant detracters. 1 05 11, Dirty Harry up all night thinking
of ways to stop fillibusters January 4 2011 Debt Ceiling.. will the Republicans dig in
their heels or keep caving in? <object width="292" height="219"><embed
height="219" width="292" allowscriptaccess="always" src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash"></embed></object> God always wins, fools hath said in their hearts, there is no God! Not so, Israel is now the
pivot point of the origin of man.. ha ha ha picture me falling over ha ha ha I've fallen now and I can't get up! ha
ha ha, BEST STORY IN 2010 EVOLUTION VS GOD.. GOD WINS! YEAH GOD! 7min ago 122710