Comment on the Wisconsin Debacle to the Republic
Freedom Counts/ 47
"It gets curiouser and curiouser!" (from Alice in Wonderland)
Another state Governor has
joined the principled stand against tyranny. Attention has swung away from Arizona's stand against invasion along its southern
border. It has also turned from the twenty-six states that are fighting in court to strike down the outrageous Health Care
bill from the 111th Congress. Now Governor Walker of Wisconsin, just trying to do what the people elected him to do, balance
the budget, is engaged in an unthinkable American scenario, an actual rebellion in his state. This is not a rebellion of the
oppressed against its oppressor. This is real rebellion being used as a tool for the overthrow of decent, legitimate
government by its actual oppressors. Who would have thunk that could be!
This week I saw something very unusual and endlessly fascinating as I watched events broadcast from Wisconsin. For a while
all I did was look, pray and learn, but then, something that was just the opposite of 1960 radicalism happened. Back
then I saw unarmed students at a University stand up to guns pointed at them by the government-led police force. Out of the
crowd walked a brave young woman carrying a flower, a true Sixties flower child. She walked up to one of the officers and
gently placed the stem of her flower into the barrel of his gun, which was still pointed at her. This became an American icon
for everyone who witnessed the scene. Afterwards these students were actually fired on. At that moment the students won their
fight. Our government firing on our oldest children on school property was too much to tolerate.
If you simplify that scene in the light of history,
it is fair to say that in general, forces then unknown were behind the scenes, preying on that generation's minds, using student's
vulnerability as fodder for more ambitious objectives. Government officials were the wiser ones, but they feared the insidious
encroachment of forces beyond their control and very unwisely brought undue force against the students, and that proved their
undoing. Government lost that round. But while it appeared on the surface that students won their objectives, remember, we
now realize that they were being used as pawns in a much larger game.
Another iconic moment came this week that stands in stark contrast to the hippie flower children. This one will take a few
words to explain. We are watching another uprising that is being engineered by the God of Forces. There are controlling interests
that understand the value of using forces in herding people into enclosures not of their choosing. I taught a class on raising
sheep this week and in it described how hard it is to get happy sheep out of a large field, through
a gate where you can channel them into a small pen when you want to fleece them. When we couldn't get them out of their
comfort zone by enticing them with their favorite food (sheep grain) all we had to do was turn to the God of Forces. We let
the German Shepherd into the field. Those sheep ran for shelter, right into our trap. That is how the God of Forces gets the
job done.
We have a new
kind of control taking place in our country and around the world. It is the method called "Top Down, Bottom up, and Inside
out" being promoted and taught in all Communist circles. Unlike the sixties when Atheistic Communism was trying to get
control of a largely Theistic government, now Atheistic Communist ideology IS the government norm, particularly
on the Federal level, and in many state and city governments. For some time the U.S.A. has been about 50/50 atheistic and
theistic. So subversion by hidden immersion in our society is no longer an operative agenda. The newer strategy is to use
positions in the top echelons of our society, and positions tucked in among the general population, under all their disguises,
as a two pronged assault on the 50% of the country that remains unconvinced that radical Communism is better than the original
American Dream. Their strategic generals have commanded their troops that all in the top must become aggressive in pressing
down on the country from their seats on high, via regulations and other aggravations. Meanwhile peons, being controlled by
their bosses in the lower ranks of their hidden army, are being mobilized to "take to the streets" and wage aggression
from the bottom up. Both flanks have their marching orders, and simple minded sheep, or Patriots as we like to call
ourselves, are finding our lives are being turned inside out. From above comes the smiley-face promises of Change (sheep grain),
from below come the dogs. Who let the dogs out? The puppet-master generals in their cushy quarters who just laugh and smoke
their cigars, calling everyone but themselves, fools.
Going back to the flower in the gun barrel; this week a Fox News reporter covering the clash of forces taking place in Wisconsin,
seeing that there were no Democratic Senators left in the State to bring a fair and balanced view of the standoff, decided
to take one Tea Party Activist, a woman, and one Union Worker, a male Physical Education teacher, with their signs, and interview
them so each side could speak their piece. She said, then he said. Fox had their fair and balanced report and it appeared
to be over.
But as the
reporter made his summary comment, while the camera was still trained on the two who spoke opposing views, the woman suddenly
dropped her sign, turned to the teacher, talking and smiling and she gave him what looked like an encouraging hug! That was
a defining moment. Every effort of the leftists to create the vision of that "demonstration" by the teacher's union
as being like the demonstrations sweeping across the middle east, and of it being an effort by good people to bring down a
vicious government cracked and shattered right then. It was a photographer's "moment of truth," symbolizing the
fact that, in this case, a benevolent government was being assailed by a rebellious mob.
John Locke agrees: "There is another way to dissolve a government when either its lawmakers or prince act contrary to
their trust. Lawmakers act against the people's trust when they attempt to invade their property, to make themselves or any
other part of the community, masters or arbitrary disposers of the lives, liberties or fortunes of the people. ...A new legislative
is the best fence against rebellion." Another way of saying this is if you have the top
pushing down, Vote the Cockroaches Out. He also said "Rebellion is opposition to lawful authority. Those who
by force break through, justifying their violation of [statutes and laws] are truly and properly called, rebels." Another
way of saying this is if you have the bottom pushing up against a benevolent government
this is Rebellion and you need to quell it.
The Democrat Senators and the teachers who walked off their jobs while still expecting us tax-paying Patriots to pay for their
rebellion ought to be arrested and tried either in a real court or lacking will, at the least in the court of public
opinion. We on the inside are not about to be turned out of the American Dream by a bunch of tyrants and rebels.
Christian Commentary on Current Events Rev. Rachelle Hamlin, AEA Forwarding
is encouraged.