Nationalized IRAs & 401(k)s "Government Guaranteed Retirement Income" Do you Believe Government Run
IRAs and 401(k)s are Coming?... Why do they Want Your Retirement Accounts? Would You believe
it if President Obama announced it, In Front of 45 Million people? He Quietly Did!.. You're about
to see the Video for yourself. But, first!.. You must Understand who's behind it AND why Our government says we need
it. Who's Behind It? The Obama Administration and a powerful network of Congressional activists,
along with the highly-influential Ford and Rockefeller Foundations. The 40l(k)/IRA de-privatization plan is the
brain-child of Teresa Ghilarducci of the Schwartz Center for Economic Policy Analysis – (SCEPA), who is funded by the
Rockefeller Foundation. Are There Any Government Documents To Prove It? In
Chapter 3 of the Annual Report on the Middle Class released in February by Vice President Biden and the White House Task Force
on the Middle Class, the Obama administration calls for enhancing the "retirement options" The plan, as sketched
in the 43-page document, calls for the creation of something called "Guaranteed Retirement Accounts" (GRAs). U. S. Federal Register; -"annuitization" of Individual 401(k)s. set forth in a set of "Proposed
Rules" published on February 2, 2010. Government Printing Office-(GOP) a picture can
be seen below.

What Government Agencies Are Involved? Department of Labor and Treasury… among others.
The last meeting took place September 14th and 15th 2010, where they laid out the Course of Action. The agenda is now called
"Lifetime Income Options for Retirement Plans" Why Do They Want Our IRAs & 401(k)s AND What Will
They Do With Them? The Treasury Department has (worthless) Bonds to Sell... and Foreign demand is drying up.
China no longer wants our Debt.. Do You? This will be Done in an attempt to balance the U.S. Deficit and Once
Again make the U.S. Credit Worthy to China and Other Buyers of our Debt. The Federal Government will Manage and Control
an estimated $3.613 Trillion Dollars in IRAs and $2.350 Trillion Dollars in 401(k)s. The Equity will be placed in U.S.
Treasury Bonds that will Pay out an estimated 3%. One major clause is that upon retirement, the value of the Individual's
Account will be placed into Annuities. Once the individual Dies, the Value of the Account will automatically become property
of the Government. The Program will be structured much like Social Security Accounts (the biggest Ponzi Scheme ever created).
What Financial Firm Will We Need To Trust, In The Handling Our Money? The March 9 edition of
Business Week, notes that new federal regulations designed to “promote the conversion of 401(k) savings and Individual
Retirement Accounts into annuities or other steady payment streams” would help drive cash into government-controlled
entities such as American International Group (AIG). Trust AIG?! ................................................................................................................ The
move toward Nationalization of IRA's & 401(k)s will Initially be Offered as an Option. Those who are Unwilling to accept
Government Run Retirement Accounts, will be Stripped of their Current Account Tax Benefits... The Only way The Government
would get away with what will be "The Largest Heist Known To Man" is by Allowing or Creating a Major Financial
Market Meltdown! An aging person who sees their Retirement Account Drop 30%-40% in a matter of Days.... Is more willing
to take a Conservative Approach... Even if it means “Government-Guaranteed Income”. Remember, all socialistic
indebted Governments have one thing in common, raise taxes and steal wealth. Our Government is deep in debt…the equity
in our IRA and 401(k)s will help the U.S. credit rating… we can continue to borrow from China. Throughout History,
tangible Gold and Silver have been the Best store of wealth and the Best Private investment asset You can
Own. Take the First step toward Protecting Your Financial Well-Being! See the Video and Request
Your Guide Today! |