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Comflm Open Letter to SJC on Rule 1:19 Jan272011
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Comflm Open Letter to SJC on Rule 1:19 Jan272011

Please feel free to copy and add your name or revise and send your own to the SJC before Jan282011 

http://sunshinereview.org/core/contact, Where is your state on Sunshine Laws?  Check this site out.

http://www.massreports.com/courtrules/sjcrules.aspx#Rule1:19  and to find the entire 200+  page SJC court rules

Please note the following letter was formated incorrectly because there is some default with the SJC site that

would not let me copy the PDF.  I am using a new computer and the format would not work with me so I copied

to the website and still it would not unscramble .  Please use what you can here and send quickly.

January 27 2010
cc members of crn-newsteam


Christine P Burak, Secretary

Supreme Judicial Court

John Adams Courthouse

One Pemberton Square

Boston, Massachusetts 02108


Subject: Comment Request Proposed Amendment SJC Rule 1:19


Comments may be emailed to christine.burak@sjc.ma.us


Dear Christine Burak et. al. whom it may concern:


Responding to page 1 of changes suggested.

  • What standard?

  • 2. What definition?


      1. Agree


      1. Cameras are silent this is confusing.


      2. Agree

7.  This is done with links, unless refusal to release video occurs and defeats access via cameras
8. What is this cause for suppression, when can it be used?

        1. Public Proceedings are what is being requested to be accessed. Magistrates can still refuse to have camera's. What is the descretion rule applied to the refusal of video cameras?

          1. missing on my computer search


note: I have had extreme difficulty using the pdf site for this comment. There should be a hard copy available to use. Each time I have searched I get a different site. I did not know about the www.massreports.com until I came in and asked. I think this was omitted in the Globe article as well.



This is a draft, and the format is screwed up.

I am unable to download the form in any fashion. This is the extent that would download.


My notes regarding my experience with videotaping the General Court.


My notes include reference to being a part of Comflm Registry News, herein referred to as CRN


as a general inclusive reference to what is considered in item #1 above.


As a member of CRN all are required to have a CORI background check in place on a bi annual basis.


All members of CRN must wear an ID Badge when conducting media tasks for public awareness of Press coverage being done openly and in ref to item #4.


A notice of intent to cover a pubic event, public hearing is recommended and is expected for all Court coverage with as much notice as possible to Justice of the particular case requested.


A notice of ID is expected with any request to tape a Court Case.


Upon start of any recording a time start and time stop must be set up and running.


It is recommended that all points of change of tape, or camera failure be documented with clock in Courtroom references. A form should be used to document these references for each case filmed.


Pro Bono copies to the Court are recommended when filming for CRN and one copy per party supplied that can be duplicated by parties. Credits must be on file for who videotaped the case. A business card should accompany each delivered disc of any case.


A reasonable time to prepare a copy to the Court is no more than 10 days and the quicker the better. On a long case the work is very tenuous and thus a 10 day turnaround is not unreasonable.


I do not think copyright law should apply to public works documents and copyright credits for works should apply to videography only. I would expand this discussion further at this point.


Once given to parties such as Court copies can be reproduced independent of videographer. Footage should be available somewhere when only two cameras are allowed to cover. Thus CRN is working on a public works document archive which would be good to establish for documents such as this.


CPPR Archive Project, a media depository for Public Works Video Documents Non Profit is being set up at this time by CRN and welcomes any Pro Bono volunteers to help with this from Legal Mgmt. to Technical setup.


Camera set up in Courtroom prefer side rear of Courtroom clear view of stand but omitting Jury pool.

Due to camera quirks that are quite unpredictable an electrical outlet plug is necessary to be set up prior to case start 30 minutes minimum time. There is no need to be in front but sound is very essential and needs to be adequate for room mikes to be heard without audio box outlets. A familiar problem I have encountered when covering Courtrooms.


A Streaming audio transcript could possibly be transmitted to a news outlet with the new media available. I think that this factor needs to be addressed and protected by a set time of release established with new media protocols and discussion is needed at this time. When Press was using News Papers a next day issue was a big thing. In this day it can be released immediately.

I appreciate the effort to address this great matter and it is exciting to see this is on the front burner. However, disturbing to see how news is released it forces one to understand transparency will change the way we do business on every level.









Janet Aldrich,

Videographer, Writer, Producer of Documentary Public Works Documents who has offered one pro bono copy of Hearing footage to every Committee Chair since 2003.

34B Rust St

Hamilton, Ma 01982

CatchoftheDay, Video News, Freelance Reporting

Covering Documentary Legislative Public Hearings, Events, Press Conferences on Beacon Hill

since 2003 accumulating over 450 films to 2009

Posting 600 films on Blip since 2009

CRNewsTeam Founder

Comflm Registry News 2003

d.b.a. Ranbo Enterprises, Hamilton 2006

CPPR Archive Project 2010

Organizing the Public Works Documentary Video Library in Massachusetts









BREAKING NEWS:  http://www.comflm.com/crn-teambreakingnews/  copy and paste to your address bar.    Support  SENATE BILL 1458 LEGISLATION!   Call your Senators and Representatives and get the Legislature back under open meeting law. Please be reminded the closing date to file a bill is January 20 2011.
 Please go to SJC website and check on Current  Rule 1:19 Amendment that allows cameras in Court -  public comment closes January 28 2010.

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