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Our new enemy is online sabbotaging and shutting down the new media frontier and you need to understand how to combat this.

RED ALERT still on for cyber creeps at large.  My blackberry was a part of last months scourge.  I lost my contacts again.  Beware.

I want to add  a comment that Blackberry was so diligent with my account and fixed it after hours of researching the problem.  Then they had a global problem a week later. Kudos toBlackberry for the cyber wall they created against hacks.

Red Alert on cyber hacks When will it ever end?  In the next life I guess!. My yahoo account is being hacked by a cloud and my twitter account is also .  I have mcaffee and do not feel they are resilient enough to stop the madness. 

Then today www.webtvwire.com  posted some scarry stuff.  kino. cinema in German has been taken down for linking to copyrighted and other by Gov officials with a customer base of 4 million.  red alert alarm Tennessee has just passed a law that will give authority in US to stop posting links to stories if they cause someone stress.  Can you believe that one.  This includes the gay crowd hate filled data and will be the beginning of the end for the nazi authorities in office at this minute.

So if your being hacked, watched, and scammed, you can be sure if you keep yuorself up on line you may find the authorities at your door and a nice word called felon added to your docea.  This is the war we are in while average Democrats and Republicans sleep on.  Consider yourself warned. posting 61111,

Unless we are alert and ready to fight back legally for the web, we will see even more turmoil on the homefront and web security will be a small piece of the problem.  Please fight back now. Impeach these Nazi's in office as a group. 


posting January 10 2011
Application Security Join Us For An Upcoming Webinar: Top Tips for Defending Against Database Threats in 2011
Dear janet,

Join Us For An Upcoming Webinar: Top Tips for Defending Against Database Threats in 2011

Tuesday, January 25, 2011
2:00 PM - 3:00 PM EST

Databases have become increasingly vulnerable to attack. Given this reality, organizations require a security strategy that eliminates vulnerabilities, identifies user access, monitors database activity, and mitigates risk at the database level.

Please join us for our 2011 Database Security Top Threats and Tips and learn more about the current threat climate and top tips for protecting sensitive information in the database. During this one hour webinar, we will discuss new and emerging security threats that IT professionals should include in their database defense strategy for 2011. 

During this one hour presentation, we will discuss how to:

• Defend against the latest cyber espionage methods including both insider and outsider attacks
• Effectively manage separation of duties
• Patch documented vulnerabilities
• Protect against the latest SQL injections
• Defend against social engineering attacks
• Manage database security in the cloud
• Protect against database rootkits and infection kits

Register Today!
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Coming Soon!

Save The Database, Save The World: Database Security, Risk and Compliance in the Age of Cyberwar

By John B. Ottman

Coming: February 2011


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