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The White House, Washington

Good afternoon,

I just started at the White House as a Senior Advisor to President Obama, and over the past few days we've all been increasingly focused on Tuesday’s State of the Union Address (9 p.m. EST). The President will talk about what America needs to do to create jobs today, make America more competitive tomorrow, and win the future for our children and our country.

And to make sure that you are part of the discussion about America's future, we've been working on a number of ways to use our online program to give you and Americans across the country a chance to participate in this important event and ask your own questions.  That starts immediately after the speech ends, when White House policy experts will be available at WhiteHouse.gov to discuss the issues the President raised in the speech and to take your questions and feedback.

We've also lined up a series of live online events with President Obama and other senior Administration officials on Wednesday and Thursday to answer as many of your questions as possible.

Check out the lineup of events and learn how to participate:

The 2011 State of the Union. Watch and Engage

If you only do one thing right now, be sure to mark this on your calendar:

President Barack Obama delivers his State of the Union Address
Tuesday, January 25, 9 p.m. EST
Watch live @ WhiteHouse.gov/SOTU

I'll be in touch next week with more details and reminders about all of the

The White House, Washington

Good afternoon,

I just started at the White House as a Senior Advisor to President Obama, and over the past few days we've all been increasingly focused on Tuesday’s State of the Union Address (9 p.m. EST). The President will talk about what America needs to do to create jobs today, make America more competitive tomorrow, and win the future for our children and our country.

And to make sure that you are part of the discussion about America's future, we've been working on a number of ways to use our online program to give you and Americans across the country a chance to participate in this important event and ask your own questions.  That starts immediately after the speech ends, when White House policy experts will be available at WhiteHouse.gov to discuss the issues the President raised in the speech and to take your questions and feedback.

We've also lined up a series of live online events with President Obama and other senior Administration officials on Wednesday and Thursday to answer as many of your questions as possible.

Check out the lineup of events and learn how to participate:

The 2011 State of the Union. Watch and Engage

If you only do one thing right now, be sure to mark this on your calendar:

President Barack Obama delivers his State of the Union Address
Tuesday, January 25, 9 p.m. EST
Watch live @ WhiteHouse.gov/SOTU

I'll be in touch next week with more details and reminders about all of the

The White House, Washington

Good afternoon,

I just started at the White House as a Senior Advisor to President Obama, and over the past few days we've all been increasingly focused on Tuesday’s State of the Union Address (9 p.m. EST). The President will talk about what America needs to do to create jobs today, make America more competitive tomorrow, and win the future for our children and our country.

And to make sure that you are part of the discussion about America's future, we've been working on a number of ways to use our online program to give you and Americans across the country a chance to participate in this important event and ask your own questions.  That starts immediately after the speech ends, when White House policy experts will be available at WhiteHouse.gov to discuss the issues the President raised in the speech and to take your questions and feedback.

We've also lined up a series of live online events with President Obama and other senior Administration officials on Wednesday and Thursday to answer as many of your questions as possible.

Check out the lineup of events and learn how to participate:

The 2011 State of the Union. Watch and Engage

If you only do one thing right now, be sure to mark this on your calendar:

President Barack Obama delivers his State of the Union Address
Tuesday, January 25, 9 p.m. EST
Watch live @ WhiteHouse.gov/SOTU

I'll be in touch next week with more details and reminders about all of the

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