Monday - Saturday 24hr news tip call in line 978 388 2457
8:30am - 5pm ya right! this will never exist.. call whenever...you need us!
Saturday is there anytime to do laundry in this world???
Comflm office hours are usually Mondays Fridays..for business related stuff call hotline and someone will
get right back to you..email also for a call back comflm@yahoo.com anytime.
Sunday we like to rest but if your church is holding an event and you want some coverage
feed us and we will be there..or better yet transport us and of course we will come..
zones, i east of western state line west of Worcester..east of Worcester west of 495 east
of 495. Boston Metro..within rail mbta routes..can be reached by public transportation both ways.. specify
which zone you are in for news coverage needed call in's please..978 388 2457 hotline
Breaking News September 2010 to October 2016 We have some new writers and will
be adding them to the site look for their names on the left column
to the Sunday Views, weekly Newspaper for Massachusetts...
We are a group of Indepndant Reporters who want to give
you the truth in reporting.. If you have a story you want covered call us. We will try to get someone on it..
These are our office hours. You can help also.,
So check in
every weekend for a weekly report from the crew. WE ususally have something we covered that will interest you.
the staff at Comflm Registry welcomes you...
EVER - Invaders Hot Topic vs Open Boarders Hey Thanks Obama!
IIlegals running the country: Citizenship case still looming over Obama's head!
6 2010 Statehouse News Reports Education Bill was accomplished at 1230 AMJan 7 2010 119-35 The cold weather outside while inside the steamy Gallary
was a great example of the heated issue being discussed on the floor. Consensus observation was there was not too much
opposition to the bill but the team at Statehouse News had some gaps that were not explained. the House Session
was recorded by House Broadcast and will be up on the website soon.. www.mass.gov/legis , Webcast House find the date. The Formal Session was blocked many times with recess and more recess. Statehouse
News reports the bill has some very serious gaps in what they did! The rush to judgement was to accomplish getting this
solved by January 19 2010. So Washington and Massachusetts are a little bit unique don't you say! Both like back
office decisions. Ha Ha
17 Obama signs INTERPOL WashingtonEnquirer Reports http://mediawashingtonexaminer.com/images/250*157/obama10.jpg Golda
Meirs bodyguard Juval Aviv states TERRORIST ATTACKS IMMINENT.. the next two months What does that mean to us? Under a UN
Homeland Security Alert a Foreign Agency can arrest YOU and take YOU away in some vehicle and the USA Citizens cannot request
copies of records! Obama has nullified the Constitution in the USA by this intention to allow this Interpol contract.
Sunday August
23 3009 been busy uploading visit http://comflmregistry.blip.tv/, and A Mann sent some interesting links: here is one of them for size! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CLmkvAFnSTE&feature=video_response
If your
not reading this.. your head is really in the sand.. stay informed on the new face of MEDIA.. get used to it.. JAldrich,
Comflm Press
Homeland security makes new standards for personal space when taping and being taped..in public.. If someone is harrassing
you like throwing coats on your camera..that is assault..but just to keep your distance that distance is now 9 feet.. so don't
let anyone come near you if they plan to be intimidating.. June 4, 2009 police blotter update for Pride Prom event
June 4 2009, ComFlm,
HAS A SERVICE MARK! Congratulations ComFlm! Now let them say your not Legal Media!
Breaking News
April 29, 2009 http://www.comflm.com/comflmregistrynewsthesundayviews/id85.html
News: April 26, 2009 story found on yahoo but from Time Magazine! Very dangerous situation
facing the GOP and the US CONSTITUTION! PLEASE DO NOT TAKE THIS LOOSELY! http://www.time.com/time/politics/article/0,8599,1893857,00.html
This page is all new to me.. I will be posting the press pass,
accessories, and other interesting items for media that can be ordered here. Please be patient with us while we develop
this process..