Democratic Senators In Sportsman States These Senators are most vulnerable to a push by Sportsmen
and the NRA not to vote for cloture. Remember it takes 60 votes (not percent of votes) to end debate. Our strategy to stop
this is: 1.
Send emails, letters and phone calls to vote against this nomination. 2. Concentrate on key Democratic Senators. Enlist the help of the NRA, sportsmen
and immigration advocates. 3. Conduct a filibuster. Force the Senate to have sixty votes, (not a majority to end debate). Without sixty
votes, the nomination never gets to the floor, it is never voted on and Judge Sotomayor is not seated on the Supreme Court. If you are a sportsmen, or concerned
about Gun Rights, or have other reasons to oppose her nomination, contact these 17 Senators Your email and
phone call count. Every one counts. So make your voice heard. Seventee Democratic Senators in Sportsmen States | Mark Begich | (D-AK) | (202) 224-3004 | Email: | Blanche Lincoln | (D-AR) | (202) 224-4843 | Email: | Mark Pryor | (D-AR) | (202) 224-2353 | Email: | Michael Bennett | (D-CO) | (202) 224-5852 | Email: | Mark Udall | (D-CO) | (202) 224-5941 | Email: | Mary Landrieu | (D-LA) | (202) 224-5824 | Email: | Amy Kobuchar | (D-MN) | (202) 224-3244
| Email: | Claire McCaskill | (D-MO) | (202) 224-6154 | Email: | Max Baucus | (D-MT) | (202) 224-2651 | Email: | John Tester | (D-MT) | (202) 224-2644 | Email: | Ben Nelson | (D-NE) | (202) 224-6551 | Email: | Jeanne Shaheen | (D-NH) | (202) 224-2841 | Email: | Kay Hagan | (D-NC) | (202) 224-6342 | Email: | Kent Conrad | (D-ND) | (202) 224-2043 | Email: | Byron Dorgan | (D-ND) | (202) 224-2551 | Email: | Ricard Burr | (R-NC) | (202) 224-3154 | Email: | Robert C. Byrd | (D-WV) | (202) 224-3954 | Email: |
Owners Start to Rebel Dear Gun Owners and
Supporters of the Second Amendment: America is
getting closer and closer to seeing a radically anti-gun-rights extremist confirmed to sit on the U.S. Supreme Court...
and the U.S. Senate is going to make sure it happens THIS COMING WEEK... unless YOU AND I stop them! TELL
the Republicans. Urge them to filibuster Sotomayer.
We will have a website, website up. Hopefully, Monday. This will us to have a specific address to send out and gain supporters. As soon
as the site is up, I will be contract the NRA and the New Haven firemen to join with us to stop Sotomayor. For now,
the info on the Stop Soto Now Campaign is posted on
The battle has just begun.
Paul Streitz |