Committee on Public Health
A 1 10AM
10 bills, including proposals regarding air quality in schools, alternatives to harmful cleaning products, and studying
the health effects of toxic mold..
10:00.....The Massachusetts Teachers Association,
Federation of Teachers and Massachusetts 2020 release a policy brief on expanded learning
time. The brief is based on recent data from the MassTeLLS coalition, the Massachusetts Teachers Association and the state
Department of Elementary and Secondary Education. The release of the brief comes on National Teacher
Day. A panel discussion on the brief will feature AFT President Tom Gosnell, MTA President Anne Wass, Massachusetts
2020 chairman Chris Gabrieli and co-chairs of the Committee on Education Sen. Robert O’Leary
and Rep. Martha Walz..... Gardner Auditorum
10:30..... Joint Committee on
Housing holds a hearing on a set of ten bills dealing with 'expiring use', when publicly subsidized but privately
owned housing units convert to market-priced rents after the mortgage is paid. The proposals would protect residents living
in privately owned subsidized housing from a sudden increase in rent by requiring that owners
notify tenets of a change in the subsidized nature of the unit and would give the Commonwealth the opportunity to purchase
the property if it is offered for sale.... A 1
11:00......Senate Ways and Means Committee
Chair Steven Panagiotakos hosts emergency revenue hearing. Room 222
11:00..... Consumer Protection and Professional
Licensure Committee meets to hear bills dealing with alcohol issues under chapter 138 of the Mass. General Laws. The 53 proposed
bills cover topics including an underage law enforcement agent and regulations on alcohol distribution .....
1:00..... Committee on Education holds a hearing
on nine bills, including a Rep. Cabral proposing to implement full-day kindergarten (H 361), two bills on the mandatory minimum
age for school attendance (H 369 and H 477), a Rep. Haddad bill on extended learning time grants, and various bills affecting
extracurricular programming (S 250, S 276, S 296, H 515)..... A-1.