January 2010 SIGN
THE PETITION http://teapartypatriots.org/supportcspan/Default.aspx
| Are They Listening? What More Can We Do?
| Dear Fellow Tea Party Patriots,
Local Coordinators from around the country are constantly asked, "Are we making a difference? Why don't they listen to us? We had 2 million people in DC and they still voted
for Health Care in the House, what more can we do?" The answer is yes, we are making a difference!!
The Senate still has not voted
on Cap and Trade and their goal was for that to be law by now. The Senate is working furiously to pass government takeover
of health care by the end of the year now. But, the kicker is, the Senate and House Leadership expected this bill to
be out of Congress (both the House and the Senate) before the August recess. We held them off and stalled the vote.
The House vote was so close that had less than 5 Congressmen voted differently it would not have passed. The Senate
Majority Leader Harry Reid still does not have the votes lined up. Many elected officials fear that voting contrary
to the wishes of their constituents voiced in the Tea Party movement will result in them losing their next elections.
We have become vigilant and we are recruiting others to do so as well. Together, each and everyone of us is making a difference. You asked us
to change tactics and many of you have offered suggestions on those tactics. The National Coordinators are working with
Local Coordinators from around the country to respond to those requests. You will immediately see some of the changes
below in this week's Passion to Action To Do List. You will see other changes as the Local Coordinators from around
the country continue to hammer out plans for 2010 and beyond. One thing we are asking you to do that
is different this week is to call not just the Targeted Senators and your own Senators but also the Senate Minority Leadership
(see list of phone numbers below). Erick Erickson from Redstate.com explains why it is important that the Republican minority fight the government takeover of health care
in the Senate with everything they have. We implore you to take the time to read this article in Redstate. To defeat this bill which will take away our liberty, we need Republicans to step up to the plate and exercise their rights
in the Senate as much as we need the targeted Senators to vote no on the bill. Last week, we received
calls saying that inside the Senate Office Buildings, the Senators and staffers have not heard from us saying we want do not
want the bill to pass. Apparently, some staffers on the Hill think that we only objected to the House Health Care bill
and not the Senate Health Care bill. From what we are gathering, many of the Senators in the minority need to know that we
support them. They need to be encouraged to stand up and fight. They seemingly do not have the courage and conviction
to do what is right because it is the right thing to do on their own. They need us to give them that courage.
This week we are going to give it to them.
to Action Weekly To Do List
| Sunday, December 13, 2009
- Donate the cost of a night out at the movies. We do not have billionaires like liberal George Soros backing us. $50 donations from average Americans like you are what
keep us afloat.
- If you have
not yet filled out the Tea for Three Survey, do so today. We need to know what you want
Tea Party Patriots to do to plan for the future.
- Forward
this email to at least 3 people who do not get it already. They can be friends, family, neighbors, co-workers.
Ask them to sign up here to get on our email list.
- If you decide to come to DC and need a place to stay, here are a few options:
- Hyatt Regency
on Capitol Hill (call 202-737-1234 or 1-800-233-1234 ask for rate for Tea Party Patriots)
- Tea Party Patriots at Savoy Suites
- Tea Party Patriots at Carlyle Suites
Monday, December 14, 2009
- 12:00
noon eastern time Moment of Silence
Use this time to pray for our country and that our elected officials have the courage to represent us, We the People.
Use the time to contemplate the sacrifices that have been made for our Constitution and liberty and to contemplate what eternal
vigilance means. Consider what it is worth to you to insure that future generations enjoy the same liberties we enjoy
- 5:00 PM - For those in DC, we will meet to Prep for Government Waiting Rooms. Use this form to RSVP.
- ALL DAY: Call the Senate Minority Leadership
(contact information listed below) and tell them to fight to stop the health care bill.
Tuesday, December 15, 2009 Wednesday, December 16, 2009
- Anniversary of the Boston Tea Party - Call
the Targeted Senators (listed below)
and tell them to vote no on health care. Remind them that our country was founded out
of frustration over high taxes and inadequate representation. Remind them that between 51 - 56% of Americans do not
want this bill and they represent us, We the People.
- Host
or attend a Tea Party Patriots Boston Tea Party Anniversary Candlelight
Vigil (details below).
December 17, 2009 - Repeat the calls to the Senate Minority Leadership telling them to do what
it takes to stop the bill.
Friday, December 18, 2009 |
Targeted Senators
| Sen. Blanche Lincoln, Arkansas DC Office Phone Number: 202-224-4843, DC Fax Number: 202-228-1371
Sen. Ben Nelson, Nebraska DC Office Number: 202-224-6551, DC Fax Number: 202-228-0012 Sen. Mary Landrieu, Louisiana DC Office Phone Number: 202-224-5824, DC Fax Number: 202-224-9735
Sen. Joe Lieberman, Connecticut DC Office Phone Number: 202-224-4041, DC Fax Number: 202-224-9750
Sen. Michael F Bennet, Colorado DC Office Phone Number: 202-224-5852, DC Fax Number: 202-228-5036 Sen. Mark Pryor, Arkansas DC Office Phone Number: 202-224-2353, DC Fax Number: 202-228-0908 Sen. Robert Byrd, West Virginia DC Office Phone Number: 202-224-3954, DC Fax Number: 202-228-0002 Sen. Jim Webb, Virginia DC Office Phone Number: 202-224-4024, DC Fax Number: 202-228-6363 Sen. Mark Warner, Virginia DC Office Phone Number: 202-224-2023, DC Fax Number: 202-224-6295 Sen. Jon Tester, Montana DC Office Phone Number: 202-224-2644, DC Fax Number: 202-224-8594 Sen. Mark Begich, Alaska DC Office Phone Number: 202-224-3004, DC Fax Number: 202-224-2354 Sen. Evan Bayh, Indiana DC Office Phone Number: 202-224-5623, DC Fax Number: 202-228-1377 PriceWaterhouseCooper released an independent study of the Senate Finance Committee version of the government
takeover of health care bill. The study showed that American family's budgets will be severely impacted by the bill
and that health insurance premiums will increase dramatically. You may wish to read the study and use this as supporting
documentation when you contact the Senators. Additionally, you may find some these resources
helpful as well: Tea Party Patriots Health Care Talking Points Why Is Tea Party Patriots Focusing on Health Care Questions to Ask Your Representative About Health Care
Senate Minority Leadership | Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, Kentucky DC Office Phone Number: 202-224-2541, DC Fax Number: 202-224-2499
Assistant Senate Minority Leader John Kyl, Arizona DC Office Phone Number: 202-224-4521, DC Fax Number: 202-224-2207
Senate Republican Conference Chair Sen. Lamar Alexander, Tennessee DC Office Phone Number: 202-224-4944, DC Fax Number: 202-228-3398
Senate Republican Party Conference Secretary Sen. Lisa Murkowski, Alaska DC Office Phone Number: 202-224-6665 DC Fax Number: 202-224-5301
Senate Republican Policy Committee Chair Sen. John Thune, South Dakota DC Office Phone Number: 202-224-2321 DC Fax Number: 202-228-5429
2 Senators NOT in Senate Leadership But Have Been Leading the Way to Stop Government Takeover of Health Care:
Sen. Jim DeMint, South Carolina DC Office Phone Number: 202-224-6121, DC Fax Number: 202-228-5143
Sen. Tom Coburn, MD, Oklahoma DC Office Phone Number: 202-224-5754, DC Fax Number: 202-224-6008
| You are the heart and soul of the Tea Party Movement. Thank you for promoting the causes of
fiscal responsibility, constitutionally limited government, and free markets with us!
Your Tea Party Patriots National Coordinator Team, Debbie Dooley, Mike Gaske, Kellen Giuda, Ryan Hecker, Jenny Beth Martin, Mark Meckler, Sally Oljar, Diana Reimer, Billie Tucker, and Dawn Wildman
Jenny Beth Martin (jennybethm@gmail.com,
770-878-1550) Dawn Wildman (dmwtpp11@yahoo.com) Mark Meckler (mark.grassroots@gmail.com) Diana Reimer (philatppatriots@gmail.com)
Tea Party Patriots, Inc. is a social welfare organization organized
under section 501(c)(4) of the Internal Revenue Code. Contributions to Tea Party Patriots, Inc. are not deductible as charitable
contributions for income tax purposes.