is the Mass Access Server Network?
The project is the initiative of Mass Access, Governor Deval Patrick's office,
and a variety of state agencies. A number of people including Terry Duenas, James Joyce, Bill Nay and Jeff Hansel participated
in meetings with MA state officials to formulate a framework for this "soft" statewide access TV network.
The goal for the Mass Access Server Project is to combine the resources and reach of all MA access TV channels to effectively
and efficiently distribute an increasing amount of statewide access TV programming and public service information to all residents
of the Commonwealth, and to do so without costing taxpayers a dime.
This is only a test:
TelVue/Princeton, as represented
by Daniell Krawczyk is providing access to the video server at no cost during this initial period as we work out the kinks
in the work flow and usability of the server.
If this test is moderately successful and the programming proves to be
useful to the many access TV channels in MA, Mass Access may adopt a formal and more user-friendly model - (based on a "YouTube"
or BlipTV type of web interface) of the server that will be become a benefit of membership in Mass Access.
Upload: All video content will be provided/produced by a variety of Mass. state offices and agencies, including Governor Patrick, and many of our Congressmen and State Legislators, as well as other organizations or officials with a statewide constituency.
Download: All MA community media centers/access TV channels will be provided with a single user name and password to download, save, and playback programming at will from the server site. Individual access TV channels are free to incorporate this programming as it best fits into your schedules or channels.
Belmont Media Center (BMC) is facilitating the uploads and serving
as the coordinating site for this test in conjunction with the Mass Access Board.
Andrew Feldman, a summer intern at
BMC, is helping to lead this project, by coordinating with Governor Patrick's press office and other officials, and is
actually the person doing the uploads or assisting state agencies with uploads to the video server.
If you have questions about the project contact: Jeff Hansell jeff@belmontmedia.org or Andrew Feldman at andrew@belmontmedia.org - Jeff and Andrew will also be reaching out to many of you to survey how well the process works or does not work.
Please download a copy of the MassAccess Server Help Guide #1 (a .pdf) to begin accessing the Mass Access Server and start downloading.