CAtch of the Day, advocates that all public hearings be under the open meeting law.. So does Senator Tarr.. S1458
Please support this legislation.
rm 222 1 PM Statehouse today PRESS
CONFERENCE ON 40B Fraud..june 1 2009 COMMITTEE ON THE JUDICIARY PUBLIC HEARING A 2 1PM this will go to midnight.. check
out the bills, you may want to testify videotaped by Catch of theDay, 176 bills,
most walked out due to overcrowding and time perceived to be too much.. very stuffy hot room.. COMMITTEON PUBLIC HEALTH PUBLIC
HEARING A 2 10AM - 1PM school
nutrition Committee on Judiciary scheduled here at 1PM expect delays.. and
hope it is moved to Gardner Auditorium COMMITTEE
ON HOUSING A 1 1030AM condo
law Catch of the Day was able to tape this one.. walked in as gavel was hitting the
desk..missed train.. COMMITTEE ON EDUCATION 1PM expect delays following Housing..scheduled
On the steps of the Statehouse 945 the Class Act getting
notorious Grannies were setting up again to protest the Cori laws.. As I had to go inside I was able to get a couple
songs they wrote.. very cute Grannies! Will keep you posted on that one.. Catch of the Day, Video News Freelance
Reporting JUNE 3 2009 WEDNESDAY JOINT COMMITTEE ON ELECTION LAWS PUBLIC HEARING notice up on clerks window May26,2009 A1
1PM Catch of the Day videotaped this one.. good stuff JUNE 3, 2009 WEDNESDAY COMMITTEE ON HEALTH CARE FINANCING PUBLIC HEARING notice up on clerks window May26, 2009 Catch
of the Day videotaped this also a little late setting up..
HEARING bills on farming milk animal rights audio taped by Catch of the Day, went til 7pm notice up on clerks office
May 22, 2009 A 2 1PM, State Administration and Regulatory Oversight June 4, 2009 A1 10AM Land Bills
JUNE 10 2009 WEDNESDAY JOINT COMMITTEE ON CHILDREN AND FAMILIES and PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES.. PUBLIC HEARING A 1 11AM an act improving accessibility for a starter.. A 1 2PM an act establishing an interstate compact.. should be a biggy..Sen McGee bill up on clerks window May 26, 2009