WE KNEW THIS WAS COMING and like everything else.. free speech will get dragged into this one.. no pun intended. posting march 25 2010
| The House voted
to silence you - will you help stop the Senate? May 06, 2009 | Share with Friends Dear Janet, The enactment of so-called "hate crimes" legislation is a long-stated objective
of the homosexual agenda. It is one step closer to being law. The House of Representatives passed the Hate Crimes Bill
249-175. When the Republicans tried to stop protections from possibly going to pedophiles and other suspect categories
the supporters of the bill voted to protect those perversions. When Representatives tried to insert protections
for religion, protecting the Bible from being described as hate speech, the Democrats voted those protections down! It
has now been referred to the Senate. We need your help to stop it. What "hate crimes" legislation does
is lay the legal foundation and framework for investigating, prosecuting and persecuting pastors, business owners, and anyone
else whose actions reflect their faith, as documented in the video below (click to view and take action): 
The act would establish a new FEDERAL offense for so-called "hate crimes" and add "sexual orientation"
and "gender identity" as protected classes. It will mandate a separate federal criminal prosecution for
state offenses. The American credo calls for equal justice under the law, not equal justice unless you happen
to be homosexual, then you get special treatment. ALL people deserve to be protected from crime, not just certain groups.
Sign our petition TODAY to say equal protection under the law means equal protection for ALL. Please join the over 60,000 people who have already signed this petition. Sign Our Petition Today! Standing (Ephesians 6:13),
 | |
Breaking News 5 6 09 World Net Daily urgent email: |
| URGENT! STOP THE PEDOPHILE PROTECTION ACT IN ITS TRACKS | There is a bill on the fast track in the U.S. Senate (§ 909) that would not only criminalize
free speech but provide elevated protection to pedophiles. The bill is euphemistically called "The
Local Law Enforcement Hate Crimes Prevention Act." I call it "The Pedophile Protection Act." It
was exposed as such when an amendment to exclude pedophiles from special legal protections, offered by Rep. Steve King, R-Iowa,
was rejected by the Democrats in the House Judiciary Committee. Rep. Alcee Hastings, D-Florida, admitted from the House Floor
that this bill put 547 forms of sexual deviancies listed by the American Psychiatric Association, which he referred to as
"all of these 'philias' and fetishes and 'isms,'" on the same level of elevated protection as "race
... religion ... gender ... or disability." Rep. Louie Gohmert, R-Texas, a former appellate judge on the House
committee, clarified further: "...We
just rejected an amendment to including pedophilia from being a part of this protected class. Do you realize what that means?
"If a mother hears that their child has been raped and she slaps the assailant with her purse, she is now
gone after as a hate criminal because this is a protected class. There are other protected classes in here. I mean simple
exhibitionism. I have female friends who have told me over the years that some guy flashed them, and their immediate reaction
was to hit them with their purse. Well now, he's committed a misdemeanor, [and] she has committed a federal hate crime
because the exhibitionism is protected under sexual orientation." If there was ever a time for the Senate to
stand and fight with a filibuster, that time is now. Especially since the Democrat majority does not yet have the contested seat filled with Al Franken, which would provide
the votes to block a filibuster. We are calling for members of the Senate, Republicans and Democrats alike, to stop
§ 909. This bill in on the fast track to approval. But you can help to derail it. I urge you to join me in an unprecedented action to send a barrage of overnight letters to every member of the U.S.
Senate. WND has devised a plan to FedEx copies of the following letter to every U.S. Senator on your behalf for only $10.95:
The Honorable ___________ [Room #] [Name] Senate Office Building United States Senate Washington, DC 20510 Dear Senator: I
am writing to urge you to do all in your power to oppose passage of § 909, also known as "The Local Law Enforcement
Hate Crimes Prevention Act." Passage of this bill by the U.S. Senate would be reckless and irresponsible not only
because of the "chilling effect" it would have on First Amendment-guaranteed rights to free speech, but also because
it would provide, for the first time ever, special legal protections for pedophiles and other sexual offenders. This
bill would more appropriately be called "The Pedophile Protection Act." The evidence for this extraordinary
statement comes directly from debate in the House, when a simple amendment to exempt pedophiles from the protections offered
by the bill were rejected. I write to warn you that those who support it, or allow it to become the law of the land
without a fight, will be held accountable at election time. If there was ever a time for the Senate to stand and fight
with a filibuster, that time is now. We are calling for members of the Senate, Republicans and Democrats alike, to stop §
909. Stop "The Pedophile Protection Act" dead in its tracks – now. Please respond to me in writing
as to whether you intend to oppose this dangerous bill – including by filibuster if necessary. Sincerely,
janet aldrich Your address |
Click Here to Rush Deliver This Letter to EVERY U.S. Senator for Just $10.95 At the very least, these men and women will be without excuse as to the true nature of this dangerous piece of legislation. I
hope you will join me in this campaign. Janet (Folger) Porter President, Faith2Action YES! Send my feedback to every U.S. Senator
Click Here to Get Started
P.S. If there was ever a time to stand and fight with everything we have, that
time is now. The window of opportunity to filibuster is closing fast. We must use it NOW before it's too late. |
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