posting November 16 2010 JERUSALEM REPORT From Mike Evans the founder of the Jerusalem Prayer Team
Dear Janet,
It's almost unbelievable! While the Obama Administration is giving another $150 million of our tax dollars to the
terrorist Palestinians, they are rebuking Israel for building homes for their citizens in their capital city--Jerusalem. My
old friend Prime Minister Netanyahu met with Secretary of State Hillary Clinton last week for more than seven hours. In that
meeting, she pressured him to divide Jerusalem, Judea and God promised to the Jewish people forever...or else!
At the same time Secretary Clinton is hammering Israel, she is also negotiating with Saeb Erekat, a Palestinian
Authority leader and so-called "moderate." Yet Erekat recently wrote a letter of praise to the terrorist behind
the assassination of Israeli Minister Rechavan Ze'evi in 2001 expressing "the strongest emotions of solidarity and brotherhood"
and appreciation for "exhibit[ing] steadfast resistance that has become the stuff of legend."
This latest
contribution to the Palestinian Authority to help them cover their budget shortfall brings the total US gifts for the year
to the terrorists who hate all Jews to $600 million! Yet not dime has gone to Israel to help provide homes for thousands of
poor Jewish people living in temporary shelters in Jerusalem. Instead the Israeli government is being rebuked and pressured
to violate God's Word by giving up land He has promised to them as their possession forever., Great News site for Jerusalem.. posted as link Jan 12 2010
This message was
sent to me today December 18 2009.. thousands have taken to the streets in Iran to protest the President inspite of being
arrested.. JAldrich Catch of the Day, Video News
Dear Janet,
Protests against the fraudulent
election that kept Iranian President Ahmadinejad in power have broken out again in Iran in recent days. Tens of thousands
took to the streets in protest, despite violence and brutal repression from the secret police. Hundreds were beaten and many
were arrested. The unrest within the country is increasing the pressure on the government to focus attention outside their
borders--and their nuclear program is a vital part of that effort.
I am writing you today from the Holy
Land where I have returned to speak, along with Foreign Minister Lieberman and Nobel Peace Prize winner Elie Wiesel and many
others. The threat to Israel is incredibly grave...and it is growing.
Unless something changes, Israel will
be at war within twelve months. It will be forced to attack Iran to stop their nuclear weapons program in self-defense, and
the world will condemn Israel. Thousands of missiles provided by Iran will reign down on innocent Jewish men, women and children.
Thousands of suicide bombers will come again; THIS TIME not with backpacks filled with nails and screws, but with dirty bombs
that will kill hundreds of thousands.
Click Here to Help Get This Prophetic Message Out:
If our government thinks that this danger will be confined to the streets of The Holy Land, then it is
sadly mistaken! This is a situation that, unless stopped, could impact OUR cities too...
In addition to
coming to Israel--I know that God's people in the United States have to be alerted and also called to intercede. God has spoken
to me to urgently produce a major TV program to mobilize millions of intercessors NOW. Go here to watch a short excerpt from
this TV program:
War does not have to happen. God can intervene and change the future...but we must do our part--we must PRAY--and
we must alert others to do so too. I gave a warning throughout the 1980s and 1990s. I raised my voice
to cry out that the terrorists would come to America. On 9/11 we all watched in horror as those unheeded warnings came true.
I'm telling you today that unless we act it will happen again...and when it does, the unspeakable horror will make 9/11 look
like the good old days.
We need 10,000 sponsors right now in order to air this special and avert disaster.
We need 10,000 people who believe the promises of God and appreciate the power of prayer and who are willing to make an investment
to change the future and save Israel from death and destruction.
I cannot air this special without your
help. The liberal media does NOT want this message to get out. They will not extend credit to us. We must pay for the airtime
on local stations in advance in order to communicate directly to the American people. I cannot do that unless you help right
now. Only the truth can set us free and leave a legacy of hope and peace instead of a legacy of despair, death and destruction.
But we must act!
Mordecai asked Esther: Yet who knows whether you have come to the kingdom for such a time
as this? Esther 4:13&14
I believe THAT is the question you and I are being asked today! This is our
moment. This is our "such a time as this." And we must respond if we expect to receive deliverance.
When you become a prophetic prayer sponsor with a gift of $40 or more, I will send you the DVD of this powerful television
special as well as a copy of my newest book, Atomic Iran. If you already have a copy, then this will make a wonderful gift
for a friend, family member or pastor.
When you send your gift of $100 or more, in addition to the DVD and the
book, I will send you a copy of my prophetic message to the nation of Israel and my address at the Knesset (their Congress).
There is still time to avert this disaster, but only if we act immediately. I urge you to send
your best gift today to help us air this powerful prayer special so that we can leave a legacy of hope and freedom instead
of one of disaster and despair.
Your Ambassador to Jerusalem,
Dr. Michael Evans
Your Jerusalem World News:
Jerusalem Prayer Team P.O. Box 30000 Phoenix,
AZ 85046 FAX: 281-257-2476 817-268-1228
To make your donation by telephone, please call 1-888-732-2388.
The Jerusalem Prayer Team is a non-profit,
non-denominational, 501c3 organization dedicated to developing a prayer movement of people around the world. It receives no
support from the Nation of Israel. Donations are tax deductible. The mission of the Jerusalem Prayer Team: To guard, defend
and protect the Jewish people and Eretz Yisrael until Israel is secure, and until the Redeemer comes to Zion. Dr. Tim LaHaye,
Mr. Pat Boone, Mr. Bill McCartney, Rev. Tommy Tenney, Dr. A.R. Bernard, and Dr. Jay Sekulow are just a few of the more than
300 Christian Leaders who are part of the Jerusalem Prayer Team.
In the event that the all the required funds are
received for a specific project, the Board of Directors reserves the right to use any additional funds received, for other
projects or outreaches of The Jerusalem Prayer Team.
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Do we vote on Military
fFunding? Confusion is the weapon of the enemy.. who is the enemy you tell me?
This news is under the radar because media will not tell what is happening in an area. I thought this was important
enought to get on it. Especially where the Dems in Washington are in total distraction mode.. distracting and distracted.
So let's see what Jerusalem is saying: JERUSALEM REPORT From Mike Evans the founder of the Jerusalem Prayer
Team Dear Janet, I am in Israel to address a major conference and what I'm hearing is very sobering.
The mood here is VERY ominous. In the last couple of days I was told some new confidential information about the
state of Iran's readiness to deliver a working nuclear bomb. An Israeli general told me: * Iran will
not back down because they think the US president is too weak to stop them. * Iran has already enriched 1.7 tons
of uranium for a nuclear bomb at its facilities in Natanz. * Iran has been testing neutron detonators. Then yesterday, Iran test-fired an upgraded version of its most advanced missile, the Sajjil-2, with a range of about 1,200
miles. That means it can hit anywhere in Israel, our U.S. bases in the Gulf region and even deliver a warhead to parts
of Europe! The two-stage Sajjil-2 is powered entirely by solid-fuel and is the most advanced missile yet tested
by Iran. It has a lot longer range and is far more accurate that the previous missile, the Fateh, which only had a range
of 120 miles! So while the world watches, Iran races ahead on its quest for a nuclear bomb--and at the same time,
it is testing the missiles needed to deliver such a bomb to destroy its avowed enemy, Israel. You can understand
then why the mood here is very dark--and why I tell you that without divine intervention there will be war in 2010. Without breaching security, there is no way to over-emphasize the dire situation Israel faces. We need to PRAY URGENTLY
that God will intervene! Our work at the Jerusalem Prayer Team is absolutely VITAL. This is our hour.
This is time for which God called this ministry. We need to recruit, inform and motivate MILLIONS
to pray now at this critical moment in history. We urgently need the help of every friend so that we will
have the resources to sound the alarm! We are securing air-time across the nation for the TV special on
Atomic Iran that we've just completed. Many media outlets are refusing to air the program--and many others require us
to pay in advance. This is a MASSIVE expense and effort and we need your help immediately. Please click here
to give a CRISIS gift: know you understand the seriousness of the situation! But take a minute or two to watch this: Please click here to see a short clip from the TV special: ask you to pray urgently, forward this email to others, and click on the link below to help us sound the alarm
and call God's people to prayer--that He will intervene in a situation that is rapidly escalating out of control. Please click here to give a CRISIS gift: you for taking action in this time of crisis. From The Holy Land, Mike Evans Your Jerusalem World News: Your Jerusalem Prayer Team: http://jerusalemprayerteam