Reporters who deliver News are under Shield Law.
A Blogger who writes for fun about the froggie in the back yard.. is not protected by the Shield Law.. this will become a
precident law watch this one. There are those who want to isolate Press and harass anyone who dares cross
that threshold calling themselves Press.. next they will want to give only paid press watch..
QUICKLINK New Jersey · April 23, 2010 · Reporter's privilege New Jersey appeals court
concurs that blogger is not a journalist Keywords: blogger; Internet; Shield Law A New Jersey appeals court on Thursday
affirmed a lower court's ruling that said a libel defendant could not use the reporter's shield law because not all bloggers are journalists,
and the defendant was not engaged in journalism. The plaintiff, Too Much Media, sued Shellee
Hale in New Jersey after she posted comments stating that the company, which works with websites in the adult entertainment
industry, was profiting from a security breach in its program. Like the lower court, the Appellate Division of the New Jersey Superior Court found that although Hale kept a blog, she was not engaged in newsgathering
and dissemination at the time she made the postings -- and therefore not protected by the shield law. New Jersey courts have
frequently said that not all disseminators are newsgatherers and that although some electronic-only information qualifies
as news reporting, not all of it does. “Simply put, new media should not be confused with
news media. There is, of necessity, a distinction between, on the one hand, personal diaries, opinions, impressions and expressive
writing and, on the other hand, news reporting,” the opinion read.
Senator Scott Brown
Rally, pre Haverhill Santa Parade.. got some of this rally..will post soon. 11 22 09
Know thy
neighbor take note here: total takeover of Insurance Companies by Regulatory .. fines excessive to the public so PEOPLE Better to kill this vote.. Have you ever been mandated to buy anything???
unprecedented in American History.. here comes the chip.. wake up fools.. 2012 2013 date certain and you will be mandated
to purchase this when your status changes for any reason you will be forced to take the public option.. blame Kathleen Sebelius..
Director Regulatory Czar.. after bill passed..
regulations will be promulated..article 1 sect 1 constitution power granted to Congress nothing to delegate power cannot vote out Beaurocrat.. Federal Administrative Proceedures Act.
Guidelines.. force and effect of law..if you challenge the whole bearocratic nightmare process before you has to take place
to have standing in the court.. Laura Ingram will
challenge this .. Law School Graduate did Corporate Clerk Justce Thomas.. she can do this.. ACLJ will get involved as a Class
Action.. against government.. file suit serve with copy of suit.. 30 days to answer to raise defenses and counter claims..
usually then discovery documents depositions interrogatories..then pretrial conference .. could do a joiner.. a class action
..of organizations and me.. then at pretrial conference.. do a pre trial conference report. in issues of
agreement and disagreement law agree and disagree.. issues narrow..not triable .. conference will go to court on difference..
Jury nulliification used to be able to nullify
a law.. by objection to appeal to appellate court and to the Supreme Court.. ideally if this happens and if we won and court refused to hear case that would stand..if they hear
the case ..that would set precedent ..class war case.. socialism. communism.. ism ism ism..Were on to you Court.. been there
done that.. how to destroy the Constitution you swore in to PROTECT! HERE WE GO ROUND THE MULBERRY BUSH.. Will the circle be unbroken?? in the sky Lord in the sky. COUP COUP COUP DE TAT
Press Release Editorial
Comment on the Vote to support the Health Care Bil: WHAT
HAPPENS NEXT? copy and paste this into your website.. this is a must have! Isms to come! The Senate essentially amended HR 3590 Harry Reids Amendment..
put a motion forward to consider the bill. Some debate at least 7 days, then motion for CLOUTRE.. VOTE TO STOP THE DEBATE AND MOVE TO CONSIDER RECONSIDERATION AND DEBATE
IT PASSED 60 - 39.. side note.. two people switched votes it would have lost Floor Schedule November 30 HR3590 attached to this bill which is already passed the House.. going to send it back
to approve the Amendments. AT THIS POINT.. simple
majority 51 votes.. in event of tie VP Senate could cast deciding vote..JOE BIDEN VP THAT IS THE ONLY TIME BIDEN HAS VOTE IN SENATE PRO TEM ELECTED IF TIE IF APPROVED WILL BE SENT BACK TO HOUSE NO AGREEMENT CONFERENCE COMMITTEE .. 3 PEOPLE FROM EITHER SIDE work out differences create conference committee Report.. Conference Committee goes to each Chamber and then voted in Majority
of each Chamber IF the Bill not approved in Conference
Article from JC
Taped the following event on Friday at Cambridge Juvenile
Court 9AM Adoption Celebration they have every year the past 6 years. There was not a dry eye in the place.. very special
event.. will be posting sometime soon, had a busy weekend. Lasted about 45 minutes. Then a second group of high
school girls did an archopello of awesome music for another 20 minutes or so. These girls need to make an album for
sure.. please do .. and call me to get a copy. I want to listen to it all day. Catch of the Day, Video News,
freelance reporting 11 20 2009
Pemberton SquareBoston,
Massachusetts 02108 CONTACT:
Joan Kenney/Charlotte Whiting
November 18, 2009
Jacqueline Schelfhaudt
Jocelynne Welsh
Juvenile Court
Probate and Family Court
Judges to Legalize
Over 200 Adoptions on National Adoption Day on November 20 Middlesex Juvenile Court in Cambridge Designated as Lead Court To
celebrate National Adoption Day, the Juvenile and Probate and Family Court Departments of the Massachusetts Trial Court will
finalize the adoptions of 212 foster children by families throughout the state on Friday, November 20,
2009. This is the seventh year the courts have participated in this state and national event, which is
organized in cooperation with the Massachusetts Adoption Resource Exchange and the Massachusetts Department of Children and
The Middlesex Juvenile Court, located at 121 Third Street in Cambridge, was designated to be the lead court this year. Governor Deval Patrick
will be the guest speaker in a morning program beginning at 9:00 a.m. Other speakers include Juvenile Court Chief Justice
Michael F. Edgerton; Probate and Family Court Chief Justice Paula M. Carey; Middlesex Juvenile Court First Justice Jay Blitzman;
Department of Children and Families Commissioner Angelo McClain; Secretary of Health and Human Services, Dr. JudyAnn Bigby;
Eliot Tatelman, CEO of Jordan’s Furniture; and the Sheppard Family. The adoptions and celebrations
will take place in eight courts across the Commonwealth. There will be 112 legalized adoptions in eastern Massachusetts, 51
in the central part of the state and 49 in western Massachusetts. The participating courts are the following:
Boston: Edward W. Brooke Courthouse, 24 New Chardon Street·
Brockton: George N. Covett Courthouse (Brockton Trial Court),
215 Main Street·
Cambridge: Middlesex Juvenile Court, 121
Third Street·
Hadley: Franklin/Hampshire Juvenile Court, 116 Russell Street, Rt. 9·
Pittsfield: Berkshire Juvenile Court, 190
North Street·
Salem: Essex Juvenile Court, 45 Congress
Springfield: Hampden Juvenile Court, 80 State Street·
Worcester: Worcester Juvenile Court, 1 Highland Street “National
Adoption Day presents a unique opportunity to celebrate the generosity and commitment of adoptive parents who have opened
their hearts and homes to children in need of a safe, stable and loving family. It also presents an opportunity to highlight the number
of foster children who are awaiting adoptive homes and to encourage people to consider becoming adoptive parents and making
a difference in the life of a child who desperately needs someone to care,” said Juvenile Court Chief Justice Edgerton. “These adoptive families are heroes to all of us for their selflessness
and willingness to make a difference in the lives of so many children,” said Probate and Family Court Chief Justice
Carey. “National Adoption Day is a tribute to the families who have demonstrated a full commitment to vulnerable children
in need of warm and caring homes.”
Celebrated annually throughout the country, National Adoption Day highlights the joysand benefits of adoption and encourages families and individuals
to consider adopting children who are in the foster care system. In Massachusetts, approximately 2500 children in foster care
are awaiting adoption; nationwide there are 129,000 children in foster care waiting to be adopted.