Thank you for writing to Yahoo! Mail.
you receive an email impersonating Yahoo! and/or another company
which you feel is not legitimate, please file a report,
including the
full headers and the HTML source code of the email you received, at:
http://help.yahoo.com/l/us/yahoo/mail/yahoomail/abuse.htmlTo learn how to display the full headers in a Yahoo! Mail account,
please visit the Yahoo! Mail Help Desk
http://help.yahoo.com/l/us/yahoo/mail/original/basics/basics-31.htmlFor non-Yahoo! Mail users, please refer to the URL below for information
on how to get the full headers for
your particular email client:
http://www.haltabuse.org/help/headers/index.shtmlIf you see a web page asking for your Yahoo! ID and password and you
feel it is a scam, please report it
using our contact form which can be
located by going to the following link:
http://add.yahoo.com/fast/help/us/security/cgi_feedbackInclude the full URL of the web page collecting passwords.
If you entered credit card or bank account
numbers, you should
immediately contact your financial institution.
Please remember scams are a popular way
of getting your personal
information. The most common scams are fake login pages and forged
emails that ask for
your password, credit card number, or other
sensitive information. Ignore and report anything you see that strikes
you as questionable or suspicious.