will bring you to new innovations in streaming media and a ton of tutorials. Use them for a class or just get informed
yourself on this very current information.. link posted June 26, 2009 J Aldrich, Comfm, President http://www.microsoft.com/industry/government/guides/citizenservices.mspx
SD 1944 BECAME S1458 and had its Public Hearing June 25,
2009 at 11AM B 1. There is a lot more to this topic. Please join the conference call tonight and see what went
on. 1 712 432 0080 137 045 # pin to be on call.
June 2009 Comflm is just about ready to start uploading to
the Blip account. Look for the link here when we start the uploading process.. JAldrich, comflm, president
June 2009 COMFLM GETS A SERVICE MARK.. leaves door
open to form Corporation.. want to be a part ?? email comflm@yahoo.com
February 2009 I
want to update you on the status of this Registry. We are on to the task of becoming a non profit press organization.
This will happen soon. I just need to get some attorneys to scan over the text posted on this site for possible flaws.
Then it will happen. I am enthused about the positive response I am getting from everyone that finds out about
the SD1944 Legislation. I tell them I can remember the number because it is one year after I was born..and that is???
I think it would have been too uncanny if they had one number back.. but that is what it is.. I am really working on this
non stop. ON the weekend I got a call really Friday but that is part of my weekend as I skip a day for r&r and so
the job request came to search out two hearings from 2008. Now that can be a real test of wits, as 2008 has not
been the most efficient year for me. I had a lot of interruptions and so the stacks were all in dire need of a real
cleaning..the thought came oh no here it comes.. so I just settled in and started the clean job..my office is still lined
up with ziplock bags full of tapes and documents. I hope tomorrow I will be able to clean sweep the place and finish but knowing
the level of work it will be probably another week before it is done. I was able to write my list of tapes for 2008
and will have to update because as I was looking at the final copy all printed out sure enough I found another tape that was
not on the list..so hold on the final list will be coming soon. I taped about 60 events last year. Not
that much compared to 2007 but the project has taken on a new face and is becoming a real identity. People are really
recognizing the Independant Media adgenda and that is very good. I can now set the stage to invite the Independant Media pool
to join and send out email blasts to let them know. I found a site to make the press passes at North Station.
They want 15.dollars or 20 with a photo.. not bad and the guy is excited about the venture. He is a passport shop and
I will bring a lot of business to him for sure. It is very convenient and no one can get lost. The biggest
feature is that people understand CSpan and want that to happen in Boston. This will make a big difference in voter participation.
I cannot wait for the thing to happen as one might realize or I would not be working so hard to make it happen.
We all can do something in our mature years. We do not have to just meltdown and let our brains sour with mold..we need to
arise and try to make something happen. Keep watching, we are on the move..JAldrich
January 2009 a new Year of new Beginnings
Well Happy New Year to all of my readers and reporters involved in pro active News.. This year it is very
serious to begin with a bang.. we must reinvent the wheel and get the Legislature under the same open meeting laws we are
under.. this is the plan. We have until January 14 to file the bill..if you have any ideas please email to comflm@yahoo.com your concerns. There has been some talk that the Legislature exempted themselves a few years back and we need to find
the story and evaluate the conclusions ..no wonder they are so offended by the videography.. Will be posting a lot today...so
stay tuned.. you need to send announcements here for meetings you know about. This is a free site and so you get free
postings. Someday that might change but at the moment this is the plan. We are grassrooting a force of Independant
Media to augment the failing Media which operates on bribe money.. pay me and I will cover your story.. a bribe if you ask
me.. so please consider supporting this effort today with a donation any amount is ok.. even a dollar.. we do not despise
small beginnings. You can donate to the Coalition to Preserve the Public Record..not a non profit yet but watch
the Corporation page for updates.. JAldrich, Pres, Comflm, Registry, Catchoftheday, Freelancereporting 12:05 pm est
This actually got filed can you believe it?? they postponed the filing date until Friday.this was filed on Thursday..
I watched it being filed.. 5 bills were filed I believe this session on open meetig law.. Rep Hill, Sen Tarr, Rep Cabral,
Sen Brewer, and one more.. SECTION 1. Section 11A of Chapter 30A of the General Laws is hereby amended in the definition of "Governmental Body" by striking the phrase "but shall not include the general
court or the committees or recess committees thereof".
SECTION 2. Chapter 3 of the General Laws
is hereby amended by inserting after Section 29 the following new section:-
"Section 29A. Video
Recording of Hearings.
Section 29A. The General Court shall ensure that a video recording is made of each
public hearing of its committees and special commissions. Said recording shall be archived on the website of the General
Court in a form easily accessible to the general public as soon as reasonably feasible after the recording is made,
and shall remain available on the website for at least 24 months, after which it shall be preserved in the state
SECTION 3. The Secretary of Labor and Workforce Development shall designate the organization
known as Commonwealth of Massachusetts Free-Lance Media with the task of establishing an independent media registry.
Said registry's functions shall include, but not be limited to, creating a statewide database of independent media
and issuing identification cards to members of the independent media. The designated organization shall, at any
state agency's request, provide any or all portions of the registry to said agency. The Secretary shall make this designation not more than three months after the passage of this Act.
SECTION 4. Section 23B of Chapter
39 of the General Laws, as appearing in the 2006 Official Edition, is hereby amended in line 119 by adding at the
end of the paragraph the following sentence:- "Members of the press and citizens recording proceeding shall be given
preference in attending public meetings and given a prepared location whenever possible."
  Monday, September 3, 2007 fini Well, I met my objectives which
was to be up and running again by Labor Day.. So again I hope all had a good summer. It went by that is all
I can say. I caught up on so many things my apartment looks brand new. That is what happens when you cannot work
on a website. And my car is history so I had to travel all summer on the rail. I built up so much angst you would
never believe how I got rid of it. I had gone to Boston twice in two days. Something I avoid unless
it is the middle of the week and I am doubling meeting coverage. That is not so bad as I am sitting most of the time.
But what had happened is I had tried to access a card I don't use much. I wanted to transfer some cash into it.
I got two passwords screwed up and before I knew it the card was gone. So a lovely gentlemen I was telling suggested
I come back in right away. So of course I had to and was there in the morning retrieving my card. I then
rested a day and went back in on a Wednesday. That day I was chatting with a fellow passenger a Veteran and didn't
pay attention to my Blackberry which had somehow slipped out of sight. I got up ran with my baggage to wait at the Berverly
stop as I did not feel like looking at the constructiion stupid store being constructed in the middle of North Station.
When I tried to make a call which I needed to do as there was an event I needed to be at I realized my delemna. I looked
over and over about three times covering all the ground I had walked on and found nothing. It was really frightening.
Then the train came the other way and I was able to get across the track and tell the conductor who said he would check on
it and that I could call from home and tell them .. When I got back home I started calling to find out South station
had a live receptionist and North Station had a lousy dictator machine receptionist and so I left my message a few times and
finally got through to Customer Service and after my long winded angst reminder list she said she would make a special effort
to get through herself. Then I disgusted collapsed falling asleep until at 11 30pm the phone rang and I fall across
the floor to answer it and it was the conductor on the train saying he had the phone but I could retrieve it at the booth
in the morning. As things get rushy I had never given the conductor the number as he had to drive off.. I woke
up cold and got on line sending out a praise High Heaven alert and then made plans to be back in town early to retrieve
it. So when I got there knowing my budget is not the usual Hamilton High Roller, I explained I felt very guilty
not having much of a reward to give this conductor. I handed the guy a note and $20.00 explaining my phone had been
shut off in concern at T mobile, it would cost me 119.00 with the deductible to replace it and it cost 250 online with a 50.00
deductible. I explained also that I got it free from a Soverign Bank special and that it took me over 3 months to get
it set up and it was my media phone so I was very grateful. I then added that my angst problem with the trains was now
all forgiven and went around the corner and said the same thing to the three tellers who were almost splitting from laughter..but
I thought they must have been inwardly saying here she comes again what now.. So you see the trains are machines
and they do not work but when you see a conductor having a bad day, try a little kindness and if you see some acting a little
stupid just know you might find yourself needing them someday like I did and they came through for me..Praise High Heaven
with me will ya.. posted 730pm J Aldrich 090307 6:36 pm est
newspaper blog items by comflm, registry members
Hope you all had a good summer! No one can complain about the weather. We had some of everything. What's new at the Registry? Representative Brad Hill, of Essex filed the bill I have been wanting to
see happen. It was a late file. So do not say it is a wash. This was due to the computers and my weariness
of walking. I simply believed it would be O.K. Of course it wasn't and so we have a late file. But Brad
assured me it would be alright. So after several encounters with systemic back up, he was able to get it filed
August 3, 2007. Docket 4527...and yes we are all on the LEARNING CURVE.. This has to come out of Rules. Rep.
Scaccia, I sing the blues to you..PLEASE RELEASE ME..LET ME GO.. Then it goes to the House Floor and Senate Floor for
numbers and back to rules. I think it has to have 2/3 pass in both to overturn Rule 12 that is the late file rule..anybody
have a copy? Oh then it gets to go to Committee for the PUBLIC HEARING.. SO we can testify then back to the House and Senate
to be enacted into law..please watch this one with me we will celebrate after this one. Will post it when I find
it along with my other 100 pages of info. But you can send it to me at comflm@yahoo.com, and I will be so happy. So start the calling please and just say you want that bill to pass that will make it
a LAW TO VIDEOTAPE PUBLIC MEETINGS AT THE STATEHOUSE..Legislative level and GO UP ON CABLE. That means not in a draw
or locked in COPYRIGHT LIFETIME SENTENCE.. but up on public access. Call Rules, your reps, and your senator..today..do
not delay..call and call and call... 4:38 pm est
| | 2007.09.01 
