| Joint Committee on Public Service November 2, 2009 At 11:00 AM in Hearing Room A1 |
S1008 | An Act relative to a retirement buy back from the Worcester County retirement system. |
S1009 | An Act relative to a retirement buy back from the Massachusetts teachers'
retirement system. |
S1017 | An Act relative
to David Burgess and the state Board of Retirement. |
S1031 | An
Act relative to retirement benefits for Joan M. Reilly |
S1032 | An
Act providing that the teachers' retirement board include certain compensation in determining a certain person |
S1033 | An Act authorizing Timothy S. Rogers to join the state retirement system |
S1035 | An Act authorizing the Massachusetts Teachers' Retirement System to
grant creditable service to Sheila Blair |
S1036 | An Act relative
to retirement benefits for Susan M. Kennedy. |
S1052 | An
Act relative to the creditable service of Sandra Whitcomb. |
S1059 | An
Act granting certain creditable service to Susanna Szeto. |
S1060 | An
Act relative to maternity benefits for teachers. |
S1061 | An
Act reinstating Jesse M. Heines as a member in service of the state employees' retirement system. |
S1062 | An Act authorizing the State Board of Retirement to grant creditable
service to Kelly Kearns Aveni. |
S1064 | An Act relative
to Janice Barney. |
S1081 | An Act relative
to teacher retirement. |
S1099 | An Act pertaining
to the rights of fire fighters and police officers. |
S1139 | An
Act to authorize the state retirement board to grant creditable service to Joan Casey-Amaral. |
S1147 | An Act relative to creditable service for Paul A. Bouvier. |
S1148 | An Act Relative to Creditable Service for William A. Martin. |
S1185 | An Act relative to creditable service for Mark Silvestro. |
S1188 | An Act relative to creditable service for Benjamin Giacomelli. |
S1203 | An Act relative to retirement benefits for John G. Flores |
H595 | An Act relative to paid leave for civilian traffic supervisors. |
H2309 | An Act providing for certain creditable service for determining
pay . |
H2321 | An Act authorizing the teachers' retirement system to grant credible
service to Maribeth Ahearn. |
H2330 | An Act relative
to creditable service for early retirement. |
H2345 | An
Act authorizing and directing the Teachers' Retirement Board to permit Jeanne Hicks to purchase certain out of state teaching
service. |
H2354 | An Act authorizing William Pillsbury to purchase creditable service. |
H2399 | An Act relative to the retirement of Thomas W. Chiocca. |
H2404 | An Act relative to military buyback time for John DiSilvestro. |
H2454 | An Act authorizing the state board of retirement to grant creditable
service to Lawrence A. Churchville III . |
H2455 | An Act authorizing creditable service for Joan Kelley. |
H2456 | An Act authorizing the State Retirement Board to reinstate Anthony
Taverna as a member of the teachers retirement system. |
H2458 | An
Act Authorizing Creditable Service for Mary M. Dyer. |
H2459 | An
Act relative to retirement benefits for Edward Kazanjian. |
H2460 | An
Act relative to the Massachusetts Teachers' Retirement Board. |
H2468 | An
Act authorizing Gary W. Tirrell to receive additional creditable service from the Massachusetts Teachers' Retirement System. |
H2470 | An Act relative to retirement buy back in to the Massachusetts teachers'
retirement system. |
H2510 | An Act authorizing
the state retirement board to reinstate John Evans as a member of the public employees retirement system. |
H2513 | An Act to grant A. John Crisafulli three years of creditable service. |
H2520 | An Act relative to the forgiveness of Thomas Showronski's moral obligation.
H2525 | An Act relative to Creditable Service for Mary R. Hayes. |
H2526 | An Act directing the state retirement to grant creditable service to
Daniel Condon. |
H2531 | An Act authorizing creditable service for Margaret DiSimone. |
H2532 | An Act authorizing the State Board of Retirement to grant creditable
service to Maxon L. Goudy. |
H2537 | An Act relative
to the retirement of Ruthanne Adams. |
H2542 | An Act relative
to the credible service of Ray Silva. |
H2548 | An Act Authorizing
the State Retirement Board to Grant Creditable Service to John A. Chappell, Jr. . |
H2569 | An
Act Authorizing the State Board of Retirement to grant credible service to Francis C. Torcia. |
H2595 | An Act relative to to creditable service for Benjamin Giacomelli. |
H2614 | An Act relative to the retirement of John J. Sbrega. |
H2619 | An Act relative to the retirement of Patricia A. Fredericksen. |
H2628 | An Act relative to retirement benefits for Anne Low. |
H2663 | An Act relative to creditable service |