On this tape you will clearly hear that DOR, DID Not, Does not, have a order from the state of NY to
provide to the court.
You will also hear how DOR sent money to NY without a order, You will also hear how DOR attorney stated
she stands corrected after telling the court that they are acting under a New York order.
I belive my complaint
for contempt was proven, when DOR stood up and told the court that yes they were sending money to Ny, not to mentioned a letter
from NY that claims DOR was still sending them my money. If the Judge follows the law, His ruling when it comes in should
be in my favor.
Also on this tape you will hear clearly how DOR keeps their records and how they represent
the other party, denying the other the right to due process and equal protection.
You will also hear how DOR controlled
all my visiations, when they are only the keepers of record.
Please note my battle with DOR is not over yet, I have
intent on bringing my claim to the federal courts and seek damages against them and all those involed in denying me my rights.
Behind The Scenes with Hector Montalvo
Community Television
13 Branch Street
Methuen, Massachusetts 01844
(978) 994-7518 (978) 689-8627
Hector Montalvo
Producer/ Host