WEEK OF MARCH 22 2009 MONDAY STATE HOUSE STEPS . NEW HAMPSHIRE OPPOSES THE TOLLS gimmi gimmi toll hikes spikes toll war frights..no way bay state two tolls?? yikes! get ya comin and goin..we were here first!!!!! says new hampshire..NOON
Wednesday March 18 2009 special Fatherhood event statehouse
protesting up and down vote! IMPORTANT VOTE TOMORROW! The public up-or-down confirmation vote for Atty. MacLeod will take place at the governor's office
in the Massachusetts State House, Boston, tomorrow at 12:00 noon. Fatherhood Coalition
supporters are encouraged to join in a final lobby effort at 11:00 AM in State House Room 184 to encourage councilors to reject
the nomination. For more info please visit www.fatherhoodcoalition.org
Breaking News:
Daily Collegian sends blogger to blogg this event live! http://www.dailycollegian.com/news/dailycollegian.com_liveblogs_don_feder_speech-1.1604482
2. Hate Crimes Lecture: The UMass
Republican Club will host renowned conservative author and columnist Don Feder Wednesday, March 11, 7:00 p.m. in
the Cape Cod Lounge, UMass-Amherst. Feder will speak on the myth of hate crime laws and the liberals who propagate
it. For more information, contact Greg Collins, President, UMASS Republican Club at 1-781-789-2795, or via e-mail
at gcollins@student.umass.edu.
to email the President of UMass http://www.umass.edu/chancellor/
more update on the event at UMass received today 3
13 09 http://tommydevine.blogspot.com/
Smith College Riot utube video here
by Student.. this video is good and shows the sentiment of the audience and what took place. .. a comment is made
they were not allowed to videotape. The reason was this was a private club so it would not fall under open meeting law.
Catch of the Day was invited to tape the event by the Club. You will see her in front and this camera gets a close up of Catch
of the Day. However, if the public was invited then the law is that all could videotape the event. There are many events
that are closed to Press. This event was not closed to Press to my knowledge. But no Press showed up at all except
Catch of the Day. The videographer did a great job of the shoot.. posted 3 24 2009 after checking in on the Feder event to
see if any other footage showed up on that.
Volunteer At BevCam! Coming up:
- Wed Mar 25, 10am – 12pm: Fitness Matters
Michael Stare starts a new show about physical fitness. Needed: Camera. Contact:
BevCam: admin@bevcam.org Wed Mar 25, 4:30pm – 6pm: Beverly
Life Elliot Margolis and Toni Musante interview Gail Burke. Needed: Camera, Directing, Graphics. Contact: majec@comcast.net, tonithetiger37@comcast.net ,or BevCam: admin@bevcam.org Mon Mar 30,
4pm – 10pm: Talent Quest Debra
Crosby starts her new season! Contact for information: debracrosby@aqueststudio.com or BevCam: admin@bevcam.org Fri Apr 17, 10am –
11am: Beverly Business Today Eileen Duff
from Beverly Chamber of Commerce interviews local businesses. Needed: Camera, Directing, Graphics. Contact: eduff@kw.com ,or BevCam: admin@bevcam.org Mon
Apr 20, 4pm – 10pm: Talent Quest Talent Show. Contact for information: debracrosby@aqueststudio.com or BevCam: admin@bevcam.org
View the BevCam Calendar
Also, the Northeast Chapter of the Alliance
for Community Media will be having it's Regional Conference May 21 - 22 in Burlington, VT. Go to http://acm-ne.org/ for more info or call BevCam at 978-927-5544
Boston College Law School Marriage Symposium Friday, March 13th 8:30am-4:30pm East Wing Room 120 Boston College Law School 885 Centre Street, Newton, MA For more information
and to RSVP, please contact Scott FitzGibbon at fitzgisc@yahoo.com. In approximately 2 weeks this should be up on the Law School Website..posted 31309JAldrich Coalition for Family
sent this notice.. BevCam has assignments that need crew help: If you would like to help as a Cable
Access Member please feel free to get in touch! Volunteer At BevCam! Coming up:
Fri Mar 13, 6:30pm – 9pm: Out
and About with Chava Hudson Chava hosts a poetry slam. Produced by Film North. Contact: chava@chavahudsondesign.com , or BevCam: admin@bevcam.org Wed Mar 18,
7pm – 8:30pm: Triple Point Dr. Inz
interviews people about three types of healing methods. Contact: BevCam admin@bevcam.org Fri Mar 20, 10am –
12pm: Beverly Business Today Eileen Duff
from Beverly Chamber of Commerce interviews local businesses. Contact: eduff@kw.com ,or BevCam: admin@bevcam.org Fri
Mar 20, 2pm – 4pm: Mary Grant: Transportation Mary Grant interviews State Secretary of Transportation, Jim Aloisi and Mayor Bill Scanlon on transportation issues. Contact: BevCam: admin@bevcam.org Wed
Mar 25, 5pm – 7pm: Beverly Life Elliot Margolis
and Toni Musante interview Gail Burke. Contact: majec@comcast.net, tonithetiger37@comcast.net ,or BevCam: admin@bevcam.org Mon Mar 30, 4pm – 10pm: Talent Quest Debra Crosby starts her new season! Contact: debracrosby@aqueststudio.com